Suggestions For Approaches

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Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching

1. Theory of Language

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the structural, functional and interactional views of language. (2015)

Short Questions:

1. Is Language ‘a system made up of many subsystems’?

Brief Questions:

a) What is ‘Applied Linguistics’? (2018, 2015)

b) Define language from the structural point of view. (2017, 2015)

2. Theory of Language Learning: Theories of First Language Acquisition

Broad Questions:

1. Evaluate the main principles of the behaviourist theory of language acquisition or learning.
(2017, 2015)

2. Discuss the Cognitive Theory of Language Learning. How convincing do you find the
Cognitive Theory in Language Acquisition? (2006)

3.What are the main differences between behaviouristic and cognitive theories of Language
Learning? (2007, 2005)

4. Briefly discuss innatism. (2014)

5. Make a comparative study of the Behaviourist Theory and the Mentalist Theory of L1
Acquisition. (2013)

Short Questions:

1. What is “critical period”? How is critical period related to ‘brain lateralization’ or

‘functional specialization’?

2. Write a short note on Critical Period Hypothesis or Maturation Theory.

Brief Questions:

a) What is LAD? (2017, 2015, 2012)

b) What is ‘schema’? (2017, 2015)

c) What is ‘critical period’ in learning language by children? (2017, 2015)

3. Theory of Language Learning: Theories of Second Language Development

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss and evaluate the five hypotheses of Krashen’s Monitor Model. Do you agree with
Mclaughlin that Krashen’s Theory is seriously flawed in many respects? (2014, 2005)

2. What are the social and psychological factors that play in Acculturation Model of second
language development? (2015)

Short Questions:

1. Stephen Krashen. (2006)

2. The Monitor. (2007, 2005)

3. Distinguish between Acquisition and Learning. (2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2006)

Brief Questions:

a) What is ESL? (2018)

b) What is i+1?

c) What is an affective filter?

d) What is SLA? (2017, 2016, 2012)

e) What is ‘interlanguage’? (2015, 2014)

f) What is ‘scaffolding’? (2017, 2015)

g) What is ZPD? (2016, 2015, 2013)

h) What is acculturation?

i) What is meant by ‘Target Language’? (2012)

j) What is ‘Affective-Filter Hypothesis’? (2012)

k) What is Nativism? (2016)

4. History of Language Teaching Methodology

Broad Questions:

1. Give a historical overview of Language Teaching Methodology. (2014)

Short Questions:

1. Why should a teacher know the theories of language teaching methods? (2018)

Brief Questions:

a) What is pedagogy? (2017, 2015)

b) What is meant by ‘ELT Methodology’? (2018)

c) What is the oldest ‘Language Teaching Method’? (2018)

5. Methodology: Approach, Design and Procedure

Broad Questions:

1. Analyse Anthony’s model of ‘approach’, ‘design’ and ‘procedure’. Discuss Richards and
Rodger’s revised framework of language teaching method.

Short Questions:

1. What are teachers’ and learners’ roles?

2. What is a language syllabus? Discuss different types of language syllabuses.

3. Distinguish between ‘method’ and ‘techniques’.

4. Distinguish between ‘approach’ and ‘method’.

Brief Questions:

a) What is ‘approach’ in language teaching? (2017)

b) What is ‘method’? (2012)

c) What is ‘technique’?

6. Grammar Translation Method

Broad Questions:

1. Evaluate the Grammar Translation Method focusing on its main characteristics, strengths
and weaknesses. (2016, 2014, 2007, 2005)
2. What are the main techniques associated with the GTM? (2015)

Short Questions:

1. Grammar-Translation Method. (2005)

2. What are the goals of the Grammar Translation Method? (2015)

3. In which situation would the use of the GTM yield success? (2013)

Brief Questions:

a) What is GTM? (2014)

b) What areas of languages are emphasized in Grammar Translation Method? (2012)

c) Which method is known as the ‘classical method’? (2016)

d) What is the medium of instruction in the GTM? (2018)

e) What is the aim of GTM?

7. Language Teaching Innovations in the Nineteenth Century and the Reform


Broad Questions:

1. Evaluate the role of the Reform Movement in the history of English Language Teaching
focusing on the principles of the Reform Movement. (2016, 2013)

Brief Questions:

a) What was the main criticism of the GTM?

8. The Direct Method

Broad Questions:

1. What are the key features and techniques of the Direct Method? What are its advantages
and limitations? (2014, 2005)

2. What is the Direct Method? Compare and contrast the GTM and the Direct Method. (2015)

Short Questions:

1. Direct Method. (2006)

2. What are the goals of the direct Method? (2017, 2012)

3. What is the teachers’ role in the Direct Method? (2012)

Brief Questions:

a) Define ‘Direct Method’. (2018, 2016, 2014, 2012)

9. The Audiolingual Method

Broad Questions:

1. What are the goals and principles of the Audio-Lingual Method? Discuss its advantages
and disadvantages. (2016, 2014, 2012, 2007)

Short Questions:

1. What are the fundamental differences between the Audio-Lingual Method and the ‘Direct
Method’? (2018, 2016, 2013)

2. Mention the salient/common teaching techniques used in the Audio-Lingual Method.

(2017, 2016, 2015, 2013)

3. Mention the role of the teachers and the students in the Audio-Lingual Method. (2014,

4. What are the goals and the principles of the Audio-Lingual Method? (2015)

Brief Questions:

a) What does Audio-Lingual Method mean? (2014)

b) What does the ‘Army Method’ refer to? (2016, 2013)

c) What are audio-lingual drills? (2018)

10. Situational Language Teaching

Broad Questions:

1. What is Situational Language Teaching (SLT)? Discuss the approach, design and
procedures of Situational Language Teaching (2018, 2015, 2013, 2007)

Brief Questions:

a) What is PPP? (2017, 2012)

b) What is an ‘Oral Approach’? (2018)

11. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the main principles of the Communicative Language Teaching. Why is CLT
considered an approach rather than a method? (2018, 2016, 2012)

2. Discuss the chief characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching. (2007, 2005)

3. What are the roles played by the learners and the teachers in CLT? (2012, 2006)

4. Elucidate the limitations/ challenges of implementing CLT for language teaching in

Bangladesh. (2017, 2015, 2013)

5. Compare Audio-Lingual Method with Communicative Language Teaching. (2006)

Short Questions:

1. What are the main techniques of CLT? (2015, 2012)

2. What is the role of a teacher in CLT? (2018, 2015, 2013)

3. What are the difficulties in implementing CLT in the classroom? (2014)

4. Define ‘communicative competence’. (2016)

5. What are the principles of CLT? (2016)

6. What are the basic differences between CLT and GTM? (2017, 2014, 2012)

7. What according to Halliday (1975) are the functions of language?

Brief Questions:

a) What is CLT? (2018, 2012)

b) What is an interactive view of language?

c) What are authentic materials?

d) When was CLT introduced in Bangladesh?

12. Desuggestopedia

Broad Questions:

1. What is meant by ‘Desuggestopedia’? Identify the objectives, main principles and key
features of ‘Desuggestopedia’ and evaluate their relevance to the main stream Bangladeshi
classrooms. (2015, 2013)
Brief Questions:

a) Define Desuggestopedia. (2016, 2014)

13. Total Physical Response

Broad Questions:

1. State the theoretical foundation (main principles) of Total Physical Response? What are its
advantages and disadvantages? (2016, 2006)

Brief Questions:

a) What is TPR? (2015)

b) What is the goal of TPR? (2016)

14. The Natural Approach

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the main concerns and the procedures of the Natural Approach in Teaching four
skills. What are the four basic stages of SLA mentioned in the Natural Approach? (2017,
2015, 2012, 2007)

2. What are the strengths and limitations of “The Natural Approach”? (2018)

Brief Questions:

a) What is the Natural Approach? (2014)

b) Who wrote the book entitled “The Natural Approach”? (2012)

15. Task-based Language Teaching

Broad Questions:

1. What is Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)? Discuss the theoretical principles, chief
features and stages of TBLT. (2018, 2015, 2013, 2006)

2. What is Task-based Language Teaching? Discuss the types of tasks with special reference
to Focused Tasks. (2017)

Short Questions:

1. Write about the principles of Task-based Language Teaching. (2018, 2015, 2012)
Brief Questions:

a) What is a task?

b) What is TBLT? (2014)

c) How many phases are there in TBLT? (2015, 2012)

16. Content- Based Instruction (CBI)

Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Brief Questions:

a) What is content?

b) What does CLIL refer to? (2013)

11. Discuss the main techniques or classroom activities in the “Content Language”?

17. Post Method Pedagogy

Broad Questions:

1. What is “post-method pedagogy”? discuss the strategic framework proposed by B.

Kumaravadivelu? (2017, 2013)

2. What Kumaravadivelu’s concept of the Post Method Pedagogy is? Do you think the Post
Method pedagogy is required to deal with contemporary challenges of English Language
Teaching in EFL? (2016)

Short Questions:

1. What is ‘learner autonomy’? How can a teacher promote learner autonomy?

2. What is meant by ‘Post Method Pedagogy’? (2016, 2013, 2012)

18. Appropriate Methodology

(Context and Culture in Language Education)

Broad Questions:

1. What is a context-sensitive pedagogy? How would you design an appropriate pedagogy for
your class? (2013)

2. Why do western methods often fail in EFL/ESL context? How can we design appropriate
methodology in our context?
Short Questions:

1. What is a ‘contextual approach to teaching’? How does it affect pedagogy? (2018, 2015,
2013, 2012)

2. What is meant by ‘tissue rejection’ in language teaching methodology? (2016, 2015, 2014)

Brief Questions:

a) What are BANA and TESEP? (2016)

b) Define Appropriate Methodology.

19. Learner Centred Approach to Language Teaching

Broad Questions:

1. Explain Learner Centred Approach of Language Teaching. (2014)

20. Community Language Learning

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss Community Language Learning with reference to approach, design and procedure.

Short Questions:

1. Community Language Learning.

21. Eclectic Approach

Short Questions:

1. Eclectic Approach (2007, 2005)

22. Group Work Vs. Whole-Class Activities

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the importance of ‘pair work’ and ‘group work’ in a language classroom. (2018)

23. Teachers’ Roles

Broad Questions:

1. What are the roles of a teacher in a language teaching class-room? (2018, 2015)
24. Students’ Roles

Broad Questions:

1. State the role of students in different methods. (2015)

Short Questions:

1. What are the characteristics of a good language learner? (2015)

25. Role of Literature in English Language Teaching

Broad Questions:

1. What are the merits and demerits of using literature in ELT classroom? (2017)

Short Questions:

1. What are challenges of using literature in ESL Classroom? (2014)

2. Mention some advantages of literature as a tool for language teaching.

3. Make a list of criteria for selecting appropriate literary texts to be used in the EFL

Brief Questions:

a) What are graded readers?

26. Global Spread of English, Linguistic Imperialism and the Politics of English
Language Teaching

Broad Questions:

1. Define Linguistic Imperialism. Discuss the role of English Language Teaching in

Linguistic Imperialism. (2016, 2014, 2012)

Short Questions:

1. Do you think English is a threat to other languages? (2016)

Brief Questions:

a) What is ‘linguistic imperialism’? (2015, 2014, 2013)

b) Define ‘linguicism’. (2015)

c) What is language shift? (2015)

d) What is ‘lingua franca’? (2017, 2015)

27. Teaching Reading

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the features of developing reading activities. (2014)

2. What are the different strategies of reading?

Short Questions:
1. Distinguish between ‘intensive’ and ‘extensive’ reading. (2016, 2015, 2013)

2. Distinguish between ‘scanning’ and ‘skimming’.

3. Distinguish between ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down-reading’ reading.

4. Distinguish between ‘free’ and ‘guided’ reading.

Brief Questions:

a) What is ‘intensive reading’? (2018)

b) What is ‘scanning’? (2017, 2015, 2012)

c) What does ‘skimming’ mean? (2017, 2015, 2014)

d) What are the different types of reading?

e) What are the different stages of reading?

f) What are the authentic materials for reading?

28. Teaching Writing

Broad Questions:

1. What are the ways of improving writing skills? (2017)

2. Discuss design principles of writing tasks.

Short Questions:

1. What are the Macro and Micro writing skills? (2014)

Brief Questions:

a) What is coherence? (2014)

29. Teaching Speaking

Broad Questions:

1. Narrate various kinds of speaking practice activities.

Short Questions:

1. What is the basic difference between speaking in L1 and L2?

2. What difficulties are involved in speaking?

3. What are the goals of speaking?

4. What are the techniques of teaching speaking?

Brief Questions:

a) What is role play? (2018)

b) What is metalanguage?

c) Give an example of minimal response.

30. Teaching Listening

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the principles of developing listening activities.

2. Discuss the strategies for developing listening skill.

Short Questions:

1. What are the basic levels of listening? (2015)

2. What are the main listening materials? (2014)

31. Teaching Grammar

Broad Questions:

1. What are the different ways of teaching grammar? Discuss. (2015)

Short Questions:

1. What is grammar?

Brief Questions:

a) What is inductive teaching of grammar?

b) What is deductive teaching of grammar? (2012)

32. Teaching Vocabulary

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the major strategies and techniques of developing Vocabulary. (2017, 2015, 2013)

Short Questions:

1. What are the purposes of teaching Vocabulary?

2. How can synonyms and antonyms be used in teaching vocabulary? (2015)

Brief Questions:

a) What is morphological cluster?

b) Distinguish between prefix, suffix and root.

c) What is the difference between synonym and antonym?

d) what is ‘realia’? (2015)

33. Teaching Pronunciation

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss different ways of teaching pronunciation.

Short Questions:

1. Difficulties in learning pronunciation.

2. How can synonyms and antonyms be used in teaching vocabulary? (2015)

Brief Questions:

a) What is IPA? (2015)

34. Teaching in a Large Class

Broad Questions:

Short Questions:

1. What are the main problems in teaching language in a large class? (2018)
2. Mention a few suggestions for teaching a large class.

Brief Questions:

a) What is a ‘Large class’? (2018)

35. Teaching Materials and Teaching Aids

Broad Questions:

1. Discuss the importance of using teaching aids in a language learning class-room. (2018)

36. ELT in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects

Broad Questions:

1. Identify the problems of teaching English as a ‘second language’ in Bangladesh. (2018)

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