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2. Unemployed: not having a job that provides money
 The man is now unemployed
 Most of them are either unemployed or.
3. Employed: having a job working for a company or another person
 Norris had been too well employed to move faster.
 Having employed several Chinese servants in his.
4. Colleagues: one of a group of people who work together
 Her work is highly esteemed by all her colleagues.
 Please read this memo carefully and hand it on to your colleagues.
5. Qualifications: an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.
 You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
 Be sure you have some sort of qualification process.
6. Manager: the person who is responsible for managing an organization
 I would like to speak to the manager.
 She was a property manager.
7. Assistant: someone who helps someone else to do a job.
 I met with the assistant.
 Marta is my personal assistant.
8. Career: the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to
get better jobs and earn more money.
 Neither is a career hike
 I’ve had a rewarding career.
9. Leave: to go away from someone or something, for a short time or permanently
 I'll be leaving at five o'clock tomorrow.
 He left the house by the back door.
10. Intend: to have as a plan or purpose.
 We intend to go to Australia next year.
 I spent much more than I intended to.
11. Hard: difficult to understand, do, experience, or deal with.
 It's hard being a single mother.
 Her handwriting is very hard to read.
12. Salary: a fixed amount of money paid to someone for the work the person is employed to do, esp.
the amount paid every year:
 They pay half the salary.
 Juan don’t make a large salary.
13. Afford: to have enough money or time to buy, keep, or do something.
 I don’t know how he can afford a new car.
 I can't afford a holiday.
14. Scriptwriter: someone who writes stories for movies, television programs, etc.
 I suggest that he changes his scriptwriter
 The scriptwriter od the piratas del carive film is very good.
15. Production: the process of making or growing goods to be sold
 Coke is used in the production of steel.
 We watched a video showing the various stages in the production of glass.
16. Research: a detailed study of a subject in order to discover information or achieve a new understanding of it:
 The US government has funded some research on high-speed trains.
 I like doing research.
17. Lawyer: someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court.
 She's hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.
 Our lawyer thinks that we have a very good case.

18. Criminal: someone who commits a crime.

 Today's problem child may be tomorrow's criminal.
 Many of the country's toughest criminals are held in this prison.
19. Editors: a person who corrects and make changes to texts or films before they are printed or shown, or a person who
is in charge of a newspaper, magazine, etc., and is responsible for all of its reports.
 He is the editor of The Wall Street Journal.
 She is a freelance writer, reviewer, and editor.
20. Cameraman: a man or woman who operates a camera, esp. as a regular job, in
making movies or television programs.
 The cameraman glanced at the director of the actors who was dressed in black.
 The cameraman follows them inside, pausing briefly over a pile of shoes (10-15 pair) at the door.
21. Journalist: a person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them
on radio or television.
 The journalist asked the minister how he viewed recent events
 The journalist took notes throughout the interview.
22. Actor: a person who plays the part of a character in a movie or play.
 The play has a cast of six actors
 He is a celebrated Hollywood actor
23. Producer: a person who makes the practical and financial arrangements needed to make a film, play,
or television or radio programme.
 The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
 He does this with producer Harry O’Connor.
24. Soldier: a person who is in an army and wears its uniform, especially someone who fights when there is a war.
 He was pictured as a soldier in full uniform.
 The soldiers had erected barricades to protect themselves.
25. Episode: a single event or group of related events:
 This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.
 The drugs, the divorce, and the depression - it's an episode in his life that he wants to forget.
26. Competition: an activity done by a number of people or organizations, each of which is trying to do better than all of
the others.
 Competition for the job was fierce.
 Traditional booksellers face stiff competition from companies selling via the Internet.

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