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Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Welded Simple Connection 1.2. By Net Area

T = 0.5 Fu Ae
1. Theoretical Throat of Fillet Welds Ae = U Ag
2. Shear on Welds on Shear Capacity of
T = AvFv
T ={0.707t L} 0.30 Fu
➃ Based on Block Shear Capacity of
1.1. t SMAW 3. Block Shear Failure
Process T = AvFv + AtFt
Te = 0.707t T = 0.3 Fu Av + 0.5 Fu At
1.2. SAW Process
a. When t ≤ 10mm
Te = t
b. When t > 10mm
Te = 0.707t + 3mm

2. Minimum Size of Fillet Welds

Material Thickness, Minimum
tm Size, t
tm ≤ 6mm 3mm
6mm < tm ≤ 12mm 5mm
12mm < tm ≤ 20mm 6mm
20mm < tm 8mm

3. Maximum Size of Fillet Welds

Material Thickness, Maximum
tm Size, t
tm ≤ 6mm t ≤ tm
tm > 6mm t ≤ tm – 1.6

4. Minimum length of weld

L ≥ 4t

5. Minimum Lap Joint

L = 5tm

Modes of Failure of a Welded Connection

1. Tension of the Plate
➀ Based on Gross Area:
1.1. By Gross Area
T = 0.60 Fy Ag
Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Problem 6
The line of action of the force P coincides with the axis of
the angle which is at distance “a” from the back
of the connected leg. Do not include end turns.
Properties of vertical member
2 angles 75 mm x 75 mm x 8 mm thick.
A = 21 mm.
Area of 2 angles = 2290 mm2
Yield stress, Fy = 248 MPa.
Allowable weld shear stress: Fvw = 93 MPa.
Weld thickness = 5 mm
1. Which of the following gives the maximum tensile a
stress capacity of the angles?
2. Given: L1 = 50 mm L2 = 130 mm, Which of the following gives the allowable load P based on the
capacity of the welded connection?
3. Given: P = 270 KN, Which of the following gives the required length of weld L2?

Answer: 340.75kN, 118.35kN, 300mm

Problem 7 CE Board May 2010

A 76x76x6mm angular section is welded to a gusset plate having
a thickness of 8mm as shown. The angular section has a cross
sectional area of 929mm2. Fy = 248MPa, Fu = 400MPa.
Determine the value P based on
1. Gross area of the section
2. Net area of the section if strength coefficient reduction
coefficient is 0.85.
3. Block shear in gusset plate along the weld.
Answer: 138.24kN, 157.93kN, 304kN

Welded Eccentric Connection


Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

A welded bracket shown is required to resist a

Consider 1-mm fillet weld
150mm 250mm
Fdy P
A. Due to Direct Shear Fdx
Fdx = Px / L
Fdy = Py / L cg

B. Due to Torsional Moment Ft

Ft = M / ∑ (Ix+ Iy )
cg M

2 load of 90kN. The steel Fy = 250MPa and welding

R=√ ( Fdx+ Ftx ) +(Fdy+ Fty )2
has Fuw = 485MPa. If P = 90kN, determine the
1. Moment of inertia of the group of weld
Size of Weld:
R=0.707 tFv 2. The force on weld due to torsional
3. Size of weld due to load P
Answer: 10.41x106mm4, 587.63N/mm, 7.0mm

Problem 8

Design of Steel Beam 2. Deflection

1. Shear Stress, Fv = 0.40Fy 3. Bending Stress, Fb

Web: fv = V / dtw fb = Mc/ I
Horizontal Shear: fv = VQ / Ib =M/S
Values of Fb:
Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

1. Laterally Supported Beam c. When Lb > Lu, then Check the

a. When Compact Section following
b f 170 c.1. If
2t f √ F y 703270 C b Lb 3516330 Cb
Use: Fb = 0.66 Fy √ Fy
< <
rt √ Fy
Cb = 1.0, for simply supported and cantilever
Use Fb = max { Fb1; Fb2; Fb = 0.60Fy }
F b 1= −
Fy ( ) rt
3 10.55 x 106 C b

82740C b
F b 2=
Lb d
b. When Partially Compact
b f 170 250 bf t f
> <
2t f √ F y √ F y
Use: c.2. If
F b=[ 0.79−0.000762 ( bf /2t f ) √ F y ]
703270 C b Lb 3516330 Cb

c. When Non Compact

√ Fy
< >
rt Fy √
b f 250 Use Fb = max { Fb3; Fb2; Fb = 0.60Fy }
2t f √ F y
−1172100 C b 82740 C b
Use: Fb = 0.60 Fy F b 3=
{ Lb

( )
Fb 2 =
} Lb d
bf t f

2. Laterally Unsupported Beam

200 bf 137900
Lc = Lu=
√ Fy Fyd
bf t f
Lb = Unbraced Length of the beam

a. When Lb ≤ Lc , Use Fb = 0.66Fy

b. When Lc > Lb ≥ Lu , Use Fb = 0.60Fy

Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Problem 9 CE Board May 2015

Given the properties of a girder made of Wide Flange: A = 11,500mm 2, d = 350mm, bf = 250mm, tf = 16mm,
tw = 10mm, Ix = 266x106mm4, Iy = 45x106mm4. The steel Fy = 248MPa and E = 200GPa, Fb = 148MPa, Fv =
1. What is the flexural capacity of the girder?
2. Find the web shear capacity
3. How much is the horizontal shear capacity at the neutral axis?
Answer: 225kN-m, 346.5kN, 331.5kN

Problem 10 CE Board May 2010

A W350x90 girder 8m simple span carries equal concentration dead load P at every quarter points and
uniform dead load 5kN/m and live load 7.2kN/m including dead weight. The steel F y = 248MPa and E =
200GPa.Properties of the Wide Flange: A = 11,500mm 2, d = 350mm, bf = 250mm, tf = 16mm, tw = 10mm, Ix
= 266x106mm4, Iy = 45x106mm4.
1. Determine P based on flexure, Fb = 0.66Fy.
2. Determine P based on shear, Fv = 0.40Fy
3. Determine the additional live load based on allowable deflection span/360 for the camber to offset
for the dead load
Answer: 37.8kN, 198.9kN, 14.97kN/m

Problem 11 CE Board Nov 2015

A Wide flange girder 9m simple span carries two beams, each including equal concentration P at third
points of the span. The steel Fb = 164MPa, Fv = 99MPa and E = 200GPa.Properties of the Wide Flange: A =
12,500mm2, d = 465mm, bf = 193mm, Ix = 446x106mm4, Iy = 23x106mm4.
1. Determine P based on flexure capacity.
2. Determine P based on shear capacity
3. Determine the required width of the cover plate based on bending if the cover plates are placed at
the top and the bottom of the girder with a thickness of 16mm. P = 180kN.
Answer: 105kN, 506.4kN, 200mm
Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Problem 12 CE Board May 2016

A W460x97 beam BF as shown 8m carries superimposed dead load
2m 2m 2m
5kPa and live load 3.6kPa. The steel Fy = 248MPa and E = A B C D
200GPa.Properties of the Wide Flange: A = 1,2320mm 2, d = 465mm, bf
6 4
= 193mm, tf = 19mm, tw = 11mm, Ix = 445x10 mm , Iy =
23x106mm4. Radius of gyration comprising the compression flange 10m
plus 1/3 of the compression web area of compression flange =
50mm. Consider bending about the x-axis, determine
1. Maximum bending stress in the beam BF.
2. Biggest distance between lateral supports so that the
maximum allowable flexural stress can be utilized.
3. Permissible flexural stress if Cb = 1.0 and compression flanges are laterally supported only at the
Answer: 118.55MPa, 2.45m, 130.5MPa

703270 C b Lb 3516330C b
√ Fy
< <
rt √ Fy

Use Fb = max { Fb1; Fb2; Fb = 0.60Fy }
F b 1= −
Fy ( )
F b 2 =
82740 C b
3 10.55 x 106 C b Lb d
bf t f

200 bf 137900
Lc = Lu =
√ Fy Fyd
bf t f
Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Bending of Beam in Two Direction

Applicable to purlins and beams subjected to normal and tangential loads
f bx f by
+ =1.0 Interaction Formula
F bx F by
f b=actual bending stress , F b=allowable bending stress

Problem 13 CE Board Nov 2012

A Wide flange is to be used as bridge crane runway girder. The girder is on a 80kN
simple span of 6m. Assume that the crane wheel impacts a vertical load of 80kN
and a lateral load of 8kN at the mid-span applied at the top flange of the girder. A 8kN
standard rail weighing 67kg/m will be used. Assume top flange is not laterally
braced between supports. The steel Fbx = 207MPa, Fby = 238MPa and E =
200GPa.Properties of the Wide Flange: S x = 1280x103mm3, Sy = 361x103mm3.
1. Determine bending stress about the x-axis.
2. Determine bending stress about the y-axis.
3. Determine the ratio of the actual to allowable stresses bending.
Answer: 96.07MPa, 66.48MPa, 0.743

Problem 14 CE Board May 2010

A light grade steel channel was used as a purlin of a truss. The distances
between trusses equal to 3m. The purlin has a weight of 71N/m and 1.2
spaced 1.2m on centers. The dead load including the roof materials is
1200Pa, live load of 1000Pa and wind load of 1440Pa. Coefficient of
pressure at leeward and windward are 0.60 and 0.20 respectively. Sag 1
rods are placed at the middle thirds and Fbx= Fby = 138MPa, Sx = 3

4.48x104mm3, Sy = 1.18x104mm3. Using interaction formula, determine

1. Maximum ratio of actual to allowable bending stress for
combination of Dead load and Live load.
Wu Wu
2. Maximum ratio of actual to allowable
bending stress for combination of L L L L L
0.75(D+L+W). 1/40
3. Maximum ratio of actual to allowable
bending stress for combination of Dead
load and Live load if sag rods are placed -1/8
at mid-span.
Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Answer: 0.48, 0.41, 0.62

A) If the entire concrete area A2 is covered by
the plate whose area is A1
Fp=0.35 fc '

B) If A1 is less than A2:

Fp=0.35 fc '
A1 √
but ≤0.7 fc '

Allowable bearing stress of concrete wall:

1. For plate covering the full area of
concrete support:
Fp = 0.35 fc’

2. For plate covering less than full area of Check A1 > A0 = d*bf , then N= √ A 1+ ∆
concrete support: 0.95 d−0.8 b f
Fp=0.35 fc ' ' ∆=
➂Minimum width of bearing plates due to web
3. Minimum width of bearing plates due to C) Thickness of base plate
web yielding:
N= −2.5 K
0.66 F y t w t

4. Thickness of bearing plate:

fp R
t=2 n
Fy √
f p=
BN t=2 x
√ fp

Note: x=max {m; n ; n' }

n' =
√ d bf

BASE PLATES for AXIALLY LOADED Problem 15 CE Board Nov 2010

Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

A Wide flange 600x110 beam is supported by a An axially loaded Wide Flange column is
bearing plate 300mm x 200mm x 25mm on a wall supported on a 25mm thick base plate having
with a thickness of 300mm. The steel Fy = dimensions of 350mmx375mm. The concrete
248MPa, F’c = 24MPa and E = 200GPa. Properties pedestal on which the base plate is set is on
of the Wide Flange: d = 600mm; bf = 225mm; tf = 450mm square. The steel Fy = 250MPa, F’c =
18mm; tw = 12mm; k = 36mm. The allowable 24.2MPa and E = 200GPa. Properties of the Wide
bearing stress of concrete is 0.35F’c. Determine Flange: d = 260mm; bf = 256mm.
the maximum reaction at the beam for the 1. Determine the maximum allowable load due
following conditions. 200 bearing pressure of the concrete support
1. Bearing of 2. Determine the bearing pressure due to
concrete wall bending of the base plate.
2. Bending of the 300 225
3. Determine the maximum allowable load due
bearing plate. to bending of the base plate.
3. Yielding of the Answer: 1381kN, 7.41MPa, 972.6kN
web at the
support. 300

Answer: 504kN, 178.9kN, 569.61kN

Problem 18 CE Board Nov 2015
Given: Properties of Steel Column:
Depth, d = 305 mm; ,
tw = 7.5 mm, bf = 200
mm; tf = 12 mm Base
Problem 16 CE Board May 2012
plate, B x N = 300 mm x
A Wide flange 450x90 beam is supported by a
450 mm
bearing plate 250mm on a concrete wall. The
Loads: P = 720 KN H =
steel Fy = 248MPa, F’c = 27.5MPa and E = 200GPa.
160 KN
Properties of the Wide Flange: d = 450mm; bf =
Base plate bending
190mm; tf = 18mm; tw = 10mm; k = 35mm. The
stress, Fb = 186 MPa
allowable bearing stress of concrete is 0.35F’c.
Allowable bolt shear
Allowable bending stress in plate is 0.75Fy. If
stress, Fv = 68 MPa
beam loads induce an end reaction of 240kN,
Allowable weld shear
determine the
stress, Fw = 124 MPa
1. Width of the bearing plate if the bearing
1. Find the required base plate thickness (mm).
length is 100mm
Consider fixity at the edges of a rectangle
2. Thickness of the bearing plate.
whose sides have dimensions equal to 0.80bf
3. Web yielding stress of the web at the support
and 0.95d.
if length of bearing plate is 100mm.
2. Using 16 mm ø bolts, how many are required
Answer: 250mm, 36mm, 128MPa to resist the lateral load?
3. Using 8 mm thick fillet weld, what is the total
length (mm) required to resist the lateral load?
Answer: 24mm, 12 bolts, 228mm

Problem 17 CE Board May 2012

Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Axially Loaded Columns

Eccentrically Loaded Steel Column
P = AFa (Combined Axial and Bending)
1. When (Intermediate Column) P
r ey

=max ([ KLr ) ; ( KLr ) ]
x y


√ Fy

I. For Small Axial Compression

KL 2 fa

( )
F y [ 1−0.50
≤ 0.15

KL ❑
KL 3 f a f bx f by
5 3 r
3 8 Cc ( ) ( ) −
1 r
8 Cc
+ +
F a F bx Fby
≤ 1.0

For Large Axial Compression

2. When (Long Column) fa
r Use
fa Cmx f bx C my f by

12 π 2 E
KL 2
r( )
{( ) } {( ) }
F ex
F ey
F by

12 π 2 E
F e= 2
K Lb
Buckling load of steel columns, Pc
π EI
23 ( )
Pc =
( kL )2
Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Problem 20 CE Board May 2012 (similar)

Two channels are welded together at the tip of
Problem 19 CE Board May 2015 their flanges forming a box section for a column.
A column is built up from 4 – 300 mm x 16 mm The major x-axis of the box section coincides with
plates, welded to form a box section having a the x-axis of the channels. Properties of each
width of 300 mm along the x-axis and a depth of channel Area: A = 3890 mm2 Flange width, bf = 75
332 mm along the y-axis. Unbraced column mm Depth: d = 300 mm Flange thickness, tw = 7
length with respect to the x-axis is 12 m. mm, Moment of inertia about the x-axis: Ix = 5.3 x
With respect to the y-axis, the column is braced 107 mm4, Moment of inertia about the y-axis: Iy =
at third points so that the unbraced length is 4 m. 1.6 x 106 mm4, Distance from the centroid of the
Assume pinned-ends for both axis. Sidesway is channel to the back of the web, x = 18 mm
prevented. Steel yield stress: Fy = 248 MPa Unsupported length of the column:
Modulus of elasticity = 200 GPa For bending about the x-axis: Lu = 6 m
1. Compute the effective slenderness ratio with For bending about the y-axis: Lu = 4 m
respect to the x-axis. Effective length factor: K = 1.0; Fy = 248MPa
2. Compute the effective slenderness ratio with 1. Which of the following gives the critical
respect to y-axis. slenderness ratio about the x-axis?
3. Compute the axial load capacity (kN) of the 2. Which of the following gives the critical
built up column. slenderness ratio about the y-axis?
3. The column is
subjected to a
load of 1200kN.
The allowable
stress is 116
MPa. To
strengthen the
section, cover
plates 110 mm
wide are added
at the top and
at the bottom
Answer: 94.2, 34, 1812.5kN flanges. Find
the thickness of
the required cover plates.

Answer: 51.4, 66.1, 12mm

Steel Design_Lecture02_August2019

Problem 21 CE Board May 2010 Problem 22 CE Board Nov 2012, Dec 2014
Built up column 10m long consists of W350x90 From the figure shown
with two plates welded to form a box section with Properties of columns AC and BD
respect to x-axis is fixed while y-axis is braced at W 250 x 67 kg/m
mid-height. Properties of WF section: A = 8580 mm2 d = 255 mm rx = 110 mm
A =11,540mm2; bf = 250mm; tf = 16mm; Ix = tw = 9 mm bf = 200 mm ry = 51 mm
2.66x108mm4; Iy = 0.44x108mm4; tw = 10mm; Fy = tf = 16 mm rz = 55 mm
248MPa Fy = 248 MPa Ix = 103 x 106 mm
Modulus of elasticity = 200 GPa E = 200,000 MPa Iy = 22 x 106 mm4
1. Compute the effective slenderness ratio with The columns are rigidly attached to the footing at
respect to the x-axis. the base and pin connected at the top. The weak
2. Compute the effective slenderness ratio with axis of each column is braced at mid-height about
respect to y-axis. the y-axis. Side-sway is uninhibited about the x-
3. Compute the axial load capacity (kN) of the axis (K = 1.2) but prevented about the y-axis (K =
built up column. 1.0). Column loads are as follows:
Total axial load: P = 140kN
Moment at the base: Mx = 21kN-m
Answer: 37.64, 36.02, 2654.8kN
Moment at the top: Mx = 0; My= 0
Fbx = 0.60 Fy ; Fby = 0.75 Fy
1. Calculate the allowable axial compression
stress Fa in column BD.
2. What is the total ratio of actual to allowable
axial and bending stresses in column BD?
3. If My = 15kN-m, calculate the total ratio of
actual to allowable axial and bending stresses
in column BD.
Answer: 116.6, 0.315, 0.681

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