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We chose "My Clothes" as our main topic and unit because it allows us to use many different

materials and activities, which are quite fun for students. Additionally, we thought that students
would be more interested in such a unit because it requires several visuals, videos, infographics, etc.,
which make the learning process fun and permanent for students. In addition to the visuals, this unit
includes songs too, so the teacher will have the chance to attract both visual-spatial and musical
intelligent students at the same time. We spent most of our time thinking about the "Analyze
Learners" step because we needed to find an age group that would respond to our materials,
activities and find them attractive. In the end, we thought that fourth-grade students were
appropriate for those aims because they also met the prerequisites for our unit by having the basic
knowledge pronouns, some simple verbs, can, should, and imperatives in addition to basic speaking,
listening, reading, and writing skills. The second step that we spent some time on was "Utilize
Technology, Media, and Materials" because this step consists of many processes. Firstly, we
previewed the materials and media that we would use during the preparation step of this unit plan.
We, as a group, had the knowledge and experience about all the materials, media, and how to apply
them in practice before this planning step, so we knew which material was appropriate for which
activity. Then, we planned the classroom environment and possible-to-occur problems regarding
media and materials and tried to minimize the reverse effects of those problems by adding back-up
plans to each of our lesson plans. Finally, we determined what we expect of students, and based on
that, we created and finalized our materials. By adding various learning experiences such as teacher
and/or student-centered learning experiences, we enriched the variety in the learning and teaching

To determine the prerequisite skills, we had a look at the instruction programs of the
previous grades, and we saw that students must have the four language skills at the primary level in
addition to the knowledge about some simple verbs and imperatives, which allowed us to take all
this knowledge as the basis of our lessons. We decided that we did not need to lose time covering all
those topics repeatedly because teaching what they know again might make students bored and lose
their attention on the upcoming main topics. While allocating the time, we took the lengths of the
materials and the activities students and the teacher must cover after their use into consideration.
Besides, we also included the time when the teacher would need to summarize or revise the topic
and answer students' questions. When it comes to the objectives, our main source was the
instruction program provided by MEB. Based on it, we decided what students should know when
they covered the lesson with all the activities, tests, and quizzes. Moreover, by looking at the
program of the next year, we tried to prepare students for it because after they take these lessons,
they should meet the prerequisites of the fifth grade. Basically, we used previous and next years'
instruction programs to determine our objectives for students. As stated above, instructional
methods, media, and materials were chosen according to the unit. We thought that there would not
be a better way than showing pictures or any type of visuals to make students learn clothes and
seasons' names. That way, students see the use of imperatives as well because the video and song
cover the use of imperative as well. Our unit and lesson plans are based on the constructivist and
eclectic approach as they require students to use their existing knowledge to build more. What they
know is a tool they can use to create something bigger, so they have the chance to use what they
know and blend it with the upcoming knowledge. We also tried to ensure learner participation by
including listening, speaking, reading activities, tests and quizzes. Even shy students can show what
they know thanks to the variety of activities included in the lesson plans. They need to share what
they know by preparing concept maps or matching activities requiring active participation. Finally, we
have a continuous measurement, which is not limited to a single exam. With quizzes, teacher
observations, and an exam at the end, students will be in an evaluation process from the very
beginning until the end of the unit.

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