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Avenue, 26 south street # 25 – 53

Neiva, Huila

Neiva, 07 October 2020

Madeforest, 70 south Street #1-46. La primavera Neiva-Huila Colombia


The reason for this letter is to communicate the disagreement regarding

environmental pollution and global warming, in the month of August in my country,
Colombia, the problems of the inhabitants were evidenced by not contributing to
environmental protection, people have I decided to throw the garbage into the
rivers in the green areas, especially this case is being seen in my Canaima
neighborhood, since there are few areas left in my city of Neiva.

Mayor Gorky Muñoz decided to create creative areas in the parks with recycling
materials that the families in my neighborhood can enjoy and take care of the


Diego Mauricio Manrique.

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