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Membership Application


1. Basic Facts
Living Lab (host) organisation
Living Lab short name AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL
Living Lab full name (title) Living Lab ‘Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento’
Host organisation name Fundación País del Conocimiento
Host organisation VAT number NIT: 900.311.105-4
Host organisation type Non-Profit Organization, NGO
Postal address Calle 26 N° 13 - 69, Oficina 904, Edificio Atabanza, Centro Internacional
Post code 110311
City Bogotá D.C.
Country Colombia
Telephone +571-334 52 45, Mobile Phones: +57-300 259 58 03 y +57-312 290 66 53
Fax +571-334 52 45
Web-site (URL),,
Living Lab established [year] 2009

Living Lab manager / main contact person

First name Francisco Javier
Last name Roldán Velásquez
Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Mr.
Postal address Calle 26 N° 13 – 69, Oficina 904, Edificio Atabanza
Post code, City 110311, Bogotá D.C.
Country Colombia

2. Membership Motivation
We have taken as a Living Lab pilot the Department of Antioquia: y Our organization is prepared to structure, implement and
consolidate the project of Living Lab 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge’ (including the City of Medellin: and its Metropolitan Area: as the largest appropriation
model of Science and Technology in the country and Latin America, through intensive, productive and efficient use
of ICT as an instrument of Open Innovation. As a member of ENoLL, we want to share experiences, knowledge and
methodologies with the existing network of Living Labs around the world through national and international
collaborative work, involving all actors of society in the Department of Antioquia, with a joint organized multisectoral
between the State, the productive sector, academia and civil society organizations, by highlighting the direct and
collective participation of citizens, as the basis of a Living Lab model. We hope to receive knowledge of the
methodologies of the open innovation that is generated in this network by co-participation of all Livings Labs. With
our Living Lab we want to participate in the development of open architecture, in the management in research and
innovation, in the incubation of joint projects, together with our European partners and co-founding members (The
Territories of Tomorrow Foundation, European Network Digital Cities and the European Association of Arts,
Education and New Technologies - ARENOTECH). The contribution that 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL'
make to ENoLL, lies in sharing the experience of the implementation of multisectoral coordination model, with
which it is put into motion a great " Territory of Knowledge" with 5.7 million population, involving 125 municipalities
( with its political, social and cultural dynamics, for a
positive and unprecedented transformation, in a context of enormous social problems, marked by violence,
corruption, drug trafficking, guerrillas, paramilitaries and more recently environmental disasters, with a wave of
torrential rain, that has left more than 2 million Colombians victims, and for that reason we are looking to this
pilot as a model for other countries and developing regions, but also a reality of social and economic
transformation, not only from our Department of Antioquia and its subregions, but also for Colombia (See
more: Given the characteristics of the Living Lab,
its scale, and the diversity of actors involved in the Living Lab in all regions of the Department of Antioquia, we
can share experiences in the areas of co-creation, co-design, exploration, experimentation and evaluation. Also,
European Network of Living Labs AISBL, Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
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AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL Page 2 of 8

our Living Lab can participate in virtually all work groups, but if we want to emphasize in particular this Thematic
Sub Groups: 1. Social Innovation. Social Inclusion; 2. Thematic Tourism. Culture Services; 3. Regional, territorial
and Rural Development of Smart Regions, and 4. Security. Our Foundation "Knowledge Country" plans to
effectively enforce ENoLL joining after June this year, a process that would be accelerated with the
certification of 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' as a member of ENoLL.
3. Description and Characteristics
Capabilities of the Living Lab 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge’ and its attributes. The conditions
are already given with advances in appropriation of Science and Technology, Open Innovation, and the use ICT,
where citizens work collectively and participate in all the issues that make it possible for the Department of
Antioquia is a national model (See: “State of the Art in Science, Technology and Innovation and ICT”: and "Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia": The Department of Antioquia
( presents advantages in institutional innovation, enterprise development,
advances in Science, Technology and Innovation in the region, mainly in the capital Medellin
( and its Metropolitan Area -View ‘Innovation Projects
under development at the Department of Antioquia’:
Antioquia is leading the country in research. Research groups located throughout the department running 26%
of research projects carried out at the national level. Of the 71 groups ranked by Colciencias as excellence in
the country, 26 are in Medellin, 37%, and 600 graduates in doctoral programs, 200 are located in Antioquia,
33%. This region showed greater connectivity and ICT infrastructure of the country, mainly over 4,350 public
educational institutions, without having the private, all of which have computers with Internet. Likewise, the
growing boom in new businesses and strengthening of entrepreneurship throughout the department. Their key
attributes and key success factor of "AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL" is the enormous capacity for
creativity of its population, shown for years by the strength of its people in the country's business innovation.
The business boom that Antioquia has evidenced for years with major businesses in Colombia as Grupo
Bancolombia, Empresas Publicas de Medellin, UNE Telecomunicaciones, Suramericana de Inversiones,
Grupo Nacional de Chocolates, among others. Main features of the Living Lab of Antioquia Department of
Knowledge: 1. The Education in the Department of Antioquia is the first and most fundamental Megaproject of the
administration of Antioquia ( It achieved significant progress in ICT infrastructure and
antioquia.html. There are important advances in the field of technical education, bilingualism, teacher training and
higher education, which has been supported by the expansion in the sub regions of technological institutions and
universities. 2. The Department of Antioquia is the region of
Colombia that has the most important investment in recent years by the national government in Science,
Technology and Innovation and also in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which has led to a
breakthrough to this Department on these issues. See: Competitive Strategy: Strategic Clusters:, This is a summary. Extend
this information in:
4. Organisation
1. The most important actors of ‘AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL’. Below are some institutions of
public and private sector, unions, trade associations, universities, research centers and organizations, among
others, as part of the 'Institutional Network of Antioquia Department’ for the implementation and consolidation
of 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL'. To see complete list their web sites, as well as the expansion of the
information in this paragraph, in: A. State institutions at
the departmental and municipal levels: Government of Antioquia with its 125 municipalities, City of
Medellin, Metropolitan Area Aburrá, Institute for the Development of Antioquia - IDEA, Empresas Públicas de
Medellín - EPM. B. Private Sector (Unions and Financial Sector): Medellin Chamber of Commerce,
Chamber of Commerce Aburrá Sur, Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Antioquia, among others. C. Higher
Education Institutions: Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad EAFIT, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-
Sede Medellín, "Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana University in Medellin, among others …... H. Third Sector
Organizations: Territories of Tomorrow Foundation, European Association of Arts, Education and New
Technologies - ARENOTECH. I. Social control and citizen participation: Citizen Oversight of Medellín,
Community Associations, Community Action Committees, Community Housing Boards, Local Administrative
Boards, Indigenous Organization of Antioquia - OIA, Women Heads of Household, organizations of Black
people, Organizations of Displaced Persons, Organizations of Former Rebels, among many others. J. Major
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national institutions that support the Department of Antioquia in Technological Development and
Innovation: Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation -Colciencias, Ministry of
Education, Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of
Environment, National Service-Learning SENA. Finally the most important player: Citizens Antioquia as users,
who receive the benefits of products and services offered by all actors, be it state, educational institutions and
companies, among others. 2. Persons working with Antioquia Living Lab (See more details: 1. André Jean Marc Loechel, Presidente de la Fundación
Territorios del Mañana y Presidente de la Red Europea de Ciudades Digitales: 2. Laura García Vitoria, Presidente de
ARENOTECH, Directora Científica de la Red Europea de Ciudades Digitales: 3. Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez,
Presidente de la Fundación país del Conocimiento: y 4. Mario Guillermo Acosta: 3. Main entities of the Living Lab
'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimiento'. The Living Lab 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge' is coordinated by the
Country Foundation of Knowledge and the Government of Antioquia department, with its various institutions and
organizations, which in turn form part of the 'Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia'. Each of the
institutions, companies and organizations of the network, have their own mission and functions. View Web sites in: The 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' is a multi-sectoral
coordination tool to give greater scope to the mission and functions of its different actors to citizens, as users or
consumers of its products and services, by clearly defining their roles in the Living Lab, as advocates and leaders of
productive, intensive and efficient use of ICT, used as a tool for open and collaborative innovation, involving more
closely to the citizen, who is the real reason for each member of that network. The Government of Antioquia has
mainly the following actors, including: Institute for the Development of Antioquia, IDEA, Antioquia Strategic Plan-
PLANEA, Regional Development Agency of Antioquia - ADRA, Tecnological Park of Antioquia - PTA, among others.
By The Foundation of Country of Knowledge, have the following co-founding members, among others: 1. International
Members: Fondation des Territoires de Demain -Territories of Tomorrow Foundation-, Réseau Européen des Villes
Numériques (RVN) -European Network of Digital Cities-, European Association of Arts, Education and New
Technologies - ARENOTECH, 2. National Members: SoftMangement, SA, Technology Qualification, Nodrizza,
National Association of Computer Law - ACODITIC, Foundation Think Green, TECICOM, among others. Once we
count with the recommendations of various studies and with the Integrated Operational Plan of the macro project that
emerges from these studies, we will convene the representatives of various institutions, companies and organizations
that are part of the 'Institutional Network of Antioquia' -which already are intervening in their technological development
and innovation processes-, with the purpose to make of this network, the institutional pillar to launch "Antioquia,
Department of Knowledge" (including the City of Medellin), with which will execute the strategies, programs, projects
and activities of medium and long term, that are realized from the studies. The 'Institutional Network of Antioquia'
includes updated web sites of all actors, duly qualified for the query evaluator, where has the mission, plans and
functions of each of the entities. The outline of the organizational model that is presented is an open and participatory
model, which it is being arranged with all stakeholders in the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' and will
depend largely on the final model R + D + i that is formulated for the region, including the city of Medellin (Route n),
which optimize more efficiently the 'Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia' (including the City of Medellin
and its metropolitan area), where the citizen is the focus of the activities of different stakeholders (State, Sector of
Education and Academy, Productive Sector and organized civil society or third sector), also involving some existing
organizational models, focusing on socio-economic development in the region to apply innovation in their processes
and have built alliances between the State, the Academy and the Productive Sector. Read more at: 4. Activity and collaboration in national and/or
international contexts of the Living Lab. There exists a number of projects, activities, actions of the State,
the productive sector, academia and civil society organizations and a growing interaction between them. This
is already a reality in our society and our region, since a couple of years! Results are in interactions of the
alliance of University - Business - State, in draft Medellin City Cluster (, in the
spontaneous organization of rallies and events, always led by the young population, such as: Meetups
(, Barcamp Medellín (,
TEDxMedellín (, Hiperbarrios (, among others. Tecnnova
(, has become the bridge between companies,
universities, state and organized civil society, basing its strategy on Open Innovation. The Living Lab
'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL', as formal project at the moment is in developing studies, for the
structuring and implementation of 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge (See more in 9: Direction and Plans
for the future: Nationally,

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we have actively participated in the development of the Digital Territories in Colombia: Internationally,
several members of the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL', have had for many years, rich and diverse
experiences of international collaboration, which has contributed to strengthening the Department of Antioquia, the
Municipality of Medellin and its Metropolitan Area. Almost one might say that all who are part of the Institutional
Network of the Department of Antioquia have extensive experience in international cooperation and many of them
have offices of international relations. The latest evidence of the international collaboration we had, it was with the
Fondation des Territoires de Demain -Territories of Tomorrow Foundation-, Réseau Européen des Villes
Numériques (RVN) -European Network of Digital Cities- and European Association of Arts, Education and New
Technologies - ARENOTECH. See more at: 5. Constitution of Living
Lab. The need arises in 2004 to raise awareness on the importance of multisectoral coordination between different
actors of society (State, Academy, productive sector and civil society organizations), through conferences, lectures,
workshops, seminars, talks and social networks , among others, promoting and leading the construction of Digital
Territories, with the philosophy "Digital Colombia towards a Country of Knowledge". See more at: We have always had the premise, that to achieve a country as
a Territory of Knowledge, is very important and necessary that all of Colombian society, as a whole, unite in a joint
multi-sectoral, -based on ICT as a tool for the benefit of citizens, as the focus of attention and actions of all these
social actors-, around the state, which calls and promotes to the Academy (Education as the essence for the
creation of knowledge) with universities, research groups and centers, technological development centers and
educational institutions both private and public, the production sector with its unions and businesses, civil society
organizations such as associations, foundations, cooperatives, corporations, unions and NGOs all Considered, and
the citizens, to build together "Colombia, Country of Knowledge". After the process was matured, it became
necessary to form the Country of Knowledge Foundation in 2009, according to the Statutes of the Foundation, to
begin studies for the purpose of implementing the Department of Antioquia as a Knowledge Territory, and convert it
in a pilot for Colombia. To our Foundation joined companies and organizations -european and nationals-. See
organizations and companies co-founders: The foundation then becomes
the engine that is marking out the process to start with the first Knowledge Territory in Colombia, and after some
efforts have been made aware to the Government of Antioquia to be the department chosen as model. 6. How is
governed the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL'. So far, the Country of Knowledge Foundation,
as manager and promoter of the 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' Living Lab, is developing studies using
specific agreement of association with the Department of Antioquia, for implementation as a Territory of Knowledge
and is governed by a framework cooperation agreement (between the Country of Knowledge Foundation, the
Governor of Antioquia and the Institute for the Development of Antioquia-IDEA), in addition of the social object and
specific objectives, described in the Statutes of the Country of Knowledge Foundation. 7. How decisions are made
at the strategic level. The strategic decision, in this first phase of "Antioquia, Department of Knowledge", are taken
together with the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Antioquia, the Institute
for the Development of Antioquia - IDEA and Country Foundation of Knowledge, which is defined in the framework
partnership agreement and the first specific agreement of association, subject to all regulations in force in Colombia.
5. Openness
How our LL is committed to, and benefits from “openness”. The Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL
"understands very well the philosophy of sharing, to teach all, to build together, solidarity, social responsibility
of enterprises and the social role of government agencies as a premise for development . This is evidenced by
all the actors ‘Red Institutional Antioquia’ in its mission, functions, principles and values (see websites of the
various institutions, companies and organizations that conform it). Therefore the commitment to facilitate
openness is total, for philosophical reasons, principles and values. The Country of Knowledge Foundation as a
manager and promoter of the Living Lab for example, is governed by values and principles which
demonstrates its complete openness with the public in general. View Values and Principles of the Foundation: In the philosophical framework "Colombia towards
a Country of Knowledge", our Country of Knowledge Foundation, states that "To achieve a country of knowledge,
it is very important that all of Colombian society unites in a joint multi-sector (based on ICT for Citizens benefit, as
the focus of attention and actions of all these social actors) around the state that calls and promotes to the
Academy (Education as the essence for the creation of knowledge) with universities and research groups,
centers Technological Development and educational institutions both private and public, the production sector
with its unions and businesses, civil society organizations such as associations, foundations, cooperatives,
corporations, unions and all NGOs, and obviously the citizen, so that together can build "Digital Colombia, toward
a Knowledge Territory". See 'Philosophical framework of the Country of Knowledge Foundation': How it benefits the Living Lab

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'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' Open Innovation Model? Is favored in the incremental benefit given

under the basic principle of "unity is strength". It is the satisfaction of seeing how the new technologies are
coming to population: vulnerable, the disadvantaged, displaced, demobilized, blacks, women-headed
households, homeless children, among others, overcoming the digital divide. Finally, it is the satisfaction of
feeling that with the Living Lab model, there is greater equity and more accomplished digital and social
inclusion. The IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) principles applied by our LL, and how this supports
openness and LL capability and efficiency. The Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' with respect to
intellectual property is governed by Colombian law that is consistent with the agreement of the World Trade
Organization - WTO, intellectual property (TRIPS). See website of the National Directorate of Copyright, Ministry of
Interior ( and the National University. However, in order to
strengthen and expand the strategies that promote the generation of knowledge and skill development designed to
encourage a spirit to the artistic, cultural, scientific and technological, the Colombian government launched an action
plan the adequacy of intellectual property system productivity and national competitiveness. How open our LL is
for new investors/partners and the principles applied. The Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' in its
essence is and will be open to participation by all, whether investors or domestic or foreign partners and in
particular the participation in the broader sense, according to the philosophical foundations that inspires us to
collectively create a country of knowledge, among all Colombians. The following are the principles that apply in the
Living Lab: 1. Teamwork, 2. The common good prevail over individual interests, 3. Cooperation and Community
Involvement, 4. Creativity and Open Innovation, among others. How our LL uses media/channels (web etc) for
public visibility, communication and interaction. The media are crucial to successful socialization and
awareness of the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' to achieve the highest level of public visibility.
Several members of the 'Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia' have enormous strengths in the
media. The Government of Antioquia and several universities have their own radio stations covering the entire
department. In addition to this there is a wide network of community radio stations that disseminate information of
Department of Knowledge at the time. But it highlights, that the Government of Antioquia and the Municipality of
Medellin have their own TV channels open, covering the entire department (from Medellin for the entire department
comes via cable TV): See website Teleantioquia:, Teleantioquia live streaming:, Telemedellin web site: and live streaming Telemedellin: For the interaction with users, highlights the wide
experience in Social Networks Knowledge Foundation's country and some of its members, such as: a) Youtube
Channels of Country Knowledge Foundation: and
b) Colombia 2025 (+32,600 fans), among others. View
extended information with websites, videos and pictures on:
6. Resources
Technology / infrastructure that is essential / critical in usage contexts or for our LL operations.
1. For the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' is important to have 'technological methodologies for
groups management', 2. Fiber optic connectivity and wireless connectivity in the 125 municipalities in the
department of Antioquia, 3. New Broadband technologies, with more bandwidth, and mobile connectivity, 4.
Massification of PCs and software throughout the Department of Antioquia with connectivity, 5. It requires
privilege the use of free software in all areas of ICT application, 6. Similarly it should design a good model of
awareness for the proper appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST + I), trough intensive,
productive, innovative and efficient ICT use, as an instrument of Open and Collaborative Innovation.
Our LL’s status and plans when it comes to our LL business model and financial sustainability.
Currently, the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' is in the development of the partnership
agreement between the Country of Knowledge Foundation and the Government of Antioquia in the first phase
for studies and socialization of 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge'; the second phase includes the
implementation, by implementing an action plan proposed, as a result of studies of the first phase, which is
concluded and approved by the Technical Committee with the support of the Scientific Council. Each of the
actors is administratively and financially autonomous and they all have financial sustainability (see financial
reports and budget plans on websites of the Institutional Network Antioquia). Experience and capability that our
LL has, when it comes to international networking. Our Living Lab is meeting the National Policy Digital Territories,
with the 125 municipalities in 9 subregions. Our own strategy is in structuring and implementing the Department of
Antioquia as a territory of knowledge with 9 subregions. In the case of Medellin, it combines strategies of Digital
City, Smart City and / or Ubiquitous and International City of Knowledge. Various provincial government
institutions and universities, as well as organizations and companies in the 'Red Institutional Antioquia
Department, "have a rich experience of collaborative work in international networks in a number of major
European Network of Living Labs AISBL, Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
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AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL Page 6 of 8

projects (see the various web sites in the Institutional Network of Antioquia) and are coordinated through the
International Cooperation Agency - ACI:
Likewise, the Country Knowledge Foundation, has its European partners who are constantly working with
issues of Living Labs, Territories of Knowledge and Open Innovation: View top 10 videos at:
Our LL’s most “labour-intensive” activities and persons (full-time equivalents) that are working for our
LL. The main activities outlined in the Living Lab are: Inter-agency coordination: 1. Strategic Planning of
Knowledge Territory, 2. Research and Development, 3. Literacy, education and training in ICT and Science,
Technology and Innovation, 4. Management of National and International Cooperation, 5. Financial sustainability
management model with the central government, businesses, unions, universities, research centers, technology
parks and national and international organizations …, 8. Media Management, among others. View record: Living
Lab Activities: The model of the Living Lab
'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' is participatory and integrated between the different actors in the
'Institutional Network of Antioquia', with a systemic, holistic and integrated through a collaborative scheme
Networking, where each institution, organization, company, union or NGOs, have budget and financial
autonomy and is being defining the organizational model to ensure its functionality, where they will consult
how many people do we need, about their roles and how many are full-time in the implementation of Antioquia
Department of Knowledge, in an open and flexible organizational model, as proposed for the Living Lab. View
in detail in: Main Living entities: However,
independent of the above, in the first phase of study and socialization of the 'Antioquia, Department of
Knowledge' Living Lab, it has a staff including: See at:
View extended information with websites, videos and pictures on:
7. Users and Reality
The main principles for how users are involved in your LL. The principles governing the Living Lab
'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimiento' apply to all users and citizens involved in: 1. Cooperation and Community
Involvement, 2. Collaborative work, 3. Creativity and Open Innovation, 4. Solidarity and Partnership, 5.
Arrangment, 6. Transparency, 7. Confidence, 8. Tolerance, 9. Justice and equity, among others.
Important real-life/work environment(s) and our LL arrangements to achieve “realism”. There are some
business, unions, and universities that are involving citizens in the innovation process through real life
experimentation. They are some organizations that play coordination roles between academia, companies, and
public agencies and of course, users or citizens, while providing a series of services either directly or through close
partnership with other companies. Some of them organize users as a pool of voluntaries while others recruit them
on a project basis. Are already seeing cases in Antioquia and Medellin mainly stimulating to the participation of
citizens and users, for example, collaborative work between students and businessmen, mainly on the University
Alliance - Company - State of Antioquia, building a technological innovation ecosystem, making the integration of
technological and social innovation. Businesses already are benefiting from university research. Such is the case of
the Argos Company that has sponsored research with the National University, which will improve the properties of
kaolin, which is the main component of white cement, using microorganisms that have the ability to remove iron in
the ore, making whitewash and thus achieve international standards, making the industry more competitive. See
more at: The conditions are being created for
citizens, as users of products and services and they are protagonists of the processes. This says Henry
colombia-is-overcoming-the-commodity-trap/. From the Country of Knowledge Foundation we are leading an
intensive media plan with all radio channels, newspapers, television and social networks to motivate the collective
construction of knowledge Territory, where all citizens, who are the reason for all society actors, make this your
reality, participating with their opinions, their ideas, their projects. For them in the short term will be held 13 thematic
panels in the intensive, productive and efficient use of ICT in different fields (education, health, government,
agriculture, tourism, etc) as tools for Open and Collaborative Innovation, with direct and collective participation of
citizens. See fields of application at: Proof of this is that
today already is a reality the culture of entrepreneurship ( in Medellin and
Antioquia, with the participation of private sector and thousands of ongoing projects. Read more at:
arrollo%20Empresarial/Emprendedores/emprendedores.asp. For this, the government and companies, for about
5 years, are providing important resources and mechanisms to encourage such participation, with programs such
as Entrepreneur Antioquia, the Seed of Entrepreneurship, Young Entrepreneurs, Seed Research, among others.
View detailed videos and photos and other links at:
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How actively and deeply users are involved in our LL activities. Our 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' Living
Lab, has no rationale if not exists citizens as users. Citizens are the fundamental and decisive factor in all processes
of collective construction of knowledge Territories, which today plays a leading role Collective Intelligence. Many
citizens as users of products and services, are active part of the research processes, entrepreneurship and the
generation of complete cycles of products and services in Medellin and Antioquia. The user is the reason of
being for the State, the Academy, the Productive Sector and Third Sector (NGOs). The project ‘Medellin Digital
Living Lab’ presented in this 5wave of ENoLL, is part of this dynamic: View project:
ENoLL5W_CO_MedellinDigitalLL.pdf. Are LL activities performed for, with or by users? At the moment,
already many activities in Medellin y en Antioquia are performed for, with and by users.
Important methods and tools that are utilized by your LL for user involvement. Free wireless connectivity
in all municipalities of Antioquia, Telecenters, community access points free Internet, strengthening the
entrepreneurship culture, literacy for a culture of open and collaborative innovation, training plans, workshops,
training, e-Learning, forums, seminars, conferences, discussions of motivation, media campaigns (radio,
television, press), Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Sonic, YouTube, Slideshare, etc.) and mobile
telephony, among other mechanisms and methods. View extended information with websites, videos and
pictures on:
8. Value
The most important assets, values and services being exchanged and/or generated within our LL. In
our Territory of Knowledge Living Lab, assets, securities and services that are interchange or are created
within their context, are those that are generated in each of the entities and institutions, associations,
businesses, educational institutions, research centers, technology parks and civic organizations, among
others. In that vein, the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' these products, values and services
that are exchanged or generated, are those made by various actors in the Institutional Network of Antioquia, in
pursuance of its objects and their functions.
Assets/values/services that ‘AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL’ actors offer/provide to our LL. All the
actors, offer and provide their products, values and services to the Living Lab and vice versa. It is a cyclical
process. The actors of 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' Living Lab are able to better enhance their
marketing mechanisms, since the Living Lab is a scenario that integrates all the key players of the Company,
and through the union of all in 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge', there is only one win - win.
Assets/values/services that ‘AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL’moffers/provides to our LL actors
(including the users). The actors in the Living Lab, as mentioned above, receive all the benefits of the
products, values and services that are generated in the same Living Lab, such as: use of technology
platforms, studies, research, promotion, marketing, training, training, business roundtable, among others. You
can appreciate in more detail in various videos and links to web sites of Institutional Network of Antioquia,
among others, that we presented before, in expanding the information in the preceding paragraph.
Assets/values that are collaboratively generated (co-created) in our LL. Much is being doing with all
actors of society in the Department of Antioquia, through actions and projects of different actors in the
Institutional Network of Antioquia. At the Living Lab, in generating synergies of skills, knowledges, and
capabilities are achieved many results in networking, allowing joint development of a number of products,
value and service. At the starting a participatory dynamics, unprecedented in Latin America and maybe in the
world, as we are proposing, we must all think that anything is possible in Medellín and Antioquia.
Parts of a full product/service life-cycle that our LL supports. If we consider that a "life cycle" complete, that is
composed by idea, concept, design, development, testing, use, support, maintenance and termination of the
product or service, we think that basically the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' develops all of them
and for that made a Departmental Policy of knowledge Management Plan, a comprehensive organizational model,
and strategic planning for mission accomplishment, which is the implementation and consolidation of Antioquia as a
knowledge Territory. However, for such a heterogeneous diversity of the different actors of the Institutional Network
of the Department of Antioquia, it setting up itself an amalgam of all 'life cycles' of many products and services,
related to ICT, with the technological innovation that occurs in every industry present in the department and the
provision of all possible public services and customer care and / or citizen.
LL-relevant value chains and which parts of the value-chains our LL supports. Recalling that the Living
Lab are involved companies, unions, universities, research centers, technology parks, regional government
entities and municipalities, civic organizations, various institutions, among others, one must understand that is
generating an undetermined number of value chains, daring to think that would be all the more common and
generate new strings from management innovation and the appropriation and use of ICT as an instrument of
Open Innovation, and the appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation in the nine (9) subregions of
European Network of Living Labs AISBL, Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Membership Application: ENoLL 5th Wave
AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL Page 8 of 8

Antioquia, with support from the national government (Colciencias). However, it is expected that initially there
will be more value chain with support activities, which primary activities of production or logistics. Specifically
these value chains are in several of the actors in our Living Lab. Some important value chains that are within the
specific objectives of the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' are: 1. Knowledge Management, 2.
Innovation, 3. Information Management, 4. Process Management: Operations and Support, 5. Development and
management of content and applications, 6. Information and technology, among others. The Living Lab has a
strong emphasis on Information and Communications Technologies, and accordingly, it should be noted that
convergence in this sector of ICT enables new roles actors. Also, companies tend to be present in one or more
elements of the value chain. View extended information with websites, videos and pictures on:
9. Direction and Plans for the Future
With the methodologies of Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL', we hope to create the first Department of
Knowledge of Colombia, generating dynamics that facilitate learning and feedback, which will serve as a pilot and
model for structuring other Territories of Knowledge in Colombia, such as municipalities, cities, regions and
departments, which enable progress towards the construction of ‘Colombia Country Knowledge’. View philosophical
framework: "Colombia is ready to be a country of Knowledge!': There are
already about 40 developing Digital Territories1 in Colombia, which is the first step to move towards
Territories of Knowledge2, through research, structuring, implementation and consolidation of them. It is
moving forward with a campaign of awareness and motivation at the national level: See more at: Video
Channel of the foundation on YouTube:; Our Dream: "Colombia,
Territory of Knowledge" in 2025!..:; Colombia 2025:; Colombia toward a Country of Knowledge:; Presentations:
At the time we are developing the following objectives for the studies and socialization of "Antioquia
Department of Knowledge" as a pilot of Living Lab: General Purpose. In a partnership agreement (in process)
with the Governor of Antioquia, we pretend to coordinate actions, efforts, skills and knowledge to build the
strategies, programs, projects, resources, organizational model, parameters and criteria for the structuring,
implementation and consolidation of ‘Antioquia, Department of Knowledge’ as a Living Lab with its 125
municipalities. Specific short-term objectives: 1. Definition of the organizational system; 2. Identification of
strategies, programs, projects and activities of the Living Lab; 3. Identify sources of local and national funding
projected to 10 years; 4. Analysis of projects in light of the Computer Law; among others. Specific medium-
term objectives: 1. Execution model wired and wireless connectivity to the Internet to the 125 municipalities
of Antioquia, according to their characteristics; 2. Development of ICT inventory model for the department with
its municipalities; 3. Carrying out the inventory, 4. Develop best practices guide for developing services aimed
at citizens in an environment of connectivity; 5. Implementation of Digital Literacy Program for 125
municipalities; among others. Specific long term objectives: 1. Execution of the Program of masification of
computers with their software, connected to the Internet for households and MSMEs; 2. Implementation and
appropriation of a model I + D + i (Scientific and Technological Research + Development + Innovation) in the
context of the Regional System of Science, Technology and Innovation; 3. Implementation of open innovation
models, using methodologies of Living Lab in the Department of Antioquia and its 9 sub-regions, from the
identification of areas of application according to socioeconomic, political and cultural needs of each
municipality of the 9 subregions; 4. Continuous generation of new ventures projects in 125 municipalities of
Antioquia, with open and collaborative innovation methodologies in different fields of application of ICT, among
others. Critical Success Factors: 1. Project understanding; 2. Comprehensive planning with proper
strategies; 3. Competencies of the Project Team; 4. Effective communication; 5. Realistic estimates of Time
and costs; 6. Adequate control of projects; 7. Collaborative participation of citizens; among others.
Risk Factors: 1. Delays in decision-making in the organization; 2. Poor organization; 3. Changes in
organizational priorities; 4. Budget constraints; 5. Changes in the scope of the project; 6. Economic crisis
affecting the organization and the project; 7. Low morale in the team; 8. Discouragement; 9. Natural disaster;
10. Resistance to change; 11. Red tape and bureaucracy; 12. Low productivity and poor use of project
management disciplines, amog others. See detailed information:

1 Overcrowding, Digital Literacy and Appropriation of ICT, in their respective territories.

2 Appropriation of Science and Technology, using productive, efficient and intensive use of ICT as a tool for open and collaborative
European Network of Living Labs AISBL, Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

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