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Globally, the demand for skill is rising as a result of automation. The challenge lies in retraining the
workforce and providing workers with the new skills they need as quickly as they are required-a big
challenge given the rapid advances in automation technologies. The share of next-generation jobs, in
fields such as cyber security, mobile app development, new user interfaces, social media, data science,
and platform engineering is rising. All these jobs require new skills, including the ability to create,
manage, or interpret big data analytics, cloud and cyber security services, service delivery automation,
robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. It means machines
using self-optimization, self-configuration and even artificial intelligence to complete complex tasks in
order to deliver vastly superior cost efficiencies and better quality goods or services.

Many countries are prepared for Industry 4.0 – and others not so much. With work and preparation,
however, Industry 4.0 can bring widespread values. The leading countries in this regard are: Canada,
Japan, Germany, Australia, Austria and Switzerland.

Scenario in Bangladesh:
Most developing countries, such as Bangladesh, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam,
depend on the manufacturing of products to be delivered to foreign companies. Therefore, if these
countries can develop the management of their manufacturing and chain productions, the current rate
of unit output would be substantially increased, a strong indicator that Industry 4.0 is crucial for these
countries to move forward. Bangladesh is a country that has made enormous progress in apparel
industry. But the progress will not be dynamic if it does not enter industry 4.0.

Reasons behind Bangladesh lagging in Industry 4.0
Reasons behind Bangladesh lagging in Industry 4.0:
Reasons behind Bangladesh lagging in Industry 4.0:

Lack of Lack of Poor Availability of Expensive

government knowledge infrastructure cheaper labor installation of
support technologies
9/10 7/10 10/10 10/10 10/10

Problem Specification

Cyber Security Unemployment

Issues Risks

Lack of Resourceful Poor

Employees Infrastructure

Risk of Unemployment: One of the key reasons of Bangladesh being one of the most successful
countries in garments sector is cheap labor. A large number of people of our country work as labors in
many garments. When the garments and factories are automated, their employment would be a matter
of concern. But as we will show later, this problem can easily be solved.

Cyber security and privacy issues: Industry 4.0 demands data exchange through cloud computing.
Bangladeshi industries are not yet using internet as a mean of data exchange. Industry 4.0 will bring a lot
of change in the flow of data which will threaten data security immensely. This can be solved by
incorporating supply chain management in this regard.

Poor Infrastructure: Many industries of Bangladesh are yet to turn into industry 3 let alone industry 4.
Industry 4.0 requires “Smart factories”. So infrastructure might turn into a bane to achieve industry 4.

Lacking of resourceful employees: To operate the high functional machines trained employees are
needed. And many new job field will be created due to the transformation such as data analyst, cyber
law experts etc. employees for such jobs will be required.

Impact on Business:
There are four main effects that the Fourth Industrial Revolution has on business

New technologies make assets more durable and resilient, while data and analytics are transforming
how they are maintained. A world of customer experiences, data-based services and asset performance
through analytics, meanwhile, requires new forms of collaboration, particularly given the speed at which
innovation and disruption are taking place. And the emergence of global platforms and other new
business models, finally, means that talent, culture and organizational forms will have to be rethought.

Key components of Industrial 4.0:

Greater Customization through Additive Manufacturing :
• depositing materials in multiple layers.
• Using of 3D technology at scale,
• producing smaller numbers of more customized products.
• being additive technology done on demand, production time for these customized products is
also significantly shorter.
• Producing products for end users and the manufacture of customized machine parts within the
supply chain itself.

Full Integration of Advanced Analytics:
higher production quality, along with reduced downtime and improved customer experience – all
contributing to a better bottom line of supply chain. The Industry 4.0 supply chain uses advanced
analytics and Big Data to inform end-to-end (E2E) visibility from the raw materials supplier to the end
user. Up-to-the-minute data are available to support real-time decision-making and bring visibility to
the entire supply chain, both within and without individual organizations.

Visibility for All Stakeholders:

Supply chain leaders have long sought greater visibility, and Industry 4.0 delivers exactly that.
Furthermore, thanks to aggregation schemes, companies can be controlled from the individual machine
view all the way up to global corporate controls.

A Move Beyond Postmodern ERP:

Industry 4.0 calls for a truly agile supply chain that integrates IT systems both vertically and
horizontally. Using robust data-integration networks that span usually disconnected departments like
engineering and customer service, the Industry 4.0 company is much more cohesive.

Widespread Incorporation of the Internet of Things:

For instance, the supply chain’s devices and sensors communicate with each other, providing useful but
limited intelligence to the manufacturing control system.. The Industry 4.0 supply chain fully leverages
the IoT for streamlined, agile operations with far greater visibility and transparency even for both
horizontal and vertical collaboration.

Increased Reliance upon the Cloud:

The Industry 4.0 supply chain is a data-generation machine. It’s constantly producing insights in real
time, requiring incredible speed and precision, not to mention the capacity for instant access and E2E
visibility. Now it is possible to apply cloud computing to everyday business. Connecting all the parties of
the supply chain in the cloud saves time and money, increase efficiency.

There are many benefits of cloud computing in the textile and apparel industry supply chain. Like a
brand is always informed about any delays happening in any process. It can be delay in procuring raw
materials or at the production level, transportation delay etc. Using cloud technology the brand is
immediately informed and they have ample time to take the right decision to deliver the entire order at
the best possible time.

Robust In-Memory Databases:

To complement the endless storage capacity of the Cloud, supply chain leaders must also rely on in-
memory databases (IMDBs) to handle ad hoc optimization and analytics. The most efficient supply
chains rely on both the Cloud and IMDB to maximize the organization’s storage capacity and agility.

Illuminates in Industrial 4.0 ;

Huge Leap of Production:

In IoT the supply vs demand graph is linear with a positive the production will be higher as
much of demand. The mechanism here will be so easy, the companies have to input all the necessary
information regarding all risk effects and the planning output will be so accurate. Simplification,
automation & Digitization, innovation will help to collect data for analysis, make process faster, improve
quality, competitive product, new generation product etc.

Greater management of chain of the supplies:

As the production will be higher than before, the supplies will increase as following. It will result
a better collaboration. Currently industry X (A dying Industry) cannot manage its required
amount of raw material by its own. So it collaborates with a Japanese Torrey company
(Company Z) through a local supplier and imports the raw materials. On the other hand
company Y (A garment) has to face troubles to buy the raw materials and supply the orders
according to the agreement with the customer .But approaching to the industrial 4.0

Raw Materials
Company X Company z



Company Y retailer

• Company X can share raw material with any dying company any time it needs and have a clear
agreement about that. Any company can be safe from dealing with a hoax regarding importing
and supplies.
• This vertical collaboration can solve transportation headache of any kind of apparel company.
• Company X end product is company Y’s raw material. So their collaboration will be on a new
level for it. Because they will be both be acknowledged about every moments update .how
many fiber knits are being created, the value of quality can also be checked anytime
• Talking about company Generally they face problem with the requirement of the customers.
Most of the time it is not clear. But with the blessing of IoT the customers can share their
changed needs with the company anytime and be informed of any unwanted problem occurred
from the company and have a mutual decision. This explicitness and visual will take SCM to the
peak position of development of apparel industry.

Analyzing the current industry status of the company/garments

Classify the suppliers, partners, retailers

Evaluate the types of supply chain with the above mentioned figures

Modify the supply chain both vertically and horizontally (if necessary
diagonally) with the figures incorporating additional industry

Evaluate the new supply chain and it's efficiency in terms of cost,
production and safety


New cost < existing cost

New production> existing


New safety security>

existing safety security


Integrate customer values to the chain and complete industry 4.0 to

the end

Strive for continuous development to stay in the competition

Industrial Waste Management:
Every year in Bangladesh more than 99.75 × 106 m3 liquid wastes are produced by this apparel industry.
Here being on a circumstances when whole world is being tensed about the extinction caused by
pollution, the industries should take measure to manage this problem. Few companies such as company
X has started ETP following the fourth industrial revolution. Though it is little bit costly, but if BGMEA
force the companies to transfer their processing unit to the industrial area fixed by the government,
they can do horizontal and vertical collaboration on this ETP process with different kind of apparel
industry. This type of collaboration will help

• To reduce the burden of cost regarding this

• To have a better ETP processing system
• To encourage a safe and green industrial revolution

Resourceful Job Sector:

If we think that robotization will eat up a large number of jobs, we should get over this wrong
assumption ASAP. Because according to the companies like X and Y, there will be more and more wings
created to operation field and data processing field and developing tool fields.

Talking about the superstitious job polarization, BGMEA and SCM manager need to be careful of one
thing that the metrics of skills should not be high and low .It should be measured by physical and
intellectual skill, by this the wage discrimination will be lessen.

Here companies can collaborate vertically to develop skills of the mediocre employers which will be a
great help to whole industry and we can be a highly valued country with lots of human resources and
leave out LDC more quickly.

Reliable Cyber Security:

appointed data
protection officer

Controlled access
of data

persuit declared

Cyber Security

Profit Maximization:
While using high functional machine would be more
expensive than manual labor, the increased production
rate would optimize the cost and maximize profit.

No Loss, Gain Job:

About 4.4 million educated youth of Bangladesh is unemployed in
the current scenario. If industry 4 takes over, a lot of resourceful
employees will be needed to operate machines, analyze data,
ensuring data security etc. which will create job for these portion of

Diminishing Business Barriers:

Horizontal collaboration will be much easier than it already
is. It will increase business opportunities for industries.
IMPACTS Information transparency:
“cyber-physical system,” where the physical world is
quantified into contextual, accessible data. Companies can
seamlessly and instantly share that data as required, ensuring
that all system cooperate using real-time information.

In an Industry 4.0 system, it’s possible for workers, machines, sensors and
devices to connect and communicate with one another. This facet of
Industry 4.0 generally will force supply chain managers to take a broader
perspective on compatibility requirements for software, machines and other
devices which will maximize the profit of apparel companies.

Nothing Can Stop:

in industry 4, companies will be run through cloud computing.
so, geopolitical issues, weather, geological distance etc. cannot
be a barrier in any part of supply chain.As the companies can
take mutual decision of any stake instantly by the blessing of
cloud computing

Main Benefits:

3-5% In
Increase in overall productivity

20-50% Increase in speed to market

85% Increase in forecast accuracy

10-20% Decrease in cost of quality

20-50% Reduction in inventory cost

To cope up with the pace of current apparel industry all over the world, Bangladesh's apparel industry
has also to be a part of industrial revolution 4.0. Right now it may seem non beneficial but Industrial
revolution 4.0 will increase the overall efficiency of apparel industry. The efficiency of supply chain will
increase dramatically and product will reach directly to the consumer. This increased efficiency will
attract more investment and the apparel industry will boom further. Its Industrial 4.0 with proper
planning and management can make our country out of the LCD countries list and an emerging
economic power of the world in a near future.

1. SMA Khalid , Coats BD limited
2. Bijoy Sekhar Das, Kay Garments Ltd
3. flexis_industry_4_0_18s.pdf
4. Fourth-industrial-revolution-in-developing-countries-a-case-on-Bangladesh-1532-5806-21-1-
5. Data Protection & Industrie 4.0
-Christian Steinberger



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