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Membershipp Application


1. Basic Facts
Living Lab (host) organnization
Living Lab short name Ciudad
C Bolívaar LL
Living Lab full name (tittle) Liiving Lab Ciuudad Bolívar Digital
Host organnization namee Universidad D Distrital Franccisco José dee Caldas
Host organnization VAT number 8999999230-7
Host organnization type Universidad
Postal adddress Transversal 700 B No 73 a 35 sur
Post code 111931
City Bogotá
Country Colombia
Telephonee 32238400 Ext 55014
Fax 32238400
Web-site (URL) htttp://
Living Lab established [year] 20008

Living Lab manager / main

m contact person
First namee Ricardo
R Alirio
Last namee Gonzalez
G Busstamante
Title (Mr/M
Mrs/Ms) Mr.
Postal adddress Transversal 700 B No 73 a 35 sur
Post code,, City 111931, Bogoota
Country Colombia

2. Membersship Motivatioon

*** We hopee to get manny benefits to t this Livingg Lab as shaaring knowleddge, resourcces, and otheers for usingg
information technologiess and communication soolve real life problems of people of loow income, disabled d andd
literacy skillss through thee use of thesse tools. Onee of the projects undertaken in the areea is the interractive portall
program ETTB in the tow wn, which arre equipped with technollogy scenarioos conducivee to literacy for children,,
youth and adults which has demoonstrated th e benefits of o social impact usage and adoption of thesee
technologiess by the inhabitants. Thee prospect oof a continuaation and exttension of thhis strategy is seen as a
policy that m may be unexxpected multiplier humann developmennt processess in the localiity. For moree informationn
visit http://w

*** Ciudad B
Bolivar Localidad Digital LL
L will be devvoted to experimentation by which thee local comm munity will bee
implemented scenarios where Tics help improvee the quality of life of people living thhere and sollve everydayy
problems w with currentlyy available technologiess. Besides the communnity to evaluuate certainn technologyy
according too establishedd parameterss such as: funnctionality, cost,
c utility, among otherss, for which thhe LL will bee
aimed at tessting and evaaluation.

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info
Memmbership Application: EN
NoLL 5th Wavve
Ciuddad Bolívar LL
L Page 2 of 7

Selecting a thematic sub group to work

w on LL, cchoose and Social Inclussion Social Innnovation annd the wholee
project startted by the coommunity of Ciudad
C Bolivaar.

We hope that the Univeersity Distritall Francisco JJosé de Calddas site is a member
m of EENoLL Technnology in thee
course of thhis year (20111), in order too push forwa rd this projecct.

3. Descriptioon and Charaacteristics

Although in the past twoo decades, Capital Districct administrattions have deeveloped stroong public poolicies aimedd
at transformming the livess of the inhaabitants of th e locality of Ciudad Bolivvar in the prrocess and progress
p hass
been made known, yet the City is chharacterized the persisteence of high levels of povverty, informaality at work,,
high unempployment andd underemployment, pre carious houssing conditioons, high leve vels of domestic violencee
and, in genneral, large degrees
d of social exclusi on. This situuation has worsened
w in tthe last decaade with thee
increase off the populaation displacced from othher regions seeking reffuge in the Colombian capital andd
particularly in places wiith greater poverty of thee city. The exclusion
e facctors mentionned above, addsa a new,,
derived fromm the lack of access and ownership oof one of the most importaant thing we have is the community'ss
special feature is that peeople are lim
mited opportuunities in Infoormation Technology Com mmunicationss and lack off
benefits that their use triggers in term
ms of human developmennt.

4. Organization

*** To beginn the project of Ciudad Bolivar

B Digitall City conduccted a coopeerative inter-aadministrativee agreementt
for the impleementation of
o this projectt with numbeer 350 of 20009 signed bettween the boottom of communications,,
the Mayor oof Bogota, thhe general seecretary of thhe Mayor's Office
O Bogotáá, the secrettary of social integration,,
the District of economicc developmeent, local deevelopment fund f of Ciudad Bolívar, the Universiidad Distritall
Francisco Joosé de Caldaas and telecoommunicatio ns company in Bogota (E ETB).

Other actorrs who are not

n in the prrevious contrract but havve participateed in this prooject are thee Ministry off
Information Technologiees and Comm
munications, Governmentt Online, National Apprennticeship Servvice (SENA),,
the Territories of Tomorrow Foundattion, the Fouundation's country knowleedge, commuunity action groups
g in thee
town, the C Chamber off Commercee of Bogotá,, Country Knowledge
K Foundation
F aand the Foundation forr
Tomorrow TTerritories.

In the futuree the commuunity of Ciuddad Bolivar iss part of the Living Labs, in which arre children, youth,
y singlee
mothers, dissplaced, dem
mobilized, ammong others.

*** The projject won an award at thee XI Ibero-A American Digital Cities meeeting held oon 18 and 19 Novemberr
2010 in the city of Medeellin (Colombbia) in the caategory of ICT
T and Educaation and ICTT Women Enntrepreneurs,,
which is whyy the project is active andd needed moore people annd / or entities to expand tthis project.

** The direection of thee management of the Project will be undertaken by a ccommittee composed off
representatiives of instituutions and organizations co-managerrs. The Committee shall elect a projeect manager,,
responsible for guiding the
t implemenntation and m monitoring off the activitiess under the aaction plan and
a timetablee
for each yeaar.

The entities that are linked to this prooject are:

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info
Memmbership Application: EN
NoLL 5th Wavve
Ciuddad Bolívar LL
L Page 3 of 7

Information Technologiees and Comm munications M Ministry.

Governing body that defines
d and promotes the policy of o the sectoor of inform mation technologies andd
communicattions in the country to ensure acccess, use annd ownershipp by the coommunity, business andd
governmentt, industry development
d t, for is theerefore responsible for guiding thee national IC CT strategy..
Participate w
with guidelinnes for addreessing and reesources forr project financing. For m
more informaation visit thee
website www

Universidadd Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

The Universsity academicc disciplines covering botth social andd technologiccal areas andd has been nominated
n ass
a Centre off Excellence of Internatioonal Telecom mmunication Union. It is also a Reggional Traininng Center off
CITEL-OAS S and particippates in sectooral fora of thhe OAS.
Actively takiing advantagge of strengthhs above the University iss able to:
• Use the pootential of teaachers and students in thee realization of socio-ecoonomic and teechnological.
• Provide accademic suppport for the Centre
C for Deevelopment of ICT applicaations.
• Provide sim
milar experieences of otheer centers in tthe Region
• Work withh specialized areas of the District Addministration in the generation of appplications annd content off
education, hhealth, goverrnance and security.
• Link students and teacchers spend time
t strengthhening the prooject.
For more infformation vissit the website

Capital District
In the curreent Developm ment Plan thhere are vari ous program
ms and projeects that requuire a strongg technologyy
component that is strenngthened by this initiativee in a holistiic manner. Also,
A to optim
mize resourcces, avoidingg
duplication of individual efforts and work in a cooordinated way
w among thhe various innstitutions that are beingg
coordinated through the District Com mmission Sysstem, which isi working with the Ministtry of Communications inn
the process of articulatioon national poolicy and disttrict.

Within this ccontext, district secretariaats:

• Allocate reesources to government

g programs,
p givving priority to
t connectivitty projects too increase cooverage of itss
• They combbine collectivve efforts to optimize
o resoources and acchieve individdual solution s for the commmunity.
• Generate through thee secretariatts of relevannt content and a applications mainly in the areaas of health,,
education, ggovernment, enterprise annd security.
• Encouragee through community action boards aand similar organizations,, the participaation of the communitiess
and guilds.
• Negotiate with the Govvernment, thee necessary measures, presented
p thee case to faciilitate the susstainability off
• Adopt leggal and adm ministrative measures nnecessary foor the creation of comppanies based on activee
participationn of communities becomee providers off services.
For more infformation vissit the website www.bogo

Empresa dee Telecomunicaciones dee Bogotá

Empresa dee Telecomunnicaciones dee Bogotá, offfers the com mmunity of Ciudad Bolivarr, infrastructuure, servicess
and the provvision of broaadband platfoorms, under economicallyy and techniccally approprriate to the prroject.
Provides coore project and institutional experi ence Overccrowding Proogram Inform mation Techhnology andd
Communicaations, speciffically in the planning andd operation of
o interactivee portals locaated in differeent locationss

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info
Memmbership Application: EN
NoLL 5th Wavve
Ciuddad Bolívar LL
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in the city, w
with the resuults mentioneed in this doccument and the strength of have a reecognized poosition in thee
industry andd the complementarity of a number of strategic parrtners that strengthen thee initiative.
The ICT Strrategy Progrramme Overrcrowding, m manages the project "Inteernet betwee n Tod @ s" and "Digitall
Literacy. " TThe first straategy focuses on accesss through thee installation and operatiion of "interaactive portal""
which are aaccess pointss and massive public offfering citizenns a new expperience andd innovative approach too
ICT, based on studies of services im mage, brand aand physical attributes, which
w have reeviewed the results.
r Havee
appropriate physical connditions and technology.
In order to aadd value to the operationn of infrastruccture and meeans by whicch account ETTB, designedd the secondd
project is "D
Digital Literaccy" which seeks to fosterr regular andd productive use of ICT tthrough conteent that is off
public intereest objective and contributed by variouus partners.
ETB has beecome the teechnology paartner of the project at all stages and the resourcees to financee the project..
For more infformation vissit the website

Servicio Naccional de Aprendizaje SE ENA

Overcrowdinng Program ICT Empresa de Telecom municacionees de Bogotáá has been w working on ann agreementt
with the SEN NA training, offering a widde range of ccontent aimeed at contribuuting to the deevelopment of vocationall
training in Colombia annd the strenngthening off national caapacity for thhe implemenntation and use of new w
technologiess in educatioon and traininng of citizenss and their prroductive activities and teechnical assisstance in thee
fields covered by the agreement and relatedd technologiies for Coloombians withh Internet access. a Thee
achievemennts in the deevelopment of o this agreeement have been of greaat social imppact and aree part of thee
content offeered to the Toown. SENA provides conntent, physicaal space andd teachers. FFor more infoormation visitt
the website

Local mayor of Ciudad Bolívar

Is an entity that has acccompanied the project frrom the beginning, activeely participatees in the coordination off
allied organizations in iddentifying neeeds, developiing proposalss and investm
ment of resouurces that strengthen thee
efforts madee in its prograam government.

Camara de Comercio dee Bogotá

The Camaraa de Comerccio de Bogotáá, has within its action plaan advance activities
a in thhe City pursuuing commonn
objectives in areas of training
t for entrepreneur
e rs and strenngthening entrepreneurshhip. Providess space andd
resources too strengthen the project. For more infoormation visit the websitee

Community Action Boardds

Several commmunity actioon boards off the City haave expresseed interest in participatingg in the Project currentlyy
works with ssome of themm and interesst of the projeect pairing through Boards Associationn that bringss together all,,
to achieve ggreater synerrgies.

Private Com mpany

Identified a number of laarge enterprises in the loocality and seeek with them
m to establissh a working agenda thatt
enhances their participaation both inn the financcing of the initiative,
i on issues relaated to emplloyment andd
application developmennt at the Ceenter for So cial ICT Applications. Management
M will organizze teams too
implement tthe project in accordance with the straategies and / or activities under this prroject.

Country foundation of knnowledge

The countryy foundationn of knowleddge is an oorganization focused primarily on kknowledge management,
m ,
consulting, advisory, reesearch, development annd innovationn, supervisioon, oversightt and implem mentation off
programs, pprojects and activities
a on topics
t relatedd to Informattion Technoloogy and Com
mmunicationss Technologyy
(ICT) and the Sciencee, Technologgy and Innoovation (CT + I) for thee developmeent, implemeentation andd

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info
Memmbership Application: EN
NoLL 5th Wavve
Ciuddad Bolívar LL
L Page 5 of 7

consolidatioon of territoriees (Municipaalities, Cities,, Districts, Departments and

a Regionss) Digital Knoowledge andd
ubiquitous, including execution
e prrocesses forr the implem mentation and
a appropriiation of IC CT in publicc
managemennt, academiaa, the producctive sector aand civil socieety organizattions, online governmentt projects, ass
well as condducting awarreness camppaigns for thee acculturatioon and use of o ICT and SScience, Tecchnology andd
Innovation. Thanks to itss founder and President Francisco Jaavier Roldan V. with his ggreat experieence in thesee
types of proojects we haave worked for this projeect to take its i place. Foor more inforrmation visit the websitee

Territories oof Tomorrow Foundation

Morning Territories Foundation has set a goal tto accompanny, enhance and dissem inate innovative regionall
initiatives in terms of best practices to all regionaal actors faceed with challeenges such aas sustainabble economicc
and social developmennts, globalizaation inform ational and more geneerally the em mergence off knowledgee
economy tooday. The Foundation
F ensures
e an accompanim ment of longg-term progrrams, but also a projectss
immediatelyy operational.

5. Openness
Empresa dde Telecom municacioness de Bogoota (ETB) is responsible for poosting on the t websitee
courses, tim
me and place for each of them,
t which tthe person wishing
w to takke a class.
In addition,, through thhe website is moree
information about the prooject of Ciudad Bolivar D igital City.

6. Resourcees
The project is developedd over a periood of three yeears, beginning in 2009. To
T prepare thhe project buudget.
20009 2010 2011
Platform portals web porrtals for the District
D Businness 5.412 500
Strengthening Program (400 compannies) Centre for 2..774 1.500 5557 4.078 500 890 943 2.078
Wireless Intternet Applicaations Social Tic 1..860 300 11.790 60 64
Total Annuaal Budget 6.9990 7.317 8.996
Table No.1 annual budget of the Projject for strateegies.

The total vaalue of this prroposal is $ 23,304

2 millionn pesos in the three yearss. Annual dissbursements in Table
No.1. In thiss case, the annnual particippation of the institutions iss referenced in Table No..2

In both scennarios, the tootal value of the project wiill be financed by cash resources and in kind that put the
participatingg institutions. The particippation rate forr each of the strategies vaaries as folloows:
Participationn 2009 2.010 2.0111
MinTIC 60% % 4.194 4.390 5.3998
Capital Distric (ETB, Uniiversity) 40% % 2.796 2.927 3.5999
Table No.2 A Annual particcipation of institutions.

** The cashh contributionns will be managed by tthe entity thaat the parties to determiine and theyy will financee
subprojects to be approved by the Committee
C foormed by thee parties. To ensure fund ing for the project duringg
the defined period, provvides for thee creation of a team respponsible for managing nnational and internationall

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info
Memmbership Application: EN
NoLL 5th Wavve
Ciuddad Bolívar LL
L Page 6 of 7

7. Users andd Reality

The purposee of making a town of Ciudad Bolivarr Digital is baased, firstly, the need to aavoid lack off access andd
ownership oof ICT, to beecome anothher structural factor of soocial exclusioon, in additioon to the tradditional, thuss
would increase the sharrp inequalitiees that alreaddy exist in thhe city. Second, becausee the social availability
a off
these technnologies creaates many oppportunities ffor educationn and trainingg, as well ass social interraction, all off
which generate multiple and diversee paths of huuman developpment, able to transform everyday liffe and familyy
and community projeccts, especially when thhey are articulated to other publicc policies to t completee
comprehenssive care.
Through thee Strategic Program Overrcrowding of Information and Communication Techhnology (ICT T) ETB madee
the project ""Internet betw
ween Tod @ s" whose m main objectivve is to expand and demoocratize criteeria for masss
use, regularr and producttive access to ICT all soccioeconomic.
To carry ouut this project, the ETB designed,
d insstalled and laaunched the interactive pportals that are
a universall
access poinnts which offeer people a new
n experiennce and innoovative approoach to ICT. In addition to t tending too
the mass oof ICT solutioons offer prooductivity, enntertainment, and relationnships aimedd at childrenn, youth andd
adults and ooffer you the following seervices i) Acccess to the Innternet, ii) Coommunicatio ns over Interrnet Protocoll
(Voice IP). iii) basic and specialized contents,
c whhich foster thee creation of relationshipss and linkagees.

8. Value

Obligations of the entitiees.

• Coordinatee necessary actions to im
mplement the purpose of the t agreemennt
• Participatee in the Steerring Committtee of the Coonvention, sinnce the area of its compeetence and inn accordancee
with the commmitments made,
• Ensure the coordinatioon of operatiional processses that are generated in connectionn with the suubject of thiss
• Manage reesources for the developm ment of the ssubject of agrreement
• To act withh due haste to ensure noormal develoopment and compliance
c schedules,
s orr prioritize the projects too
be developeed within the resources avvailable and the expectedd impact of thhe project

9. Direction and Plans foor the Future

General Purrpose
Contribute tto improvingg quality of life of the innhabitants off the City off Ciudad Boolivar in Boggotá, DC, byy
developing a strategy to achieve widespread acccess to ICT seervices and thet appropriaation of everyyday use.

Specific Objjectives
• Encouragee widespreadd access of the inhabitannts of the loccality of Ciuddad Bolivar to ICT, in ordder to createe
social opporrtunities for the use thereof.
• Expand thee availability of content.
• Promote tthe use, maanagement and a appropriiation of ICTT for improving the quallity of life off individuals,,
households and local coommunities, and a to increaase the comppetitiveness of
o local comppanies.
• Support thhe consolidaation of e-govvernance an d improved delivery of services
s of sstate institutioons and civill

2009-2012 G
Concerning the specific objective of mass
m accesss

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info
Memmbership Application: EN
NoLL 5th Wavve
Ciuddad Bolívar LL
L Page 7 of 7

• Increase ppublic accesss to ICT in the communiity of Ciudadd Bolivar by setting up 177 new interaactive portalss
and operatioon of 20 in tootal by 2011.
• Conduct a pilot publicc access to ICT in the coommunity of Ciudad Boliivar by proviiding wireless service, inn
places wherre there are no n networks.
• Increase thhe use and appropriation
a of ICT for att least 400 MSMEs
M in the locality.
Concerning the specific objective of expanding
e thhe supply of Contents
• The availaability of conntent will be increased thhrough partnnerships withh suppliers aand their devvelopment inn
areas of interest to cittizens and community,
c bbeginning with
w training in coexistennce, human rights, jobs,,
entrepreneuurship, inform mation about jobs, health and healthy habits ; hum man developm ment programms in the cityy
and the tow wn, environmeental protection, waste dissposal and management
m , virtual recreeation and bilingualism.
• It will incrrease the suupply of services offeredd through thhe network, several goveernment institutions andd
private, national, district or local leveel, which will develop a drraft platform for web portaals for the District, basedd
on which will strengthen the capacityy to provide sservices in ann integrated manner.
Concerning the specific aim of promooting the usee, managemeent and owneership of ICT
• Create a Center for Social
S Development of IC CT applications to enhaance the prooductivity of MSMEs andd
developing new businesss initiatives in the City, especially on specific topics to whichh the community has noo
access for the costs andd the specificity of their chharacteristicss .
• Raise 200,000 people in the localityy.
• Train 300,0000 people anda MSMEs in the use off ICT.
Concerning the specific purpose of supporting
s thee consolidation of e-goveernance
• Promote tthe use of innteractive poortals by the national, district and local levels too provide com mprehensivee
services to ccitizens.
• Provide eqquipment andd connectivityy in the Interaactive Websiites for consuultations and procedures..
• Train all ooperators and coordinatoors of Interacctive Websitees to promotte and teachh the servicees of variouss
institutions aavailable in the network.
• Train 20% of the inhabbitants of the City to makee inquiries annd transactionns online.

European N
Network of Livving Labs AISB
BL, Pleinlaan 99, 1050 Brusse
els, Belgium www.openlivin
w info

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