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I caw wrtte a letter

A job apptication applyíryfor a jab'

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Readthe tetterquickly.Answerthe questions. Find moreformatways of sayingthe underlinedphrases
in Sandra'sletter.
1 Whatiob is Sandraapplying I +..1 / t '
\t+*r- tu!
2 Wheredid sheworklastsummer? lr \ | ' -
1 | am writingto ask you for the p! of kitchenhelper.
/,..\'i. . ]
[ 1.
3 Whencanshe startwork? 2 I'veworkeda lot in catering.
3 T h et h i n g sI h a d t o d o t h e r ei n c l u d e dt a k i n go r d e r s .
4 | t h i n k t h a tI a m r e l i a b l eh, a r d - w o r k i nagn d e n t h u s i a s t i c .
5 I can givevou references.
6 | would reallylike to visit the restaurant...
13 Birch Avenue
TheManager Luton 7 ... andtatkabout my applicationface to face.
Lenny'sRestaurant LU137BU I I can startwork on 25 JutY.
GreenLane 9 I'm sendingmY CV.
LU179HY Readthe job advert.Thinkaboutwhat qualitiesand
19 June 2007 experienceyou might need for the iob. Make notes.

DearSir or Madam
post of kitchenhelperat Lenny's
- amwiting to apptyfor the
in last Saturday'snewspaper.
nJ,.*u". íni.t. *u' advertised
Last friendly,confidentperson
7 t haveconsiderable experienceof workingin catering' We need an intelligent,
in my local café.
summeT, I workedtoi Ji* *."t.' as a waitress to work at our hotel in Oxfordfnom 15 July to
orders and serving
thereincludedtaking 31 August.Workinghounsare from 1O a.m. to
and washingup'
;Jil;" as well cleaningthe kitchen
as 6 p.m. Your dutieswill includegreetingguests,
-íl to be reliable,hard.workingand
enthusiastic. checkingthem in and out, answeringthe phone
. I considermyself fromthe café ownerand
i';ffi;:i;;pprv;ferences and takingbookings.
o t o* a teacherat mY school' Please applyin wnitingto:
"t opportunityto visit the
7l i wouidbe very gratefulfor the OueenVictoria Hotel
restaurantanddiscussmyappucationwithyouinperson.I 84-88 BeechamBd
a"v after schoolor on Saturdays' Oxford OX4 7UH
am availableror inteJew "nv
I witt be availableto start work
If my appücationi, ,u...''ror,
my exams'
on z! luty, immediatelyafter Writea formalletterof 120-150wordsapplyingforthe iob.
I am enclosingmY CV' Fottowthe writingPlanbelow.
you soon'
I look forwardto hearingfrom
Yourstuithfulty, Paragraph1
r Mentiontheiobyouareapplyingforandwhereyousaw
SandrabLvtnt theadvert.
SandraBlunt Paragraph2
. Talkaboutwhyyouarerightfortheiob.Mentionpersonal
interests, andresponsibilities.
2 Inwhichparagraph (7,2,3 or 4) doesSandramention: Paragraph3
thatshe cansend?
a references qualitiesandofferto sendreferences.
. Listyourpersonal
b theiob she is applyingfor? E Paragraph4
c whenshe can startwork? L--J andwhenyou
. Sayyouwoutdliketo comeforan interview
d whereshe sawtheiob advert? ! areavailable.
e herpersonal qualities? r Saywhenyoucouldstartwork.
f herexperience of workingin catering? !

Avoidusinginformal in formalletters.
thathavethe samemeaning.

Unit3 . Nineto five


l cat,tv']rítea Letter
A job application applyít,gfar a jab.

Preparation 3 Numberthequestionsin theordertheyareanswered

Putthe wordsin the correctorder.
A Whatareyourresponsibitities? tr
Í gardener/ the postl forl I amwriting/ of / to apply B Whatpersona[qualitiesmakeyousuitabte? I
l amwritincl
io aop|v for ihe oostoÍaardener C Areyousendingin a CV? tr
2 CVI enclosing I I I amI my D Whenareyouavailable foran interview? tr
E Whenareyouavailable to startwork? tr
3 person/ discuss/ in i We/ my/ could/ application F Whichpostareyouapplying for? tr
G Howdidyoufindoutabouttheiob? tr
lt / planting
responsibilities / there/ aswetlas I MVI H Whereareyouworkingnow? tr
include/ garden
design I Canyouprovidea reference? tr

5 gardening
lin lhave/ l/experience/considerable Writingtask
6 b e l w o r k /o n 1 5 t hM a y /a v a i t a b/l el / t o s t a r t / w i t l 4 ln you notebook forthe posts
writea letterof application
advertisedbelow.UsetheWritingBankon page106to
helpyou.Write130-150wordsanddo thefollowing:
7 a reference/can
/ necessary
I I I tfI suppty
. Makenoteson theanswers in
to theouestions
2 Completethe letterwiththe expressions
fromexercise1. . Organise

DearSiror Madam
r I amwriiing
to appl.{
for thepoa't
of gardsnor forthe City
in lastSunday'snewspaper.
. Forthe last two years I have
workedfora private
in Bristol.

I considermyselfto be a reliableand enthusiasticworrer.


fromthe managerof t h e c o m p a n yw h e r eI a m w o r k i n ga t

Wanted for council summer camps.

I wouldbeverygrate
ful for the opportunityto visityour
Excellentopportunity to gain
d e o a r t m e nwt h e r e5
experienceworking with children aged
. I am availablefor interviewanv
6-14 in beautifulsurroundings.
after3 p.m.
Must be fit and enjoyplaying sport.
lf myapplication
is successful, f,1,000a month
w h e n I a m p l a n n i n gt o l e a v em y p r e s e n tc o m p a n y .

Yoursfaithfulty Haveyou
NicKÉartor I startedand finishedyourletterappropriately?
LJ written13o-15owords?
L_-]checkedgrammar' and punctuation?

Unit3 . Nineto five

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