Background Job Scheduling For IP30 (RISTRA20)

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Background Job Scheduling for IP30 Version 8

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created by Jogesw ara Rao Kavala on Feb 9, 2014 6:06 PM, last modified by Jogesw ara Rao Kavala on Aug 5, 2015 2:48 AM
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As soon as I'd completed my step-by-step reply to a discussion on the subject matter recently, I realized that this long
reply comprising of several Screen-captures possesses the characteristics of a Document. So I thought of converting
it into a Document, so that members will be benefited from this frequently asked query.

Topic dealt here is for IP30 (program RSITRA20), but this method is valid for other programs too for background

Here we see, how to do:

Step1. Create IP30 Variant.
- Run IP30,
- Give your Plan (here it is ABC123 ) in the Maintenance Plan field (Do not forget this step)
- Click Save Button and in the resulting screen give the Variant name,
- Optional:- Tick Only for Background Processing and Save again.

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So we have just created a Variant named TEST for IP30 .

This variant will not be available for changes in IP30 Tcode, because 'Only for Background Processing' has b een
For changes of this Variant, you need to Run SE38, give RISTRA20 in Program field, select Variants radio button,
and then click on Display,
Click F4 help in Variant field and click Change.

Step2. Create Background Job - Run Tcode SM36

Give Job Name and click Start Condition (See Picture)

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A pop-up is displayed.
Follow the steps 1 to 7 given in Picture .
(Here it is assumed that you want the RISTRA20 program to run at midnights of everyday)

Click SAVE again

You will be given a pop-up.

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Enter ABAP Program Name (Here it is RISTRA20) and the Variant (we know it is TEST), and SAVE.
(Steps 1,2,3 in the above picture)

You will be here:

Do not do anything, Click Back arrow and


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All Done

Now to see the schedule -

Run SM37 and Execute. (Give Current Date as FROM date and Date after 2 days as TO Date)
Execute to see a screen like this, where your Job is seen scheduled to be run at Midnight of Every Day. (According to
the settings in picture 3 above)

During Scheduling, the Status changes from Released to Active and after Scheduling it turns to Finished.
Hope members will be benefited by this post.

Thank you
Jogeswara Rao K

This document was generated from the discussion: Job Scheduling and activate for Maintenance Plans and
modified to be a Document for general relevance.

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Sorin Camner Feb 12, 2014 5:29 AM

Dear Jageswara, I have a comment, after I thank you for your useful document. In the first step, in
IP30, instead of " Give your Plan (here it is ABC123 ) in the Maintenance Plan field" you can choose
to select the plans, for example, based on the sort field, so all the plans from a certain category to be
schedulled and lounched on the same time:

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Feb 12, 2014 6:19 AM (in response to Sorin Camner)

Hi Sorin,
Exactly, Yours is an apt observation.
In realtime we use Sort field more than individual plans list.
That was my illustrative demo for making a variant in IP30. Thank you for adding value.

Jogeswara Rao K

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Akhilesh Singh Feb 12, 2014 6:05 AM

This is very useful document for Scheduling process.

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vemuri santosh kumar Feb 12, 2014 3:31 PM

Good explanation

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Feb 12, 2014 3:34 PM (in response to vemuri santosh kumar)


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Kamlesh Chauhan Feb 18, 2014 3:18 PM

Thanks Its helped me a lot in scheduling for different scenario.

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Feb 18, 2014 3:32 PM (in response to Kamlesh Chauhan)

Thank you Kamlesh

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Patrick S. Feb 24, 2014 4:24 PM

Hi Jogeswara,
very nice explanation - as always!
Thanks for your efforts!

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Feb 24, 2014 4:51 PM (in response to Patrick S.)

Thanks again Patrick!

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Jogeswara Rao K

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Sorin Camner Feb 24, 2014 5:14 PM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao Kavala)

Dear Jogeswara,

Can we have a private discussion? If yes, how can we do it?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Feb 24, 2014 5:25 PM (in response to Sorin Camner)

Hi Sorin,
Really tricky as well as delicate situation for me.

Best Regards
Jogeswara Rao K

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Katigiri Linganna Feb 24, 2014 5:18 PM

Very Clear Doc.. good one..

Linganna ..

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Mar 10, 2014 5:06 PM (in response to Katigiri Linganna)

Thank you Katigiri,

Jogeswaea Rao K

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Apr 8, 2014 6:36 AM

Dear Jogeswara Rao

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You have mentioned about

During Scheduling, the Status changes from Released to Active and after Scheduling it
turns to Finished.

Can you explain what other status mean Ex: Scheduled, Ready etc.

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Apr 8, 2014 7:49 AM (in response to )

Hi Murad,
In SM37 screen, a list of jobs background scheduled by you are seen. At the time you are
viewing this (SM37) screen, if the system is performing the schedule (IP30 is running at that
time on that particular variant), then you will see the Status as Active . Once this
Scheduling run is completed the Status changes to Finished with Green highlighted. After
Finishing the job another line of the same job will be seen with Released status. See the
picture below. (Here Active Status is not there.)

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abilash n Jun 5, 2014 5:59 PM

Nicely explained Jogeshwar. Are you ABAPER or PM functional consultant....

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jun 5, 2014 6:15 PM (in response to abilash n)

I can classify myself as a PM consultant to my own employer who is an SAP customer. By

circumstances I had to enter ABAP. Presently has enough knowledge to be able to help
members in SCN spaces like our EAM and few other.

May like to go through this blog, relevant to your query:

Functional + Technical = A complete SAPien

Jogeswara Rao K
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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jun 5, 2014 6:18 PM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao Kavala)

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abilash n Jun 5, 2014 6:24 PM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao Kavala)

Its really nice to know that you are techno functional. I am planning similarly to gain
functional knowledge in MM,SD,FI,IMWM,PM.... Its a slow process need to see
when i will be like you... . compared to my previous year currently there is a
improvement in my functional knowledge.

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jun 5, 2014 6:30 PM (in response to abilash n)

All I can say is: You are on the right track, Believe that you are going to be
near unique if not unique. Glad to see some one, striving for what I
preached my ABAP sub-ordinate today.

Best of Luck

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abilash n Jun 5, 2014 6:48 PM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao Kavala)


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Saurabh Tiw ari Jun 8, 2014 3:18 PM

Hello Sir,

It was a wonderful document from you on background job scheduling.

I want to know on e add-on feature on it. Suppose, I want to set few/one status automatically on MO
automatically based on some predefined conditions like order completion date (means order should
be CLSD/TECO once the order completion date is achieved.) . This prerequisite field can be a user
field also.

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Once the above is achieved , a mail should be triggered from system notifying all the stakeholders
about the closure of MO.

I will start a discussion on the same soon,if required.



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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jun 8, 2014 3:59 PM (in response to Saurabh Tiw ari)

Thank you Saurabh,

Your query is good, But this should be discussed separately due to the reasons:
1. It has no close relation to the Scheduling function
2, It is purely technical.

Means, once you've achieved your requirement (using ABAP objects), they will be applicable
and automatically triggered for the Order called by Schedules.

Now coming to the point how to go about is:

1.Setting Automatic System Status upon reaching the date (perhaps you mean the Basic
Start Date) , I do not think this can be managed by user exits. I feel that BAPIs are there to
meet this requirement.
2. Triggering Mail is also possible and very frequently discussed in ABAP space.

Now there are 2 steps for you

You need to involve ABAPer closely for this task. and
1. Search the Forum through Google or otherwise for these two requirements separately
with proper search strings.
2. After getting some ideas, if your issue is still needs inputs, please post your query in two
separate discussions (both in ABAP space), using clear expressions.
(In case if you are interested to try in this EAM space first, you may)

Hope these inputs will be of some help to you.

Best of Luck Saurabh

Jogeswara Rao K

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Saurabh Tiw ari Jun 8, 2014 4:05 PM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao Kavala)

Yes Sir... You are absolutely right.

I mixed up maintenance plan job (IP30) with simple job selection (SM37).

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Sorry for that.
Thank You.

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jun 8, 2014 4:09 PM (in response to Saurabh Tiw ari)

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Keerthan Kumar Dec 14, 2014 6:19 AM

Sir, Its a very good blog, I have one question , if we have some hundreds maintenance plans.. how to
go about it ?? as we cannot input all those maint.plan here.
Is it can be done by leaving maintenance plan blank. will it consider all maintenance plans if we
leave it blank ??

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Dec 14, 2014 7:11 AM (in response to Keerthan Kumar)

Hello Keerthan,
There seems some gap in understanding the post. A Background job for IP30 (program
RISTRA20), starts with making a variant for RISTRA20 program (either through SE38 or
IP30 itself). And the Background job creation through SM36 is based on this variant. Means
the variant contains only the list of plans you want to schedule. (In terms of Maintenance
Plan numbers OR MaintPlan sort field values). Never execute IP30 (RISTRA20) with
Maintenance Plan field AND the MaintPlan sort field both blank. It could create havoc.

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Keerthan Kumar Dec 14, 2014 12:06 PM

I understood sir, So that means , I can maintain maintenance plan & sort field blank in the variant.. Is
it right ?

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Dec 14, 2014 12:13 PM (in response to Keerthan Kumar)
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Yes, Exactly.
(Maintenance Plan OR Sort field anyone of these is sufficient, which would tell the system
the list of Plans. Both can not be blank)

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Gaurav Solanki Jul 27, 2015 12:01 PM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao Kavala)

Hello SIr,

I have a query , what is need of variant we can direct run background jobs as

IP30----> Program---->Execute in Background.


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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jul 27, 2015 12:37 PM (in response to Gaurav Solanki)

Hello Gaurav,
This is a very good question. In fact this was exactly my question to the
consultants several years ago during implementation. I did not
remember the reply, but there are some disadvantages in directly going
for this. One among those is to identify this job in SM37 in case you want
to stop this background job. Because all such (direct from IP30) jobs are
saved under only one name i.e, RISTRA20. But when you go through
variant and SM36 route, you can give a Job name of your choice.
Example: I have about 120 different background jobs for IP30. I can easily
make-out which one I am searching for by their Job names..To study
other advantages you need to work on both and sturdy.

I also recall that I operated for quite sometime this direct way, saying that
there is no need for SM36 route. But one-fine day I had to shift for the
reason which I do not remember now.

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Gaurav Solanki Jul 28, 2015 10:04 AM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao

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Hi Rao sir,

You are right as always but we can create job by SM36 and
define the job name for identifying the background job in SMX ,
but according my observation there is no need to create variant
and assign in SM36 for this, only job name is sufficient to
identify the program.

Sir I have a doubt also suppose I have 200 plan and i want to
run background job for all the maintenance plan so is there any
short way to run this otherwise I have to run SM36 for individual
maintenance plan or for each plan.


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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Jul 28, 2015 10:22 AM (in response to Gaurav Solanki)

As I told it will be clear only if you work on it and experience as I did and
switched to this method..

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Gaurav Solanki Aug 4, 2015 6:44 AM (in response to Jogesw ara Rao

Hi sir,

Hwz u ? Sir, SM36 is basis transaction code so we can not give

the authorization of it to user and also want to define the job
name for the identification of background job.Can you suggest
me how user can define the job name.

Gaurav Solanki

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Jogesw ara Rao Kavala Aug 4, 2015 7:03 AM (in response to Gaurav Solanki)

This is the job of either consultant or the Core team. We can not give this
job to end-users.

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