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Nature of Business:

1. To carry on the business for procuring the visa application of different embassy & high
commissioner as per the rules, regulations, or guidelines from the embassy and high
commissioner. To set up the business for assist and to render service to the traveler for
obtaining the visa processing service from different embassy & high commissioner.
2. To carry on the business as a consultancy firm for the recruited persons in procuring and
obtaining necessary papers/documents such as work permits, visit & family visa services,
immigration & migrant services, business immigrants, package tour operators, hotel & ship
booking agents, carrier service agents, airlines & railway ticket booking, recruiting &
traveling agents service, and manpower export on an international level from relevant
3. To carry on the business on Commission basis, Tourist and Transport agents and contractors
within the territory of Bangladesh and Foreign Carriers Travel by Air, Sea, and Land.
Assisting general passengers both Local Tours and Overseas Tours, Hotel Booking, Car
Rental, Air Ticketing and organizers of Bangladesh and foreign travels and other related
business in that sort in near future.
4. To carry on the business of Visa Consultancy, Educational Consultancy, Financial
Consultancy, Medical Visa Consultancy, Student Consultancy of America, London, Australia,
Canada, German, Malaysia or any countries subject to the approval of concern authority
5. To undertake all types of consultancy and advisory work relating to the promotion and
development of tourism with Government, Non-Government, and international
organizations including multilateral or bilateral donors and all types of companies in
Bangladesh and abroad.
6. To promote Bangladesh as a global tourist destination and to attract tourists to the country
from all over the world and to provide all lawful services and facilities to the tourists.
7. To provide information to tourists and tour operating companies across the globe about
events and places of interest in Bangladesh and about available facilities and to develop and
offer tour packages to them.
8. To promote domestic tourism in Bangladesh as well as outbound tourism from Bangladesh
and provide all services to them including services abroad through partner companies or
branch offices as may exist in the future.
9. To carry on the business of travel agent, Air, Train & Bus Ticketing, Tourism Industry, Tour
Operators, Hajj & Umrah Services, General Sales Agents of Airlines, recruiting agent either
independently or in partnership with any individual Firm or any Government Authority
under the supervision of Ministry of Labour and Employment, Directorate of Bureau of
Manpower with a view to providing Jobs for the unemployed youths of the country in any
foreign country including the Middle East.
10. To establish, set up, own, hire, operate and run tourism-related facilities in various parts of
Bangladesh including but not limited to, hotels, motels, guesthouses, resorts, and any other
type of accommodation that may be required by or for tourists and visitors.
11. To establish Branches, Divisions appoint Agencies, managers, Attorneys for, in connection
with any of the objects of the firm in and outside Bangladesh.
12. To act as General agent of Bangladesh and foreign Airlines. To act as Handling Agent of
recruited persons for employers in Bangladesh and Foreign countries.
13. To import, purchases and sale of all kinds of machinery, equipment, vehicle, medical
instrument, vessels and spare parts thereof.
14. To carry on all or any of the business of general merchants, factories, dealers, exporters,
importers, warehouseman, ship-owners, carries, common carriers of goods and passengers
by land and sea in Bangladesh and all over the world.
15. To Purchase or Hire Cargo Ship or Vassals for transportation of goods within Bangladesh or
any foreign countries of the world on rental basis.
16. To Purchase or Hire charter, Airplane, ships, steamers, Luxury Coaches, carriers,
Automobiles for travelers, tourist’s educational & recreational visitors for home and abroad.
17. Aviation services using aircrafts and helicopters for convenient movement of tourists within
the country and without
18. To undertake on ‘turnkey’ basis tourism related ventures for such organizations and
institutions in Bangladesh and abroad
19. To carry on the business of carries by air, land or water, shipping agencies/services, railway
agencies/services, clearing and courier services (Section 4 & 5 of Postal Act 1898 shall be
obeyed). In addition, to act as Clearing and Forwarding Agents of Import, Export, Luggage’s,
Cargo of any type of carriers by land, sea or air in Bangladesh and abroad.
20. To carry on business of software development, programming, internet service programmer,
data entry, data export, data base system analyzer, infrastructure developer, utility
developer, with the modern computer base system, IT training, net working and web page
22. To conduct Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for skills workforce, those have no
23. To implement the elements of the National Skills Development Policy
24. For the purposes of achieving the above objects, the Firm is authorized:-
I. To own, establish or have and maintain branches, refreshment rooms and agencies all
over Bangladesh and to carryon at such places or elsewhere the business of licensed
victuallers, caterers and purveyors of refreshments and stores of every description.
II. To do and perform all other acts and things as are incidental or conducive to the
attainment of the objects of the Firm;
III. To purchase/import materials and allied items required in connection thereto in any
manner the Firm may think fit.
IV. To make known and give publicity to the business and products of the Firm by means the
Firm may think fit.
V. To purchase, acquire, protect, renew, improve, use and sell, whether in Bangladesh or
elsewhere any patent, right, invention, license, protection or concession which may
appear advantageous or useful to the Firm for running the business;

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