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Later childhood: Adulthood: Maternal deprivation (emotional and
 The type of attachment formed is associated  According to the internal working model, the intellectual):
with the quality of peer relationships within first relationship formed between an infant and
childhood caregiver will provide a mental representation Emotional effects
which is a template for future relationships  Affectionless psychopathy and the difficulty to
 Securely attached infants go on to form the form later relationships
best peer relationships/childhood friendships  The quality of the child’s first attachment will
where as insecurely attached infants tend to determine the quality of their future Intellectual effects
have friendship difficulties relationships  Mental retardation
 (Goldforb) – institutionalised children have
 (Smith et al.) – Bullying behaviour can also be  A child’s who’s first experience us that of a lower IQs due to a lack of intellectual
linked to attachment type loving relationship will have a good template stimulation
for future relationships
 Securely attached children are very unlikely to
be involved in any bullying  Where as a child who’s first experience of
attachment is bad is going to have a bad
 Insecure avoidant children were most likely to template for future relationships
be victims of bullying

 Insecure resistant children were most likely to

be bullies

 Supporting evidence ー Refuting evidence ー Research is correlational ー Too deterministic
P A strength of research into early P A weakness of our understanding P A weakness of research on the P A weakness of the IWM as an
influence of attachment on adult of early attachment on later influence of early attachment on explanation of adult relationships
relationships is that there is development is there is refuting later relationships is that it is is that it is too deterministic
supporting research evidence for the internal working correlational E The internal working model
E For example, Hazan and Shaver model E For example, research linking suggests that early experiences
asked participants to take part in E For example, Fraley conducted a IWM and early attachment with have a fixed effect on later adult
a ‘Love Quiz’ which asked about review of 27 samples where later relationships is correlational relationships and children who
current relationship experiences, infants were assessed in infancy rather than experimental, thus are insecurely attached are
their attitudes towards ‘love’ and and reassessed later in childhood. we can’t claim that attachment certain not to experience
aimed to identify the participants’ He found correlations ranging quality causes relationship satisfactory relationships in their
childhood attachment types. The from 0.1 to 0.5. Such low experiences in later life to be adult life. However, Clarke and
found a positive correlation correlations indicate that the positive or negative. Moreover, Clarke have argued that problems
between the attachment type attachment type that infants factors like temperament may with attachment in early life do
and love experiences. Securely have may not be stable through affect the quality of childhood not guarantee difficult future
attached adults described their the course of their childhood and adult relationships. relationships, they just increase
love experiences as happy and E Therefore, this contradicts the According to Kagan, an infant’s the risk of them. Furthermore, an
trusting and they also have longer proposal that early attachments temperament is likely to individual who did not have a
relationships than those with set a long-lasting, stable template influence many aspects of a good relationship with their
resistant or avoidant attachment for future relationships person’s development, including caregiver or caregivers may make
types L This reduces the validity of their attachments an active effort to form better
E This suggests that childhood Bowlby’s internal working model E This is a problem as this indicates relationships in future
attachment type has some that early attachments are only E This indicates that individuals
influence over later relationships, part of the explanation of future have more conscious control over
with secure attachments relationships and should not be the success of future
associated with more successful seen as the cause of these relationships than according to
relationships relationships the internal working model
L These results therefore increase L As a result of the issues with the L Therefore, the IWM is overly
the validity of theories such as research, the validity of this deterministic in its perspective on
Bowlby’s internal working model, explanation is reduced adult relationships
as we can see early attachments
act as a template that affects
future relationships

NOTE: Only select the relevant AO1s (e.g. 2/3 points) and four evaluation points (AO2/AO3)

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