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Colegio De La PurisimaCconcepcion

The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Roxas city

College of Education



NAME OF FACULTY Judith R. Dela Cruz Ph.D. SEMESTER 1st Semester, 2020-2021
EMAIL ADDRESS Jeydey.delacruz Contact No. O9293878203 (036) 6200865
COURSE TITLE Facilitating Learning
COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an introductory course that. This course emphasizes
contemporary theories and research on the cognitive
,metacognitive, motivational, socio-cultural, and individual
difference factors in the acquisition of knowledge. It shall also focus
on contemporary theories and research on learning and on how to
apply them to regional, local and personal experience. More
importantly, the processing of the theories and research will
emphasize how the teacher may use the various ideas to better
facilitate the learning processes among students.
CONTACT 3 Hours/Week
COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. demonstrate a deep understanding of the basic approaches
to studying , learning and knowledge in complex domain.
2. show deep understanding on the theories and research
related to the factors affecting learning.
3. articulate their own views and ideas on how students learn
in different domains and the factors that influence this
4. appreciate, value, and respect the uniqueness in the
learning of each students, and the diverse characteristics of
learning within a group of students.
5. observe and reflect on the applicability of the theories to
students in their local and personal experience.

TIME FRAME 5 Months (AUGUST-DECEMBER) / 20 Weeks – 1 Semester

NO. OF TOPICS Minimum of 12
ILK Topic 1 Mission/Vision of School and College, Program Outcomes, Course
Outcomes, Course Requirements/Outputs, Major Examinations, Learning
Kit, Class Agreement/Contract, Face To Face Class/OnLine.
Week 1 I. Metacognition
a. . Aspects of Study Habit
b.. Metacognition Knowledge variables categories: Person, task and
strategy Variables
c. Strategy Variable: Meta-attention / Meta –Memory
d. Metacognitive Strategies to Facilitate Learning
e. Application of Metacognition Expert and Novice Learners

Week 2 2. Learner-centere Psychological principles

3. Cognitive and Metacognitive factors
1. Nature of the learning process
2. Goals of the learning process
3..Construction of knowledge
4. Strategic thinking
5, Thinking about thinking
6. Context of learning

Week 3 4. Motivational and affective factors

# 7 . Motivational and emotional influences on learning
# 8. Intrinsic motivation to learn
# 9. Effects of motivation on efforts
5. Development and social factors
#10 Developmental influences on learning
#11. Social influences on learning
Week 4 6. Individual Differences Factors
# 12 Individual differences in learning.
# 13 Learning and diversity
# 14.Standards and assessmen

Week 5 Prelim Examination


Week 6 II. Focus on the Learner

1 Review of developmental theories related to the learners
a. Developmental Theories of:
Week 7  Psychosexual theory
 Psychosocial theory
 Cognitive Development
 Moral Development
 Socio-Cultural theory
 Bio-Ecological theory

Week 8 1. Student diversity on -Individual differences

Benefits and learning opportunities of student diversity can
2. Learning or thinking styles bring in the classroom.

Week 9 3. multiple intelligences.

4 Learners with exceptionalities

Week 10 Midterm Examination


Week 11 II Focus on Learning Behaviorist Perspective:

1. Behaviorism: Pavlov,Thorndike, Skinner.

2. Neo-Behaviorism: Tolman & Bandura

Week 12 Cognitive perspective:

1. Gestalt Psychology
2. Information Processing
3. Gagne”s Conditions of Learning
4. Ausebels Meaningful Verbal Learning/Subsumption Theory
5. Bruner’s Constructivist Theory.

Week 13 Cognitive Processes;

1. Constructivism: Knowledge construction/ Concept Learning
2. Transfer of Learning

Week 14 3. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Education Objectives –Device

4. Stemberg Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model
5. Problem Solving and Creativity
Week 15 Pre-Final Examination


Week 16 III Focus on Classroom Process

1. Meaning & Types of Motivation
2. Theories on Factors Affecting Motivation.

Week 17 1. Student Diversity in Motivation

2. Motivation in the Classroom & Human Environmental Factor
affecting Motivation

Week !8 1. The Classroom Climate

Week 19 2. The Physical Learning Environment.

3. Assessment Strategies that can Increase Motivation
Week 20 Final Examination
REFERENCES 1 Textbook (T)
Lucas, Maria Rita D & Corpus Brenda B. Facilitating Learning :
A Metacognitive Process Lorimar Publishing Inc., Manila 2013

References (R) (with Legends)

Aquino, Avelina M. Facilitating Human Learning Rex Bool store 2009

Vega, Violeta A. & Prieto, Nelia G. Facilitating Learning Book Atbp

Publishing corp. 2006.

GRADING Term Examination-----------------60%

SYTEM Student Output/Activities -------40%
Prelim------------- 25%
Midterm ---------- 25%
PreFinal ---------- 25%
Final --------------- 25%
Final Grade 100%

COURSE 1. Department Policy Amidst Covid 19

1. Following proper health protocol like wearing of face mask at all
times, washing of hands, bringing of alcohol/health kit, and social
distancing, Physical Face to Face session with students is
conducted during:
a. the first week of of every term (Prelim, Midterm, Pre-Final, and
Final) for orientation;
b. On the fifth week of evry term (Prelim, Midterm, Pre-Final, and
Final) for taking the major exams.
2. Physical Face to Face session would be done by batch, 15 students
per batch inside the classroom.No removal of face mask during
class conversation/interaction.
3. During the Face to Face Session “Teachers Move” set up will be
strictly implemented.
4. Teachers are expected to furnish weekly instructional learning kit to
students, in hard copies or online.
5. Students are required to submit weekly worksheets/tasks/activities
as formative assessment.
6. Submission of weekly worksheets/activities/tasks maybe done
through a dropbox or online.
7. Teachers will strictly monitor the submission of weekly
worksheets/activities/tasks required from the students.
8. There will be four major examinations (prelim, midterm, pre-final,
and final examinations. Special examination will only be applicable
for major examinations upon presentation of a valid excuse letter
along with pertinent document as medical certificate and the like.
The special exam must be taken within one (1) week after the
scheduled exam. Failure to request for special examination or
provide the excuse letter or medical certificate would mean a score
of zero for th exam. Removal examination will be given to students
if the computed final grade is below 75% but not lower than 70%.
9. Food and beverages are not permitted in the classroom during
physical face to face session.

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