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Kaleab Mebratu Gebreigziabher

End of unit test- Chemical Energetics-23/10/2020

1. D
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. C

14. A) Addition reaction

B, h= reactant-product
H= 52-( 2*393.5-241.8)
H= 1080.8 kJ mol-1

c.= product-reactant
= -84-52
= -136 kJ mol-1

d. accurate because it is specific for each compounds meaning it is not averaged like average
bond enthalpy
Approximate because there are errors in the experiment

15. A. I) Heat
ii) catalyst

b, ∆ H =product −reactant
¿−126−11 0
¿−23 6 kJ mol−1

c. ∆ G=product −reactant
¿−168 kJ mol−1

d. ∆ G=∆ H−T ∆ S
−168=−236− ( 298∗s )
Kaleab Mebratu Gebreigziabher

S=−0.228 kJ K −1 mol−1

ii) it is because 3 molecules of gas particles were changed to 1 molecule of gas particle
meaning there was a reduction in the number of gas particle in the equation even though
they are all in the same state

iii) The Hydrogenation reaction will become less spontaneous if the temperature is
increased because ∆ G will be positive since −T ∆ S will positive and ∆ H cannot
compensate for the high value of −T ∆ S

iv) ∆ G=∆ H−T ∆ S

∆ G=0
∆ H =T ∆ S
T =1035
T =1035 K

v) , ΔS = product- reactant
−22 8=310−(279+ 2 H 2 )
H 2=129.5
H 2=130 J K−1 mol−1

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