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7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

7 Days of
Prayer and
Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord
will do amazing things among you…
—Joshua 3:5

Bo Sanchez
Light of Jesus Family 1
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Lord, I Commit to
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or

imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…
— Ephesians 3:20

Be with me Lord as I start this journey of prayer with you. Most

of all, I’m doing this because I want to grow closer with You. I
want to become more like Jesus. Grant me a spiritual revival!

Second, I want to be more open to the amazing things that you

will do in my life. Specifically, I’m praying for these 7 Dreams:








2 3
Lord, I Commit 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Third, I’m also praying for my spiritual home, the Light of Jesus Table Of Contents

1. That we bless the world by building more Feasts in

Get Ready for Amazing Things 6
various cities;
2. That we bless the youth and establish Feasts in major
Chapter 1: 5 Big Blessings of Prayer and Fasting 7
3. That God raise up more young leaders and servants Blessing 1: Fasting brings you closer to God
for these Feasts. Blessing 2: Fasting unites you with the poor
Blessing 3: Fasting opens you to God’s power
I claim victory. Thank You for anointing me. Thank You for Blessing 4: Fasting cleanses your body
blessing me. Blessing 5: Fasting empowers our ministry

Amen. Chapter 2: Choose Your Fast 12

Option 1: Liquid fast
Option 2: Other kinds of fasts
Option 3: Fast for your freedom

Printed Name & Signature
Chapter 3: How to Fast 14
Step 1: Physical preparation
Step 2: Begin your fast
Step 3: Grow closer to God
Step 4: Break your fast
Step 5: Adapt the best as your lifestyle

Chapter 4: 7 Days of God’s Word 17

Day 1: What rewards do you want?
Day 2: What is your desert?
Day 3: Who do you want to bless?
Day 4: What is real fasting?
Day 5: What should you avoid when you fast?
Day 6: What mountains do you want to move?
Day 7: What changes do you want to happen?

4 5
7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Introduction Chapter 1

Get Ready for Amazing Things 5 Big Blessings

of Prayer and Fasting
Friends, I’m inviting you to 7 days of prayer and fasting.
In one sentence, here’s our mission for this fast: We want to
grow closer to God and receive all that He wants to give to us. Fasting has many, many blessings.
During this Holy Week, as an entire Light of Jesus Family, we But here are the five big ones you want to focus on and pray
want to empty ourselves from lesser things so that God can fill us for…
with greater things.
I’m excited at the amazing things that God will do among us! Blessing #1:
Fasting Brings You Closer to God
Miracles Happen When People Fast
You will experience a spiritual revival.
Why am I excited? When you fast, you’re telling God that He’s more important
Because from my experience, miracles happen when people than food.
fast. So instead of eating, you spend it in prayer, reading Scripture,
For some reason, fasting makes us more expectant, more open, writing your journal, before the Blessed Sacrament, reading
more trusting, more focused, more determined, and more sensitive spiritual books…
to the Spirit—that more miracles happen when we fast. It declares that you’re dead serious about pursuing Him
I’ve seen how people have received healing, guidance, because you’re crazy enough to say No to something as basic as
financial blessing, family blessing in their lives when they fast. food.
And entire communities get revived when they fast. If you can say No to a very basic need, what else can you not
In the next few pages, I’ll explain to you how we’ll do the fast do for the Lord?
together… You also gain discipline—something crucial for any type of
success in the world.
By learning to say No to small things, you’re able to say Yes to
bigger things.

6 7
5 Big Blessings of Prayer and Fasting 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Friends, there are many, many blessings when we fast. But at Blessing #3:
the end of the day, God Himself is the greatest blessing of your fast. Fasting Opens You to God’s Power
Remember: If after you fasted, you experienced miracles and
healing, but you didn’t grow closer to God—then your fasting Years ago, I met an elderly man who was suffering from
would have been a failure. emphysema.
I noticed the symptoms. Even if we walked for just a few
Blessing #2: meters, I saw him catching his breath.
Fasting Unites You with The Poor “Because of smoking?” I asked him gently.
“I stopped 20 years ago,” he said, “so partly, yes. But also
Every time I fast, I remind myself that this is the daily because of my lazy breathing.”
experience of 12 percent of the world’s population. Not because I raised my eyebrow. It was the first time I heard of such a
they’re fasting. But because they’re poor. thing.
Tonight 740 million people will sleep hungry. He knew I didn’t understand, so he went on, “My doctor isn’t
And out of those 740 million hungry people, 30,000 will die of your normal doctor. He’s an expert in alternative medicine. So he
starvation. says that all these years, my breathing has been very shallow.”
Half of those 30,000 will be children. After our conversation, I did some research. Obviously, it
Fasting shouldn’t just make me more spiritual. NEVER said that shallow breathing causes emphysema. But I
Fasting shouldn’t just open me up for more blessings and learned one thing: It’s very important to regularly take deep breaths.
miracles. Through regular aerobic exercise. Through breathing exercises.
Fasting should also move me to love the poor in a more Through meditation that uses breathing. And just by your usual
passionate way. morning stretches and inhaling a few times.
When I fast, I’m also committing my life to end their hunger Deep breathing removes the toxins from your lungs. It also
and poverty. releases tension which affects your health.
After our 7 days prayer and fasting, we should be more Think about it. Just like you and me, this man had oxygen all
resolved as a people to love the poor of the Lord in whatever way around him 24 hours day. But he smoked, clogging his lungs so
we can. that it can’t absorb 20 percent of what he was inhaling. And to top
it off, he breathed in a lazy way, decreasing again his oxygen intake.
Friends, that’s what happens with God’s power.
God’s power is all over us, around us, above us, beneath us,
and inside us.

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5 Big Blessings of Prayer and Fasting 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

But we do exactly the same thing: We clog our spiritual lungs These toxins weaken our immune system and makes us more
and we’re lazy when we breathe in God’s power in our lives. susceptible to disease.
But fasting is like deep breathing. Your body, after three days of fasting, will also burn up and
When you pray and fast, you’re inhaling a greater amount of decompose diseased, damaged cells. What a beautiful way to purge
God’s power into your life! the bad!
Fasting isn’t a bribe. “Lord, I’m fasting, so you better give me If you fast, you’ll do some “house cleaning” for your own
what I’m asking for!” That’s not how it works. body, removing the toxins and diseased cells naturally—while
When you fast, God doesn’t change. You do. blessing your soul at the same time.
You become more expectant, more open, more sensitive, more However, let me warn you: fasting isn’t a weight reduction
attentive. program.
So when you fast, you can pray for something specific in your If you want to lose weight permanently, you need to change
life. to your unhealthy diet to a healthy diet permanently. A 7-day diet
• wisdom for an important decision you need to make; won’t work. A lifetime change of diet, yes! So I repeat: Fasting isn’t
• freedom from a particular bondage; the answer to a permanent weight loss.
• physical healing;
• family restoration; Blessing #5:
• financial blessing; Fasting Empowers Our Ministry
• any miracle that you need!
I know many of you have already written down your 7 dreams In the Bible, people fasted before they started their ministry
in your Novena to God’s Love. Pray for them in these our 7 Days of or before a big change in their ministry. Moses did it. Elijah did it.
Prayer & Fasting. Daniel did it. Esther did it. And Jesus did it.
Honestly, I feel our ministry has reached a “tipping point”.
Blessing #4: Last year, we saw how our work for the Lord has grew by leaps and
Fasting Cleanses Your Body bounds. We’ll see the same thing happen this year.
So fasting will release God’s power in our ministry.
God wants us to take care of our physical bodies. Pray for the following:
One way of caring for it is by fasting. 1. That we bless the world by building more Feasts in various
By relieving the body from the hard work of digestion, it cities;
focuses its energies on getting rid of the toxins we’ve piled up in 2. That we bless the youth and establish Feasts in major
our system from all the wrong food we’ve eaten. All the gunk, the campuses;
chemicals, the stuff that shouldn’t be in our bodies in the first place. 3. That God raise up more young leaders and servants for
these Feasts.

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7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Chapter 2 GET JUICE FROM CARTONS OR CANS. Get real vegetables and
fruits that you put in your “juicers” and “blenders”. What kind of
vegetable and fruits should you juice? The best are fresh carrots,
celery, lettuce, beet, grape, etc. (At the back of this booklet are Juice
Choose Your Fast Recipes by Chichi Barba.)

Option # 2:
Other Kinds of Fasts
There are some people who can’t fast.
To name a few: Extremely thin individuals; Those suffering I know many people who fast by taking bread and water only
from anorexia or bulimia; Persons with tumors, bleeding ulcers, for 7 days. (Uh, not raisin bread and donuts, I’m sure.) In the Bible,
cancer, blood diseases, and heart disease; Pregnant and nursing Daniel fasted this way.
mothers; Individuals taking insulin because of diabetes and those I’ve met people who miss breakfast, lunch, and just eat at 5pm
suffering from hyperglycemia. For the rest of you who are unsure, for dinner—and they do that for the 40 days of Lent. (Each year,
I strongly urge you to ask your doctor before you fast. hundreds of millions of Muslims do this during their Ramadan.)
If you can fast, this is how we’ll do it as a spiritual family. You can do this kind of fast for our 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting.
Here’s a brief explanation of different kinds of fasts…
Option #3:
Option #1: Fasting for Your Freedom
Liquid Fast
If you can’t do Option 1 or 2, that’s okay.
Jesus fasted for 40 days with a “water only” fast. Fast from all that’s harmful to your life.
Once, I tried a “water only” fast for 5 days—and it’s great— Fast from unhealthy food.
but can be too exhausting for some people. In a “water only” fast, Fast from your addictions such as smoking and alcoholism.
toxins are released too abruptly and maybe too hard on the body. Fast from your arrogance and gossip.
Saying all that, I know lots of people who do a “water only” fast Fast from a critical spirit and negativity.
and did so successfully. The key is to drink lots of water. Fast from too much TV.
But I prefer a Juice Fast. Let this Lenten season be your season of freedom!
This, I believe, is the best kind of fast—from a physical Friend, the choice is yours.
health perspective. You only drink vegetable and fruit juices—to Pray to God what kind of fast He wants you to take.
aid in flushing out all toxins and regenerate your body. DON’T Remember: From a spiritual perspective, your inner attitude is
more important than what kind of fast you choose.

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7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Chapter 3 From Day Four to Day Seven, you’ll feel stronger and more
I cannot emphasize this enough: Each day, drink 8 glasses of
How to Fast Throughout your 7 days of fasting, many people can maintain
their regular schedule of work and household chores. Others
however need a lighter schedule. Listen to your body. You can take
moderate walks as your exercise.
If you decide to take a liquid fast for 7 days, please read the
following five steps to have a great fast. If you’re not taking a Step #3
Liquid Fast, then just read Step #3. Grow Closer to God
Step #1 This is the main reason why you fast.
Physical Preparation So instead of eating meals and snacks, pray.
Read spiritual books. Write your journal. Adore before the
If you’ll do the juice fast, I strongly recommend that you Blessed Sacrament. Go to Mass more often. Go to confession.
prepare for it well. Start eating a softer diet one day before. Stop I recommend that you gather with other members of Light
eating meat and focus more on fruits and vegetables. Reduce of Jesus (who are also fasting) during lunch and dinnertime—and
sugar intake—so you won’t crave for it during the fast. Lessen the pray together.
quantity of your meals. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Bring to God also your 7 Dreams written in your Novena to
God’s Love. Read this list each day.
Step #2 And pray also for the intentions of the Light of Jesus.
Begin Your Fast
Step #4
The first two or three days of your fast will be the most Break Your Fast
difficult. You’ll feel hungry. Some people have headaches (perhaps
withdrawal effects of not having sugar and caffeine), feel dizzy, If you fasted for 7 days, take 1 day to adjust to real food.
have bad breath and bad odor. That’s the toxins coming out. For example, break your fast by eating salads and fruits on the
On Day Three or Day Four, you begin to feel better as your first day, add toasted bread at the later part of the day. No oils, dairy
body finally shifts to cleansing mode—and stops complaining. You products, and meats during the adjustment period. Your stomach
no longer feel hungry as before. is much smaller now, so stop before you feel full.

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How to Fast 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

I strongly recommend that you rethink your lifelong diet at Chapter 4

this time.
Many have quit smoking when they fasted. Many have
experienced deep spiritual changes because of the fast. That’s my
prayer for you. 7 Days of God’s Word
Step #5
Adapt the Best to Your Lifestyle
Day 1:
There are some things in the fast that I do as a lifestyle. They’re What Rewards Do You Want?
too good to limit only during fasting days. So I do them every day.
Like spending each day with prayer, journaling, and spiritual Matthew 6:16-18
reading. When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure
Like reading my vision statement each morning. their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have
And drinking vegetable and fresh fruit juices, and eating more received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and
salads. And not eating meat and focusing on fish for my protein wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting,
needs. but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is
done in secret, will reward you.
Bless your body and bless your soul.
Jesus says “When you fast”… not “If you fast”. What do you think
Have a great 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting, my dear family. does that mean?

You will be blessed.
Do you think it was “normal” or “typical” for followers of God to


It says in Matthew 6 that God will reward us when we fast. No, I

don’t believe God is in Heaven, looking for people who are fasting,
and once He finds them, throws them a nice reward for fasting. I

16 17
7 Days of God’s Word 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

believe that God has already made available to us all the blessings Day 2:
we need—rewards included! God’s blessings are an endless What Is Your Desert?
waterfall flowing towards our direction, 24 hours a day and 7 days
a week. But when we fast, we open ourselves more to that torrent Luke 4:1-2
of blessings (and rewards) that are coming our way. So we receive Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the
more of them! Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He
ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.
How? Fasting increases our faith. Fasting increases our expectation.
Fasting increases our focus. All these make us more ready to Where did the Holy Spirit lead Jesus?
receiving God’s blessings.

What do you think are the “rewards” that Matthew 6 is talking Does it make sense? Why did the Spirit lead Jesus to a place where
about? He’ll be tempted by the devil? We realize that just because you’re
close to God, temptations won’t disappear. The good person isn’t
free from temptations, he just has the ability to overcome them.

What is your desert? What is your difficult place?

My Prayers and Reflections Today:
Jesus didn’t stay in the desert forever. He used it to seek the Father
by prayer and fasting. You don’t stay in your desert forever. Your
difficult place is only a season. God will use it so that you’ll be a
better person. And then you’ll move on.

What hidden blessing has your desert or difficult place given you?

Your desert—your trials—empty you so that God can fill you up.
Sometimes, when we’re full and satisfied, we don’t grow anymore.
Trials force us to grow. Fasting does the exact same thing. We empty
ourselves so that God can fill us up.

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7 Days of God’s Word 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

My Prayers and Reflections Today: When they sent both men to their mission, they placed their hands
on them. They blessed them. Don’t forget to bless and place your
hands on your children, other family members, and friends when
they leave for school or work. They too are on a mission to show
God’s love to others. As you fast this week, bless them! Write here
the names of people you want to especially pray for and bless as
you fast…

Day 3:
Who Do You Want to Bless?

Acts 13:1-3 Before Jesus started His public ministry, He also fasted. We fast to
In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, listen to God and receive His power to do His work. Pray to God
Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen and Saul. While they were now for guidance and anointing. He will give both to you as you
worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me pray and fast.
Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they
had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. My Prayers and Reflections Today:

Before the Church Leaders sent Barnabas and Saul (Paul) on a

mission, the apostles sought God’s power through prayer and
fasting. Why do you think did they do this?

Sending Barnabas and Saul was clearly a major move for this
Antioch Church. What are your “major moves” that you can now
include in your 7-Day of Prayer and Fasting?

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7 Days of God’s Word 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Day 4: A life of courageous love must be the fruit of all our prayers and
What Is Real Fasting? spiritual practices. What did God promise to those who do this real
Isaiah 58:3-4, 6-11
“Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your
workers. Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each
other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your
voice to be heard on high.  “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to Have you experienced these promises in your life? Can you give
loose the chains of injustice  and untie the cords of the yoke,  to set the examples?
oppressed free  and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with
the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see
the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and
blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing My Prayers and Reflections Today:
will quickly appear; then your righteousness [a] will go before you, and the
glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the
LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. 
“If you do away with the yoke of oppression,  with the pointing
finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hun-
gry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the
darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will
guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and
will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a Day 5:
spring whose waters never fail. What Should You Avoid
When You Fast?
While they were fasting, people were exploiting their workers and
quarrelling with others. So God told them what real fasting was. Luke 18:11-14
List down some descriptions here: The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: ‘God, I thank you that
I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this
tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ But the tax
collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat
Our prayer and fasting must make us more like Jesus. It must make his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ I tell you that this
us grow in love, especially for those who are suffering around us. man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone

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7 Days of God’s Word 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be Day 6:
exalted. What Mountains Do You Want to Move?
How often did the Pharisee fast? Matthew 17:19-21
Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we
drive it out?” He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the
And yet his fasting produced spiritual arrogance instead of humility. truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this
This is what we need to watch out. Sometimes, the best spiritual mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be
activities, rituals, and practices pull us away from God instead of impossible for you.” But this kind does not go out except by prayer and
drawing us near Him. For example, we look down at others who fasting.
don’t fast.
But Isaiah 64:6 says, all our righteous acts are like filthy rags.
The apostles couldn’t drive out the demon from a possessed
The other person in this passage is a tax collector. In the eyes person. So they asked Jesus why. According to Jesus, what was the
of the Jewish society, a tax collector was one of the worst sinners. reason?
He worked for Rome and was thus a national traitor. To make a
living, he was free to collect more than what Rome required. Some
of them became very rich. (Example: Zacheus.) People hated tax
Fasting is an expression of faith. Fasting is meaningless without
But awareness of his need for God drew him closer to God’s
faith. When you fast, you’re expressing that you need God’s
love. This is spiritual humility.
power for the particular situation you’re in. When you fast, you’re
So here’s the message: More important than fasting is humility.
increasing the size of your faith.
For fasting to be complete, it should make you more keenly
aware of your desperate need for God’s love.
What mountains in your life do you want to move today?
Today, be thirsty and hungry for God’s love!

My Prayers and Reflections Today:

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7 Days of God’s Word 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

My Prayers and Reflections Today: Saul met God on the road to Damascus. It was such a powerful
experience, he changed completely. From a Pharisee who persecuted
Christ’s disciples, he became a disciple himself.
But notice what he did when he was led back into Damascus.
What did he do?
As you finish your fast today, pray for real changes in your
In these past week, you too have had a Damascus Road
experience. You met God. He spoke to you. He blessed you.
Day 7: Rise out of your 7-day fast a new person, changed by the Holy
What Changes Do You Want to Happen? Spirit.

What changes do you want to see in your life?

Acts 9:1-9
Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the
Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to
the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged
to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to
Jerusalem. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from
heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to
him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul
asked. My Prayers and Reflections Today:

“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get

up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” The men

travelling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did

not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes

he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For

three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.

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7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Juicing Recipes 3. Cucumber Green Juice

By Chichi Barba 2 large cucumbers

Handful of romaine or kangkong
4 stalks of celery
1 big broccoli stem
A few pointers and instructions: 1 or 2 green apples (this is optional)
1. Clean fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Make a water-vinegar
wash and/or a water-salt wash where you can soak your Prepare (wash, slice) then push all ingredients in your juicer or
vegetables before using it. blender. Serve (strain first if using a blender). This is enough to
2.If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a blender instead. After make 4 glasses of juice.
blending your ingredients, place everything in a clean katsa or
cheese cloth bag and squeeze out the juice. You can even use a 4. Wheatgrass Juice
fine wire-mesh strainer to strain out the pulp. *Measure wheatgrass in ‘rounds’ like spaghetti.
3.You can add buko juice to the juices if you wish to make it less
strong. 1 to 2 inch rounds of wheatgrass

1. Carrot and Apple Juice (from the Gerson Therapy) This will make approximately 1 to 2 ounces of wheatgrass juice.
6-8 oz carrots Push wheatgrass into a juicer. Serve (strain first if using a blender).
6-8 oz apples (green)

After making sure the carrots and apples are clean, prepare the 5. Fountain of Youth Green Juice (from Val Archer)
ingredients (based on the kind of juicer or blender you have). Place
these in your juicer or blender. Expect to have at least 8 oz. 1 to 2 inch ‘rounds’ of fresh wheatgrass or barley grass,
1 large cucumber
2. Carrot Juice 4 to 5 stalks of celery
12 ounces to 1 pound of carrots green apple
1 thumb of ginger
Prepare (wash, slice) then push all ingredients in your juicer or
blender. Serve (strain first if using a blender). This quantity is Prepare (wash, slice) then push all ingredients in your juicer or
enough for an 8 oz. glass of carrot juice. blender. Serve (strain first if using a blender).

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Juicing Recipes 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting

6. Cabbage and Orange Juice 9. Watermelon Juice

3 big wedges of cabbage 2 to 3 inch wedge watermelon (medium-size)

1 orange or 2 dalandan
½ green apple Push into juicer or blender. Serve (strain first if using a blender).
1 tablespoon kalamansi or lemon This will make approximately 8 oz.

Slice and wash cabbage. Wash fruits, peel. Combine cabbage, fruits
and juices in juicer. Serve (strain if using a blender). This will make 10. Watermelon and Honey Melon Juice
approximately 8 oz.
2 to 3 inch wedge watermelon (medium-size)
½ honey melon
7. Grape-Apple Juice
Wash fruits and prepare. Combine fruits and push into juicer. Serve
1 medium apple (strain if using a blender). This will make approximately 8 oz.
1 small bunch of grapes

Remove grapes from stem and slice apple. Combine and push all 11. Pineapple-Papaya Juice
ingredients into your juicer or blender. Serve (strain first if using a
blender). This will make approximately 8 oz. 2 inch wedge pineapple
½ papaya (medium size)

8. Tropical Flavors Juice Combine ingredients and push into juicer or blender. Serve (strain
first if using a blender). This will make approximately 8 oz.
2 inch wedge pineapple
1 medium-sized orange or 2 dalandan
1 tablespoon lemon or kalamansi

Wash fruits, peel, combine fruits and juices in juicer. Serve (strain if
using a blender). This will make approximately 8 oz.

30 31
Thank You So Much for Your

Thank you for joining the Light of Jesus Family in our 7 Days
of Prayer and Fasting. Even if you couldn’t fast, it was your prayer
that was most important. By adding your faith to the faith of our
spiritual family, we made mountains move. We caused miracles to
happen. We received an avalanche of blessings. We grew closer to

I repeat: Your faith was important. Our collective faith

wouldn’t be what it is without your faith added to ours.

Till our next 7 Days of Prayer!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez


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