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Which criticism of Pragmatism is repeated in all three items?

The criticism that is repeated within all three source materials is that “truth” is subjective.
Individuals and people will believe something to be “true” if it works out in their favor. Dew and
Foreman, argue that “the truth is a set of beliefs that works for a particular person or group in
dealing with reality or accomplishing particular tasks.” (Dew & Foreman, Ch. 4, pg.53) to a
person who has a pragmatic view, “truth” is what works. In “Some Problems with Pragmatism”,
Dr. Groothuis asserts this belief when he highlights Bertrand Russell’s criticism of William
James’ pragmatic theory, “Russell says James’ pragmatic view of truth requires that a belief is
deemed true when its effects are good or when it works.” There is no logical correlation between
what works and what is true.

Which single criticism of Pragmatism is strongest in your view? (Give your reason)

The strongest single criticism of Pragmatism I found was that “truth” is tentative and changeable
based one’s level of their considered success is and whether or not their “truth” has been
reached. What may have been true yesterday does not necessarily translate to it being true today.
This demonstrates the relativism one must accept when discussing Pragmatism. While it is most
certainly difficult and complicated to define “truth” however, fundamentally “truth” should be
accurate and without any degrees of variation. What is true today should be true tomorrow and
the next day and so on. With that said, Pragmatism, allows for truth to change based on a
person’s feelings and what they consider successful outcomes.

Which single criticism of Pragmatism is weakest in your view? (Give your reason)

The weakest criticism of Pragmatism I found was the one that claims that truth happens to an
idea that is generated by true events. Bertrand Russell criticized this measurement as problematic
because one must evaluate the beliefs by usefulness or utility however, “we just don’t know what
the usefulness of a belief will be ahead of time.’ (Groothuis, n.d.) This criticism has the added
problem of not knowing what the effects beliefs have produced after the fact. Generally, people
do not often know the consequences; either positive or negative, that will be produced based on
their beliefs. “Beliefs, do have consequences, no doubt; yet determining just what the casual
connections are and whether or not they are beneficial may be difficult.” (Groothuis, n.d.)


Dew Jr, J. K. and Foreman, M. W. (2014) How Do We Know? An Introduction to Epistemology

Retrieved from:

Groothuis, D. (n.d.) Some Problems with Pragmatism retrieved from:

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