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(a).Subtract 14 from 46 using 2’s compliment

(b). Distinctions between combinational and sequentional circuits?

2. (a). Convert the octal number (2564.603)8 to Hexadecimal number.

(b).Define Gray code and convert the following Binary number into Gray code (i)
10001 (ii) 111010

3. (a).Define parity bit .generate hamming code for binary information

1001001 using even parity generator.

(b).Reduce the Boolean expression.

F= X + Y [Z + (X+Z)’]

4 (a).Reduce the function using K-map f=∑m (0, 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12)

(b).Draw and explain about SR FLIP FLOP.

Question Bank

1. The minterms in a karnaugh map are marked with a [

A. Y B. X C. 0 D. 1

2. An n variable K-map can have [

A. n2 cells B. 2n cells C.nn cells D. n cells

3. Combining the maximum possible no of adjacent squares in a map is called [

A. Odd implicant B. Even implicant C. Prime implicant D. Integer implicant

4. If (128)10=(1003)b, the possible base b is [

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

5. Complement of F’ gives back [

A. F’ B. F C. FF D. Undefined variable

6. If 1’s represents minterms then 0’s represents [

A. Maxterms B. Minterms C. Midterms D. Medians

7. Which of the following input combinations is not allowed in SR flip-flop? [

A. S=0, R=0 B. S = 0 , R = 1 C. S=1, R=0 D. S=1,R=1

8. Convert 12.125 decimal to binary [

A. 11000.001 B. 10111.1111
C. 1100.001 D. 0001 .10101

9. Unit distance code is the other name of [

A. Switching algebra B. sequential code C. cyclic code D. XS-3 code

10. In which of the following gates, the output is 1, if and only if at least one input is 1? [
A. AND gate B. OR gate C. NAND gate D. NOR gate

11. BCD subtraction is performed by using ___________________

12. Not gate is also known as

13. XS-3 code is ________________________ code

14. The De Morgan’s theorem states that___________________

15. An arithmetic circuit that’s adds only two binary digits is called

16. (11011)2 in BCD 8421 code is_________________

17. In an S-R flip-flop, S=1, R=0 is the _________ mode.

18. All logic gates have ____________ output.

19. An 8-square in k-map is called ________.

20. The toggle state of J-K flip- flop is _____________


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