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Natalya Eleni M.

Music 62: Instrumental Conducting

Please answer briefly the following questions:

1. What attributes should the conductor show in the patterns and gestures?

-Must show each pattern clearly with the conducting technique.

-Should avoid becoming too fancy or fussy.
-Must be expressive in conducting to connect with the idea of conducting flow.
-Must place an emphasis on the idea of “flow” and good communication with patterns
and gestures.
-The conductor should vary the conducting patterns and gestures in order to show how
to perform each beat, measure, or phrase.

2. What are the basic elements of the conducting technique as noted in the reading?

-Conducting the various patterns and the subdivision of these patterns

-Conducting meters (simple, compound, changing, and asymmetrical)
-Executing preparatory beats properly
-Indicating releases clearly
-Handling fermatas
-Cueing as needed
-Indicating dynamic levels, nuances, and ensemble balance
-Showing styles, accents, phrasing, and musical expression
-Using the left hand effectively
-Studying the score in order to implement this conducting technique
3. Why is the "attention" position so important in the conducting technique?

The attention position for the conductor is crucial in alerting the players that the music
is about to begin it will also prepare the players for the first beat and be synchronized
with the conductor and not be left behind.

4. What are the various elements involved with expressive conducting?

-musical interpretation

5. What can you do to maintain and improve the conducting technique throughout
your career?

-Continue to study conducting textbooks.

-Avoid “bouncing” between beats, usually caused by a tense right wrist and forearm.
-Observe other (preferably good) conductors by attending rehearsals and concerts.
-Videotape yourself by conducting with recordings and then critique yourself (or have
others critique your conducting as well).
-Practice conducting (with inner singing) in front of a mirror; this forces you to “get
out of the score.”
-Attend workshops and symposiums on conducting.
-Do advanced study with a “master teacher” of conducting.
-Record or videotape rehearsals and performances to analyze your conducting
effectiveness with the ensemble.

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