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SimPac configuration, created: 2020-06-25-14-54-21

Electronic type label:

UTC_GetTime ""
HMI.MC[2].AV_Abs 29217.400390625
HMI.ChbInfo.EquipmNo "58226107890010"
HMI.ChbInfo.OrderNo "22610789"
HMI.ChbInfo.EquipmType "WK3-180/70"
HMI.ChbInfo.ConstrYear "2011"
HMI.ChbInfo.SoftVer "Pac3000_FB_TEDV_PE_LIB 3.11/TB: 2.46"
HMI.ChbInfo.PlcSystem ""
HMI.ChbInfo.PlcVer "K3K47_1834_B20[SimPAC_K3K47_1834]:20120702.0"
HMI.ChbInfo.BSPVer "PAC3000 I/O Driver 0.50"
HMI.ChbInfo.PAC3KVer "Simpac_2.8CP:17_SS:50_AS:39_PF:05_PG:66_DR:26_MB:15"
HMI.ChbInfo.CtrlPanelTypeV1 ""
HMI.ChbInfo.CtrlPanelTypeV2 ""
HMI.ChbInfo.CtrlPanelTypeV3 ""
HMI.ChbInfo.CtrlPanelTypeV4 ""
HMI.MenuType 16#00000001
HMI.Version 16
P_X7IPaddr ""
P_X7SubNet ""
P_X7Gateway ""
DAIO1_BoardAddr 1
DAIO1_BoardType 1029
DAIO2_BoardAddr 2
DAIO2_BoardType 1029
DAIO3_BoardAddr 3
DAIO3_BoardType 1026
P_Index1 6
P_Index2 0
HMI.TrsCtrl.TrsName "A12-EN"
HMI.ChbInfo.ConstrStatus ""
IOBusDisable 16#00000000
GV_AppLib.AppLibVersion Variable not found!

Options: Active
1 "Climate-Chamber" TRUE
2 "Variable fan" FALSE
3 "Add. cap. hum.-sensor" FALSE
4 "Fixed cap. hum.-sensor" FALSE
5 "Compressed air" FALSE
6 "Control at specimen" FALSE
7 "Measure at specimen" FALSE
8 "AnalogIO" FALSE
9 "Wait function" FALSE
10 "SteamHumidifier" FALSE
11 "Sprinkling" FALSE
12 "Climate cycles (PV, PrV)" FALSE
13 "Test paused: fan off" FALSE
14 "BMW dew test" FALSE
15 "Temp. range extension" FALSE
16 "Exhibition Mode" FALSE
21 "Var. fan with dig. out" FALSE
22 "Adjustment:DRY" FALSE
24 "Simulation" FALSE

Basic configuration values: Unit Min Max Value


Adjustments: Ampl. Offs. Min. Max.

1 "CPU-X21 / ID1.128" 1.0004359483718872 -0.048450998961925507 -100000.0 100000.0
2 "CPU-X22 / ID1.132" 1.0004910230636597 -0.011989999562501907 -100000.0 100000.0
3 "CPU-X23 / ID1.136" 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X31 /
4 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X32 /
5 0.99979197978973389 0.014472999610006809 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X33 /
6 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X34 /
7 0.99973797798156738 0.031422000378370285 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X35 /
8 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X36 /
9 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X37 /
10 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X38 /
11 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
12 "DAIO1-X41.1 / 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X41.3 /
13 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X40.1 /
14 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X40.3 /
15 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X40.5 /
16 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X40.7 /
17 1.0 0.05000000074505806 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X42.1 /
18 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X42.3 /
19 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X5.1 /
20 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X5.3 /
21 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X5.5 /
22 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X5.7 /
23 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X6.1 /
24 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
"DAIO1-X6.3 /
25 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
70 "Adjust t -climate" 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
71 "Adjust tw" 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0
72 "Adjust t-temp." 1.0 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0

Controlled Values: Unit SP SP_Min SP_Max

1 "Temperature" "°C" 23.0 -77.0 182.0
2 "Humidity" "%" 0.0 0.0 100.0

Set Values: Unit SP SP_Min SP_Max


Measured Values: Unit RangeMin RangeMax


Digital Outputs:
1 "Custom 1"
2 "Custom 2"
3 "Custom 3"
4 "Custom 4"
5 "Cond.protect"
6 "Clarificat."

Digital Inputs:
1 "Custom 1"
2 "Custom 2"
3 "Custom 3"
4 "Custom 4"

Messages: Quit Type

1 "Service" FALSE 1
2 "Thermal protection fan" FALSE 1
3 "Temp. limiter testchamber" FALSE 1
4 "Thermal specimen protection" FALSE 1
5 "Software specimen protection" FALSE 1
6 "Warn limit temp." FALSE 2
7 "Linearisationtable" FALSE 2
17 "Humidity out of range" FALSE 2
18 "Temp. limiter humidity system" FALSE 1
19 "Humidity-calculator not OK" FALSE 1
20 "Setpoint out of meas.-range" FALSE 2
21 "Reference/ambient pressure" FALSE 1
22 "Refill demin. water !!!" FALSE 2
23 "Reservoir humidity system empty" FALSE 1
24 "Water system" FALSE 1
25 "Warn limit humidity" FALSE 2
33 "Thermal prot. compr. PC" FALSE 1
34 "High pressure compr. PC" FALSE 1
35 "Current compr. PC" FALSE 1
36 "Sensor low press. compr. PC" FALSE 1
37 "Sensor high press. compr. PC" FALSE 1
38 "Low press. compr. PC" FALSE 1
39 "Malfunction compr.PC" FALSE 1
40 "Reinjection compr.PC" FALSE 1
44 "Press.-gastemp.compr.PC" FALSE 1
48 "Superheat refrigerant PC" FALSE 1
49 "Thermal prot. compr. LC" FALSE 1
50 "High pressure compr. LC" FALSE 1
51 "Current compr. LC" FALSE 1
52 "Sensor low press. compr. LC" FALSE 1
53 "Sensor high press. compr. LC" FALSE 1
54 "Low press. compr. LC" FALSE 1
55 "Static press. compr. LC" FALSE 1
56 "Reinjection compr.LC" FALSE 1
59 "Press.-gastemp.compr.LC" FALSE 1
64 "Superheat refrigerant LC" FALSE 1
201 "CRC-Error: Retained Data" FALSE 2
202 "CRC-Error: Parameter Data" FALSE 2
203 "COM-Error: Local IO Bus" FALSE 1
204 "COM-Error: Fieldbus" FALSE 1
205 "COM-Error: Operator Panel" FALSE 1
206 "CPU-Error: Overload" FALSE 1
207 "CPU-Error: Battery low" FALSE 2
208 "CPU-Error: Out of Flash-Memory" FALSE 2
209 "RTS-Error: license" FALSE 1
210 "Cold start initialized" FALSE 1
211 "Ice-Coldstart initialized" FALSE 1
212 "USB device not found" FALSE 2
213 "Out of USB memory" FALSE 2
214 "IO-Test activated!" FALSE 1
215 "Chambertype not valid" FALSE 1
216 "Powerfail" FALSE 1
217 "Act. value defect: CPU/X21" FALSE 1
218 "Act. value defect: CPU/X22" FALSE 1
219 "Act. value defect: DAIO1/X31" FALSE 1
220 "Act. value defect: DAIO1/X32" FALSE 1
221 "Act. value defect: DAIO1/X33" FALSE 1
222 "Act. value defect: DAIO1/X34" FALSE 1
505 "COM-Error: DAIO 1" FALSE 1
506 "COM-Error: DAIO 2" FALSE 1
507 "COM-Error: DAIO 3" FALSE 1
508 "COM-Error: CPU" FALSE 1
509 "COM-Error: L230" FALSE 1
510 "COM-Error: L400" FALSE 1
511 "Init HMI, please check PLC" FALSE 1

Maintenance Counters: Unit AV_Abs Interval

1 "Lifetime" "h" 81310.15625 17520.0
2 "Op. hours" "h" 29217.400390625 4000.0
3 "CompressorPC" "h" 29086.8203125 4000.0
4 "CompressorLC" "h" 1607.4708251953125 4000.0
6 "Dryer" "h" 0.0 4000.0
7 "Valve Y1" "" 13414046.0 10000000.0
8 "Valve Y2" "" 858331.0 10000000.0
9 "Valve Y3" "" 1038748.0 10000000.0
10 "Valve Y5" "" 14963383.0 10000000.0
11 "Valve Y6" "" 1408691.0 10000000.0
12 "Valve Y36" "" 373071.0 10000000.0
13 "Valve Y37/Y4" "" 459259.0 10000000.0

PID CTC 1 "Temp: climate"

PID[1].SP 23.0
PID[1].Typ 0
PID[1].ReduzI 0
PID[1].Ki 0.0
PID[1].Kp 0.34000000357627869
PID[1].Kdp 0.0
PID[1].Kdn 0.0
"cka_min" 0.69999998807907104
"cka_max" 1.5
"cka" 0.0
"TReg_min" 9.0
"TReg_max" 11.0
"TReg" 0.0
"KFactD" 0.070000000298023224
"FCKD" 0.059999998658895493
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
PID CTC 2 "Temp: direct"
PID[2].SP -195.75199890136719
PID[2].Typ 0
PID[2].ReduzI 0
PID[2].Ki 0.0
PID[2].Kp 0.0
PID[2].Kdp 0.0
PID[2].Kdn 0.0
"cka_min" 0.5
"cka_max" 1.0
"cka" 0.0
"TReg_min" 9.0
"TReg_max" 11.0
"TReg" 0.0
"KFactD" 0.070000000298023224
"FCKD" 0.039999999105930328
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
PID CTC 4 "Hum. psy."
PID[4].SP 0.0
PID[4].Typ 0
PID[4].ReduzI 0
PID[4].Ki 500.39999389648438
PID[4].Kp 1.0
PID[4].Kdp 0.10000000149011612
PID[4].Kdn 0.0
"Yneg_HeatStart" 13.5
"maxHeat" 5.75
"YmaxAt10°C" 100.0
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
PID CTC 5 "Hum. psy. lowDP"
PID[5].SP 0.0
PID[5].Typ 0
PID[5].ReduzI 0
PID[5].Ki 1000.5
PID[5].Kp 1.0
PID[5].Kdp 0.10000000149011612
PID[5].Kdn 0.0
"Yneg_HeatStart" 13.5
"maxHeat" 5.75
"YmaxAt10°C" 100.0
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
PID CTC 6 "Bath"
PID[6].SP 23.0
PID[6].Typ 2
PID[6].ReduzI 3
PID[6].Ki 3000.0
PID[6].Kp 0.20000000298023224
PID[6].Kdp 0.10000000149011612
PID[6].Kdn 0.10000000149011612
"Xu" -15.0
"Xo" 15.0
"Kheat" 1.0
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
"SP-Shift" 0.0
PID CTC 11 "HP LC for PC"
PID[11].SP 0.0
PID[11].Typ 0
PID[11].ReduzI 0
PID[11].Ki 0.0
PID[11].Kp 0.0
PID[11].Kdp 0.0
PID[11].Kdn 0.0
"X1" 18.0
"Y1" 1.0
"X2" 22.0
"Y2" 2.0
"Ymin" 1.0
"Ymax" 2.0
PID[12].SP 0.0
PID[12].Typ 0
PID[12].ReduzI 0
PID[12].Ki 4000.0
PID[12].Kp 0.004999999888241291
PID[12].Kdp 2.0
PID[12].Kdn 2.0
"X1" 3.5
"Y1" 12.0
"X2" 65.0
"Y2" 100.0
"Ymin" 5.0
"Ymax" 100.0
PID CTC 13 "Current PC"
PID[13].SP 0.0
PID[13].Typ 0
PID[13].ReduzI 0
PID[13].Ki 0.0
PID[13].Kp 0.0
PID[13].Kdp 0.0
PID[13].Kdn 0.0
"X1" 0.0
"Y1" 100.0
"X2" 20.0
"Y2" 100.0
"Ymin" 0.0
"Ymax" 100.0
PID[14].SP 0.0
PID[14].Typ 0
PID[14].ReduzI 0
PID[14].Ki 0.0
PID[14].Kp 0.0
PID[14].Kdp 0.0
PID[14].Kdn 0.0
"X1" 3.0
"Y1" 100.0
"X2" 4.0
"Y2" 0.0
"Ymin" 15.0
"Ymax" 100.0
PID[15].SP 0.0
PID[15].Typ 0
PID[15].ReduzI 0
PID[15].Ki 0.0
PID[15].Kp 0.0
PID[15].Kdp 0.0
PID[15].Kdn 0.0
"X1" 18.0
"Y1" 100.0
"X2" 22.0
"Y2" 0.0
"Ymin" 0.0
"Ymax" 100.0
PID CTC 28 "ReinjPC"
PID[28].SP 90.0
PID[28].Typ 2
PID[28].ReduzI 0
PID[28].Ki 9999.599609375
PID[28].Kp 0.20000000298023224
PID[28].Kdp 0.10000000149011612
PID[28].Kdn 0.10000000149011612
"Xu" 0.0
"Xo" 0.0
"Kheat" 1.0
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
"SP-Shift" 0.0
PID CTC 29 "ReinjLC"
PID[29].SP 115.0
PID[29].Typ 2
PID[29].ReduzI 0
PID[29].Ki 9999.599609375
PID[29].Kp 0.20000000298023224
PID[29].Kdp 0.10000000149011612
PID[29].Kdn 0.10000000149011612
"Xu" 0.0
"Xo" 0.0
"Kheat" 1.0
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
"SP-Shift" 0.0
PID CTC 30 "ReinjPC"
PID[30].SP 90.0
PID[30].Typ 2
PID[30].ReduzI 0
PID[30].Ki 9999.599609375
PID[30].Kp 0.20000000298023224
PID[30].Kdp 0.10000000149011612
PID[30].Kdn 0.10000000149011612
"Xu" 0.0
"Xo" 0.0
"Kheat" 1.0
"Ymax" 100.0
"Ymin" -100.0
"SP-Shift" 0.0

9 "VisuNo for PID[9]" 63.0
10 "VisuNo for PID[10]" 0.0
13 "P_TempEvapControl" 0.0
21 "Steamhum.1: SP_Temp" 150.0
22 "Steamhum.1: Kp" 0.34999999403953552
23 "Steamhum.1: Ki" 200.0
24 "Steamhum.1: CycleTime[s]" 0.60000002384185791
29 "Bathcorrect.dewtest" 10.0
33 "P_Fuell_Aus" 15.0
34 "P_Fuell_Ein" 0.20000000298023224
35 "P_Fuell_Time_max [s]" 2280.0
36 "Disable Reset PIDAA" 0.0
37 "P_RedClCool" 0.40000000596046448
101 "P_TempoGpAuxOn" 8.0
102 "P_TempoGpAuxOff" 30.0
103 "P_TempoGpAuxOn" 600.0
104 "P_TOutAuxMax: Tout PC" 95.0
105 "P_TNomOutAux" 90.0
106 "P_BPAuxMax: LPmax PC" 3.0
107 "P_HPAuxMax" 20.0
108 "P_DeltaSurchAux" 8.0
109 "P_SurchAuxNom" 23.0
110 "P_TAspiAuxMax" 30.0
111 "P_TAuxDPrinc" 4.3000001907348633
112 "P_FKpVGrpAux" 2.0
113 "P_FKiVGrpAux" 2.0
114 "P_FKdVGrpAux" 0.5
115 "P_KReducBPAux" 12.0
116 "P_KReducHPAux" 12.0
117 "P_KReducIAux" 12.0
118 "P_KReducTOutAux" 5.0
119 "P_Nom_I_PC" 3.5
120 "P_KpByp_PC" 1.0
121 "P_TempoGpPrincOn" 20.0
122 "P_TempoGpPrincOff" 20.0
123 "P_TNomOutPrinc" 115.0
124 "P_TOutPrincMax" 125.0
125 "P_SurchPrincMin" 80.0
126 "P_SurchPrincMax" 90.0
127 "P_TAspiPrincMax" 30.0
128 "P_HpPrincMini" 7.0
129 "P_HpPrincMax" 16.0
130 "P_MaxVrjPrinc" 100.0
131 "P_KReducVpPrinc" 10.0
132 "P_VPrincMax" 100.0
133 "P_VPrincMin" 0.0
134 "P_Nom_I_LC" 3.5
135 "P_FKpAspiP" 8.0
136 "P_FKiAspiP" 2.0
137 "P_FKdAspiP" 0.80000001192092896
138 "P_FKpDT" 2.0
139 "P_FKiDT" 4.0
140 "P_FKdDT" 2.5
141 "P_FKiDTbp" 1.0
142 "P_FKdHpPrinc" 0.10000000149011612
143 "P_FKpVPrincT" 5.0
144 "P_FKdVGrpAuxMR1" 2.0
145 "P_FKdHpPrincMR1" 0.20000000298023224
147 "P_cKpVP" 1.0
148 "P_cKiVP" 2.0
149 "P_cKdVP" 0.5
150 "P_cKdVPHP" 0.05000000074505806
153 "P_ConsTEvapMin" -88.0
154 "P_DeltaTmin" 4.0
155 "P_SeuilCDelta" 16.0
156 "P_SeuilDeshum" 42.299999237060547
157 "P_KCP" 0.10000000149011612
158 "P_KCPente" 8.0
159 "P_KCPHP" 0.69999998807907104
160 "P_KPrePosVP" 12.0
161 "P_KReducSPrin" 15.0
162 "P_KReducVpHp" 15.0
163 "P_KSDelta" 4.0
164 "P_OverSet" -3.0
165 "P_PantMin" -0.20000000298023224
166 "P_StartHP_LC" 14.0
167 "P_VpMinRebd" 20.0
168 "P_LP_LC_min" -0.60000002384185791
169 "P_LP_PC_min" -0.60000002384185791
170 "P_Byp_Control_ON" 1.0
171 "P_Byp_Lim_Control" 180.0
172 "P_Byp_min_LP" -0.5
173 "P_ExtCoolPower" 0.0
174 "P_KwChaudInstal" 4.5999999046325684
175 "P_Scroll" 0.0
176 "P_KpByp_PC" 1.0
177 "P_KpByp_PC" 1.0
178 "P_ComprHeater" 0.0
179 "P_KiCorrect" 0.81000000238418579
181 "P_MinLimitDehum" -70.0
182 "P_RedClCool" 0.30000001192092896
183 "P_RedClHeat" 0.5

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