Thyroid Therapy or Dysfunction in Athletes

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Thyroid Therapy or Dysfunction in Athletes: Is it

Time to Revisit the Clinical Practice Guidelines?
Krista G. Austin, PhD;1 and Steven Petak, MD, JD, MACE, FACP2
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performance. Furthermore, the use of thy-

Abstract roid medication did not meet the addi-
Recent media have highlighted the controversy surrounding treatment of elite tional criteria set forth by WADA, posing
athletes for hypothyroidism. The World Anti-Doping Agency denied a request a risk to health or violating the spirit of
by the United States Anti-Doping Agency to ban the use of thyroid medica- sport, to be considered a medication that
tion. At present, there is no scientific evidence that thyroid medication has should be placed on the list of prohibited
the potential to enhance performance. Clinical practice guidelines are not medications. The use of thyroid medica-
definitive in regard to what classifies a patient as having hypothyroidism. tion by athletes remains a controversial
Thyroid-stimulating hormone and free T4 are recommended to screen for issue with only a paucity of research avail-
thyroid disease; however, the thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation able and limited understanding of potential
test is still advocated by some for detecting the earliest stages of hypothy- hypothyroidism in this population. This
roidism. Hypothyroidism has been demonstrated to reduce cardiopulmo- commentary is intended to highlight
nary function and result in musculoskeletal symptoms, such as fatigue the current clinical practice guidelines
and muscle stiffness. Symptoms of hypothyroidism, including depression, (CPG), the state of knowledge regarding
fatigue, and impaired sleep, are similar to those reported in overtraining. exercise and hypothyroidism, and iden-
These patients may have hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction that may tify future directions for research aimed
complicate interpretation of basal thyroid-stimulating hormone and free at elucidating causes of hypothyroidism
T4. To date, no association has been identified between training state in the athlete population.
and hypothyroidism. Research to more clearly define hypothyroidism using
provocative testing, evaluate the potential for thyroid medication to Diagnosing Hypothyroidism
enhance performance, and examine whether training may induce hypothy- The American Association of Clinical
roidism in athletes is desirable. Endocrinology (AACE) developed CPG
to assist medical providers in the diagnosis
and treatment of hypothyroidism (3). Since the early 1990s, the
Introduction development of third generation assays for thyroid-stimulating
Over the past several years, the use of thyroid medication by hormone (TSH) lead to the almost near extinction of the previ-
elite athletes has come under scrutiny by the media and signifi- ously established gold standard method for assessment of thy-
cant doubt has been cast over the diagnosis of thyroid disease in roid function, the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
this population (1). Overtraining has been proposed as the stimulation test. TRH has subsequently become unavailable
reason for the hypothyroidism reported by elite athletes, and commercially, further limiting additional work on thyroid eval-
as a result, the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) uation in select populations. In agreement with most profes-
requested the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ban the sional organizations, AACE recommends the use of TSH to
use of thyroid medication (2). Based on consensus from experts, screen for thyroid disease (3). The adequacy of utilizing basal
USADA's request was denied by WADA given the scientific TSH alone to screen for the earliest stages of hypothyroidism
evidence available did not support overtraining induced hypo- has been questioned given it cannot reliably identify and diag-
thyroidism or the ability of thyroid medication to enhance nose subtle abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
thyroid axis (4,5).
1 According to the CPG, normative upper-limit TSH refer-
Performance and Nutrition Coaching, LLC, Solana Beach, CA; and 2Division
of Endocrinology, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX ence criterion for initiation of treatment for hypothyroidism
is 4.5 mIU·L−1 based on epidemiological data from the National
Address for correspondence: Krista G. Austin, PhD, Performance and Nutrition Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III.3 How-
Coaching, LLC, Solana Beach, CA 92075; E-mail: ever, the CPG highlights an argument for 2.5 or 3.0 mIU·L−1
as the upper limit, and a more recent analysis of NHANES
Current Sports Medicine Reports III supports 1.5 and 2.0 mIU·L−1 in women and men, respec-
Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine tively (6). During pregnancy, the upper limit for TSH is 2.0,

474 Volume 18  Number 12  December 2019 Thyroid Therapy or Dysfunction in Athletes

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
3.0, and 3.5 mIU·L−1 in the first, second, and third trimesters, and is recommended early on in pregnancy to prevent adverse
respectively (3). Criterion for diagnosis of hypothyroidism uti- medical issues when TSH is outside the recommended ranges
lizing the TRH stimulation test also is varied and ranges from for each trimester (3). To date, the short- or long-term use of
12.5 to 25 mIU·L−1 or a 20-mIU·L−1 change from baseline L-thyroxine or combinations with L-triiodothyronine to en-
(7,8). To date, robust longitudinal data or clinical trials have hance athletic performance has not been explored. This can
not been conducted to provide definitive criterion for diagno- be attributed to the research literature surrounding hyperthy-
sis of hypothyroidism utilizing base TSH or the TRH stimula- roidism and the detrimental effects it has shown on the cardio-
tion test. Given the evidence for variation in the upper limit of vascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal system, many of
TSH and limitations in the scientific evidence available to sup- which are equivocal impairments to that experienced as a re-
port a definitive criterion for hypothyroidism, AACE reminds sult of hypothyroidism (9,15). Research examining whether
practitioners to take into account individual patient circum- thyroid medication could enhance performance would first
stances when providing medical care. Furthermore, the CPG need to identify a definitive criterion for hypothyroidism and
clearly states that it is not intended to serve as standard of care then account for critical factors, such as rate of adaptation
or replace a medical professional's independent judgment re- to training, modulation of the training load, energy availabil-
garding treatment (3). ity, sport specificity, influence of other medications, and indi-
vidual pharmacokinetics of thyroid hormone.
Exercise and Thyroid Function
Hypothyroidism has been demonstrated to reduce exercise Conclusions
capacity and endurance performance (9). Thyroid therapy Collaboration between clinical physiologists and endocrinol-
has the potential to improve musculoskeletal complaints, such ogists is needed to develop robust, scientific criterion for when
as cramps and fatigue. Cardiac function including left ventric- patients should be medically treated for hypothyroidism. Fur-
ular ejection fraction and peak filling rate also may show im- thermore, the TRH stimulation test should be evaluated to de-
provement (9). However, improvements in maximal power termine whether it should be used in better defining thyroid
output, strength, and oxygen-carrying capacity (as a function dysfunction in special patient populations, such as elite athletes.
of hormone replacement and without a training program) pre- In addition, a better understanding for the role of training load,
dominately only occur in overt hypothyroidism (9). Despite energy availability, and the potential for the overtraining syn-
thyroid therapy, some patients with overt or subclinical hypo- drome to contribute to the development of hypothyroidism is
thyroidism are unable to improve exercise tolerance due to on- warranted. Exploration of the speculation that short- or long-
going symptoms (9). term use of thyroid hormone to enhance performance in euthy-
Thyroid function has been shown to be relatively stable in roid athletes is needed to clarify the concern raised by USADA.
asymptomatic euthyroid athletes (10–15). In euthyroid ath-
letes, measurements of TSH, free T4, and free T3 before and
after exercise show a decrease or no change in TSH and an in- Key Points
crease or no change in free T3 or T4 (14). Studies of strength • Special populations, such as elite athletes, may not fall into
athletes ranging from 24 wk to 1 year report variations in free the typical general population addressed by clinical guidelines.
T4 based on intensity and volume; however, no systematic • Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid function may be better
changes of clinical significance are observed over the training assessed in such populations by provocative studies, such as
cycle (11,12). Rowers monitored over a 20-wk period of en- the TRH test.
durance training showed either a positive or negative thyroid • A paucity of data makes further studies of these popula-
hormone response. A negative response was indicated by de- tions important in furthering our understanding of physiology
creases in TSH and free T3; however, athletes with a negative in addition to providing guidance in clinical interventions.
response returned toward baseline values by the end of the • Performance optimization may be possible with this better
study period (13). In a survey of nonelite female runners, understanding and concerns with “enhanced” performance
training intensity nor duration were associated with a diagno- can be addressed.
sis of thyroid dysfunction (16). Research examining root cause
dysfunction in athletes presenting with symptoms of hypothy- The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have
roidism has not previously been published and leaves a signif- any financial disclosures.
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476 Volume 18  Number 12  December 2019 Thyroid Therapy or Dysfunction in Athletes

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