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Christ’s School, Queens Road, Richmond TW10 6HW

18th February 2011

Dear Parents / Guardians

Re: Uniform

As we arrive at half-term I felt it would be appropriate to write to you to draw to your attention the
expectations we have as a school with uniform.

At Christ’s we believe one of the lessons learned while growing up is that people dress differently for
work and for leisure. We ask our pupils to leave their leisurewear and sports gear for the evenings
and weekends and to dress suitably for their work as students at the school. When they start work,
most pupils will be asked to wear clothing specially suited to the job. Often employers send for a
reference on former pupils and ask about their appearance (which is ranked as important as
attendance and timekeeping). We have a clear policy on uniform and have reviewed the items with
both pupils and parents to ensure that it is both value for money and appropriate for school use on a
daily basis.

Unfortunately some pupils are beginning to adopt a rather lapse attitude towards their uniform by
wearing inappropriate footwear, skirts which are too short, not having top buttons on shirts etc.
This means that these pupils often begin their school day with a negative interaction with staff as
they are asked to “sort” out uniform, are awarded detentions etc. We hope that all our pupils have
a positive experience in school and as such I would be very grateful if you could ensure that new
items of uniform/replacements are purchased over the half term holiday and ready for your son/
daughter to wear to school on Monday 28 th February 2011 to ensure that this happens. Pupils who
are inappropriately dressed will be sent home. The uniform is listed in the student planner and on
the school website. (

If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

Yours sincerely

Frances Walsh
Deputy Head
Why Christ’s School supports the wearing of school uniform:

We believe that there are a number of good, commonsense reasons why our pupils should wear school
uniform. They include:

1 Dressing for the occasion: One of the lessons learned while growing up is that people
dress differently for work and for leisure. We ask our pupils to leave their leisurewear
and sports gear for the evenings and weekends and to dress suitably for their work as
students at the school. When they start work, most pupils will be asked to wear clothing
specially suited to the job. Often employers send for a reference on former pupils and
ask about their appearance (which is ranked as important as attendance and

2 Reducing differences: Although some parents can afford to buy their children the latest
in casual or sportswear, many cannot. If all of our pupils come to school in schoolwear,
these differences are much less obvious. Uniform gives pupils an equality of appearance
which discourages competition.

3 Cost: It costs less to buy items of schoolwear than to buy the latest fashion in casual or

4 A sense of belonging: Christ’s School is a small school with a long and proud tradition.
We think that dressing in school colours helps pupils to feel that they belong to the
school and to think and act like students. In addition, school uniform encourages school
discipline and a more positive attitude towards work amongst pupils.

5 Security: If all of our pupils wear uniform, it is much easier to sport “intruders” quickly.
The provision of a safe environment for our young people must be a priority for us all.

6 School reputation: Rightly or wrongly, the public judge our school to some extent by
the appearance of our pupils. We are anxious that we create a good impression and
that our pupils (and their parents!) receive the credit that they deserve.

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