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Society is based on rules and laws.

If individuals were free to do whatever they

want to do, it could not function. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
the above statement?
You should write at least 250 words.
Write an introduction with 3 suggested parts.
Use and underline 10-15 B2 words in your essay.
Government uses laws to run society. It is often said that following rules against
individual’s freedom. Based on my observation and experience, I partly disagree
with this opinion.
I could start off by highlighting the fact that only by complying with rules and
regulations, can society reduce crime rate. The reason is that when people adhere
to laws, they are raising their own awareness of avoiding doing thing which is
forbidden. For instance, in a report, an array of Vietnamese people obeying traffic
laws that do not drive after drinking is rising. As a result, the number of rule
breakers in recent months is much less than the total people were fined in the same
period last year.
I could also remark on the fact that obeying laws is a deterrent to social chaos. This
can be exemplified by the fact that if people do not comply to traffic laws, car
crashes and everyone can be stuck in traffic jams not only in rush hours as people
cannot follow traffic lights and go to any directions they want. Moreover, by dint
of obeying traffic laws, the rate of traffic accidents are reduced.
On the other hand, following rules deprives people of flexibility and creativity. As
a consequence, there is a possibility that adhering to laws triggers to stress and
tensions as people always need to remember to obey all the regulations.
To conclude, regulations play an important role in each nation that each person
should follow to guarantee social security. But sometimes, it is a good thing to
break rules and set ourselves’ free.

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