After Winter Break Activity For Pupils

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This activity will be performed with the help of the "Picker Wheel". It can be done both online and offline.
The name of the task: Story maker
The aim of the task: To create a story about the winter holidays.
The real aims behind this task are to warm the students up after the winter break, to engage them in the
learning process, to revise target grammar and active vocabulary items learned in the previous module.
Skills / language focus: speaking (word order, use of target grammar and vocabulary in speech), creative
Instructions given to learners: Now we will play a game. All together we will create a story about
Christmas and winter holidays. You can come up with the characters, the plot of the story, etc. Each of you
will make a sentence one by one. So, you should continue the idea of the previous speaker. Look at the
screen! The "picker wheel" will assign a word for you. Your task is to use it in your sentence. Try to make
the story interesting, funny and unpredictable!

Lead-in - Before the activity, the teacher can ask the students about their winter holidays. This small talk
will help students to "adapt" to the foreign speech and refresh their memory. Then, the teacher shows the
Picker Wheel and explains how it works. In case this activity is held offline, the teacher should use a
projector to show the wheel.

The teacher will nominate the students one by one.

The important detail is that the teacher creates a wheel with some grammar structures and vocabulary
items that were learned in the previous module. Thus, the students will be able to revise them in an
interesting and entertaining way. The teacher helps students and answers their questions if necessary. If
someone does not remember the vocabulary item, the teacher should first ask the other students. He can
ask them to explain the word to their peer.
Roles for learners - Storytellers
Timing - 15 minutes

Staging - the beginning of the first lesson after the winter break
Expected outcomes: Students come up with an interesting story about winter holidays. They are engaged,
they show their creativity, they actively use the words from the picker wheel, they warm up their language

Presentation / submission mode: Students make a story during the lesson.

Assessment criteria: While monitoring, the teacher can assess the extent to which his students remember
active vocabulary items and grammar structures after the winter break. At the end of the activity, he gives
feedback and shares his opinion about the story. (makes a closure)

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