RCAF Brandon Depot - Sep 1942

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r--~----' ,_- ---...,


i t PbobD<I!' HI' I" Timlh St.

:1' II A~.rmen. A.t.tAi!Intion!

A 101 UCtlr11! Ttdngll fOI" YOI,!'" Klt-Re-crelltlon-FtJl'loug.h Drop III and look o'O'or our m"rc:h.llllue

r\. .Ut :I' ... r I!"uy mrtmb-or or .Yo'Mllr ra.mlly

SMdl.1 iIILtrnuo;)l"I lv UI"n. .1 Ule AJr Fore.,




, ,

We saw ine mu~Iif'-IJl.Q on pe.r.,4oa The Iill.dl .. t"n ff9rn N'o ,. """'lnn,IQth IllclJ'p& .aDd lr01t flQ.oI And II hell)' boot lor H1t~.·:s ()r~w W .. MlW Ihenl nln and we IWIW urem


And. Wil: k:now the- f.~ 01 Tokyo wneu ~t.OY tur-n Oll I.he holll'",l"


I Delicious Hams, Bacon, SaU3all'e.l

"~~~~~::~'!~, I ~~;.;"~~~~~~:;:~~:~;~~~~!~ J I JOHNSON l

FOR Y0::l r-PERFE~S~;~'_'~~~;~'~ AND --I I HARDWARE


PHOTOGRA I Airmen's Suits 85c ,! C Ltd

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Come To' ponge ~ress


IT l.aun<lry Roem in Ute Manning Depot Under Direcuon of

Jerry Martin Headq uarters for

Photo-Art Studio

Your Airman'. Barber JACK TAYLOR




L_~:.~bln' Laundry and Clea,:~~_L __ .J L~_._. ______J

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701 Rosser Ave.

Phone 2910




Vol. 2, No.7

No. 2 Manning Depot. Brandon, Man.

September, 1942



With this teaue we Rgsln h.ve bad the tomerity to taka certalin Uberties with the lady's appcuance by way o( acme alterations in the make-up ot page one. Tbe feature carLooD usu(llIy

foOtlnd U'ere no ... • appeal's OD page two. EDITOR1A~S Page one hall cbeertuur re.linquished

thhi hODor to t'_ITnlsh space for the Inclusion or enmethlag enUrel:r new-~

Quick, rC(l.I_ly I'eference to the cooranta of thll!! issue, 'Page by \lB,ge. Another Inno"atllon Is the Index to adverLisers that ;p,ppears on page 17, The~1) teature8 'hove been Bdded to the Post for the reader's conventeace-e-uae theml And H rou have any other good eugges-lions for improving the maga~lne,cnd them along. It's your publication, remember.

NI)~hjng ~'H!r remalD!I quite the sam.e Printed by Tb-oe SUI'I Publishing Com,pa.ny. tJR'llted:, 24 T-enth 6tN!!~t. Bnnd.on, MAn.

In thb changing world, and tne A.h;~ J-UBLlSRRD MONTHLY AT R.C.A.F. NO. Z MA.NNING DEPOT, BRANDON. MAN. mea's Poet II! no exception. In rec.e.al

months lite made some colorful changes u_ttor-In-Chlef ItOBEJlT TYa,B. 'It.

In M~88 Post·s coyer wardrobe that so AIlv-er",lft._. ._. .. _. __ ...... ~.__ T BUrroN, nt. 1&1.

eompletelz gJamonr1ied the young la.dy C1n::tll&ti.~_.w_ ... _.~_.~ ..... __ "B .•• ADA.M •. riO

that she wai!! Immediately voted one of AttI."' __ ._ .. _~ .. _._p. KUCH, AC:Z

the most populll.r publlcat!lon, on ]ocal

newe-stands ..


September, 1942


.................................................................................................................. 2·3

A. foOt.word by Col. S. 8. 8'1'-I1LIIII\


......................................................................... 4

I!!:tatlo.a 'VlllaI staUsUCI



. 5

Breez)' BJII from the B~



Worde: skillfully employed over t.be a!r.waves and through the medium A.. ""lilt to the Dep(lt lib:r.ar;y

of the Press 'and' otber pu.bHcaUonl pl., just as vittll a part ~n wlnoLng a

war as do bombs and bayonet'l. Think what a. tragtc predicament we would WHAT A1.RMEIN ARE TAUGHT AT BOMBIN,G &. GUNNERY SCHOOL8 .... 7

be in Lf we were unable to en,ploy and d!ssemlnl\te words Df t.ruth Iud loKie ""'CANADA'S WINGS.' ..

. .... 7

to counteract the lying propaganda ot our enemies. Think how our nl.l.J.oual morale would suffel' .t we were deprIved ot the eight and $ound of those

A booJc review

brave words and venant 'Phrases lbat urge lUI on when we falter and lilt. THE BOVS WHO KEEP 'EM ROLLING._

....... 8

liS up when we ren.

And we like to thtnk that the At.rman"r; Post h. playing SOme woethwutle. al'r)eit mode!5I,. nurt in this \'H~l work. Fjgbtlng words Ln battle-dress a.ud alr toree blue are the kind of word-s we Uke to see marching througb the pale'S ot the Post. Words that make us very proud and eon$.ciou6 of those Ideals or freedom and decency that we fight and die tor. Words that foster

'J,1te ··Commanlla." af the M.T. Sedlon


New! and Views rrom the 10U.r eom"rs


. ... 11).11

Tbe sporn parade at No. 2

brotherhood among us, words that strengthen OUr purpose and sustain our

courage. Yes, English words are marching with banners these days. and MIS,S BRANDON Ct.AIMS RECORD IN DANCE MARATHON 12

theh- goal is Victory.


. ... 13


'The -pauln, show at No. 2


And now in lighter moo{l we'll tell you the story of Joe. Joe dropped into the ol'fice one day rec-ently and protrered 8. POem for pubUcaUon 1n the Post. We appla.uded Joe's indU1J.try and proceeded to examine his brainchild. It W'II.$ a pretty good poem-even In those !pots wbere Joe bad strained poetic license to the breaking point to rhyme "blood" With "bnot". In the "ftrst stanza Joe himself did 8 neat 'ob or destroying .six Me.ssersebmttee. In the second stanza be bumped ott three or tour Heinkefs, In the third it was a dozen Folke.mrulke~ that bit tlhe du-st. Then in the Jut


. 14

AC! BeeJer look. at Lire Ln the AJrForee


.................... , , 14

A strno vie,., the Dt'W teCrttLts


Who's Wllo In the :m,e:lIO-h.al1

. 15


........... 1ft

tcuc ltuee Joe. weigbed down with a, load or decorations on his man.ly eheet, A JMletlll tr.buteo to The R.Il.F.

staggered home and m,-a1'l"Ied the heroine. a blonde Darned Anna.belle. "fact- A GUIDE TO GOOD SHOPPIN,Gi " ".

tlllly we suggested that Joe might make one .01' two minot' changes to Improve the genera' appearance of his prodigy.

. 17

Our tl'lend the advertUiI!l'

"I dunno." said Joe. "I'~ have to aek the fellow who wrote tt for me:' THE LOVELORN COLUMN

. ,., 17

Joe's poem is not apl)'E!9.nng In the Post.

H4)rUnse Heart'ul'. ~al'rlu OD





. .... 18

Cpl. Ca.lder's a r- ucte on "Unarmed Combat" whlcb appeare i.n tbis 'B8U~ THE BARBER SHOP BOOK ...

of the Post should be read and digested wHh certain reservarlona. 'We Nam~s ehat. helpl!ld to make hLstory

. 19

caution you not to become too enthuetestre about this "Judo" business and ,jJUST stra.lghtaway attempt to show your friends how it works. 1t you do you'll probaobly Jose your friends and get a doctor's bill besides. A little knowledge

is a dangerous thing eometrmee. So beware!


..................................................... 2D

For those who '0 d(lWli to th,fl $fl;ll In ships



In our humble opinion this ta one ot the best Issues or the Post YE.lt, and we hope you'll agree wlbh U3 when you get eo chance to look it 0"\"6r. -R.T.




. A Memo To Hitler on The Eve of

The Third Anniversary of The War

badly. and 1t eeeme a pity tbose bUD- judgm.ent that Ie Slowly but surely dreds of German soldiers who re.., oYe,rtakJng you.

ce.ntdy a.cquJred '"dying space" tn Rue- I n view of the.e thl nlila, and othtr ala won't be around to hell) 1)oPl,lln,te ttllngl. we Ire not Inclined to think


Calenda...,eon- "ll"'94"'2-.S<;EuPT.,-----,1"'9""'421 1:9~O stuce, have you? We remember those stolen ueree fOr you, that you will find very much re •• on

liC"IQu" as yeu then bow confidently you predicted Leek arOl.Jnd Y6U, Hltle~'. nnd' eee ~~d.{:li!IlllIbr.te Ir'lytt1in", an SllIptamber

must be after 110, and to the war that year and a wh. .. t other realDna you can find foe,.

ape n din g II grcnt vi,clory for the RBi~h. celebrating three yens of war, Look

winter In Rus- But Time pl"Oved )'0" to be a rather acro$l the EwtUIi.", ohannel and tee

.1. It I.n't poor prophet, AdDlpfl, The victory Britain-mightier than ever before In CIVILIZATION'S CRUSADERS

likely that you th.t you were 1.0 casually .nd eon- her history, Peer aerolS the Water, (Arthur Gutterman In the New York

need to be ftdent!y reaching cut for b.·ne·nmOyetngf~yr or the Atl,;u'Itlc: and see another swift.- Herald Tribuue)

minded of th& Ip,:lroaol'l of anetber aome .tf'~l"Ige reason, I)' arming Gcllath----thi!l United Stolle:J

SeptembC!r 3t'd. How could )'01.01 poe .. elu.lile lind Inr;::reaalngly remote. You, of America. Count the nat,IOonl 'th,jlt "Another overwh.e]mlng vlotOfY tQr .Ibl, forutt that date, FU~I'e.r-I' That but Df alfJlhould remember what have pledged themselves to de.tra,)' ClvtnzatlO-D" Crusnders (In the oo:e.tw .. the day yo.u IN'Oga.ntty donned happoned after the f,,11 of France, you, and your go&pel af murder and em t",o:rH!"-DerUn broadcast.

the manUc of omnipotence and pro- Your It r- ah~li1), eeemed te go a little pillage. Listen to the bambs dl"'oPpin9 Vle'..., the Orusndera for ClvllU:IlUOI\:

claimed yo~r.elf II greater powel'" hay-wire after that. Or Waf .t your on your e+tles, Listen to the vengeful Is that underslexHL?

than Chrl.t. And then you proceeded at",...reading e,xperla who got the murmur of the peoples you have en- Briogtng you del\tb or complete sub-

10 prove It. Chrln .. Id. "Suffer it"tI wrong .illn from SIItur" or Jupiter? slaved ••• waiting. , • walling. You jugattou,

little chlldr-en to coma unto me," You At any r,ale you turne_d ),our back on know wh.U t'h~)'t"'e WlIIlting to.r. Do But a11 tor four good.

IliIld, I'Thl. II toUiI war-the chUdren the wounded lion and directed )lour yaY .Ieep !IOund IlIf a night, Adalph?

mUIt be Ilaughlned, tee,' And hl.tor)' Dl"eedy liIuII!! E,ntward, Then your Holland and Pulnnd 8ud ~nC9. in

wll1 be.r wltnes.th.t )'our.rmlelcilr- vaunted IiIrmlu hlok the. road to Mos", What wU) you tnt.uk about on Se.ll- contrition

rltd out t", .. t InJune·lIon with ual and cow, A. pity you h.dl'l't been Int(:re.t ... temhee 3n11 Posa.Jibty von ma,y com- Like Norway and Greece.

effl~l(lnl;y. So will the reddened loll of ed In ,pll"'ltullils:m 1",tc,lId of ntrololilY rort yourael( with the thought that Praise our forbearance, Our cultural

France, Belgium, and the Hetherhlnd. -Napoleon might ha. ... e aalled you tha:t II the nnure becomes too dangerous mieatcn,

be-lir wit nan,. No, you ,,.., nc;t IIkel)' long bit1er tl"'ek to the brJnk: of dla- fur- you and YOUr Naat Empire you Our labors tor peace.

to foruet September Srd. Herr Hitler.

Ar YOU celebro.Un,g th annlver-

fUU'Y ihte year? We remember boow you exulted wllen F'r(lJ'Jce capitulated. Th,at wa.;e. t'I time to celebrate, 'Wal!in,'t m .. n),. That WIiI-I when you. l1rlt found Look ut the 1"00. etaln upon It that It. Ot. course thO Dunkirk epls-OOl3 It necuury to UUI ,jllI::Idlng-machlnu ruarka It, tndoilibly, as the hand ,t probably made the occasion less (08- In totalling up YOUI' dead and wcnH'Id.. the rouleet murderer In .11 history. ttve than It mtgbt have b en. 'Why ed. Do YOU .fIUPPOIJ that .eeeem, humane Clo you Germona always. mnke the Look baok oil these three yeiirs or people would ever 8. cej)t that bloodw ratal mtatake or undereatimEJ.UDg Brit- war. Fuhrer, nod count YOLlr profile. stailled otT r or frlend,hlD and goodlah courage nnd enrluranee t Corne to No one enn deny that )'on did ncqulre wUl? No. Hitler, you 'would be wL,e tbink ,or n, 'You hn.ven't esnerfenced n. gr(l(Jt denl mere of' ttl at "lIvl.n,g to ke.ep U18,t 'b.llnd out 0" Bllbl~ and IJ!lot'tler trlnmDh Quito Uke tbu,t. or fJ.plt-co·f that you c.l'o[med to Ileed 1130 resign your-,elr to the Implaca.ble

U1er, That Will when )'0,", flrat dl.- enn .nlwn.Y6 stretch out your hand 10

covered that bombs, b*>,onoetl, and a gesture Of peace to the tree peoples When our New Order controls every

bulltt, made If! Ru ... l.;1, wert enry bit who oppose you. FtrBt look at that natloo,

quite •• lath.i ,iii tho.e mlde In Ger .. hund beror-s you Qtretch It. out, HHI-er. The air nnd the wavee.

Hea¥en wllj blu:!! a res.igned ncpulatlcn

Content to b& arevee.

So don't ecmnle.tn lbnt you're bearlng the brunt of

Our legion"~ roughshod; "Hell I·' ue :oolltel)'" ,.nd ltne front 01

up In

The fir1ng squad,



The King and Queen Inspect Arsenal

mensa imTI()rlanc::e c..f a. plan. and the tragic l:}tevity' of ume. The defeat, that came upnu France W8.tS due co

By CDI. S. S. EngUsht Commanding lack of pros-ram and purpose. Great Offh::~r A4 Artillery Training Centre. armies. were eeut Into the fleld wttjr-

I have been asked to write a. (0)'18- ()ut a plan of campaign to guide them word to t.bls edltdcn oC yOUr magu- Indecision ruled the CDU.DCils, and the 2;ioe. MU¢\i adv~ce on. various subfeets day was lost. (0. the rneanttme the and thlnga le being handed nut to Germane knew exactly what t-b.ey young people, anrl espe-Cia.lly to those wanted, a.nd how 10 do it. The1l' who serve in the: armed torces today. aemtea had the momentum ot a. wedge And there Is a. t.endeney In an eats at n-or; being slowly driven home by a.dv~ce to conruse and cloud the issue an irrE\'SisUble torce,

which re befo,'e U~. It is men with deadly purpose who

are needed today. 'I'he men wno is without a purpose is use 8. sbip with. out rudder, compass or cb art.

You are tbe governm-a (If the future. To )IOU has fallen the duty of safeguardlng what is wor-thy and y!Qrth wbue In our past. our hel'iU,ge; and OUr lre,diUon, Our honour and all C)Ur Ihop~.

The, beauty of' the countrystde is youra: the green fields and the treea. the rivers, tbe Prairies. and the hl.H:r;.; the tteUUl'e~ or the ageiij, in nteeeture and art. All these are ynurs. All this accumulated wealtn, matartal and moral, is being. and w ifl 'be trans(erred to YOOl' account that you may enjoy it You ate lone trustees ot these thlnga, It requb-ea men of purpose today to Hght rOI', and to hold OJ), lUI UIOf:!e prfcetess treasures which we have enjoyed In thla EmtHre to wbtcu we belong. COl,ll'tI,ge, discipline, and

\Vl.at is our cbteettve iu mese e:l'flctency aee 0.$ necessary to derumomentous tlrces, and in the day <;)1 ocracy as they at-e to any dfctaturshlp. ba.ttle? It is to d~ttoy tbe enemy, to and courage. dfeef pllue and el'fici.ency I'[d t-h-e we-ld M those who would (Jonly come to men M purpose.

make slaves of us forever. In order To all of U,,-S t nen who are in tramlo attain this cbjectlve, we need men lng, and wherever we may be lod:(l)" or PurPO~e and Cc,)ncentn~.tior~. men I would siLy that. above all, let us be: who have one single atm, and, oujec, men with ann and purpose. Let U!i ttve. The men who succeed are tbey know wbal we wagt to do, ,a.od gQl who hav€ thoroughly learned the Im- out and do It;


OIl obe eve ot mY' de3,1lnriure tOT' eeevlce oversees, it 1'80 4 pleaeure to be- able to expre~B my ILp;I:lroolll..Uon or tbe warm cc-operatton e.nrl :blend· Ir rel.tlon. whloh hove .Xl.led between offleei!:".9i, N.C.O.'s I1tHI {l,.irmell of No. ,2 Manning De:PQt~ !lmJ No. 12 S.F.T.S.

While It is natural tor two sta.'uOD!I or tb .e R.C.A.F. I<> «HIporat •• nd ... - eset ea,.ch other in 8om<:-a mallers. yet the re]a.Uo:nsb.tp9 beh',re,{I!1l our two staUon'il have goue deeiper than 'lUlder ordinary cfrcumstanees. [t bas been Ileveloped lbrou,g.b warm l!.nd 'Iulleln." undorotandlng, nud through • do~lre. to otter mcttutea to each other at aU Utne9.

In tb:lEi WAf No. 1.2 han been fcrtun- W IC' MONCR.I·EFF

ate 5nsoourlng the Bervlcss o:f the: My neraunel eaeoctenone with Wlng

:MannIiD_g ~po't band 'aD 'Wlnp par- nommendee H. O. Reid and otber adell and! ot!u~:r oeeaalons, Pond U 1S: o'ftlce;r,!I at. ND, .& have been most Ply dea.:ir,e to ~pre-B.s apprecl:.(ltion ot' happy :B.n,d el.1jo:l'table and In lea"~Dg

wh ere on thls page.


A blgb.ly~,oJnpett:.mt aft'Jcer', and a popular one, 'iVLng Commander E, H, Monm'ietf, ,Commanding omcer et No. 12 a,tr.T.S., will MOon be sa.ylng goodbye to tnat atatton and to Brandon when he leaves ear-ly in September to fllUll new unuee overseas.

l"he oiricers, N.C.O.'s, anda-lrmen or No. 2- Manl'l!»g DetHJot jotn wUb the per{lonnel of No" 1.>2, S.F.T .. S. In say~ng


Air V1ce-Mal'shl.\-! J. A. Sully, air member- tor IJCl'SOnnel, uucutupanled by G/C C, C, .F. Gruham, G/C ~i. M. SI.IOY, and W/C D. l'l. Mo,K.U. ",,,de. a visit or tnenectton 'to No. '3 Manning Depot On ,sa,turdny'. Angue.t ~d.

At ,1\, nmeneon gh·'en In hfa honor by the Brandon Board of T-rade" Ale Vt,c&-M.aranaJ Sully exptesaed great udleu to 'Wlng Commander M'ouer1ef.r 61sUfiltlcUon 'wUb. the 'spj_dt he bad

!lind 5.0 wlehfng hLm evers kind of round among Canada's a'ltmeJ), He good luc,h:: in hts :Dew a,s,!ignment. was, efeo Im.]~rel!laed 'WIth the work the A r'L\feWeU message !rom Wing women's division were accompU:sb.ing.

OOr.il.nande'r Mo,ncrte:tt .'PpeaT!!' el'S8-

HI!! tour or western, st&Uons eem-

plated with, the ina.pecUon ot No, 2, MflnnLng 'Depot and! N''O. 12- S.lF.T.S .• , (FTotn an Address 'by the, Arc'bb!shop A1r Vlce-1'(arshal Solly Jeft for €-a:st-

or canterbnrz) ern C'BJlBda ag ain.


The service otEl. great cuuua l'S

thfa COu.rtCls)" so- gtllo.cLuusly and frll!e- Canada. I wm tak,Q wltb, me ma.DY enteuated to us, In reeteieace to an ly extended, Friend]]" dvalry [D :sports. pleasant memories. and predurntnat- enemy who nas delLbern.te'lY rfliver'ted

meaecre !fi concert. "parties, and on Ing among them. wU1 be thoee es- 'to the etandarda o~ ba.rbarlsm wibne Hitler. admitting be wm be fighlour part In send.tD,g' down teetuees, s,(I>ctate:d w~lh No. :2 Manning De:pot. em'Ploying the tnstruments o~ 6r::16Ji.· tng RUB!!Iia. ne:l:t. winter. 'c1a1Du h'.s have drawn both stations' close to- tn cono1us.lo,n mo.y I wl!!b your eta- u.ftc civlliz:El.llon. so tb.R.t In th,!) re9ult' trcoee wU1 be better clothed. How Gether, und thi,B was exemplified in non everf success In its iIDPortantl a Dl-on!l~T of· e.vtl h~ let 101)1In, In ~he; Adol'Pn"s boasts have toned down! marked tnatanee, when both Sta.UOD9 place in the trnlnJng sc~eme, aD_G al worfd, We mu_st ~er_ea.t B,ad eb~ill tlI.At; 'Tb..ree y,eor:s ago 'he WO,'Ei gojng to anco-operated in Buppor-tlng and train- conunuance or tbe epleoiUd work you monster 300 that tbe,.. ms,]" be DO nfhjlnte the world In ,fL burry. Now Sng the BrandQ,n 'Collegiate Ail" ca.~et J_HI.ve o.CoCQffiP.U8.h. ed. Your,s atacerely. II repetiUon o't the honon which we be brag!:!! that German troops are go.

trnu, E. N, MONCRIEFF'~ W/C bave wltneseoo. i.og to lose in cODl.to:rl




P!!Ir.cnn.e1 with Radig Braade •• tlng Ex,perhu'lU

P·c.rsoun"l who have had a.n.y u~


Dc,part .. re,B<

Fllght LJoelite-.ut :D, W. Malone.

Rom:an. Ca.tholic Pa~l' .. e, bas lett U~

fo'r dllt.;r OYS!'1I.e3,3.,. ,Our wiBboa 'tOt a perfenee 1n r9.d,10 work, $ucb ,liIii ptO-, sere ,;Journey and the beat of good ductfcn, scrtpt writing, d.L:recUon" aDlnc_k goes. wUb ,b.iw.. nOUD.c:lng~ or (l,.iIj art~fIol8. etc., are sexed

F!l,ying OI!1cer L. :M. Ness depa.fied to Iurnleh the Adjutant with th18 inAgg1lst 9th to ta'ke. u:poew (I,QUe8 1\.1' !Qr:waUo:n inllne«lalely. ,tt ;Lb,l1i5 CODthe. lnltlal Trarn!l.lg 's-c.b-cml, S:a.aka- eerne ?oQ. Rend :ruu.i" oo.me tn at I),Dee lOOn. wltb. :pa:rUculafiji or your ezperteace

Another ot the pioneers ho~ left in tbl.H Un6 of work,

Uti. department wUb. Squadron Lead~ This reqQ,e.st comes from the. De~' er E. A. J'llDl.teson,'1 poa.tlng tn th,e paetmene ot NaUonal Defence AIr SeM'lt:lo Fly1D.g SelLool at ,SaskP.t(Jon. Serv1ce. Otta,w.!\., a.nll your-prompt co-

Brandon lost another po:pu.hl..r ottl"" o:p.,mUo.n wHl be ,apprecIated. eel" when FlYing OfUee:t ::FarlQl' mov-

ed histam.1ly to a Dew hDme 0'11 tbe "'CANADA'S WAR .N THE AIR,r

wellt CDUt..

F1),ing Ottle., Gold.wln 01 the ,tation hoapltal. ill ,no w lOOking over the alc_1I: parade at B. ,&; G. fI,_1a.c.Oona.ld.

New Ar"t'lvah:

'I'hja UmelYa.n,d, Inlet".Ung .tozy of the BrlUab COmmonwea.lth Air TraJnlng Plan 18 now avallable to pe:roo-nu61 at thlfl Depot in a special i\ p-lo":LOl"I~,1 re.cnrd or "be S1l'rC:4Il"'.i1t~' d;an(:e .. _t the CQI.lDf:r)" CHLb with W~tl!; ComJ~C.A.F. edlUon a.t tba reduced. rate mander Ke,ld auld Mrs, Re~(I :Ln .atrenttapli:e. SqUi!it!,tOg t.u_II'Iu :1'I'mdnlo5,h. aeatur A;:.or '.2. The book Is prolusely utuatret- CDU,nt:ant O!!',I-c;tJr. 1l_'f!,!1 ~'tr$. Mcln,;:osh stana at tbe C4;lmmJ,.lI.dlilil! Oll!b:er·s l~_n; (b:l.cl;;).

ed wHh. -orncial photograpbe and 1.8

FlIgllt ]"leuwntUlt J. m. F. Whelan comes to. us reom uie Mn.nnhiiG' DepGl a.t, La.cb1D.e, Quebec. .A»d our new nU!'Id.1ca.l ollicar, Fiylng Oa1cer ,J. B. Staple~Dn la, trom the laiUaJ Tr1I-LniCli!!l Scheel at TOronto.

handsumety bound. a.eQue,to 10' • THE KING OF HOBBIES AND

copy 01 this book .bould be .ddr ••• · THE HOBBY OF KlNGS

ad to: "Cttnada·sWar ~n the Air'·,

11t Beaver HaU Hill. Montreo..I, CII.-D- Legan Glendening; M.D., wrH1ng ~D ada. Postage, is extra-tn M'DD.treo.l 11 the Branden Sun aaya, "The atrain o~ eenta, outsfde MODtf'aa.1 2:8 centB. The Living In wllrUID.e makes re,crea.tion cost to men ae tb .•• Station wOUld 'be In eeme form more than ever a uecesf2.2&. a!ly. The ouril.an tradltlo... w!11oh

d~sn.:p~roved., (it' Idleness or wa:afu;l.j; UrnES bas gone the way of lll,IJSt pur-l-

COl NCI'OEN.C'E tan tradiUon:e.. Pi!!!Ychtat'r'lsts bave long

entnustasm B.iI bercre.. ,In England very many lhoUIIiI.{Uld,a of lonely bored wen-ted a:od overeeretced !;l,e:otlo1e can te!!U[y to uie reuet aod :reta..xatlOQ.l. they -!lerJve from tbla. ,b.obbl" ..

Buying m1D..l at:ttent liltam.~ Cqr <:olleotllJl:rs '1.8 eVen. more helpful tbau the purehaae or war aB.vin.gB staC1pa and certtttcates, for in thia tetter case one Is only lending the money to the

La.. S. L. (19mI11:1) SmIth 01 11>.

M.'T. ,Section to MtaEiFIOreD.Ce' Locke ot Moosomlii... ,Sa.Ika«:hewan., on the 14th 01 AUgu.t. J11~ LL c...lfi.l~ p." formed the.cenYEIl,QII,Y.

PuUma.n passenger: "'Port41r, what kll(]WD that -reereatlon of some klnd government who must pay it back a.bout these shoes. ~ One':s bL(L.ckllDd hi 1Ul 'imperaUve part or t!.he treM- with Interest fit SOUle future dat.e Dne's tan." ment or not only mental patlent:s but wtb.:Ust that derived jrnm the s&l& .or Porter': . 'Well. II It don·'_ beat all! Indeed a necessity for the b-a.lance of :sta:mps to cojlectora is clear profit.

D1s is de eeccnd time dp.t's happened any man." It coeta about 9 centa per thcueand (lIB, mllwnln·." Stamp c,oUe.eting Is unooubled'y the to print posta.ge stamps, regardless most popu]ar or au hcbblee, It can be. of their face value, and every cent

FA I 'R WA RNJ NO pursued under unfavoura.ble, condt- the government receives over and

New Ma.i.d: "The.·e's a man out- uone. Tb.& scbool boy spending a. lew above this amount is a clear gUt on side who weme to see you about pay- cents on stantp;a. wIH deJ1.ve as. much the part n! the co.LlecUng public. The ing a bill." pleasure out or bts hobby a,B the mil- total amount received in this wa.y illi Man -of -the House: "What does he jtoneire spending tens of thouaands. aubatantlal, amounting to mnjjona of

The' V~il,tor',!I, Book

During reeaut, W-eB'~!J brier v1a.H!! were :pald to Ibi~ Depot by the roll-owing o:l!i(!eirs:~ SiL Cleghorn, No. 2 T.e., F/L iF. G. Boardman orr Inspectlon dutlea troU!. No.2 T.C., S/L H. ,'. Emery on persouuei bUlI!tne:s~ from A.l",H,Q., FILl, Morton and 1"10 J. \V. Ste'Pb.ens from No, ~ T,e., F/L sexton OD. medical duties (rom SS S.F_T.S .• ¥JL El, F. Crosaland on tempcra:ry duty n-om No.3, wtretees School, Wlnnl_lleg.

lOOk Hk-e"···

ot dollare. It can be put a.fl1.d& fOr a dollars annually in the Btatae.

New Maid: "He looks like y-ou bet- -daJo'. fOr a. week or fot a tuunth and It ~s ratller dilftcult to understand

ter- pay it." then taken up again wtth the eame the attitude or the BiuthDrUle;a at the

present time towards the stamp collector as a.part trnm the faet tha.t the post o1Iice department. :cn:e.Jnts:Jne a Dhnateli.c agency at Ottawa tmm whic,b colteerct-s fLnd dealers may nurcbase tbeir s.taru.-ps lt does nothlng til) encourage the sale of :~!'ta.mps to theo:rn. The eet of 8to.ttl.CB Just liS-sue-rl 1, an

.:_J attempt to- tell the people of thls ccun try tom et!b [ng of our wa.r el!ort. Unfortunately the dealgnu lack lmegmation and have no art1aUc mertt;

If the governmeut conld be. llrought

to a.ppreclate how much thiEl hDbby La eontrtbuttcg to the mora;e ot the people and hew much more U could eontrtbute to the revenue of the country if encouraged there hi hopa tll-a.t they might do som ethlng In the matter .... First by tak1ug- the dE!:a'gn ot stamps away trom the bank note comnentee RD_d l!lacing It In the bauds or aruate with mode-til tde:a.e- and secondly by t~!3t1.ing them rn attra-etive booklets of cheap and eQ-enaive SlQta rOT sale at all poet orrtces throughout tbe country,





The Naz:i crew of a. sinking Ger ... man raider was tranarerred to a Brl:t!;sh ves~el. where ottic6r8 were eepar~ ated trom the senors. in accordance with the rules' 01 war. Brittsh officers were reminded that the CBPUVe,!I were to be treated "fuar DB 11 the, were gentlemen."

Tb'e next day a German officer was sporUn« a beautiful shiner. The Britlah captain was enraged.

"Who dld that?" he rurfoustj- aslce1I tbe damaged N a,.zl.

One o~ uie younger British officers was named by the victim. and was called to tlWk immediately.

"You a r e n disgrace to Hi:s Majji:j:;:;tv's Na.v'},! What have ron to a.a.y in

detenae or you'I"'$eU?"

"Well. atr, t!his morntng, a~ I carne up OD deek. I met tht, chap behind the aft turret. Before I had. a. chance to say even 'Good Mornln~' he satd to me:

.. 'God dill-mn the King!'

"Well. I controlled my~elf. and said nothing. Tben he came closer to me, stuck Me. race up to mtne. and yelled: .. 'To hell with tbe Quee.n!'

nTho.t was almost Impossfble to bea.r, hut sun I remembered tha.t I &111 a. British otrlcer and controlled myselt. But when he walked over to the parapet, grinned at me contemptuously. and spat into Our ocean! That err, was tOD much. [t was then that [ lost my temper!,"--Charla8. Derrtcott,


A mall .... arre.ted by the G ..... po for mntterinc to 1IJm86lf.

Ho donled O%pMllIlDli: anll-Nul !hou", ...

'''On the contral'7:" he I&ld, ·'I"m ont 01 Itork .. nd I was 001,. teIllIIg m,.elt I'd much rather .. ork tor 10.000 Germano IhaD tor on. ~lI&IIman,"'

Mollifted. the 011'1 .... 011' • ....." to balp him IDd a job. HIB prot .... lonf "A .... Te-4I_.w

AdolPh win Deve~ make a 8'000-688- 1.1 moyie dl ..... tor. He thouchl h. 11'&15 malr:inl' • short of the RIIII.lall campaip, a.nd here it 1. a continued 8erl.t.

Vo.u·... In tb. Ann, Nowl

l! gala C&Tort In oIIor! IhlII ,....r Don't "Yoo-hoo" at ..,h l"scIo ... d ..... For~ Bo,.s. you're tin the .noT 80'111'"So. • .. nd YOUr Il'ODnd and hoU8I'



"Breezy Bits from the Barracks"

r I

110 in the Shade--Storm Brewing!

Wlth OJck Tracy. SupermaD. Buck


Rogers and vaeaous other CO,mJc .trlP The trouMe wUh DuySng o:nl1 the heroes onrolLed OD OUT aide In lhl' tblnl:8 you can a:l!Qrd ~:& that you .re struggle. It'! .. "oDder to Q8 the Az.I. never saUafied witll them .fter 70U

hasn't folded np "Iread,.. jljet them.


If be .tan out of the ne". much


JORle'rJ a good ;!Ii11y-four dollar que&- A.dd to war bores the telloW' who lion on tbe programs wtll 'be: 4"'Wbo exp.ound, the news of ,"OW' b,vorUe Ie dictator or It.alyY" mlUta..,. eommeetatcr 88 hlI OWD be-

tore you get the f1ool'-&nd a chance

to c:lpound them BS your.,


"What Is the dl:lference," iIlllllked th", teeeher, "between eantton B_nd COWanUce?"

Jobnny, who obl!!lerved things: carefun, for .0 l'outhtul a person, anI.ered:

'i'Ca.utlon 11 when YI)u'r8 afraid. Bn/l cowardice !8 when the other renew's afraid:"


RecruIt: "What's on the menu tonlght?"

Cook: "Oh. 11'& .... v. huDdred. 01 thing. to eat tonlghL'

Rec:ru1t:.: ·'WhAt are tbey'!"

Cook: ··lJeanl.~'


The new forty&mne-an-bou:r lpeed Ihnlt IfJ Solng to relieve driven or lIIIome of OUT older mode •• of eon.iderable emba.rra.allDel1L


The ,..ma:J'e mllkm.n oo'nght a ho'l'So for the morains TOQnd~ 1t waR not exacUy • tboroupbT<!d. but It had tOllr lege.

One d&r he took his bargain to the blaekem.ll.h to bave blm .hod. The amith regarded the wesry-looklug animal orilIcany, paying partlcnlar attenUon to hi. lean bod, aDd .plndly legs.

"You ought. to have B borse there some da,." he said .t len~th. "I ••• you've got the ac:.tr-oldID. up,"


We have 8. ba-mlng mystery lind you might Bet U8 right

On why the rookie airmen Have to jump 'around and figbt A nd kick up such a racket

When tbey douee the lights at nll'ht.

Now, when they're on tb.e drW 1Q.U&re And the corporal caLl8 them out

To issue bUnkin' flight command.

Or move t'he fj;Q.uad abollt.

You can bet YDur bala-clava

'l'lllW will stand around and PDUt.

But the minute they are sate In bed. lind the bugle .tarts to blow

Those high-pitche.d whJs))era d!IlI&Ppear

And the1r vclees atart to grow

And those meek, mild-mannered ra"


You now would never know.

For they all are aeegaaut-mafere Each with. rlnglng rcbuet vglee Bawling out tftJe SQuadron drill WUh la.n,g~ Dever cholc.e,

And to think [b,at JUBt thIs mo.rnlnl Tiley could ba.rd,ly ,mako a Dolle,

The A.(tmen on dllp,osaJ,

Poor cbaps they teAr their hair. For trying to sleep amid that rO" They've glve up In d •• pe.!r;

But tho hail-wit hum.n fog bOl'llo Never lie-em to glve a cs.re.

So ttsten, Rookie a1nD.en

'When yon come to SQuadron ",!." Tbere, are gu)"B there 0:11. DI.PQBal \Vho have had a lou!,. day,

And it rou've Kot to rllb-e .. row Go OD ou tBld e and pta,..

-O.O.H. R 168112


'" Yonk In tho sky over m.HD I;)oal",d to teacb HllIer a 18000D; .&. he let go his ""'

He saId, .. AdoU, I bee

You to samp1e OUT deUcat.e ... D:'


It was a sultry day. and tho ","0 BAilor. had Juat been released from .. hot .poll at dDty aboaro.

Immed!~t.ly they reaohed Ibo .... , they Made II. tbaeUne tor the ftrst Dublie house the.y sa W,I &Dd ordered two Quarts of ale.

The. man emptied tbelr tankards 10 ODe <Iraugbt, .. bile the h ... ald looked on In llild.llphuKt admiraUoD..

Tbe maD '1i'bo had paid. stood .. second or t .. o ... tUng Ill. lIP. !BedlmUvely. and then to1l'ned to Ill. comrade 1I'1tb a grID. ' "·Tam·t 10 bad. Bill. I. Itl" he r.marked. "Sh .. 11 ... ·",V9 fIIome,?,·r



(By AC2 Morley H. Collins) Barometer of personality it mtght be called-the bUBY library and re-

{there are several whLch we will name upon reuueet) but leave ita recreation room and Hbr"rY. It is a popular mecca tQl" the legitimately woor-, and an illegal retreat tor the cluetve barrack fatlgue.

You uk tts moat enticing feature.

For the Wives of Station Per1lOI1I1el



creation room at. No.2 Manning Depot We. name :ftr-et Its writing tables. Dnwhere the nolliam and jetsam ot tha der the bravado and the tRlse veneer 1)001 ::lpe-_nd theLr en-hours, reading, wblch (!\'erY airman, :second class, may wrtttng, playing or s:lmply idlLng. dtsetcae to the rest, of hit! f1igbu are

we Itke our temporary Ubrary P08t- times: of neatetgta which take exprestog (or the ringside seat it K.lves USl210n In proURc letter-wrttlng to those to the huma.n temperament that at borne who are most precious to ua.

The rules or th~ contest are very simple. Tbe wl[e. of a.Df airman b·e.Qw the rank o-f commissioned ofl'tcer Is el.lgible to parUelpp,te, W:!Vl?S or ctvtltan employees are also ~Ugible. Here's what YOU 'have to do. Dming the ,""t fifteen dU)'$- of September get a receipt (0" e\'ery nurcheae YOU make from au advertiser In the AIrman's Post. After midnight ot September 16th place aU YOUr recetnta. bLlls or InvoiceR in an enveloPe and send It to the publication's office of the Airman's Post. Th~ entry showing the highest total of Indlvtdu9.1 parebaees during tbat period win receive a $5.00 WAR S·A VING C£RTJFICATE! Turn to the advertlsars' dj,rectory (II) pa.ge 11 and plan youI;'" Ehopping strateg)' now to win this prize.

may rest satisfied. ttLelr o:ll:er1nga are the Iibrartan Is concerned. Cu&too.1an read. Judging by the rlotoal dllorder of the recreational tacUittee, hE! la In into which the magu;b::Le Gec;.k at No. a post of advanta.e to observe human 2: can reach it brian,. unwatcbed. we nature when be IbRtft18 that there can know that lhe magaZlnefi ere thumb- be DO t'ef'llnde. on da.tnaged goods and ed ceeer to COTer. Latf)Jy th~ thoug'.... that even the tew muet observe .. 11 ful ·'Y" has Inaugurated (l 87stem un- the rules tor- the benefit or everyone. der whlotL It wm make current eo»les. General ... ttftude though can be mjl,.rk~ of the popular m.gazlnes al'al1a.ble lid "gooo".

trom the library ate-ward at nomlnal 'One of these daye. they will mOYa

onl, (IDe pneral elalilftcation of Its .lallon. let. little escape his al.rt n~ volume.. It a Pll,roeb' nu.m.erleal ODe. Un in InjpeeUOIUI &Dd mat .. kind., Eveb.tu.aU,. It m&7 b-e that aathon eDquJr:lea as to Ita taetUUes aDd their will be B8ITec.t~d 80 that 6u.cb .1' popularlt". TIll routine of the .taUon TetJrlD., wrltera all A. A~ Milne may brtD,' orderl)," o:llleen to the. room

;::::::==========; I Dot bave to rub Ibouldera. I1teraT"J' I'Qlgularl,. to appraise It. reUgioalt,. IP-e&kl_u. wltb IHe)) bold. buccaneer- Inspect the pool tables ror oyertooted

inc author.l!l &1) Robert Soonlee. duat a.nd to firmly Indicate that or,Clyman, .of Ule bome front coDtrt. derllnelll 18 die flnt law of Ilniee. butihl" lh..,.r mas:uines to .ar-.ork§ At the outset we lIuRested that the la, or,flaLu.Uons or into tbe tin re- loom was a barometer of perIOD&l1t,.. (!eptacl~a of patriotic motU tbat ate "07 lhelr reaction J01l ahall know to be eeen t?lverT"here In lbe c:lt,. them'" are not ldl. wonl. a. tar as

PHONE &407

deposit. Come the new "6Rue ot.aaeb UB wltb that remarkable 8uddenll.ess SO the letten take shape on tbe sea- pa.rticular magazlD~ IlDd the Bobe e- wltb which tbe R.C.A.F. or oeea.iOD Uonery whlt'lh the Y .. M .. C.A, provides queat one wlli be: rebuked in. the can !)'lQve. We BbaU go but our exand tlood the man box Dlght after general magazine stand to fare ... pertencee In No. 2 RecreatioD Room DlghL Y.M .c.A. director., su·pply l)eliot, it can, end thou51113 o[ rrLeDdsb'ps made mountains of stattone..,. to tbe tables, You enqutre about the. readtns there ",,111 tie our lravelllng OOmpa.· BaU8:11ed tbat .n that alone the 1m· habtta. ot the bo),s.?Short. a.torl(t' aDd Ion, U not ottoo ftnure lCompaD,., portant Huon between airmail. and arUclel natnrall, get :Brit cal], Intet-

home Is belag welded. rupted 8S 'Service Hre DataraUy baa

PrObably e-qual In attraction are the to iH3, It ands airmen Loath to wed two pool ta.bles, bl1Ua.rd table a.nd the themselveB to aDJ'tIllug too utelLde4. six pi .. ,; PODI' courts wblch are ID The DrlU,heT8 who pan throucta tile almost CODstant uae In .rte r- traml.&" pool from Ume to Um. for the purhours, not to apeak af tile liberal at.- 1)088 of drawing ration. Dr be1nc eetenuce frotQ those '!14;Uled duUe., mU:I!ot..lred. are posslbl)" .barp II!IJ:CII!I:Patlellid c·ed 01' otherwlH ILDOCClLpled, tlonlJ. The·, "lie tbftlr :readlU1 worth- A WORD O'F APPIFIECIATION TO

MUllc er en description-from cue- ... hUe •• t Dot aom,Umel to the 61- THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SECTION runy p.oe:ked. rag-time too 'the wort. or teeme. Vecetarlan and YitroUc G. B. To the photDlraphlc section fc)r the masters batbea the recreation Shaw t$ still their IdoL It I. abl:h to thelr InterElsl and Industry in pl"(lvld.room in all its ""akiDS hOUri rrom treason tor a bumble librarian. to ,U,l"·

streams In and out its doors. It is a l1v1ng picture or men at teteare where the ta.tipJng monotony of' dUfleolt daTI!. "iveil way to easy hours. The atmosphere Itself says "At ease men."

We had a notion that len-Ice racreation rcoma were mythical playgrounds that the folks back home :IInanced and the lads ehunned for layer amusem.ent. But such hI DClt to. Tak.e anything away trom No. 2 D6pot

Boys of the R.C.A.F.

Your lewelry needs will be well taken care of here.. Our 8Coek of Air Foree JewelrY' Is eomplete.

PHon eUOl .,. • 1M IT. We eaD &lUI lleUnr llrulloat. ....

216 • lOth Sf.

111 Eighth St.


Ing us with the excellent pictures in lhlll and other lasues a special word of tbank. 'lAd ap'Drecia.Uon: To you SIt. Ibbollou, Cpl. Wes. Toop, and LaC·B Ou, TJlISot and Bob La wrenn, All ,,000 meD beblind the c.lDeratb.q &et tile "picture'· come hell .. nd hl,ll-water,

eUher the wen-worn plano or radio.

The library it:(IoI1!Jf. tucked .. Way In a cerner of the wany-wLndowed toom -I. ,Ull lIQDIeWhflt a nll;1dgUul: tbat would be even more palronl.ed tr ~t reac:hu haU alaUl:re. To date there is

geet that tbilJ!. genUernan Is In some's notion more t.auatlc than conetrncUve.

No. 2- llbra.ry and recreaUoD room reeelve due DotJce from the a.tatiOD offlcen. WlBI Comm.nder Reid, tbe Im pr.ssl.... omen eom_m&D.dJ.n.&' tbe




Marri_ge Llcen ... IHUed ··The Friendly Store··


Mill Verna Lund, of tbe ACCOIllDta S ec Uon. .nd AC2 K. V. Dul!leld 01

I<'llgbt No.1 DI,po 1 Sq •• dMD. TIl.

winner!) recelved. a ndsome hl.utl·

ft.cllliQD bracelet.







Magtatrate: You .reo 1IeDteltc:ed to INIJ a flne of •. oen .u_IDe8s. plu. 'I,e gulbe1ll1 COBI.. H. r, IOU anJ'thtag to


Oftender: Ratb.cr. And if you'll pro-

mise not tf) Inereue the One I'll Bar It.

Alterations, Dry Cleanlns, Pr .... Ins and Repairs

BUTTON. BUFFED Button. and DeconflUoft Supptl" on Hand


Ph. 2637


""""DON. NAN.




rrOQl another direction. "I lik~ Ar:JD.a.meat," be ~fs, "There 1a :B. lot o!" eattetectloa 10 knowing how to strip down and put together a. gun, It's Quite a bit dlfferent fr"orn banking:'

De Bunk Area


"C:L\ll9.da.'!! Winge,." a Itttle book bl FJyjng Otrlcer Peter J. Flel.d, journalist attached to the R.C.A.F. on press relatione since war- began, i~ or Interest to an' Alrmen and otbers Interes ted in ·the WO:rlr ot the A1r F(I!"e(l:.

Wen, tbe "melanchcty da.Y!!I>' are fast apprcaehfng a.galn, September is upon us, a.ud the Ieavea ere rusmng uneasily on the Poplars and Pines and Maples. Just the other d:ll,. we selected 11 Ch.rLstmas COveT foOr tbe

Wha.t Airmen Are Taught at .Bombing and Gunnery Schools

npportuntty to catch onto the ways 'T'be .book ccntalna torewDl"ds by Mo.... Al'rma.tl'e. Post and it seemw to bring tn wtLtcb to distinguish a Junkeri! 88 jor, the Hon, C. Q. Power, Minlster ot the cold breath of winter :110 'Very, from a Blenheim. National Defence tor Air, and Air very ejoae. Howe-ver, U II!I pretty lQuch "The boya; have to know everythin~ Commodore L. F • .:3teVI!DJ!OD. ~ormer the individual :point -of vtew tbat df!lrom a. Hurricane to a Breda 65" a.aY:Ii R.C.A.F. cnmmaader In Great Brttaln termfnes whetber tbe luI days are .... ust Have rf1:R"ta .... t SenilJ,(l of What to

Bretes. "We give them the a;Udaa of and now commandlng the Wester-n metancbolr Oil" or ctuerwfee, Rus-

Shoot; .and When t.o Fire about 80 r.trcratt, acee on. re.a:r-end All' Com:ma.nd. The aOOry trace, the ete, will, undoubtedly, welcomE: tbe

~!llen a couple of planes converge vLew:I3, affhouettes-c-everythtng. Th.ey wDrk of distlDgQ,!a.hed flyerB in the coming ot winter with open 8or11l13. at 401) m.p.h. it Is handy to have a get about s.o hours ot this. in the .Brat Iaat war, tells a UttLe of the hh;tor,. HUter, on the ONtE!f hand, will vieW' or commeretaj avlatdon and deecrtbes its appto8.Cb. with dark ~orebod1ng. He briefly the growth aD.d brllUa.nt ba.s sombre memories Qf tb-e lal8t 011 •.

Polish Up on '~Splalh ·Targ.e-ts"

engmed Beaufort, a Heinkel, or a Reeogntuon. 01 eours •. I. onlv one achfevemente or the R,C.A-Fr

Messeraohmftt 110. T-bE; 'handy man ..... ~~ To read thE; story and come acroae ance our inimitable Jack Mora.n

gDVel'DS himself accordingly _ the or the main aubfaote taken to turn. famUial" names of so-me of those who acbiE!ved bi-a lL_rt-s de:ll-lre-W1nnlpegr

say, a fellow who signed u'p tor gen- Tbll strange formula tor aaecess

eral duties, into an air gunner who seems -to operate very efficiently in

C(lmpaaJ" remembers ttJ.a.t bi:!s oft'lce

rang'ee, he goes on to ground aboot- bo,- Iti a llt1man being too.

1ng from actual turrets, then gels Into With conu!butlons :fal,Jing 011 very

the gunnery scboola where vwlreleea -the err to polleh UP on "splaah tar- .MrlOIUI1" .. mi.llonar)" report£!, it is

ail' gunners (Wag;!;;) come to get rEi.- gete""":"'floata: tlred at trom the alr- hard. to keep tb.e naUve women in

mtltm- wtth Browumgu RQd Vl.cker:j and drogues, target! towed by a.lr-- clotbes.. We're m;p.lltng hun an In ... -

~eeSe~o~~l~l~s('je o~::~at~\~l~e.:~te:t!:~~~~':~~ craft, which are the closest thlng to trained at No. '2 M'alulhUf Depot, La I ,*UOn to OlJr ,oeal bea.ch whe:re !le'n

enemy planes yet devilled. A. bit of dud tbe Ame eoDdillon preV'4llent .•.

gunners can be turned out in 12 navtgatlon, along wlth !Il!gnalltnr ... nd more lb(ll) :a thrlU-U,{I I.errlftc. Pllot U". total war alrilbl!

weeks t-om scratch. map readtng, keep these boy@. busy Officer George H. Flemlng. 0'[' Owe.. S)I&ce beiDg at a premium thi.:EI

Re<:ognition ;Room from reveille to tattoo+ Sound. Onterlo. who trained here lou m,ollltb the De Bunk A:rea mLllI.t be

The ah'c.l'aft recogmtton "'OOm;1.t There' til. 0-0 queBUI)u, that tiloey Uke october, 1:9-40, ~s mellUoned IlS (Ina cut $.bort at l:h:il poml aDd UI erer-

ot a parl.,Y who put on a. "Bbo",'" over no" held oyer until next t1mB.

e.noemy territory. To :m.enU(]tI all nemes --ehe.rio.

or tho:s@ lratntng or of "b.OQ'!,H toWDS'"

In C,IUlada, ~s (If COUrse. 1mponUle in tblll 126-page, pceke .... -etea boo.. ' Fllgbt, l .. leutenant Hilbert P. Cla.r-k~ OY.C., rot Brandon. Cine of the fU'st men nom t'bls di.atrict to see aeuve aervfee, Is mentioned iii the book to:r h.ls brtlUant actiDn wb,lc'b. won b.im the DlI!Ungolshed Ftttng Cross. F1Igbt Lieutenant Clark. wlth botb a :pilot·s ce:rtUl.cELte and ,8, commercial ftyiDg cefltU~cate obta.lned at the then H.y'ing B!ChOOl aneth 0": Brandon. 88.iled tOI" Take LAC Don Kelly of Richmond, England. wlth a sma.U group of :Dye" Que. Don Is 20 y_ra. old, "*8 bi:a from all parte or the Dominion. in junlo[" matrielJlaUoD. a.nd wanted to March, 1989-. As members ot the, R-A.F . be 8 pilot, He Willi- 'Workhll' as 8, tneae men were on active aervjce as bank clerk ~e" be It.rn&d. up.. A 800n as War Wr&e. declared. FilLght med~cal technLcaltty ended his am- Lieutenant Clark also look part In bttron to be .. pUot, but air- 8uDDe,., the Battle of Dunkerque, It was dur .. has giVI!ID 'him tb.e cbancerl)r win .. " Ing the Battle of Br1tatn that he wa3

man around wbc knows tn a gplit eec- Biz weeks of the eourae." ODd whether the stranger Is a M-erlLn·

Bifl;&uBghtel' gets only an unspoken "pass, pal," The Na ..... i gets twin jets of something else,

Those R1'e the two chief skllls or an air xunuer-e-an Instant sense or

wiL1 get big se:r,g_nt', stripefl, his. wing, and a cha~ce for a. ecmmieefon. AUer !:ISX weeks ot thts, along wltb map reading. a bit ot adm1nJ:stra.U(ln. what t() shoot a.t and the Instant a. brush-up OD. methemetice, end work ability to let ,It Iooee+on tile target. wltb revolver ana rUlE!! on short

Aircraft Recognition and ArmtLinent they call these practtcal matters at

this bombing and gUllnery school is Lt. The to:r.maUon (If lbe course (or a place where you fl.od potential all. stralg'ht afr gunners bns opened up new '(HlsslbHlUes to mB.n), YOlitllJilters wbo may have feared they had no

gunners 8t1e~ing slides tete a masJo lantern ami namtng in, EL rew seconds. tbe etecean tlh_at fla!!ob.e~ on uie ecreea, chance (It getting on ;fI.1 a.:Ir crew.

On ltl!li wo.lls are pa'Bte.d the shapes f;lt :pradlcally everr known arrcrart, fU1i1 models or WeHIQgton:e, Dorniers and Harrteeaee 'project nom trracketa. wHb Hgllts In thelr wing's,· to annulate guns,

' .. be 1~reBtd1ng Inetruetnr here is F1t.

Sgt. Cl'l\.wtcmi Btefas, once ot Kitchener, 9nt., mOre re.ce.ntly of the 76th squadron. R.A.F., whose forwardIng taddrQi'!g was Norway and Way pctnts FJ t, Sgt. St.e~ss sat in the tail-end sput on Whitley bombers thrDugh 157 hOU,I"EI of operattonej o.y[ng. 'When you ask him whether he saw mueh action be says "mo;st.ly flak," and ,gJ'1n!!. "tb.ELt H17 nnurs ,gave him plenty of

Sheet MUsic,. Records.; RadiOS, Mouth Organs an.d Other Mlusical Instruments


ROSSEll AVE. & 7th ST.

PHONE 2880

After 12 months of passive resist-

some parts, A. puzzled. voice pcaas th~a queatjon: What prfee Indultr"y· and, dma:ene:e

Definition: Democracy wlll e~la.t JUf:lt 81) long !l.S the Preetdent ot tbe

Almost aH our h.ulta. ate more pardouable thaD the method a we tb.hlk UP to Idde them.

taken urlsnner {Lnd sent to a Ump in

Nor-thern. Germany,

"~Cana.da. 's W~np" ts p]'ol'lu:ra.bJe from Tbomn Nelson and SODS, LimIted, Toronto, at $1.1)0. An royalUes go toO the, Q:ueen's Canad~aD. Fund.



Small Bo:r-<lOtmme a cenes worth of mlx.ed cB.ndy!'

Ch'frk-"J{are·a. thre-6 pJe~el3 .• sonny. l'1a Let :rOll mll them yourself:'



"Gooey stolt lI.·t itY'· we obllened choortuH.y.

"Very," :a.ald Cpt Blat. dryly. "a,ad ellL'liElcla.lly .t ,o-u get It an ovee Ulat nice clean unUorm." We lnter-preted th.at M • l.breat, .. ad bae.ld.ng away to. IKIme b.ete narrowl, eKaptJ4 a horrible f&te under tbe whee" of • huge JU&rernaut that 'WM b(lln, .k1I1~ fully navigated by LAC's Fll1b.burDe aDd Cormier. TurDIDC around to aee (rom tbe huard, of the ".T. -eetlon we came reee to face With • tDOrtlng laUoH-wagon under lbe guidance ot kOlta hyeUa and CQatea and &.lam we mfeeed BuddeD death juU by IL

Tlilfl StaUon.'. "lIIIotch.a2UleCi elv&lry" Un.e laP WUh \II,.r , ... -lIlU"Geu IlIIt .. pldllt't'. hatl"llbreadth.

At thta J,uDCl\llre 'We. lilted • lHmplo.. We were fltlldJOll.a.l,. peorln,g inll.o blln.' haud •. nd 'Iln"Ote " ........ to OUT tbe watery deplhfl. or • c:hromiu.m- atory of the M.T. Section. Then we pJated rlIdi&to:r wbilln Cpl. Herro.D. promp1Ay collapsad. ELnd gentle b.a.Dd ..

Not .onr ago we aw a movie eo- ::P:do:o=.~:n:a ~~~= :::;~::C:'H:':kH:~pt:b~:t:Il~:rI~:

~::d ;!h::v:a!~:~~~"=:e,;1a~: that we mwnvled 111&0 OllJ" beard .. U apm we IOlemnJ)' resol.,ed that all

.abambled. down to • ..latkm .......... o.o fUture lDterYlew. would bel conducted Wl wat llelAg lo"lAIb' p-oome4 Ill' In place.! Ulre thll) Record,' Ofhce LAC Men::ler. We put out .. 4n&:er to where there 1111 nothLnc mOre lethal loU,cb. ita gleam1n. loTeUDe.. but than etaatlc bandl and papar-clLpL a:roomlN»f\D llel't::J..r m.de a -uase ...

t1o. ..oUon .. w. bit ...... 4 _ IIad

;:~J ~~;~:~O:n\a:~~i~! ~~u':~:~c:: .11 the Km~IIU~ Jmpucauo.. of •

1I ng personnel. Illiroat bem. cui .a we "eDt. •• .,.

WI:j Journeyed down to the bulld1D1 :~mm:~lr::::~~b~nd -: •• :=~ where the big machtnes are boused

and examined their trim. welj-pollehed !:oae "~70Qst;.lU:i=~ .. :.~: lines with the aye or one w.bo doesD't

II:DOW a eennactjng-rod [l:'(Jm a Uncb- :::I:I.~:tGS bae:.t two 1Nn. t.b.~' ..

The Bo)'. Who Keep 'Em Rollinc

.. 1I1ll and. endurance requ.lred. or lb.e ma.. who ,It behind the wh .. l. or COInDte.r'Ctal "ebl(lle8, truck .. 4eU,ery vane, atld the blc traD.poortl. to th1a arUcle we pay belated tribute to a


6lJ. ROilillr- AVI!IJIoue M:akllH or

Profes, .... ..,1la1 HockeJ' and SpeederSbUH

All Hepalr Wurk N_tly Do .... e

Shavers Furs

Oppot;ik- City Ball Telepbone 451)0 1121 Prtllcen Ave. UPAIR1NO. REMOD'El.LIN'G ANO R.BLlN1NG


Your Lad)' Friend

Will Welcome the Words:


She will admire your taste and "holce


Phone 3099

10th SL



The R-Ell1menta.l D.wnber of a.n aJrman at tbJ. Depot. hal been hidden in one of the ads. In tbll11- Lssue. The OW'Der ot tM. nbmber can acquire two free tlell:8U- to II. local theatre b, Preaen.tlDl b.lm.aelt .. t the Alrmau'a; PoIit. OftJC6 .Itb proper IdeoUn.ca.t1on. Start the quett now, You may be tb, Lucky wlnnert

··Ser,gBll.D.t:' we baSILD in QV 1'611' best foreign - ~()rr-ee.pondl;!D.t IJl:v~ •• "what tmpoetant mesaage ba.¥G )'OU got for the reading-public. thle mora- .... ------------'

"Th.a.nk. you." we .a14 gratetulu.

"And now would. 1UU care to tell W! sometlllq about the problemJ!. ),011 &DCOUDler In. t.hIa line ot wOrk T"


6,&74.00 Aug. 10·17
Jul. IS·18 5,326.00 Sales of War .... vlngs "ertlflcates climb steadily at this Station.

COMMENDABLE RESULTS Shown I .. Voluntary Purch .... of W ....

SavinO Certlfk:.te.. by ISt.lion Penonn ••

GetUDr read, for the taili. ot flying tlght-er lind bUlu;ber plane,s aplnat tb.e Axts :18 Dot the on]), eont..f~butioD the maJorLt)' of the men at tl1ls Depot are wllking to help win the war. Thro'lllh tbe -reIQ.1ar pUteb.a.M of W.r SaTin" Certlftcatcs tb.f;lle men are doing JUlIl that "Uttte bit more" that ~met.lmel

wards on a. train.·~

"Why dld.n't YOIl uk. tILe man sltling oppo .. 1te TOU to oh.an.Ie with "One," said Jlmm,. dar.ld7, "J.lt 70U"" aeked the trieiid.

one. The daTs they hold sport. abowa. "I thought of that," said the tra:veland awlm meetB and leave us with a er-, "but. tnere wasnJt anybody there."

etckneee," said the travelllr. "['m alwa.n deatbly ,lek when I Tide back~ meaDS aU the dltrerenee between w1l1.ntng • ba..ttle Or loslng It. The present objective II $10,000 aIHI' a glance at tbe results of this co-opera~ ,.:Il'ort above wUl show tll.t the objective· Is better .. ban ba.l1-wa.y aohleved. Thi:e. is tang1bl& evidence of 8; spirit that. m:Lght. be. :6tUngly deacrrbad &1:1 .. total

skeleton eta.« to ca:rry on," We IlllU'm.\IJ"ed. our aym:pathy .and reacbed tor auotha:r que3tto~ but the telethoDs Unkle4 and SKt. Wood. pulled up !WI '1a.n.dlng~gear &Del v:Q.Dleb:ed.. So we &IJlIbled. alQng duw:q, to where Cpl. Musey and LAC's Rob1alOD, Bedard. Habert,. Nall'De and SmltJI. were hol4- lng a poet-m.ortem ovez: tile diejoiDted. carca.sa of 8Ometh1Q th&t was decorated ",alb. nut., and bolla and all ta.nsled I,lp La wire.

i·Ob, a. waehJrag .. mach1ne motor," we said gaUl'. but our triumpb Wu ab.ort .. lhecl.

··Tbl.... ""Id Opl 1110 • .,. Ter~ coldly, "18 I;. combnstion en.gI.De."' We 8&14 "eh" a.ga1n in a. "V'el'T amall volee u4 went over to talk to CpL Bla.Ia wbO was doing &Om.ethln&" wlth a pol of grease.

Wheat City Tannery Limited

STORE: 142 • 10th STREIOT

Phone 8372

Brandon, M.n.

A man may bUHd himself a tbroDe ot bayonets... -but be cannot Bit on lL -Dean Iqe.

NU·WAY SHOE REPAIR LA.D. Ea' AN D GENT'S 8HOB B.EPA.IBINO OF QUALITY 1 .. I:ldath Street Phone 38S2: "'_IlIaD.

war etrort."

Sporting Goods

--Qat Our Quotation, 01\_

Footboll, DiamondboJl, and Boseball Uniforms

Right now I, • good time to con .. fder outfitting team. for 8pot"t. Un5form.. W. will aiR weleeme opportunity to uti·

mitt on other .porta need ..




Ji1rtt clUj Mub at an bo.ol'&" S;pecl&llsm. In J":lJI:h and Cb1ps 2k and up

Ct.QP Sa.,.. Chlaese Dbh"J. Pastries

Pholle Wi ttl • UKb. St.

ORV BABIES Mlataken Identity Brlngl on Y'elrtCaioo.-----.JUeb women of the Itt.U.aD oolonJ' in Ate.u.n.rdia were revealed to have bought $~OOG wortb. ot ca.kes and cl\Dd.el!l to abo.lSr on Axil'. 801- d Le r- s, wborn th97 belle"ed were on the outa.klrlll of tb.& cit7-

Acting on a talse rumor that A:zLa ~l)r(!:EJ8 h41d reached the Me:andrLa Buburbs of Mex, tbe Italia.D. women bOUJIb.l up a.1I the Bweets in AleDl1- drt.. loaded them into- automobUea.,

UN!.TED STATES :~tI;:n::!IJ r!a~:e;,,~:~ .. ;our powers aDd dro'Je to Mn. AUSTRALIA

QUESTION FOR GERMANS Whe. th~y ""rived lhey toun4 Au.· JAP SAILORS MAOHIN!oGUN

(From aD A..ddrElSB by Frank Kuo~ "Oae S-p1!laks much toda,. or a New ...... U.a.n troopa--not Italian!!. The wo- LIFEBOAT CREW

,Seheblry ot tbe U.S. Na"'ll'7) EuroPe,." be Bald. "None CLD. .ay what men burst into tears, ,,'Ie Ull!! cau- Sydn-ey. A'I,Islr1LlbL-J.p:ant!l" NlI-

How long w111 the Oerma .. people it will be. :Slit Sw~tlt:er]8.ndf in the dIes and oook'es to tbe .Aul)tr:p.lIan'fl o-rs stood on the deck of thfllr .ub.

permit their' 1""8r:i 10 C:CJo~it MUch mldst ot tIb.., continent'. peoplo!!!. will a.nd left. tnartne, smoking cigaHlttJ!ll!ll, white

crlmes ? Will Ul6Y rise to deDOuac:e baTe her place ail was the ca.s.e iD ~ipmatel machine gnnned the • ..,.

thl. terl'Orl.ml Will thoy .. ormlt 8Ue!> the EQ",.., of tho """t, That pi eee MOSCOW ..... to 01 .. ao~ton BrltlOh trawl&< 011

orgfee to go uDoheckedT How 10Q..l w1lI be Done otb(loil" tbl.n that ot a fAil! WOMAN P.LOT the ea:at coast, memben or the traw-

do they thlDIi. the CITilized 'W01'ld wW people.OJ MoscQw.-Ta.nl"a 03o'k~na, W(JJtLaD 1.·;&.::r8W said.

continue to &e()&rate tbe Dermatl peo- "Don't let ,ouneJ'M be be.tan pilot ot the Rus!!Itan rcree, h .. : made A 8~iaI QD.DOD.D~em"D.t- from Gen. pIe from their leaden!' The Gen:aa:n down bT EtJ;ter1or ElVE!lDts, don't let more than So :flights over Germe.n Douglu MacA.rthur'"8 headq'l1lLtters Petlpli!l must :I!Iell.l('l tb*t unl-ess the), ,ours.el",e:s be won by IDlldtoua tiro- positions, lit was. reported Saturday a.nnouneed the !!belling 01: the tra:wkr make eJea.1' tbe1r OWll renltlon, UD· papMB;· the geneT&l IIIt.11.ted. Sw~t- b,.. the .army news-paper Red Star. It wIth !Lx casualties, two kUled a.nd lese they stop 50wtDl .ued. Qf hat8, E:erland Is small. he obl!lerroo. but in .. ee the eret time the newspaper's tour- wounded, but :satd the trawler the,"" win reap tbe whlrhrLud arter compensatioll "Ilature bfUI made bet dee.patebea :rom tbe front bave. men- reached port,

tbe the wa1'. beautiful and :strong." Honed a woma.n "pilot by name. The submarlne came to the surface

Tile Poles manage to get W(lnI of of the eaateen eoast (It Auoatra1Ja

tbolr re .• Is\anoe out to no, What abo.t COSSACKS RIDE AGAIN within point·blank range of the !raw-

the German people? The C.rech:s are re8i&Ung RUler with. every OUDce ·of Itrength. "\VhIU about the GennaD "p~p1e? Tb.e Norwiltgli:\ua: meet evef7 act of repreIRlon with tlnn and :!'Itllb· born reetetence. What aboQt the GE:rman people?



The Chtneae have a way ot ..,aylDg (l. ueat deal in... few words. Maj. Gen. Chn Bhfh :Mlng, Obtneee military a.ttMhe in Wa.llh1n~n. lived Il"p to th.s repntatl(Ju at a press canterence,

Aseertlng that with 500 bOblbers and :fightE'lra. 'his fellow countr;Jrmen 'could start an e:lfectlve offensive against the Japanese right now, Gen, Chu oA~.d:

"You Americans htt'Ve the atreamlined idea, that everything must be perfect before you ets.rt.. but we hi.ve the r!cksba mind and can patch and mend those planes a.nd get them agaJnf5t tlb.e enemy somehow."

Thus. taT the ricksha mind ha.s done

a. far better job in AlSia "than the streamlined mind, Gw. Chu has given Washington someth1ng to PQnder.



The Post Surveys The World From Brandon




Bwttserland'a P''''::18 ia the New Europe te emerze from the war will be that of a. tree DaUon, Gen, Henri

Ou:iRa..n, [!ommlinder-1n-cb1E1( 0:1:' 8w188

armed tOTC6II. sllid In a meaaq:e to

the country'a youtb.

The general, In an address made en lha Swlsl!Ii !nde.p.endenee Da, S •• ur-day but not published ILDtn todar, u.rlB'ed 2O-year-olds· just rea.chtll8 ("Ji

Don CossackB, many of tnem rIl!th·~·:r loOong a.S:o rrem ti"Le R.us91.an re.glllar army, are rid.ing .lipiD into battle in an effort to save th@'I.r vHlageJJ, The C-o-s$ack$ hEld been plc'med a:!I offE1:ing furious reerseeece to the G~rm.ans 11\ the Sal:sk. area. But Red Stu dlsCI03ol!'d ~htl:t the delerJd.:!r's WlI1!,e in tne dH'neulty with the somewhat negaave statement that they We-re <I!l-".:{'~edLnE in acme p]acf!!! to hold th~ enemy:' ThoI.J:sands of retired cOS$liIIek fighter:';. {orn;,(![" ml!mhe-n; of the first Elovret eevetrx armv, under MtlrSho· SemMn Bl,ldyotnny. had vo]un"t.et;!r-ed tc hold thea- belQ"ll"ecl "quief Don." Both Dorl· and Kub..,n C003.rlcks "\IJ e re !;.wLrlging Jntc th..;, berne.


"NazUom, Fasclom. MnttaTlsm. tho growlllg "' .... enl. of dlet&torohll' In ·the .deml)Ora01e~ all en-dlllillVOr-lil to get ..,me klIid 01 order Ollt of chao. . -, .. Either we- a.re. go1na- to have """1Igh ,peoPle "ho dls<:lI'llne themBlE!IT&S ·from within, or oe1sE!J. we. are going to have discipline Imposed on DO from wlthou~ , .. Nothing lert 10 • .., ever does anrthln.i: creative. No hone get onywh ere ua til he 10 hOJ"ll9l!8ed,

No ~te&m Or gaB ever dr1'1'"" a.nythlng IInI1l It 10 oonllned, No Niapra I. ever tamed Into light .1>11 IM)Wel' until he ... ha..rnesseli. Noll steam. or.1RJJ aver drlveil 8.llJ'I:.b.lng untn. it la COII:lined. No N""",,,. Is ever turned Into light aDd power llnUI It I, twu>..1ed, No lire ~ver grows great 1lIltll it 18

toeueee, 'dedicated, dlsOipllnod, One 01 1IIle wldo.' gaP. In human ""Peri ...... Is the pp ·belwt'lan· what we s.a.y we want to be &ad. our wUUnn-en to diwlplln.e ourselves to get there, And the cod 1D eVEn"]'" re.lm. i,·&I.wa.YII- seJtdlBclpILn-E;t.··-Dr. Hury El~I'JI'BOn. .FoBdlok.



Buen.os A..lres.-A. lal'ge front wind.w of·. Oerman-<lWlled photograph BIJoP ... hldt. dloplayed pleluns ot lilt; ler. Field Marshal Erwiu Ro-,;nmel and Argent:lUe Pree.1dent. Ramon. S. CasUllo waB smashed by unld811tilled perBODS,


Sea-men on the tra.wler tried to get Into a. lifeboat, whtla the captdn Qf' the vessel shouted tlhi;o craft was I'lllarmed, a.rid on a fiehingerulse.

The J.a.pnn&ee did not hea.r. or Ig .. nored the captain. The trawler: wa!!l shelled and maehlna gun bulleta iI_pa.t .. terea :amOZl:g the men tryIng to shove ott with the lifeboat.

Althouglh hit by 13 :shell!!. the trew ..

Ier remained a.Ooat. The :subm.rlu~· then submerged. In In minutes it came up aga.~n to fire 8. few more sh-eUEl. than vanished.

Hours later another trawIE)r anived and with. dinghy lerrled the dead and wounded aboard,



Bun 1n Ch'na Shop BeQome. a Reality

Wfnd90r. lIj:t>~and~lt bas haP1>en· ed at 18JBt. A bull which 6a:cape:d. I:r<lm. a Blaughwl' heuae took refuge ID .an. a.ntiquEs chiun. shOop nes.. Windsor eaatle .

There W&B ·e.careely & Whole. piece or -china. laft when. drovl;lI'!!l Cam.e ;fmd captured tte animal

Mn. Maud-e. Crutchley, mana.gere.as or the store, :Bald: "I W'9I- b<lmbed out ot my Lond9D; h o mfl, bot it "lV"8.S not mure" uclUng than the -Quarter hOllr trying to get the bull out -of the shop:'





120 Tenth St.



The Depot'a anDual swim meet on A.Ugust 1 !tb. _as a. good 'Elbow :a.nd II. ilJ.ghly l5ucceJI.!!Itul event. The Depot'.!! water denizens of both sexes kept til. pool Iii a Burry of fOAm all atlernooD in a faBt moving and oolodnl program of aQ.ua.t1e 6ports.

The winners or the swimming meet are listed below:

Lodio.$ n.l'd tre •• ly ...... l.l. Dor· een Sullivan; 2nd, Dorolhy Stark, Ladle. 35 yal'd open-lIt, DorothY Stark; ,:.nd. Alidry Carpenter.

70 yard fr ••• lyl ..... 1.1, 1I'001e, W. R.

FlI, 9; 2nd Klein, p, Eo FIt. j,

35 Yard ba.ek 8troke-lst~ Nelson. J.

Flt 7; 204, Brown.ton e, Hql ••.

140 yard ,-.lay-lol, Flight 13, ."", O'Grady, G. L" RIM, !!y\ar; 2nd, Flight 4, KI .... , 1I!eMol4nd, B1ottol. He..dy ..

'35 yatd breast stroke-e-rst, Beranek II'LI. 5; 2nd, O'Grady, Fit. 13.

105 yard medley-R,A,F. DLsw sal Flight; Flight 4.

35 yard egg and spoon rece=tet, Potts, J. W. FIt. R.A.F.; Cameron, FIt. 7.

In tho "POrta parado IIne·.p thl. month we bave ou.r usual unfalUnl quota or 008woo.mera to thLa. Depot who ba¥'~ earlled some dLatlncUoD. a. athlol;Jteg 1n e!vl1lan lit.."

Joe Lacboski made a Dotable con .. trlb.tlo~ to hod.1I .nd tool"'ll. at RI'I'e:rd.leSehool~ EdmontoD~ Alberta. And Joe il!! ln8t raMo' to fltrlke a home-run at tbe expeD86 of Hmet and Cmnpa.ny. :frank Blaeett! baH" from Nordegg, A1berta.. where he made tb(! campus ring with hil eeowesa as a softball star+ Knox College, Toronto, ontario, h!! proud tc' claim Ma.-c M~~an for his starry effolltE\! at ba.&ketba.U and lacrosee. Hockey e.nd toothaU were Ed. Popiel's strong p!lints when he pl8.Yed with the W1nlIilleg Royu.ls and St. Jneeeh's. Ed. is now ccucentra .. Ung all his energy on the buainess I)f defeating the blonde bB.l'ba.riana tn Berlin. Baseball claimed. ROIB Dlxon's energies. at Neudort. Sa.ek. Tar-gets in Ge.rma.ny are due :for :some accurate pounding when golf-pro Arnold mmereca of the Winnipeg CIl..DOe Club gnes into aetkm, Water ..:portlS ha.ve their repr.leutativB in the person of Ed. Reed a Junior diving champion from Mooee. Jaw.

Sioux Lookout lost an up and comjng "hockey player when the R.C.A.F. scored with EJd. Smith. And an encore here for Cyril Gllmor-t o-f tbe. reerous P11n Flon Bomhera. Cyril wU1 do his bombing from the air now, Pe.ter eerus mo.de. fI. name for himeelf in hockey and beeeball circles at BDnl!', Alberta, Pet. Elchol played ..... k.tball with .the MteheHe P1.ratee a.nd softball witb the Calgary Greyhounds. Hockey was Bert Burton's special talent -at Ban'"-head, Alberla.. Pete Strutynski was prominent1y featured wi.th the St. Boniface Athletic Club at a hockey a.nd softball arftet. Hockey and sort-



248 Tenth' St.

Phone 399,2"


Natural .and Genuine Product

of Manitou Lake


Sold In bulk fur bath ·use In· the treatm-!'!n1 Cof nervous criBorder$, arthr.lt I 1-,.' and s.kh1 eonditions..

Miss Robinson'S Dress Shop

Linge.rle~ Hosiery, BhJUBea and Skirt.

Manitou Products

9"32 Ros;e:er AVG •• Br.andon. Mo.n.

PhO-De fM2

ball had: another .. lot in tbe penon at Joa Tacknq from No-rib B&7. Ontarlo,· Curlin&" .... It. loile 'efeD4,. In Pliller Lorn. of WlllllIpeg, liU Dlllpall anall.1- htor .. UI be heavIng hIo rocks at Hltle, from IIOw 011, A member (If the Vlenna Champs of I!llglll Oounty, Onta.lo, I. Goo,,,,,

_hi. o...,lalty b ball JOhD

N,._lfouk applied hi. tal 1.0 .0<>-

... and ........ 11 back In 8alll<atoon. _ .. ,

va.rlatlon. on the bIUIic Idl!la. (If seU defense. wtth wa.ny pod pomt. u Il-porta--.but with man.,. more well.k po1.nte when. applLca.tion to a "real lifo" altuaU"n 10 madol It 1& obrtou. that .podal equipment and oit .. _ are neeessary tor eacb of til ... JDeth ... ods of sell proteeUon and in COIl.Il!lftqueaee, fire DOt entirely praetlelLl.!

Tbe Japane8e ha'fe -evolved an ea-

HUNARMED •• II."t .1'Item of combat mown ...

COMBAT" ,"Judo" or,more poPlllarly, "JIII-lltaD", Thll .d~ ... oombln .. mOD7 ef the

By COrnorai Calder b ee I· future. 01 oaeb lorm 01 com ... t

Bld, Note: This Is I!J<o lI .. t In a P'~~lou.l1 mentioned aDd willi a r .... ••• 1 •• of th ••• short arUoiea deolgnod minor addition ... 00 varlatlo~. form. to make tbe· reader better aeqaami.ed tbe meat modern and pra.eUc .. l.clence with a. tecbDlque of ael1-deftmse eyer devised ~

known A1I ··Judo·· or ··Jhl-j1te.U··_ RTol .... - Tb1a. !SOunds 11II:e a danraranB "[lort ed b, the Japanese, ODd DO ... beIq -well, It Is! Gre.lnt of tar. mu.t itlit"roduced Into the com'ba t t&cUr:n of be -exercIsed "b,. both. instructors end certaln braueheB of cur armed forces.. pupllt In th e performance of the vert., Judo'· Ie :becoming or laere.aablg In· oua phases of eacb trick aa eeetcus tereBt ·to eveI'Jone. P_T. Inatructor injm·y wiU most a.uur-ed1y accompany Calder is a qualUied ~nent or tile cerereseneeei

art B.nd will ~18dly furniah anawers Let me explain my t!-ta.te.ment tha.t to auy Questions relating to U~ ap.. this Is the most modern. of ey8tem~: pUca.tion and execution. His aeeoud Fencing was popula.r and practlca.l nrtfcle will appear hl the next. Issue. in the tlaya when aU men carrted

swords-now it is an almost forgotten.

The scLence of self defen.:!Ie hail been art, me.rely a. memory lin the min(1:!. of absorbing inte~t to men ever 01 m¥t CIt ~S an(! valuable onl, as 8- SjUM t'be world began. '<How to pro- sport and ail a. setenca from which many ya.]ua·bJe taets. can be orawu< Boxing and wl'estl!ng are both valuable but the to.rmer re.<lutrea: a. ·hittlng power which is gre .. bly impeded by the clothing which we wear and the

(Continued uext page)

There th"", lU"e~ ADd as a groUP th., paolr. • pretty !letty klc .. -almed .. t tile oeat of HIU.r'. paolo, W"ll ""b.bl,. ...... ..,,0 01 th_ I.... 111 o.etlon at th6b!a" ,porla m_ In Sep. tomb.r. &Qd ... ·re ·conlldent th.7'1l help to .. eep No, D Mo.aninl' Depot ... ~ .... tho ilm.·lIChI-

teet ourselves from harm," ha.s always had a strange ra.e:cina.tiOll tor all of u3-and there have been many aysterns Dr acicncca evolved. You are &11 famliUar with Fenctng, Boxing and Wrestling which are, funda.mentally.








"Unarmed Combat"

(Conllnued from Pille 10)

latter de-penda up.on ,riP. tAke~ .on the _y IUleif II1Id 10 a100 Impeded greaU, by tl.lules. shirts or even ,greatcoats! "How then .nII we to oTercome tbls dl!!I.ult'J or .lotblneT Wbat ..... we do wben we. are weighted down with cumb.,..ome .I.thlne?

nrat queeuon and can Blu.trate tbo second. but praeUee aDd more pracIlea is necessary to make certain that the correct method Is 'being used! 1 can.aot empbul.le too ,tronll" the need ror care in practice and th .. t Is my cblef reason for ",anUng organized cluses wbel'e in,tructlon. coach· Ing and careful supervision ean be had at al I times &nd. errors eo t to il Jl !Is apparent that pr-ea.eDt d&jr COD- !Ilinbuum!

dLUODS in,ol'Ve numerous problem., with wnl.h !!Ie .. n.lent8 did nat b .. ve to contend and by Incorporatinl the oolutlon. to tbese proble.... w. will have a 'modern' Kcleuc •.

Yon will .e. Ihat the whole Idea of thIs Unarmed Comb.t 18. lundamen· taU,., Be PracUcal! In tecbnl(:aJ. term Inology we lay empbaels OD tbe term, ··Maximum Emciencyu. "MIl:rlm urn EfficieDcy"· meaDS do1nll" tho rlgbt Ihlng •• t Ibe right tim". In lb. right WlIl'! The problem. "1II<h nat. urally come to mind are:

1. Wh~t 10 the right Iblng to do

In varioull .g-Uuatlons! .

2. What I. tbo rl,ht melbOO?

I ca. ten 10U Ibe .n....... to Ibe

The .nUr. cou .. e I. fUndamenta1l7 b .... d OD knowledge 01 tb. hllman body and kno'Wlledg., Qf simple laws. of leverage "bleb! enable • sman mall to oV&rCome a mucb larger and. perbaps 'Slron,er cppenen t! Such 'knowledge i8 valuable only 5f 11 Ii, u8,ed eo-rreet. Iy-and ml.·applleatlon of a hold Or lault.y e.trUdng or daOgerOu8 06"e Centers can cause aertous damage.

It seen becomes apparont to the beginner tbat. "in Knowledge the.re Is Strenetb:' and iD a very .bort. tlm.e the fundamentals or thls abaorblng IlClenee may be mastered even thou~h. proftdeDey Jill execu.Uon com.es ODJy after mucb arduous practlee,

Annual Sports Day Very Successful

A. a very aueee .. fII.l and excltlog prelude to the btg spOri8 wind-up on Soptember 16tb. No. 2 M ..... IOS DePOt's annuat .porUl <la1 lIeld at lb. exhibition grounds on July 19th was a last movln~. hotly conte.ted ahow t~at provided the big crowd In tb. , ... nd,land with dl the tbrill. and opm. 01 a three ring circus. .hch credIt 16 due those who flO ably organized and 8upervlsed tbh colorful .avalude ot .POrt. The Impressive array or athletic talent we saw In •• uea P1'Oml •• o .. boOS-up t •• ol. when we cl.,h wlln lb. gladiator. trom A4 ArUUery T:r:u.lntng Centre and No. 12 S.F.T.8. In September.

LI.ted below are the wlon ... or tb~ various event .. and thQ:se who placed 81f)cond!

R1l5938: 2nd. JOJDe" N. G.

Shot Pull-ht, Foot, W. 1..; 2nd.

Proosaek. S. R.

SoUbal1 ssm.a-lot. Flight 7; 2nd.

F'Jlght 3 DI.p .... 1.

Hlgb Jump-Io" McDoWell. J. S.

R171552 (6' 2"); 2nd. McKloney. R. F. RL77575 WI").

1'01. Vault-lot. Tolll:M. S. (10'$").

Laak.o. W. W. (10' $"). ..

tOO·yard Da..b-lIt. Llvlllkl. P. E.

R.1~9: Mallory, R.. S. R.155972. ,.

Tug-of-war. ope_hlt No. U S.F.

T.S.; tnd. No. 2 MaDn~ Depl)t.

TIlg·.C·war. FlIJlht-ht, Flight 10; 2nd. It.A.'F. Flight.

UO yard ,ace-lot, Rolfe. P. N. 081576986; 2nd. Warn oe k. G. R. R1S1i69f.

IfuidleS-ltt. Foldl. Eo; 2nd. Duete •• C. O.

220 yanl r •• _lot, MaUo..,.. R. S.; 2nd. Duclos. C. O.

Mil_1st. Marno .... G. It. R.1Ii5891; 2nd, Way. C. W. OWSU7".

880 Relay-lit. Flight 8 DI8po ... l; 2n4. L.<I.C·. Reception Wins.

Run"ln, Broad Jump-lot. Wal<lra, Ladle. Noyelty 6~ ,.rda-18t. Audrey Carpenter: 2nd, M.rg, RUe7.

Congratulations to Ibe ... all! Wo·,. looktng torward to 8eelD. them perlorm ag.ln on the 16tb 01 S'ptember "'hen tboy compete .. Ith Ibe alblotoa !rom AI ."d No. 12.



. Mrs. W. A.. Wood. CQAVenOr at Cbe Ifosteu COmmlltee, dhfCU!I:'U! plan .. lot thlD next dam:.e wJ.th ~(I m~m,l)('!rs. Ldl to KI&h\: (9t&nd:lnlJ) Min. R. ,,_, Kelleher" MI$. W. F. Sellt'ts. ~I_ri:. D. JI. SCQt .. aaell Mn. S. C. Benld.f", (S~~'le4, Mr$. W. A .. Wood. Mn. R. B. nDDler. Mrl, P. C. HUEbes,. MH. W. B. Dab a.D4 \\II"" A.. 11. Seall-. Ab:u:nt:

Mrs. M P. Cannall and two vuyLnJ rep~.M'n13.tl,,'el 1)( the I,.;adlH AlI"IIb.I'), to tbe :lith t'1~ld Dr'fade.

,_ ... ere In IftIDIq. WIIIllt tho 101Il&U •• cam. !rom H0e4qaazt .... II ... 1IUIIDtd for til. 1 ..... 1 Y.W, uoo1Ited

b7 oth.r ..moe OfPII .... u.....,

10 "1'1'7 t til. p.oJeo!. Th. IIeOpe

"'"' au"""" of tile Hnloe "'"_dod !unw OIl Ill. loeal <lOlIIJlI1ttee. TIle a.bl ... ment 01 the lInndoo Du.ce Boetus oem". ~.pOeb tho .. bUltr .... _rallon 01 til. ' ..... In 1t.41 ... Du.cI HOlllu semce. Mlo 111 UIIl.. aetmc 00 th. committee. Other 0 ...... - .l&UoII",," ID IoeaI _4 lIe&1'l>7 baUou ~t.d are: ~_pl1li111 of Ria Jf&JeaI7'a 1!'0 __ b ... .at tor .r the J.O.D.lll.: tile Lalli.. Au. bT aDd .PpNdlte tile pl_IIt..-clt.l UIarT 10 til. CUtAlaIII lAIIoo.

•••• Inge ... th _wd. of bri&ht. pr"1:7 .M ............ WIIlII., .. _~ 01 lhe -'rio proYld",," .. dIoD.. part:o.WI Y. W. bo .. lI. "'". the orl3lD&1 OOD.yener tbroUCh IIlis oommItW. 01 the War or -tho """'Dlilletl. A Womt.ll 01 UII. SenteN. ...... 1 abllllT, .b~ sa ... an" lead.reblp

J.o IHO Ill, Nitioul Counoll .. til. to the crouP. ea.1l "l:nelll~ of wlI10b

Y. W.C-.l. 0tIUI1sod. "0_ ""moe .. t oaerll.od maoh time .. "d oDersT 10 polDto •• roao _ Do ... II11o.. ...he... the •• ec... or the project. A ".PPT eo.lld_"'" n" ... be... of the t.rII1od .Ilol... .. IU.,.,...OO' 10 M.... Winter

Miss Brandon Claims Record in Dan« Marathon

"TIle CIIJ of DUcIq het" .. te"" Ill. airmen'. oecol&d • .._...... 00 BrucloU-tIwIb 10 the ~ acuyl1.1.. or thet II"ODP of ... _ comprlalq lhe oomml_ or- tile


SILVER GREY SHIRTS .• __ ._ .... _ .. _ 1.50 2.50 3.00 •

OFFICERS' SHIRTS _.-_. __ • .............•... _ 3.00. 3.50

BLACK TIES __ .- .... .. 1I0c Tile l.OO up to 2.00

BLACK SOx. Ribbed or Pl8ln _ SOC to 1.00





John A. McDonald & Son Ltd.

Rosser Ave. at 9th st.

on b(lr :remOTal to WlD.nlPfC IlL MU'Gh. 1942. ..... mad. 10 lIIe Pnloiclut of. t ... BreildoD Y. w.c.s, IItIt.r<!, M.rt.. W. s: Woo4. With elw"m end It.et -. e .. 11q .. 1''''''"1110''' _0""1 o! - work, Mr.. Wood. direc::u u4 eo-eedlnat.. lb. ..xc.lle1ll t....... wort ot tbe ctlmmtU&e m.embe_H.

Dance HOllen servlee prond .. dance panDora for lbe ... ooIIl7 1I0pO, :Bummer and ..... nter. lD. BraDdo'D.,. Slbllo .. net trt)quenLl7 at Carberr'J' and Rho. ers, JOlt •• 1111 Air Fo"", .... 4 tho Army 111 • repreMDIaUf'tI CI'OI..-.eotloll of Canadllll TGIIIIl.· 00 ..... l1li glr'" ot th DUlce Hoot.,. __ a ere .... oe«Ion of ()aDa41111 pJo. They Ire earofQllT .elected, ID ..... ~ ~ OTer .event(len ,.... or: ... &rid. llD·

married aDd drt...." rrooi the-

rank. 01 na t.I1d __ deN

toDd 40 .. ""U... oteaocraph... t.I1d cl.rlta. Tn. ..I.ote.. are I'eIIIUUIIo4 lbat the dU_ ..... "'NIp",," for the enjo)'IDonl of -tho bon III bl1l8 an4 khaki and mlut be ._.-.ted hT til. lirls •• part 01 their ........ or1l. N0e4- I ••• to .. " II Ia • Ter1 pJ_ and popular contribution to the ..... dort

TIl. C ... rt.l 11M of _ b_rod o.od IIXl7 O""'Q I. ".ITlded 11I:IOnll til, twelve matroas. It & dance reQUirea two hundred partD_ the eIIol.. to IImltod to _alrementl. FoIII' replt.r ... eekly d&no •• aI'e .beld ID the .1IDUIl.r

month, and ".urln,

the W'iDtel'. Tbll demlDd." three Or 10DT' eTeD IbP • week of each bosl6l.tl IOel In addition l'eceas1tal-e. an aTeraile or tUt]" phone and pe:reoDal caUs on her each week •• tbe rouUDo or IIck.lo. •• Ie.llon and .. Ifolm.nl .. toltowed.

StatlstlcI tell tho .10..,. of ho ...

BrandoD exc.eded by ~Ve Ume. .ny other elly In caDada the number of

parl;DerJl pn: ..... d.ed tor men ill unllorm at properl1 .,,1' .......... dIoDe •• bet ....... Mt.7, 19-10 ond Idarcll, lUI. Tho recordi show thAt S2,2&O 'lrere prol"!4ed. .t dOD." attended bT 56.000 ... .,. ". ..... IDC u.at 22 o>onlll ... rIo4.

Tbe wor .. of the Bn-Jldoa Boat .. l'Ioniee coDtiDuea. It la.yol, ... &r6&t ....rlft ee 01 time and ellera- !rom the women who oon&tilute tbe coDllmiUeo. aU of wbom are flD,I&Std In otbe'r 'War

acUTlUe8. 'rho men aDiI1 m of No.

2 MonnlDI Depot .pprec t. lIlelr .r-

lort and aehle\'omellL For tbote Acr .. 001 Tel .. 11 .... t""- III B ....... o ........ 11 ... all olIIe.o 01 Hlo M~J .. I1'. Force. In tb. .lelnllT we IIrP Ill. Ho.t ....

Ser.i.. Committee to lnto.lD 1111

IplOl1did """"'" cd ...11118 113

lall&ot .plrlL



P.rh.P' tbe moot oalu.bl. resull 01 all education I.. lb. ability to .. eke your.t:lf do tno t:bina ,.OU blTO to do. when It ought to be done, whether you Ilk. II Or Dot; It I. the arat le.son that ought to be I~med: and however early a mao's training be~ gl.o, It 10 probably tb. 1""1 I""SOIl that b e learnl thorougbl,.-Thoma. Henry Hude,. 1n Tecbnlcal EdllcaUOD (18111.

AC2 aaptrt. SdUedl!'r. _f Port. A.rlhur. lookl 10m .. or .he d;atll£e bO$tep.el lOver.

Girls in. 'lbe- .troup atot: leli tG :rl,.bl-Kay ..... (!:W.II Miriam Hunter, Ur-·a.tbe-r Olle,by. DorC!~.n SuWVUI. .ad .rtaD. HOJ..ypko.

CompUmentl of



Wen Br.keD_ ai,Il Clau Saddle Bonea for H1n;.

RtdiAI lnstrgc:Uou 11,- .ppobltmeDiI:

The Crystal Hotel

Br.nclon~ Manltob.

The Passing Show


In recent weekB No. 2 Ma.nD1BI Depol revereed tlba .. uual proeedore Qod toot the role ot visiting e.:rat&rta1nera themaell'eB. On Ju)y 27th a concert party [rom this Depot entertained at the. !\tatnAI b08Pilal LD bonor of the departure of Doctor PlDcock to Winnipeg. Tbe R. .. C.A.F. orchestra. wU.h Laurl. <l<lld.borough at the plano provlded an hcur and a hall or :r&al ,Ive and jam.,

And D,D July 25th we gave the Steu.ar per'ormerlii In JJl_Y Sllow-Lhe R.C.A.F. OrcheSlra.

Bombing an<.t Gunnery School .t Mac- ====",:,~~:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;,~~,;;;~~~~~~===:===

Dollllld a h1,hly 8&.or1 two hour THE 8TRATHOSPHERE KNIGHTS Mr. John G088, Noted Singer

... mple 01 what thl. S .... tlon ""0 coo" and Novelist, Appears

UP in the way 01' quaHt.y e,Dtertain- Tbe e.bove title waa moat appr:)- on Depot Stage

meot. priMe In descrLb~ng our Bunda,. night TaUs and topb_ate were Dol in • .,1.

_bow of the 16tb-Lt was very de- deuce, but the utrmea in Bummer flnitely .way up a.bove .the ClOlldEil 1D. kha.k.L who heard the r1¢h barLtoat entertalnme.Dt value. And the g:.11l.J;7 vo~ce of Mr. John GoBS were no leu or .tara. whl) pertormed for 10 were, (ilp.preeLaUve tb •. 11 the dlstJDgul.bed without exception, tOll*nolcberlf. audteneea who ba'l6 listened to Mr. OOIiS' VOice in many part. ot thts COD ...

Vera Roney. even without ber da.nee number," WlllJ, tloHletb.lng we cou.Jd cue upon fo}' a Long Ume and nel'"er weary. Tbat 111'8.& .fI. Dke pair o! le,1 Cpl. Fletcher dl.plared ID bi, female impersonaUon, we thought. And,. Twa'. Violin 8010' were very ear-a.ppealing. Lovely Instrument, the vtolln. Your eecttettou wa-a a 'bit (it alrllht too. trte.ud S-parrow. And Earl DJck.', elegant vclca hod Ita usual dulcet qu.allty. ·"Mr. John GOBS, our star att.1'8dion, was every bit a'S good as ate' reputation. We have given him 0. special paragraph ur two elsewhere on tbis page. Also very deserving of special meauon was Alez MacDonald's SaUor's Hornptpe, Flt. Sgt. Hutton's voice waa in u.uus.aull.y goud form, too.

For our pleslilluu OD JuJy ~th we had avi{llt. rrom thl) Pa.l's All Girl Band and t:b.1.JI. ... as very mucb appreciated by both the. adjudicators of good music and tbe· eon.ooISOlU"s or stream-lined beauty. Two "ery out .. standing numbers much enjoyed were tbe 'bollDY pair or Ieaetee 1Il Lb..eir highland fijDg and IriSh jig oll'erlng. -alllot.he two pretty dameets who made ue ,.Y.m tor the romantic. Isles or ~b.o south With tholr ». wallan dance.

By the way, do you ever UUle in Oil elL'" to hear our Mann!.n. Depot program t"r1daY$ a.t 6.46 p.m.'!' This ts well worth listening to uud complll'OIlo (lI.vortibly with any other aimlIUl' l!J'ogra.ln on the alr. Gordon Me· Lenu ot tbe V.M.e.A. is the. moving liPlrlt behind tbls otrering and he'iJ doing a nice job.

The trademark "Smilers" is always .0 guarantee of good entertainment, an.d the SUIlda.y concert ot Au.g. 2nd wae no exception. Our station ba.nd., by the way, hi playing no illC0l181dera.ble part In making mese concerts so eucceeenn. Aug. 2nd'. tine-up included taeee tamiUar uemee: Earl Dick, JUlian Boblak. Dougl •• McLeod, Gi>orge SeDyk., Bill Abott. Cpl. Calder, Rupert sehleder, Fred Wood, Gloria and Tud:r Quale, Dolores Goldsbor ... ough, Fra.nk Hockaday I and Freddy S.b •• llaD.

August 9th brought UB Boa Fred.rloIt·. Victory Troup. from WIIIlIlpeg, and we regret that we haven't more demlled Information about the lu.di"ldual artteea taJdng port In this very ElXOELLlilNT .h..... N en tim. you come to vlalt. Q.8 don't go awa, without telllDg u. more ",bout yo ...... selve •.



~ AU KJtllh 'Jr 'T'r::m:$hr ""or}l: ~

t .lUhmd.lI!d 11) Prl)mllt1.~· !

r Bralld(1on, lhon.

: ~~~~ - .. ~----...;

t.Il1&ot and overseas. to-ge\-the:-tongue-arouud centemjer-

A writer or Dote fu!I well 8.s an m~ a!7.

tematlnnally temoue :!!ILnger Mr-. GoSB The St, Jea.n-JJ&pUete Society has haIl JUBt fln19hed c(}n.duC':ting a sum- passed a resolution Q.skl.ng the govmer 8tbooJ of music at Singoos.h Lake ertlment to s.dopt "0 Canada" as the near Dauphin, and he ldndly eenaent- natlonal anthem and no doubt th1a eli to make an appearance on. our move ha. the support of French Depct stage betcee returning to hill speaking Canada. Nevertheless. we home In Vancouver. Brandon ... m 'bellev-e moat canadians will r~ent probably remember JI.{r, Gos.a. durlng any attempt to put "God Saye the his vtatt bere in 1940 to adJudScate at King" Into second place. It Is the

the music reauvaa. national anthem &n~ should remain so,

Mr. Goes La El native of London, lncldent.BUy we wo-u.ld like to 88g-

England, and at tbe end ot the Ia..t gest to tbcee who maillt.ain "God Sav. war he tu rued in his unltorm and the King" is the nI!lUoJJ.&1 anthem and began a Vel'Y auceessrul career as those who have difficulties wltb the prcresatonal singer. He hILS been tour- woros end tune ot "0 Canada'· that IDg Canada and the United Stat.. they stoP .Ioging lb. IaBt lIDo 01 the since 1929. vanes of the nationsi anthem as

Ml'. GOBS likeS! Ca.nada very mueh, "God Sa.ve Our King" Uld utter the but he Baye he woUld l1k:e It much correct wording, "'God Save the King:' better It tbe war had not separated

him rrom bls w!t. and doughter Who

are still residents ot London, He 18 looking torward to the time wben he can rejoin them again, but thlnkl thot Canada will ••• nt.ally boeome

Cpt MacKay eUd tnto tbe proK?'&m. at the laat minute and we're cert.a.iD.Iy g.lad that h. w •• n·t overlooked. His voice Imperaonatfons were 006 of the outstanding features ot the Show. Get this boy on the stage again. we Ilk. him. Gloria Qnayl.'. lour glrl dance rc u tine will always be a wei ... ccme addLtIon to .. nr show we. have. The stron .. men of the Depot.. SenYL A.bbott, Calder and Fletche.r preeented a haud balan.lng •• t that had a real profeB8Jonal 88. vor. TbJs is good entertefnment any time. (rood is tho word for the duet rendered by Margaret KJDg and Jack Baines. Ditto. Ken Borlarski¥'e. aceordlan Dumber, Ltkew'se Heather and Malia in their Mexican dance. Hockaday's Bk5.t WiS probably good, but we .ugge.! that he uses a. microphone neXt time 80 we can hear bim.

their permaDent home.



Or4e:r!ll l-or partie.!;;, hike!;; and p&rttc"tdar -GeCli!lIr.l"Iis liven s~cl" &t. t;.e.;ntl.on. EverythLnc" baked! alter 9

t:'- ~Y8t. Opp. CapUoI DeaHe

Phone 3.528 Free DtUnry


Extra especial mention: Bob BYron', performance a.1l M.O. This boy's oOODtrfbutlon helped ~n no email way to pnt lbe show over wtth • bang.

128 - 9th Strell'lt

PhObEi :un




In a recent edUorlal tbo SL ThomU Timel8~Journal take. t •• ue with thLJ answer to a. QueT,. 1n the C(Jommon.1 clJ[lcerni.nr tba .tAtus of the BOna ·'0 Canada",

"C&D.ada ml.bt eeu coDUD.a.e to tolJow die cu.tom of l1!Ceat years of rell1'rdlnll "God Sa •• the KI .. e" and "0 Canada." each ae naUonaJ a.nthemB and ODtlUed to atml"'r r.cognltlon.··

In liLa Qditorlal t.h.e SL Thomu Tlmelio-Jou,rn.al DOHs tblt quutJon:

Wh7 ·'.lm.lla.r reeopjUOD. TO' We have .lwa,. been under the impresilion that C&nada'e national anthem was "God Sa •• the KIng" and belle •• Canadian. leDlrally accept this view. The !ncrealed frequency with which It Is belQ: lung "hU. the hU... iI at war I'll proof ot tb.ls. "0 Canada" ta a national lOng, Just the Slme ... "The Maple Leaf Forever," now dQelared out or date In IODle upeeta., h1lt more tuneful and .... th words easier to remember than. it .. dreS$ed.~up and ba.rd ..


Cor. lOth" Prlncess


Headquarters fo ..



At Vou.r Service





Drlui!tl'~ gfl!lI.t,. new, Icu ... metered Lnncneter bomb(ln. ere b~a~Un.g Gurtnaux In _ broad dayllgbt. Tbe:!!.e hUfi(l plane!!! !.larry 1011.~ 01 b()mb:e. eACh and bone been, IH!ien In reeent days to_ blast ~1lIJ,uIIU1e8 tn the R'I1hr VP,Ue:f.

;81.o,s'IO room wSt.h. bath 13 Ute, eten- hla own, wbkh be could occuPy 'n dlu'd 1I.(:commodnUoD. 'for the AC2: hiir-O nil)' \\''''y or Hmo that dJd not IOletai, No. :2: Mf!.!lC1ng Dopot. H:,8 ._, fp.et teee wtth 'biB fun Hte. Wb(it6 he could -a alngfe 'room to tbe wbulu nUAd- I h ri) '0\' ,tlhLr-tll and ellDl:"e1l0 butt., ron of him. around It he w:;'Ini;OO. 10, An.d conceL

Otbor r~c:mU(l8 fOI" 'tho atrmen re- an)f areoune or :lniorGSUflg p~ClurC!l. ceutt'a comfort nre proelded to 3,. re- lijzn'll" i"D.(ke:~. 1]eckttes. tn yoo.-hoo, marknbla degree. :io::\'et)' day b!a bed colors. ,and the like,

I~ altf;flord~narny neuiy made lip (or His new horne ~:e: II. v,n;sl, dnrk hall, elfl~!) Ilts. beloXl,gI.a,gB are alw,.:y'.s ~h,nd(m'e(l by Lbo terdblo nlj;u,ra o[ close 1,0 hand, Q,od kept '0 good COIl- dtsclpllne. It Is, b5g enD-ugh. tor au utuee, tn8.Dks to tbat. ;sDlm.e 'or etee'. Indoof ball park, but hom-ey tn !ibM


By AO) Deel.r. C. !".

Alrc'ra.rt:smllii :Roberts is not e;t :£1.8 :riHJ 9.S: a earrut, in tult bloom. Rig homa, It aeema. but. {\ fellow from :i!.la.c'k 81llt tnn tehes hts lulJr sc at least

In mo (la:)"3 (I,~lY" Tbe P,T,I, annonnce!.I tbh nl0rn~f.ig lb,9.t he COlJldn'~ tb1nk of enr more nl,Uy exorciacl and wDuld the cllln s.~lggellt 0116, TilliS la,d hand.ed In ilL honey, whLcb. they 1':1.11 did ttve :I.h'llEls 'wltlJiJut lii,t,opp1ng.

A tlilck set lad lhro'w.s hl.a BOck:!! agatnl!-l a p!Ll ... r n he tI.\~e$ them o1!, rema.r"'p,g :[or the bene1H or MI! bunk mate 'lI~t when they sUck ho knows the)" should be I!.enl 1.0- '[be ll.undry.

"AC'2 Rohlill'tll-! AC2 noblut91"

squalls a volee do'U'o tbe hllgeno:u of the bunk a.reti.


H.'B Il. votltabla -beuee by tbo !:lido er the :ro~d whore tbe race o~ men Silo by-' tMs-P'ay orl'Sco or (lUT1!. H's tho plnee .ot ptC'pMMlon fer 'tbe 'lint len 1}!I!ntul pangs ot b1f\th from chiLton toinv:ldllaH:f!.1Jl into !I. more, 'reg'!lJ.1cnl,OO unit. ot .ALr Farce JU'e, Tille esoortinS' CorporaJ. a. B",lf-.9Uft'LcIDfit muo ,ry_II.-~lcdged. duckling, lead~n,g lh~ l~mb, to, $lauKhter usl!,C-rs :10. Q, dm:eD or eo eecrulte :M once. and HON them u'lI' 'fo"r the 'km. "What :tL 'moUe)' b:o,lt they lire tb5s jel8ltl\ and 00' 880m. of numnnu .. )", !rnoalJ.tably drown IQ~I) the 'Vortox o~ D countr), a't war, A.ctQCLl~y t.he}" are" ...,,'Uhout a dO\l'bt. tbe. 'backbene 'find e:gvloun 01' manklnd. U.s princIples, ItEi: :tree<lOfn" 1t8 berttage, ILB peace. H.a bowe! and ~l6 chlldr'en. rn thC!y parade ibe:!.Ii!' bo)"!, In thelr gre-ell suits, tW~H~d ;Bult'S: and annieUrnes no lI-uU. at ed, just a bl(l,~er, a. colourful ;Btr~ped ahlrt, a sweater wltb a manro leur emhlfilon-e.11 cheer:f'uHy U,CM»la. the rrcnt, Q-r ptob:a'b');r a wune ~Irt and tlM.riboyt.HU tie.

The-ro't! ,j), ,~:ad ever tber0 wl'i(l ne.eds {J.ba.lr (:I,lt \'ery Ibadly. 'Watl lm 'be ge'tS 'hta uniform a.tld the dS601J}I.ina:r-Ia.n :a:ec!i 'Lt. HC!-'l1 'Ptobabl,Y' teU bhn he l!in"t 1'a.(leNwak.l Or Moz.att.- and a tew iI.:Mn,p. be-sides, Th[t.t young renew whh [he. crooked nose :1;n11 hls hair

:HLs Quarters nrc kepL clean foOr blm way that e,y-crrbod)' ill, b., lJl,u.'!it tIer hlll!. fl.1gbt a.oe.wer:e. for bfm. he hilS ti. colour sabeltil!!'. He. worked: by a ~rrec't ,s(l!"l'ant.. na.me Q[ J'oe. BOOD, gets to know' wbl}tb~r'be wear. "No" beret He !ol_ned, t'!:!i!I !\h":in a. neeudo r'Uth A\·t'mue store In

A bout 0-:[' t,noculo.Uc;ml and whntuQt, [WD', Qr jockey shorta, :lio tbreadlii: f"O-l'ce!' TOI'Onto 8om-ewhol'e for ten yun

constant. mCd!CIlL s,TOOmwc, I,InrJ III blM- way through tho long. -¢Qrnpllcated oCOl!l"l!,e of l.lbY.sI,{:6"l .k!loo'kaoout~ kE'ep lattes, like a .ia,ekrBlbb1l liioek1ng Ills lilm, t~eUng fine even It be doesn't own fltOOI!: In a :lO--~cte' wbe.l!t. I\e'd,

wii'Dl 1.0 teel good. Life: 'In tla:rrlle.ks ,!~ art on Vile unique

The ;1i,verage I,)o,",ny ch!ek. s1Ulug 011' 91110.

hltli, lOBely :rot :110 ercwded bunk has An atrmuu In trnlnlng h~a two IInblU'6.t momcms persuading' hhnll-eH 'PQI'lant pcr~Qds d:fl'HY when he meets that stcne i1oQn; do- nut a prisO'Il mo.lI;.e. and talks wLlh h'i8 comrauea wf th all nor on (I, c.._g-O. SO('l, even tbe Imtterl1y barriers down, tuereby geLUng to V("r,Ms ot Lcvolnee come out on the knew tlle(ll, :fIs' f"h~l)ds. The Jlret :is, on

p:1'rade, at, a,U,enH-ou. wl)L(:h U)(l, officers =:md N .. C.O!s would rob blm of !r tbor cO\i'ld. Thiil ol.her is the hour (lr so Hopped on bls. bunk watUng fOr Ugltt.s Qui" -Till!! later- hour allows eULC'r


• f,A,.-.OU' II'LAYUS T,HIA'i11 S'l'I\.RTINO !'oI01<l'DA\'

A'UG, :un' ,tOI( J J}Al"S

Pr,lmltlve Thrill, . Piligan t.ovc


Ru;nJ!.Rl) :O&NNiNG

Compliments of


A eomplel.eCleaning and Laundry Service Quick. - Thorough Satisfying

Our otf,I<::tl, in the Ar-.erl.;l bull'dlng

!II undtl"th", C)(p~i'1. dlfC'ction J

of Tom Rogtrs, ~


6~ • 10th ST. 8RA.NDON ~ i

~~. ..........,J!

Til-tit nuswer wLtI -be he[u'd on e".e;t·y which accounts ror' it. A,1)d tbtU goodroll taB tomorrow, w.Lt,bQ!l;t a doubt.' lOQkh~g boy In the strlp-ed :$uU i:!;l a To Iranarurm the recrllH P·ollf:j'}i. Jew, he: spenks Ilueut. Preach.

£.'011) clvtl to mUllary 1He," German; Polish. anc1 Syrian .. l·Ie:(I n.uJ,'ke

The gean go 'round. and be 8.1wi'lYs .u. :mJ6Iudlil aecrec jle~'oI1{'!(!I Cl,genl, Tbat comes eut, but atlll be mu~t wOtr)'. tnteltlgent )ookhi,K chappie (or ue Even with al] Ul,{!: goo" it1.1ns:a pro- would be Lt be wasn't (:b.::wlng gum) v lded !m' him. ino 01)0 wbo Jue.t combed hack hi!!; Orl'Ir.:er:l geueralty r(lg!'et any rEi1'l1 rccalclt.l'!lntj}Ompa.clour ru Wafra.,nt ~ho:rtC(lom~ilg'S lu theIr :staIlDn, but t.hu ,,'Ul be Pi, pno-L w~LI .. ln a rear and e.ca.~A'C2 mi;gbt :IiUSL as well ba've a. ;last ~ 'ing tbe c)ou(]a. Uko' a veteran and one 01 U10SC, deep 51ght! and l'u:s'h, to' trom the ,look In h:ls eye Hitler wUl bll'rY hlmselt In tho pages of t.bls ne\'er slop him,

me-11th's issui\!I at th~ AmMAN'S: That da.rk, eom.plexionild bor com-

POST, lng ~u 'hue ha.y-seed:=; ~,n bh'i pockets

frQedom. 900 that he can coHeCl 3" two· Ther-oC simply are 1)0 CW·A~s sU.~ and s, CQij,pl,(j, o( ta.ttAld cah·'es in tbe blt:s bel Jl:H1de and Wi)~ on parade-. IloulXJ at No. '2. )"liannlng DeIlOt.. ileld a.t home, or 1'u ea.t my sbirt. \Vouldn't besu,rprJa-ed ~, be .bad, lo go bnck lao-me tor n rew weQk,!5 to he~LJ ","'Ith tne hn_rve-st, and that oo.e next to him on, tho rt.g:ht, ,Ln the white ehirt and g1u:ses. He was a 8cbool t-e.acb(lr d]l north. and 1e. ,Do g1"ad.uat.e 'Q arts. He WP,.!J bO,~lng to m(l.~e enougn, QlOney to' !Jhu't u. bee lunl.l QUo tbe Quta:k!.rte. Qt C:(J.'Iga.ry ""'hero hll!- home iB. »$ t.old tne he had eel'en m.lnk In lb.+) b.a"ck ],,(l'rd (I[ tbe. te.a.cbe:rage laflt :y-ear 'Cont!!.!ued h'o!U page 19)

cotny a-ri'lo ljI,.-1len, n.n ACt t.rlea to got R 'bDUt on the :sUUIlUOn.!

The roost. he b_aB b03D u'Sed to i,H on Ul'D' sta!'!dard: of (!, ,b-cd ~II p, room, or

swIng out M~ style of 'D.'S. (Bunk SOto!on05, to- you) and ~dng tbe bhi.u

"Let 11=,! ge('ll to it th.at our lives, Uk"

~m' Into :tho night, Je'l\;elg, or gre.at prjc.e, be DofeVoTC))·lby.

HeJ'"e tbe CommIUee o,f A\\'$ rd6 not b@caLt!j;e G(' thelr worth, but be-gathers around a. b-uokee t-o :pres(lnt ctl'Li.&Q of thejr welght.-Senoc(l..

b!F!1,IiVI~b a h::&ther medal tor hls po,rt

Air Force Clothing a.nd Accessories For OFFICERS AND MEN


In 30-oz. Bottles only

HAVERSACKS $1.95 t. $5.50


90S Rosser A ""_

Mariufactured 'by


Brandon, Man_


How raise It!! the charge that Great FI ..... New Z •••• nd Hlllh Camml ....

Dr ... .atn ba. kept needle:nLy la'l'ge .Ioner to C.n ....

force. and m.SR:8eS at eql)tpmBnt al 0, Jamell MCCook Ln tbe 8t. Tbomas

home Lo meet au unHkeLy N.~I in- Ttm.,.·Joum.a1

nrclon was abOW'D bJ' 80me figure. Mr. AD odd JDb. maD turned diplomat

Churchill gave parliament. and completo., at lIome 1n hi. aew

In the past t,wo yean Brlt.lu and RIIJ)O'Dllbl1lt,. h Hon. Fn.nll 14.1;:the domtntona with help trom. tile stone. the 11"&1 New Zea,la.nd blgh United Slatea. has sent to batUe zone!!. eommllfloDef to canada .

• eattered over Lbu world 950.000 men. 1-10 brou«ht wltb him on. hi. ae".500 lanka,. &.000 plaaeB. 5.001) piece. rlnl In Ottawa • r6W' moo,hiS "0. or .r.Ulery. 50,000 m.chloe guaiS aad bubbllnlf good humor. a neatly-wont .. 100.000 muter vehicles. ed .bomlnatlon of th.e AJ:1. leaden .... Each month. dur~ng rbe p •• t 81.x levere bum on - ra.QSC1Ilar hand. an n~hjnd .be J't'~lUhil: poU a.ndi pam tbt. elU:L(ldlllru; of the c:.1l1~lne leI. rudy to m<JolbiIJ 60,000 men have been Bent. ImmenM!l .ft'ecUon for Canad_l:l.Iu, and.

"dlsh J( Ol;)t." from Britain around the Cape of GOOd aU their works, and .n utter disr.,..

HoPe to Ecyp'. the Middle Ealt .. nil gard for tbe Dee of the letler "h", Iness-hall statf......nnd 8, ca])able one. the F"ar F.aat. Not a troop:&htp was Mr. t..qllione _peaks like a Cock ... Her ~(leciu1L,. IH In :k:eeplog 3 .... ary lQtlt from lhese great convoys, a .truly ney and III 110 ct.nt In .wture. 1n eye Oil Hre 'I1Diloc1al end or the bus I, .. remarkabfe achievement. :I!Ip!te or lIL, vlJ:oroul!I IJPeech and bhl ness. and her termer banking ox.. MAlta. too. has been ke'Pt BUPPUtd democra..lI'C manlier, he clothl!!lll hi" perfenee serves here In good stead fOL' untU today the little Island fortretl~ office with d!gnU,. beeause of bt. this lmnortant task. hall more defending a1rcrart than at pride In hili native l.nd. bls "eT"" nes." to allaln I •• UDI: IlnderelaDd ID I' .mong the democ::raclea lind his lOOK experience In public life In New Zea .. I.nd,

He 11&7' he ba. beld :ReTeral cabl • 'Del porUoliol. -Sat then we're a 8man coaatl'7 and It'." no trick to hotd one or Iwo portfolios, We dOD.'t 'have to work 9.8 hard ., :I"'" minla.t..,"; there o. .. ODllJ .. _t 1.600.000 people In Ne_ 'Zeal.and.'·


The Men Behind the Menu

Am(Ulg the R.C.A.F. nersonnet at- a.tly PTe"Jous. time.

Without mlnhnlzlng the popularity of the Depot library thl. staUou'$ Cavorlt,e reading m.tter continues to be the weekly bill ot fare. with Ita

.seyen dillY progra.m of <:ulLnary attractiona that. esene \.ho natete and de· l.lK"bl tho inner man. The ok! B87log

• bout DO ann,. maT'Ching oD it. stomaCh HUll boldB @:OOd even 5n tbll mod· em day o~ mecbanlzed warfare. 0000 grub In Q~,.DUt.Y 53 gUll the basIc:: taclor in promatla, a healthy moraJe 811 well as & healthy body. and here at No.2 :r.t.Utlln .. Depot we haTe DO eem-

plulnt 10 o:ll'er on that :&core.

"1,10 well-planned menUs thai, rel'U~ lady make the.r appearance at this DePot are net eoacetved by amateurfl or novlces, There 115 Datllln, haphazard or accident&l Ilbout the conli.etent1y bigh QuaHt)' of the mealf! that appear on our m(ls~·hlin tabJefI. Ye8r~ of e.,rperience in the art (f[ cooking Rnd l)repllrlng whoteaome tood. ere (lualtne.tions common to all the "men In wblte'' who perform thle tmportanc Iunctfen at No. 2'.

Mr. neorge Pepper, who supecvrees ttle catertna for n. M. Smith &: Company at this station, has a. .background of ezperlence in thi-s work that seretchee over a nertcd or t.birty· fI¥e year8, Mr. Pepper haa been at. IhiB Depot for fifteen months a.nd was formerly in charge of tbe meat section here until bls promotioD to' super- Pep::'lill~lS~/~~t~t~~!nOi8 t;ootg. one that subject under etscussten eerween Mr.

visor. DurioI' the last war Mr, Pep-


(W. 1.. Clark. In Windsor 810.) T:bere are Indirect taJ:es In BrItain. as aD)" ,t,tldler' returning from th~re will testify, For example:

Out or every $1 paid tor tobacco. 78 cents ts tax.

-Out of o.ery .1 paid ror beer. 70 eenta is tB.X.

Out 01 every U paid for whlBky. 70 cent. 10 tu-

Out of ever,. II paLd for sugar, 81 centa- Is tax,

Out 01 every $1 paid lor tea, zo cen" 18 t.al:.

Out of ever,y ,1 .,aid for matches,

-'0 cent., II!! ta.:J. 1

Tho.. are Ju.t • few of the IDdirect taxes levied on the poople. The tax mone]' be.ps pay for tile war.



The teacher had. forbidden the eatma: of caDdy In .cbool. ODe .ria), 8be beca.me SIJBplctous of a lump in Bet!,y'. cheek,

"BettI, fire you eaUng candy?"

"No, teacher," .replted Betty. "I'm JUJJt ~oaklng a prune to eat at recess"

per was sergeants' cook with the tacaed to lbe meh-ba.n and work.in_g 82nd Calgary nnttaHon, Hl:a 80n -caters in cc-operauon with Mr. Pe"pper aDd for the air- force In Saskatoon. B-tl:\tr, III Sergeant Patterson and hla

Among lbe otd·Umers In the klt- able assistant Cpt Robicbaa.u. Sgt. chen Joe Compston Is proba.bly the Patteraon'a coeneettea wJlb the srmbest known. Joe. haa been here a.lnr::e ad sanieeB date! back to 1932- wben the ataUon opene-d. and hoaata thl'l'ty he was looking after fOOd m.atters tOl' years ot eeevtce with R. M. Sm.t.th & the R.C,A~M.C. He tranBtarreci to the Company. Joe bas made a boat ot Air Foree in April or 1939 a.Dd haa triends among the men who have s.een eervtee at a.everal mUons paeeed through thIs Depot. Ht8 kind- aereas Canada.. Cpt Robklbeau was a uaeee and friendlLnefS8 are quallttes shlp'a a.teward iu clvilian lite and fam1l1.nr to all of UB. baeame quite adept at Julgltn& dltlhell

Another palr or B(IoecialLsUJ in the and tblnga on the stormy waters ct)oklng prote.BloB with eIten,lve aronnd Nova Soot,ta and Newround ... careers In hotel and restaurant work, land .

are Percy WUUam and Leo Moores. We mllbt also add that the apThese men are old ·tlmers on th~ jeerance of the me88-b.n b:a been statton. and are well known to per- c:on:Edderably embollll!lihed by the IDsonnet, put B,nd -present. DovatiOll of • f'romlntne touch" pro-

Mis3 Doutlas, tbe, assistant super- 't'lded by ,everal come),.. 70UDg P8~ vtsoe. is a recant addlUoa to the SODa in alarehed white.

«f\illlk bottles make at-out tbjrt.y-flve round trips rrom the. dairy:' says a bulletin. And start one geranium,



-THE FIR&T AERIAL DOGFIGHT Lo-"4) Keta tIlB bla.me for a good m..ny thing" B..,l< In lJl08. It pndplt.ted hlatory'a Brot ..,rIal dogllght.

M_ De Gn.ndJlTe, " French _DlzJt who was woolJig .. -c-b.armiDg dan ... eee, diacoV'ered that a. tellow ~ ... lot. M;"" l'1Qu., ... aB .«.riug clande.tin. competltl.n_ The on ...... od Grandpre challe-rlged hiH rlval to a. duel.

They d acldod to Dgh! In the .k7-

So one- elear and ,u.nny spriog m(lrnina: :lin lStlS :tonnd thn two combatants, their PI!. ba.lloou:i'l aud aeeollda a ••• D>I>l<!d on a flold adJoining the ta.mOU$ Tuner!e.. A lam- crowd had- glltherf'ld. -B:J;;pecUng a race.

Shortly b6t-o-rE!J nine 8.m. Gr-andpre and Le P1Q.UCI, a.rmed with blunderbu..... .Umlied Into Ih. baskelB or thnlr balloons. mach WIIB ~u:leompanlell by ... ..,.,.d -..ho would handle the

balloon ... hU. the duellsl handled III. gun.

.ThB dena.1 waft g1v~ _lid ancho:r .- .. b- roPe. .ul. Th. balI00.o ro ... 10 ... .,.

In the moderate wind. .taylnlt within

Ye.. 11118 Is d ... old London. _ Still .tandlng grand, .ubllme;

St. Paul', otlll rears It. I.fty .plre With eeered soot and grime.

As In the 11904 old dllY. of old,

Whon Sb&Ile_e W'rDte that Illay.

Ae -my pretty lUUe MInister With pl"",an bright o.nd Pl", Turned o~t to be _ :apa.rrow

When he bad hi. bath nan day.

Ye:i'l .. tbh! 18 dear oW LondoD~ And It ~l!I.n never fan

While BriUBh hoarl. are beo.tlng, And reo.d1 10. the oall,

The 10000pie bell. will rillil .... ID,

In those d.ar old London streetS: tolD creel Hun with 8_111<0.

Sha.1l mareh hl.s measured bea.t.

A :part:7 Gi B..A...P. ItoJ'I .. iem.poraQ' rHlh11.e8 at No.. II lM'.q- ....... rt:lnJ: to GtlIier 1IiatI0lUI.


Dedloated to the boy. of tlIt H.A.l!'. .. t No. : "M" DeI>oI

B"OT I have tra:'¥eUed m.D7 Innes Over land and .ea;

Bul Ibon r 0 door old Loudon. ·There i. no place lill:s th8EI.

Tlte mlDgllng of all cl ......

In her narrow. winding otre.t.; Her genir7 and her Cootera 'WheN'B th:.Ine eQ.ual-ODB meets,

DId you ""e. 80 out shol)l'lug.

Do_ dear old P.ttleoo.t Lane' Where .11 I. fu .nd !&blbter. .And tou wODder If you're 88118,

-Ernul E. Reo.. .....hty yard, of each other. "rhe, !lad JIlf!.t :re&OOed 2500 feet whan J...e P1qU8 ftrad, and mi...... GrandJ)t'e enew ......

Immedlai.el,. and the h •• ..,. charp from hi~ blunderbuss ripped Into Le Pique's gaB 'bag. TheA! WBS a nal'p nol.. and the b.lIoo~ collall'o4 .uddenly. The "".k.1 plunged earth_. crall5hlng onlo • hOQ8I!Itop .fUld kUllD& La Pique and hla _d.

A t-ew mln.tel !aUT Gn.Dd.pre sereIy suld,", hi. bo.lloon d.wn to the :tIe~d. wlnDl e r (If one of th e most remark.bole duell!ll on reeera.

-Harol4 D, Rnoten.

Yon hear a CDater abontlDa",

Ao he oIands b..,lde hla otaU; "COme look .. t these rare beol1t1es, Th. IInest of them all."

While British h .. rt. are beattng ra pnlaluc :stea.d:r timet London, tltt'Ju -deal'" old London Thon'rt graDd:, thou'rt .... eat. lim e,

Jill. a... III'\C~I:N::r;n·,:



R. A. BII:NDII:.1Io0N s. O. MAC'''.",,:ZI.

''Co:rne, :MIQ m1 Ilne C&Dariel, A. the,. olDg a romdelalr-

Com ....... e. their briKhl Pl" Illumo.go, Buy nne of Ibem Ioda)' ••

".Tuot for todo.3". dear GraDd,.

The7're all Iwo shtlUDglO eoehTo.ke o.ny ODo you lanOl" d~ Yon'lI get a "looming "OOb."

yova R.EPIlE88NTJI. ...


ARE: AT yo till



"And " ..... '. " .... to Ill't him In, A h&lf. dollaJ'_

So como up WI they're ping q1llok.

Th. crowd b_ to l'O&l'_ ~ II'nr all th.t glUte ... Ia nol IOld, K" lu.t .a true today

Dollars For Future Delivery

Today, with slartling suddenness, life offers us new opportunities. 'Ve are ready and willing to take them, eager to contribute all we canBut what of our personal and family ret!ponsibilities?

Arrangements to carry your policy by means of a monthly pay a88ignmen~ sent dfreet t-o North American Life can be made through your Paymaster,

Protection. arranged now. will help you to be prepared fOf whatever liea ahead.Tt will be specially important to you when you re-enter civilian tife. These men are your friendly adviserrs--qualifled to arrange 'Il plan of security for you tOO.1 will meet your special needs. A talk with anyone of them wiU convince you that they can help you make your income accomplish more for you and for your family.

BRANDON OFFICE 1011 • 1017 ROSSER AVE. p~O". 2910



Phone 21M1




A Guide To Good Shopping

COb"e:o~enUT a.rra.uged and iD.deIed b&low are the 'na.mes and &dUN'" ot the Bta.l1do-umerebiIDt. &Dd bu..IfIIeh people wbo s,qPE'JoOrt t.b1I pubUcaUoD. witb lbelr adverU8lAJ. lDYery type· ,a.nd Tarle!:,. or merehudJle .pc], liIenLce is rep:reHen.~ in. taeee ada and we luge the readers of thLs


1'. &. I.Lyh,j Co. 3Li .. llUl S ...


afO(Ii;:t. Fl!IrA.!.I~r~ __ 1H l1(1nt'r "'~ K'lJ.UblllrE ~t'l!ou: __ UiS RO .... lII!r A,llof'.


!i,b ..... er·. Furs __ ,. __ S;U P:rLnc.us "'ye. Wheat: Cit,. 1\\ucory _~_ .. _ U.'l ~d Pa.dfl,(


rg(l"g.u.ine 10 U~ tblB dh'-ec:tOry 113 a. "Ara,on (ilrQceJy __ .. _ _ 302 .. 11Mb SI.

"GilJde to Good SboPping'''. In tWs HUDW4Jt8 :srOR:ES

practLca.1 manner we clio aho. &;p- ~::::: HH.~~d:.~~'8 c~--..'_ Cor. =:, ~ ::

prectatlon tor the 8IJpporl O'U.r p"_b~ Oftb.l.:rd Hard .... aee J ... - ,BIb S._

U-caUon reeelivelli bam. lbellie ilLer-eba.t.. OOPrF;S OF THIS lKDEX WILL BE POSTED AROUND TH.Iil BAIlJLAOKs FOR HANDY REFiIilRflNCE.


CIll~1J H()Uil _ Ikh 81~ Cry .. tal HQtIllJ __ · __ tt:b aad P .. t:Ulc


NDrth A.m..tlUil LUe_lOH-I-on HM,ef


BILLiARDS A"ND SNOOKER Oooden·. M_e-:II'. 8b.up __ lIQI ._O:l$l!J'

Brand:ol1 RaUwa)' (:L~:J;i. ._ ..... , ... _Itt! St. lotI.D A.. N,cDOAI.Idn~_ 1 aUDlt1"

M8:N'8 W&.aUt


Cbred,'11 ele .. nen ltll Ko,ti5er pet."_iI!;~ -Sbotl R.e-piJr 1009 Prlnceg~ Ave_

=::iUJ'I:Ul'ldJ'), ~---_ ";o~I~~:~~ ~:~~:¥ s:~~r::~h':r ~_~~~~ __ - i466~5 ::I:t~ permeates a. c:ertaJn Atmosphere (I

Sfn" "lq ...... u.tidry :nl .. Itth St. SPORTING GOODS presume a natural one to the fOBS)

CRBAM£ft,IES 0, :Star-III 4 S(II:p. _u._~._"_., __ . __ .l<l::S ... 1"11. St. aed when be is arou.nd aU my friends

.pra_n.j)JlI Cr-~amer:y . __ ._.~_IUl RO$5t"r and 1"&lativee v~ate the prem1a&8.

SIe-rUnr D3.rLes._ ... _~._ ••• _~u:J,19 • 10th. S1.. I. H. LaU'b~!~~ .. ,.~~.~_~~Cb " Rosser What can I do to m-a.k", him EnnE!lI a

DEPARTMENT STORES ,,_ Wate.. _._ _ 'oc.".,.~,. PrlAeeu little sweeter. O. Dorono.

T. &atoll CO;rnp:Qlly_.~_._.,.,,~.Bo~~IIIl!l" Ave.


Jo ... AIUl AccessoTY ShoP _.8i9 Bosser Ave.

LIl~Y'i 8M Sboppe . __ .. _.; ~. __ .n' . l(lUa St,

MUi R(ltll'f'Mm:'s press Sho,pe . .rau .. loth

Mona's Dre55 SboPPe- .,lIG- .. 9th s[..

1I0USiYiD Btotbet"s_" .. __ lU • lDth St.

Caa:I.eo caJe 1I1 .., fib St_

CraU:oJII Cal. UJ .. Iou. 511:. G(I'den 61ue CaIot __ U$ ,.oNer Avt'.

M-etrolW"Utan Cafe .. IU8;O;IIur I\VIt'_

Olympia car._._._ ,. __ 110 .. loth St.

(Uti c&t .. _ .. ~_,~. ... ~ __ ... _4 ....... lou. St_

Terminal Snu" :8.hop_ .... _Opp.PlNlt Offtc~

The Sisters .~~ ..•. ..• "'_ .. _ •. :In,1 RO:!I!ll!:r Ave.

Duck .. 8M. Foun.tall'l ..... Ttr:!UL and Loui~

Ctof!:4t'HtJlS A.NI> l.AVNnUeaS


Brown's Dro, atere , lIIf2: Rosser Ave.

C[eml!n"":!1 . .COt". RDHer &: 9th

(J.r ...... ()R·:'J; DJ'IlI Store_c.n-r. ROMe:r &t !lid!! JiEu£.il:hin;s Drll;s .... __ .. ~,,~.u.uloth &I: Princess


Norrgan -&' sceet., .. ,_~_._I:u Ro-sse f


Patmore >5 . ~ .~138 - 8th S~.


K.aowUoo'"5I BltOt :shop-_. __ ,- .. _ 819 BO.s.5er

W. ,. Cret:'man - 'J3S Rosser


A Good Place to Eat and Quench Your Thirst


Vl-etory •

Dear Horwo,se l-I&artburD:

Do you beUtne in e(l.r17 marr1al •• ?

My 9we-etbeart Is ver7 8.Dziou. to •• t marr~ed but •• lilhe !i • JUUe aegemic and t()t!' m I bavi 1a.IIII.ted that we watt un til alter the war. How can I pers.ado heee tbat thl ... Ill bo bot-


O'iUU:lD OMlel&"~~ Mi - M1i st._ Dear Madam Hort8DJ!I& Heat'tham:

PH OTO 5'ttl 0108

C. J. SmJlh~._._. LJ;S .. 10th St_

.IIerr~tt.·:I St\IIIU() •• ~" .... ~" .. _,",11::1 • lOlh. St.

ter for both of us.

AOI 01 ...... 11.".

Alter 1001 lon, yean, of waiting I

have at laill i.cQ_\dred I!L lonely AIrm{l.ll Deat Dilcret!o11:


for my v"r-y OWD. He 18 nllCe looklUK

The lr.r.strumentil of War are varied. Maybe It you eeu lind Cine I!olm.rp eDough fOU could have he.. toea $~tatgb.t.ned to an angle 01: .. 5 degre-e8. As for the aenemta, read POP-eye and .e ... hat be did .. Ith Spin· acb. Tbls might tate awhllo, but by that !I,m. the War "'U b. o~er and YOU will be ""f.. Tbe beat of luck.

Hort"""" H •• rtb .......

Ont"in,', Helvlc" 8tat.LUJlI ... ,13:th. '" Jl.oalcr except fOr a. 'br-.oken nosea.nd ceulitlower- ears. _ troUble is tbis. He "led to run a tox tarm and he' BUH


Ca.pLtol and oa!~.~_~_~~_~~ .. .... 8th St. Dear O. Doecuo:

St.ta.ud ,,~ .. "_ .. _.""._,,_ .. ~_ .. _~.,_~~ .. _10tlli St. Yo-u are not lb-e only ODe who COM-

T.Q.4NSFUS .. H .. ULlNG 1) ... 111:11 about the atmol!lpherie pre ..

Lanoe .. Co:mpan:; ~:nh. &. ftoJ!M-t eure when. thls gl!!D.Ueman il!l ......,und.

IIU"C8LLANIIOns (A.t the rell ..... In the "en bunk to

B.r1'U'll40l1 'Dye worb US ... _ s'" bim). However there are at".,.. two

~::t~:,"s~~~ ~t'::~~~~~lil·~l~ ~ sides to e'TBry qut!J$Uon. Wel&:h tho ~~u o~r:fe :::::~;.=~-=_:==~~:::: pro. aud coos. 'Do :roa prefer 70lU'

Manitoba Power Comm15l!,oa ... _.lfUL SI. N)laUVEl8 or the Iweet lDcensa Of the

:.(:~~t1u&"c:.~~~te~~~'~~.mt#:1 if!: tozea' 1alr? Write me &pili H you ~:..te~t::~~~ni;d~~ .. ~l - ~~:~ haTe trouble co-mlng to I'J. deC:bdon.

Yaw,lII, Neale .& ce., HeatiD..l and I'll give 10U the dlrecUoon to fLo Whl!'at: elt)' E:se.~~~~tC;u~~ ;lll'!h I~ large lake whore 7OU. ca.n puah him

Bf&ndOD. Pac:u,:r U'UI se, N. In. HClrten.e HeartbUI'D.

,Dea r Hortense Heartburn:

My preference Ia blonde. with btue eyes. but the ones. I bave met B1ace cOll)ing to N.. a "MOO DepOt are .11 booted UP lor tho duratlo •.. Wba.t caD

I do!

Dear Kopelase.:

The bombs you will "rae d.Q" eD.· COUllter- wul be a.16(J or va.r1e4 hU6IJ. rt reu walt tor cae the right cotoue YOll wut JUlt get what you. want. Take wbat ~o~ ean get I .. ddl. &lid be jnatly thaDt!Ul. Horn. .... H""rtblU"D.

Compliments of the


Milk Cream Ice Cream

Prairie Rose Butter


BIlliards and Snooker· Snooker 20c

Safeguard your health by using oo~ Pasteurlzecl. Products


23 • 8th st.

Pb.. 2193



:No.2 MD_t1filflig Depot, R.C,A.I" Brandon. Ma.n.,

. August 2Stb. 1942.


Letters from a Steno to Her Friend Overseas

Dear Bill:

moon the. da.:r he wu C.B.'d and was slightly dlsaPPQLnted. When we went to ...vor" one rnornLng the 8M wee blue ilnd we couldn't. (Iulte under.laud v;'b)'

Do you remember an cld-tlmer bere called Corporal W. T" .Smrtn wbo was alwa.re endeavourlng' to S.nertl.le bl! a!l6eta-. H", had twLne. the ot:b~r d&)!

some or the sp.ecimens we turn out, no ....

1t would do your be&rt good. SOme And that Sergeant O(ll!tlle you, once

FLIGHT EIGHT OF NO., 2 MANNING DEPOIf or L~ e u naps ••• so ",odOT wbe. tho~ obummod around with wen' home ." errtve, t.bey'd Bhy II.t the BOund ot.. leave and got marrtad. He e"lt'1enUy bU1..:I'!-8&W; but, R week ill' two her~ coutdn't perauade the young lady beand tihey "mow you down". J trtlIm_ble Ieee he joined up, but I told you the

In It!!: infancy F1lgbt EJgbt at No. room, Good fel1om'iJ.tp and fun wa~ to thlnk or the '·HeH nltler," to be Air Poece made 'em tough and ttlal

2: l'hu:min,g Depot. Icresaw the neces- the order of tbe avenmg. n~pp-ed in the bud. pto'lCi"olt. Old he ~t'ln(] you imIDe wed-

!lIt..)' Df penfecUotl in, ddU llndln order LAC Ricbard Cannon, a. camera ding l:!a.kQl1

to bl·hlg about tho greatest degree 1)[ enthuetast, helped the boys to retain Oue lad came In the (l-th.l~ir d." r(Jr !] torw.rl.lod YOU -ll paroCe~ the other

(!lfficlency 0. floe wua tmpnsed on tueae the memory of the :line atmcepbere documentation and he W.B.tI IRQ lon~t' clay, 80 pr-ohably by Ulli; tune you win

•·,},h,-. movements 'onP,I"'.d "'llh the of ,'b. evenlng by ·o""lDu.u. ft"h.. he had tears in both e1eR. After juat

..... .... '" .u wiLh, hta C;~did camera . . -_. three day" here be was ,80 to\iSh It have received u, I made the cake my-

fdens or the majority: A.rter eeverat . . ... - seJr and when I had It we.lghed a.t

dnY9: these trues accumulated into AC2 Rober t Byron made a most took three lIerg'e:&nLt and tOU_1:" Car- rhe Pcet Ott'~-ce> the Postmaster asked

quite ii reserve fund and the dienoet- congenial master of ceremoutea tor ~~:.atl:et~ fot:~h~:.a::;:: :~:8.0~tb:; me 'Nha.l made it 30 heavy. V1hen I tpl.·''''ID·.rntth ... iu·e:ti~DoD". next became the tho evening'l prQgraJn whtch eOD- had to do 'It white he WaR aRleep toe told hlmhre just shook his head and

"'t. " alated of (!(nnmunUJ' ,81_t!K~ng, story Look-ed at ynur name telhng me he,'d

The unanimous anawar to lh_1i qQI'.:S--- telling and cards. ConttLbiiUng was Cor fe-a.r or hydrophobIa. And the tau- W1I.tch. the casuB.h.y lists He alwaytf.

AC• NI"k K.lt ••• y·k -It" "'u,mOTon, guage be uses. you should just hear "" .

ttun was to hold a party and FUght '" ..... .. U .1 htm. The day he came in he said wae u morbid sort or person though.

E~lt,hL Bnt.el·loln.(!u In tI. most deUgbUu] readlngu, whkb were eathuslaattoally ., b 1I I also encloeed acme cooktee. but tbey

manner- 0-1] Monljuy c'I'en1ng hl tne recetverl and AC F. McLennan, whcee ~I:: ~:::~'c~n:n:~:~n8'~:o: fe~ r:t'be~ were a tittle hard. However- I sent Pr-lnce B<!WfI,!"d hotel main dtutng- contributions wfll long be j-etnember- them anyway and H you can·t, bite ed by those nreaent. AC2 n. C. 'Me- WOl"de.JIf:!; ..... ~U. He $",,5d "'elipes" tbe

Auley gave a. relLd~Dg 1D Scotch ditl- other day and got three days C.B. g~~~l;~~:t ::~dth:~~:~"~~~ B:~~;~(:~~:

teet and as a concluding number to tOl' not uEllng tba.t nfonun-c!s.Uo-n. He a.nyUllng. tbe pooll"ram AC C. M. Hugbe-a re- ~8jd a. taw more Ullngs bercre uia

-!:I three da.ys were up a.nd all the d~9- \VIU be glad to hear from yon Boon

C1t~d b:~=t ~::::'''wallo ~erya4 to con .. clples were s'tUn_g a.l:'ouud hlm .oU b'a end tr you see Mr. CbUTChUl g~ve hiD;l.

bunK with peni!l (l.lld pencLla jolUug my regards eh SI:g.cere.l.y,

d-ud~ R very b~ppy avenin, joe mem- down t.be new wordEl he ueed, I heard bera (It FIl&bt E1.&'hL

I Was g'ad to receive Yuill' last Letter and to 'encw Europe had been 30 w(llll emertatned wtth aucn pretty fireworks over- the Continent. Your ·a.QUCS ttJuat have been worth watcatng (a.t a. dlet.ance). Bu a cookie that be~on v(!oty long !be H(ltn~efl wlU fUR like scared rabb,Lts e1"ery time the,. hear wh1c'h p1'Obo.bly won't be any' Bu:r-vrl,e.e. and he hai!!-I)'t been on <iQly since. It

"M~.h~:ll~n;,~~O:u:'!r:!:;~u: waa hard on him. I believe he'd real-

buelneae, And La-ddle 7'OU :ebo'illd ,&eEl tze oOD tliefn tor- iUIY good otter tigbt

{I, 8neE'J;I"l.


of The Sun Publishing Co.


Yo ur Old P.~

_···········;'ith ;~······'·'···l


and 1



tu .. ·d h.tended :i'olm!' on 11 abort hon09.,·


deep mutual attractJou. It has been

well wOrth acquiring and we <!a]J. never- hare hair enough at tbem. Forreal friendslJl.p, peuoDa.lIt.y II! the ilpark that Ugllts Its beft,uUtul :!lamft. Pe:r!lonaUly Ln tbis senae be~ng tliAt better eelt, bbat wort-hlnee.!! of 60ul wb:lch c&na.ea U!I tOo seek ~JwaYI ror what makes rOt the UCe or the Ij.pL:rlt .. that rea,uaeiaUoD of the lower thing-a tbwt guea towR.rda. tbe cultivation 01 the greatest of all the divine rr~ena • .blp.

Out of t.he war wltl come IIUIll.:, woaU wl1tteD: "Qqr rr!end iJll aIL unnew and deep frlend,blpe.. WbUst conaolOil8 ,part I)r e 'el'J' true beat or there are 'PeJ'hap:a no trlends Uke 014 our heart; :II. M:r8Dgtb. a lToOwth, f'rt08t'1dt 7M war frleDdl 'W'bo go whence we derive God·, bealt'n, that through, 'bot! :at.resl EUld b.aU.rd. to- Jcetllllfl: tbe world aUve."

lether must often ;gTO. 4ef."pI1 at- WhUIl ma.ny beauUful tbln.i:ll writtached. Or one ml,bt I&Y Ihe greater ten in praLse of rreludtblp ,m.ight be the strelll or llvlng tbe a.trooKllr the Quo-ted, the point would onl:r be, that dee-Ire :tOT' rr1onds. good trleods witb. trloeD.dBhlp baa. beee unhersaUy (lOB-

• :-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-;:::-~.'~.-~.~ .. ~.-~. :?:~-~.-~-:?:-~' ~+:;-=.'=============, I cetved of as the hlil:beat of huma.u

',....... JOY8. It. III IfI(lmethlDg that we ahculd

be open to Ln all dJreclion.9. Fot' to And ,80 to all my good :friendg -of

I. IN PEACE OR WAR "HYDRO" STANDS. FOR recejve of (rt •• ,r .. lp·, large ••• 18 to No.2 MaDning Depot III .ayl.g adle.

.. return it. In hiS benevolence,. lD-J' wilh deepest thankfutnesa for all your

Ii EFFICIENCY, LOW COST, ELECTRIC !:I::d:'~';r::I:'(' ":.:' :~llto u: :;:':::'~:nt:;e :eUT~. ~::Ia!::'

SERVICE my !rleM _""oe. For frIeIId.h!p '" T pray the dear GM to bl ••• you all a benevolence. A ldnd11ab..arln,g of BUd iu every wa,. but e5peo~ally Sn [).'tI.eselt. DP.eIB.llh and uuwculaUng. YOUr trl~dshlp •.

In 110. way ~t SU:rpas.el love whiCh til

COMME RCIAL PRINTERS, BOOKSfNOERS ol",d PAPER RULE.RS Pl.!ibllllihers of Thll!i 8rilndon Daily Sun


Serving 151 cilie~. towns and. villages. and 18 military trnining ~entres and flying tra.ining schools.

mOre concerned a'bout rer.:nrnpan.e.

Cood friends a.re prlcele.u treaaUf&fl:

-Flt./Lt. B, W. Malon$.

R-C, Obaplal. 1>10. 2 "M" Depot






3(1% "l'eAmln:.



31 • 8th $t.

Phone 2030

I may be posted and sent away -, kWRY to where a "foTty-eightH 'Would "What are we ~upl}'u~"I!d til- '110-, Sir- Be insuftlcient time

5hQot thum or trampl~ them tOo -death?'· To do any good.


The Barber Shop Book


The. Airman'S Post is aJways glad lo pay tribute to a good friend and staunca supporter of t.bis: pUibhcaUon

By AC2 Beeler, C, F.

and 0.11 tlha.t it stands for. And iu the "W,by de you want my name in generous, genial pet$OI) of Mr. O. B. vcnr bock?" asked a new .AC2 the Roberts, manager or Brandon's two independent theatrcs~the capito) and

other evening In the station barber 5hoOP .. Oak, we have such a lriend. Not a

"Read. a few of the names in a." rew airmen who have peaeed through Ja.-ck Ta.ylor exntatned. "You ma..y find thte Mam:JiJJg Depot wtIl l-ong remem- acme of your friends there. We just tier Mr. and Mr,!3. Roberts for the want you to strck your name there ho:spUaHty enjoyed in their home

The shew bu:siness is a corenaea- rO::y~ht~ ;::: ~~~p:::~ great names uvetr new adventu-e for Mr. Roberb too", aald " mght-~erge:3,'nt in the and one that he dertves keen enjoy- c-hair. "But don't expect Lt."

"Vilell. there's AC2 M. G. ttcuanc.

find hts name there.' Larry interneeed. "He was, t.he sma-nest airman '0 go through No.2 Depot, perhapa Ute smallest jn CanMla. He was. only 4 ft. .11 in. and wore u size. 3>,6 boot. We have n picture of' him standing beslc:lew /01 Jim Sullivan, our fh-st eta - tton sergeant-rnafcr."

"You'll flnd Maj'OT SLtHI\'an's name (here too, in our fi:rs.t book, and all the old timers of tbe atattou.'

Jack 'revro- be:,gag, his barber shop bock 'May I, 1941, which was SOruB time after the, opening of the station.

Pay Office Pills

Yet he, Lerrv Emond, and Walter (Continued n-om page 14)

Cllandiel' trtmmed 7021 noddles, most which he:'(l, ratsed bLm.seU and he WIlS Leaving those dear·lf.G. 'me bell.lnd. - ... 03 Ea,l Dlok, 1912

Away to where I would not :dnd Myself upon .a. midnight fu]'lo.u,tl! frala

or them several times over. to :fj,Hiog thinking (Jf mcreastng rue number their first book witb names and ad- tuls year, 'but joined UD instead" He dreaaee sold the mink and bought Wa.r Bo.,.

Ma.nltobn and Seaka.tchewan (1,('1;'1 He's a u lce kid. He ha.e ruu_lItered: :a_g represented practically to the smaH- a clerk accountant and I'lL guarantaa ment rTOLD after twenty-five years. est hamlet, lnterem-lnkled with a he'll make a good! one.

spent under the 'strain and stress of freshet from Outar+o and the other That Iaat boy tn the I'OW', be's ae. the graLn bU,!j.lne;e.s in W,LnniDeg. Ana nrovfnces, a large qUitntity or lIJO'!l+ black as !!jIg and hair ,atII curly iiI I although wholly i.nexpetienced in op- tanana. Br-'ilO!.'l:s, Ausslee, and 'New vll:s:h. mine was.. W'as born i.n \Vl.n_Dj .. era.ting threatrea, Mr. Roberta, Zealanders. Addre:8!1tlEli that [lr,e t)'pifla] peg a.nd has been: a carpenter tcr the through common-sensa management are Carman, Halll'a:x,.Omaha. MlI_sko- pa.st four yeats,. His peQpte eotne frDm and cheerful outlook, has made, 8. gee, Mtam1 or F1or!da. RU~!lell~ Ken- 'way dOwn south in Georgia, but. came splendid success o~ tbe uudertalrlng. t.u-ck:y. and even Sh.anGha.!, Obfna. to Cflfna,da: t:bipty fearo!'! 8.1':'0 to make

During fJIle last war l'tfr. RobertI!!; The flrilt nal1l.6 1'8 tbat ,of \Vifi.g a living. He says thhs cnuntry Ie. bls ' was a member or the 'Winuipeg GTE-U- Commander R. ~'[. Smitb. t.b~ first ea well 815 :a:J\y'bod'f"S and VIA-TIts to do' a<1iers with Ole r'luk or sergeant, His commanding officer or the 8taUOD. bhli btt so gave Q,P all hLs 'l'ihcitlnln' mllltar), CA:reer, however, was stun-t- The ori,gluul ELdmhllatraUve person- breed' to help wln the war, Hope the Hvad. The BrltLsh 'War Pureha.slng nel Is well 'flepr •• enled. ,sun here are DOYS treat nlm right (19 bo',s a good I Ml!!{ll-on WIUJ (Jj"ganl~ed and men wlth '";'vIOl Austin C. MtlKnlgbt, TEL-HoI"'- s-ort.

Mr. R,Obl!!rts' e:tperlencl'lVi'l;!recom- eerzeam R. R. Wilkins, Flt,LSgL Ed- And tbat YI)UpgBter wah tbe WBUf!t

mand-eered to uantne its, tmp.ortaut dLe Da,ye' 8.od SIt. Jack Aseltine. 'ha~r out 0' bls po-ckGt. BettQr teU h1.J'l1

tunetlon. 'Mr. Roberts was established Cpt AleX'.Pet{lII,l),cIA, who won the to be cererul wHh hla money .. I'f' YOU tn W1.nnip:eg i:o. the capacity of ac- weetem Cuna.dft, l;'o1t tltle while on don't ue'Il Bud it Qutlor blmf5EiU: as' eeentem -ll,Dd ott'lce ma.nag<e:r' for- the I the strength here, Jett only -eceet.v that's no way to go around a'temptlng

1000a] whiliilat export section. of the mie- 00 nlrctew remuatertag. folks.

sten. Tbeo flrlltlTHlD to sign the general Yes, It'a H great ptuee, tb1111 1)8.,"

hi Ms youth, in Ldverpool, England, 11st. was Cvi. T-Ofr1 J. MCBride. of on'lce. Rod that's not the balf of ~L

~J"'5. D_ B. Robe.rts.

<iSlgf1, CIt the :5""11':01 Cl'rlc,'k"

because they lind they get better service and satisfaction, and a larger and more varied line of goods to choose from. Our windows are always attractive and olfer many gift suggestions. Every gin you choose is attractively boxed and gifL wrapped, free.

Mr. Roberts had a. to'o'dness for suen A:v~:nunQre, Ontar1o.

ms;S'ed recreatfon ~ as boXing and soccer. but nowadeva, wuee uree nee. mHI:!. be likes l;!.othing better than 1:1. g-ood game of b-rldge' Or a Quiet hour wtth a book.


"Hew goes it with YOllr btudfiBiiS!1t

queded O[lB' etnre crony or another.

"On, better," W(L:!) the tOpLY'· "Better, do "0\1. .!lillY!"

"Yea, much !JeUor--tban next yaRr."


A 'neutral In the world tod,ay can't k~ck I:[ he dnee. get some pereca'e

This publicaUon sa.tutes :Mr. ,!\n~ elbow tn bt!ll ~'ye once in 8.. whjle. ThLs

world h! no plaea Cor a. neutral now.


wUh the-

NOI. 2 Manning Depot tmprlnt


i.n this vidni~y deal at REESOR'S JEWELlERY STORE

The Willison Statl'onery Co.



B"'(lrythl:n!!' :Ln w.rmnr. ma.retlul, F(}uJ!~j. ,[i4l,nl. Penow. Paper, Ink.



I alt. aboard tha . mIdn1g.ht furlougb -traln,

Amid a babble, ceeeelese as an 81] day rain.

As 1 sit, almost $8.d. alone a.m I,

My te ce I press agadnat the window pane-

And watch the !bla.ck nIght slide ny,

A "fm-ty-edght" is so Short, There 113 80 ronch to do;

It eeema, at home, yoU have s-catcely arrived

it. nd U ke 1;\ :re:fu,gee upon freedom

tbrtved, Lea.ving you blue

Wb.en YOur lime ie through,

Ljke I, upnn a midnight furlough train,

I sit a,'l)d wonder: when, they and 1

again ~hall meet,

For my tralnlng "pI!:TLOd is now comf!ol-e-te,

And any day.




EIGHTH' $TRE,!.'i'" AIlin1~sJ(ln at. :PopUlar' Pr:h::II'l:li

Not "",bat we b.a~+'I!. but. what we 'Ilse~

~ot what we see. bu,~ what we enoose.-.

The,se are the t:.b1n,gs tha.t roar or bless

'l,"he: sum or buman happIness.

A woum weieeme e-:KteD,'I!Ied till Q,U men :In the IlIr-vRi! ..

Photographs of Superior Quality

We. ¢~n·t; iT!iI!ke air the phOID., :I5Q' w'e 1)1"11.1 ""like 'the !but.


135 • 10th So.

N!!'.x1: SI"(IIInd' Thl!i:JlIt"e



Tbl!l aW!l.h or bowl) -cute. forw.a.rd. readezvoua to. .eep.

~·JU8T ANOTHER APPEAL"? From the WinnIpeg T'rlbune

Slr'ly little 'Worlds moving, &11 under' one,

SaUiDg' on, East to Victory. to,. b,. to:p. "Tie U-.e (I" gbo:attLeet dan~1ng on th" .. a.

Perhn.PI'l we are all ""newe-dTlmk,"1 We have: read ,,0 much of death aDd E!lutfe-,rhlg, of he~tJJDl .nd &D.crl:llce th&t words, plcture5. do not meal! '''' n1Il:!tb to UB a.1I R 8Lq,g]e pereonal ex:p@nence, even ;B, Fe_rJ' mroor ODe.

For a Imost thr-ee years 1t has been rlfnned tutu our ears that the Battle and COlJSerl'O shlpp'ug space tor war of the AtlanUc may be tile: eruetal eeeenuara But when YOU' adok that (Tribulo 1.0 I.lie MerchanL Navy by

one of the war. ,Add to tbat, now, the ("tip ,,:( tea Or .coffee. tarat you stm can An Alrl'Ilfl.n)

battles of tbe Pacific, the lndhm and get. ralse B- toast to tbe mon who ArcUc oceans. Yet m_ny p.B:(Iple Ln IlrOligbt lt,' 8.lCDg with mere esaenUaL Canada. never gra.sped tb~s wttb thetr stlpplleB; and remember the men who A aquat-nuaed tramp put (Jut to .aeA, Motbe:r'... wlvea Ilnd sweethearts,

died, going down with other aueh ear- War-pal1_lted !ladY liner on ber lee. quietly pray,

The tanker loaded Dn her weathar- Gad speed our bMve eeemen 0:0 theLr

Brrtala'e IUe une to keep the 'WOrld tt-ee.

No wtreiese. no light,s, 1111 Is black a.t night,


.Eastward convoy, carry Oil sn Il(ille ot Hitler's mtgbt.

\10'110116' ,nLnds untU tbeT !Hlft'ered a few pinpl'~oCks~ga!J rtlUo'nLng followed by goes,

ratlon1ng ot eugar. tell. B,'Dd colee. The Navy l..IeaguO-la that juat en- aide, way.

They started to look at the .onll lists ctbe- appeal. just another tag da7;" The grl.m voyage started I'Qr the oehil.n- Repofti {,rom many lookout mell..

of a.h1ppir1g losses; utlOttlolally pub- O:r ,I,s It, rather, a. gran.d oppottu.nHy nel's tide, lurktng euh 1!3 seen,

U8h~d In the United Slate" Then they to ehcw Ml:ile~1lt1e mfte of gt',o.tltude BI'IUilh destrovera dashtng here anrl "To guns., etend by, are. crash .. :smo,ke there,


began to "get the Idea." for the men who 80 down to eea In

Dul for three years the seameD or 8h~P8, who lLve wlth pertt night a.nCi Canada'!!; eeeotttug oombers 'watched

the United NRUOn-s have beell. going day in the at ...

All is well. aU Is onler, Hub amaehed

to ncean :floor,

Carry on con sop, watch, stand by, for

tb,roughhe!]-U!6 heU .. flre of to rPedo@! and bombing. the torture or bll~e.rd, tee and toOl', the never end~ !.ng threat of drowning, .. 11 too orten

Strained' gr-im faces trom 'brklS'Els peer



1I~\:O: ;:~B!~:l::n ~~~~:rh::(1.~ ~::: Now arranged in nnee, 11.0 tg!J~us1og. Storm at sea. W'iod through rlgg!ngg

nu dread, eeream

Slg!1nl horn warship. ful.l speed, Abe{l"d, Dt!-l~k!!! aWIII,eb, mounting waves, ships

steadY, ro'lHng beam to beam,

VDUS breakdown first.

"Brttaln delivers the Good!," The,

men who made that motto are among

the top heroes (If ttns .... orld wa.r-tbe JAP·HAPPY "Elt'l.:Htw:fI,rtl Ho', ba.tchlMll battened:~ Thelm1)licl strung hs 111tre (a 'vtctory

British Merchant 8e;Tvl.(:e., the ltoyal The Jape al.'I1oia.J's are ha.ppy to die guna. ready, SQng,

Na.,vy. the Canadtan Navy, the. senmen 10r thelr- eonntry. Let's keep 'em Convoy, midst terrors hu'lc.tng' tn the SIUa.:~: t:_an--y on convoy, smash, carry

ba:lrpy'· dee)),

Down into a green, cold, :spraY-to"Sse<1

Of the United Na.lIonEt

There, La. no adequate way of :rep-A,.-


Brave ata.unch vessels, each other Iollow.

ing tlb:e~e men. Yet little tMn,,1i can be done, nttle enough but ever IKJ 1m .. '[JOl'tODt, Ta.ke 5U,nrlivor'lI kits, for ex;:unp]e. JU'Sl a few clotn43-e that mean nothrng much to you or me, but me:p,l~ a lot to the anrvlvor ot a toi'[Ie<1.oe.lng -a. sh1v-e:rlng man lloaked tn Icy water, coated wtth utl.

Ta.ke ditty b881o: jYst a rew comfOl'tll. and some warm clothJng. The wcmen'a Au,.:Ulanr or the, RC.N.V.ft., and the ~avy League are doing great work on these. TakE! a turn on·t.he Iceland run some winter and see whether you think that a. ditty bag means nothing much.

Fur-lined jackeh tor Bailors ~ a magnttteent JOb haa: been dune on these right here in Winnipeg, And !IiI-O on down the long list or "Ilttle mtnes,'

The Nay)" League of Manitoha. 19: aD-pealing to the public for support. Subscribers wUl be approached lind a tag day will be held later- in the

'rtue graat convoy. bless God, is channei bound,

All dangers lie astern, all is wen, all

is eound.

Oh, Great urttam, 'You have cause 1..0 cry,

Han to our seamen, not one arraid to die.

The Hags. of the world :sun :fl.y 80 brave,

They are, in convoy, tor freedom Or

the ,rave.

The squat-nosed tramp is with us :stilI. And the lady .tjner, with nary a. trill, 'I'he tankers in, too, ve>:ry Hgllt now, Yell, they all made port, bow to bow. Salf-(!ru~bed, tired. ,rea"1~6, ready for


These 8biD:i are the lite. lines of Eng·

la.nd's shore,



AirgrB:lJh service from Great Brttain to Canada and Newfoundland Isbeing instituted Immedbtt61y, post. oll'ice officials said toCf&Y-

Ratee on a.trgraph mesaagea from BrLtaill wtn be the saIne as tboll!ltl> here-1Ii cents when addr-e8!!ed to civilians ana six cents to memhera of the rorces, Announcement of bhe BriUeh service markl'!l the euoeeee o~ lengthy negotiations between the two pOBtalserv1ces.

i\irgraph m.essages are written on s.pecial forms provided a.t post offices and are photographed on micro-:Il1m which 15 flown acroea the ocean, de-. YeII)Pe.d and enla.rged there and forwarded to the d •• UnatJ:Dn.

The work or tbe Navy League- is entirely dependent on publfc support -cexcept for its- W(lrK in Seamen's Hostels. which alone does receive govern~ent $ubsidy.The Manttob-a- League has done a grand Job. It ts at nresent tra[n'lng .. 26 Sea Cadets and former Sea Cadets have made a.. great name for themselves in the M-&vy. These are tlbe bO}'5!1 who will man this countrv'e :ships hereafter.

The oceans or th e world are. grtm these days, M.a.n1 wbo hlye crossed the Atlanttc lately wtll te1l yon ot flobam and jetsam, -pat(:hE!l8 (It on, the. occaatonal corpse ti.oa.ti:D.g lace. upward, :'50 peacefully at last.

You are compelled to 00Ut down on your tea. and eofl'ee, now, tn save lfvee

Protect your valuables with a money belt. popular models at popular prices. Manufactured and distributed by

The r=--~-"·="·--=--="'- :::::::~======::::::::~ ~f ~~~~

Great West Saddlery : THE

Company L;m;t.d Yes, I Always Buy ! I

WINNI~~GA::GIN:D'IO~;~";;ATOO" B Rye E ' s i I



t 1 GlYtil a ve:ry thorouch and prole ..

i r tleal trainloc '" tb(> fl)llow1ll; ! f ().Otlrses:

I ! ~~~::::~~IC





Specially Made for the R.C.A.F.

t-·_'_""-~--""'''''--''''-'''C'.'-''' .• ''''''.'"+''''.'''



I 314 - 10th Street I

j!,: A speedy service (or the

men of the R.C.A.F.


_ .... ----,

Good work-Low charge





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I Triple Medalist in ! ! Pharmacy i

j 902 ROSSER AVE. i

L .. __ .~~~~~. __ ._!



1110 9th St. Phone 2411

A Wide Varie;-:~~~~' 'I

For The Airman's.

Sweetheart, Wife, Mother Ladies' Wear


Accessory Shop

Phone 3666

929 Rosser Ave.

I For r' I
and i To park .your appetite at ,
visit !
! ! Our pies are winners
! I Soft Drink.
t ,U ROSSER ! Magaz.lnes +
-_ ...... ____ -----I WHEAT C·ITV BUSINESS COLLEGE



and .Kitchen Proved



They are always so delicious.

Sold at most dealers or d ireet,


AIT ror c e ShhU

W. J. Creelman & Co.




829 Rosser Ave.

Ask for

t BUCK'S·-; I


Lignt ll,lnche .. Frn,h Fruit. Soft ! Orlnk •• Coni'ec;'tlonlllry,

~~~~'S THE HO •• OF II PM h.". 'e"'·t.~·b·;C:::';af"· "e"'" l_ BREWERY LTD.


I' Walch Repairing a

Specialty I r-A.--WATT --I! WelcoGmOodes "FA'o·rOmde.n to """'1 .. - VISIT US NOW


I I. any lime To see the new fall stvles


, __ .• , __ :05 Rosser Ave. , 'I' 'L in smart headwear

============== Pre •• ing on" Alt.ratl.n" 91L ROSSER AVE. j at

Wnlle-U-Waft __j

f: ~~~AUTY SALONI Olllc&t$ Un;fo<ml Mid. LUCY'S

I 132 - 6th St. • I t~ M .. M' BUY WAR SAVING HAT SHOPPE

I PtfO .... E 3822 OPP. CITV HAL.L 118 • 10th 5"1:. Pi'lo"-C 4227

Phon. 2651 Brondon CE'RTIFICATES -~-~---'




RJTCHIE'S AUTHENTIC AIR FORCE OXFORD in widths A, B, C, D, E, and size<! to 12 Prleed Itt $8.0{l

Other Plain Black fulordR, $3.50 to $6.110


II •• 01."

U you are movlng yow: I family to Brandon you'll wanl Furniture to make the.m comfortable.

We C.N',. • tull .t~k of the kind of IUl"'rtltut'e that php ... es.


1126 Reo-110M/" Ave. Phone 4009


Lt ...... e your wo .... k with

Crawford's Drug Store



It: wQ't;I"t cod )'(J. very IDI.1dI.. IUl" woe- au IIFlII:,pto.b In tJIiJI:ini IlI'W 1iII-Ob :l'r(lm old.


lOll!! PRINt:;£HS AVE.


~e .. ty rt-n(lo'u,'~4 -.nd 1HIo'll' U!i~
AW!IIrten plan In Co....-q
Golden Gate Cafe
'l! .RUI&er Ave. PhOM 4-Md
Chrest's Cleaners I
Shoe Repair
Pressing wIille I
you ",ait
~ job in town
Band Made Money BeII8 ,
I --- I
1031 ROSSER AVE. Courtesy and Comfort Always

Winnipeg's Finest Downtown Hotel Located in the Heart of the City

220 Beautiful Rooms - Completely Firqlroof

Whether Luncheon, Dinner or Banquet you will enjoy tbe quiet r-efreshillg atmosphere of the Mnrlborough.

"The Airmen's Hendezvous"

The Marlborough

F. 3. FALL, Manager


• 1199 en "0' ....



daliJIri ill motem p!QJDblllc 2.Dd. heatIn" ,.~ter $O~!~=~_,




3hB ~B~QII .ftOtB

Corner &SBer & Ninth





lOth se


Wedding Flowers

Charmingly Arr.ntltld Moderat.t.y Pdud




Wann Air Healing and Roofing

2., 8th ST. BRANDON, MAN.

Good food-well prepared is t he only kind we Bene. You will lind this restaurant not "Another place to eat" but "A place to eat another",

Th. taste will tell

Carlton Cafe

I 121 - lOfh St.






Caterer to

Brandon, Manitoba

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