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Nama : Muhammad Widiyatmoko

Nim : 17050042
Mata Kulaih : Kepemimpina A

Bicara efektif dalam bahasa inggris

First of all I thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is
Muhammad Widiyatmoko, 22 years old. I am the second child of two siblings. I
was born in Jakarta, July 08, 1999. I currently live in Jalan Amarta No. 26, Pelem
Lor, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Then ask for permission, I will read the history of education that I have
lived, in 2017 I completed vocational secondary education at 35 public high
school Jakarta. Then I continued my education to college at the Adisutjipto high
school of technology, Yogjakarta with a major in aeronautical engineering, for
now I am still in college as a 7th semester student, as for the reason I continue to
study in the aeronautical engineering major, namely my curiosity about the world
of aviation, especially regarding maintenance or aircraft maintenance, as well as
part of my dream to become an aircraft technician.

Talking about the college I went to, I asked for permission, I will explain a
little about the profile of my college, I studied at the Adisutjipto high school of
technology which is a private university located in the province of DI Yogyakarta,
which is under the TNI AU super effort. There are several majors, namely
electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, informatics engineering, industrial
engineering, and aeronautical engineering. I myself became an aeronautical
engineering student by concentrating on aircraft maintenance and maintenance.

Talking about hobbies, I really like nature and travel, I have a hobby,
namely mountain climbing, mountains for me teach the true meaning of life,
teaching how humans should live side by side with nature, and having a hobby of
mountain climbers can fill entertainment in the midst of busy lecture hours, and
have many travel companions, from my hobby I have been able to explore the
highest mountains in Indonesia, especially the mountains on the island of Java.

Then there is one more thing that I say about the city where I took my
tertiary education, namely the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta is a province that
has a special area where the governmental system is led by a governor who is also
the king of the Mataram Mataram Palace, Yogyakarta in the eyes of the outside
world is known. as a cultural city with the local wisdom of its people, a tourist
city because it has many beautiful and beautiful tourist attractions, and a food city
because there are so many specialties that come from this one city, as well as a
student city because there are so many formal schools and colleges in this city.
Jogja for me is a second home as well as a city with a million memories and
longings. The people are friendly, still uphold local customs, making me feel at
home in this city.

That is all I can say about this self-introduction, I thank you very much.

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