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Assignment #1


(i) According to the DeMorgan’s Law, (x+y)’ = _________________

(a) x’y’ (b) (xy)’ (c) x’+y’ (d) All of the these

(ii) The output of 2-input EX-OR gate is always zero when both inputs are ___________________

(a) One is 1 and other is 0 (b) Different (c) Similar (d) None of these

(iii) A ________________ circuit is connected arrangement of logic gates with a set of inputs and outputs.

(a) Binary (b) Sequential (c) Logical (d) Combinational

(iv) A combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic addition of two bits is called ________________

(a) Binary Adder (b) Full Adder (c) Half Adder (d) Digital Adder

(v) ________________ is a binary cell capable of storing one bit of information.

(a) Flip-flop (b) Binary sequencer (c) Toggle device (d) Memory

(vi) The operations executed on data stored in registers are called _____________________

(a) Logical operations (b) Nano operations (c) Binary operations (d) Micro operations

(vii) The examples of micro-operations are __________________

(a) Delete, Clear, Download (b) Save, Delete, Drop (c) Save, browse, kill (d) Shift, Clear, Load

(viii) The register transfer (x + y) : R2  R1 means ________________

a) If x and y are both 1 then contents of R1 are transferred to R2

b) If x = 1 or y = 1 or both are 1 then contents of R1 are transferred to R2
c) If x = 1 or y = 1 or both are 1 then contents of R2 are transferred to R1
d) None of the above

(ix) Rather than connecting wires between all registers a ___________________ is used.

(a) Zigzag Path (b) Common Diode (c) Common bus (d) Wireless connection

(x) The three-state gate is a digital circuit that exhibits three states, two of the states are signals
equivalent to logic 1 and 0, the third state is a _____________________

(a) low voltage state (b) is high current state (c) high-impedance state (d) None of these

Combinational Circuits, Flip flops, Sequential Circuits.

1. Design the circuits for the following:

(i) Having a digital system that has 2 Registers (A and B) each of 2 bit size. Implement the Bus
Circuit that Selects any ONE of them to be provided as an input to any other circuit.
(ii) Having a digital system that has 3 Registers (A, B and C) each of 3 bit size. Implement the Bus
Circuit that Selects any TWO of them to be provided as an input to any other circuit.
(iii) Having the following two micro-operations:
a. X : R3 R2 + R1
b. X' : R3 R3 – 1
Implement the logic circuit that can perform the two micro-operations, and select only one of
them at a time. Registers are of size 2 bits.
(iv) Having the following two micro-operations:
a. X : R3 R2 – R1
b. X' : R3 R3 + 1
Implement the logic circuit that can perform the two micro-operations, and select only one of
them at a time. Registers are of size 2 bits.


Register Transfer and Microoperations

1. The Adder-Subtractor circuit of Figure 4-7 has the following values for input mode M and the data
inputs A and B. In each case determine the values of outputs: S3, S2, S1, S0 and C4

S# M A B

a. 0 0111 0110

b. 0 1000 1001

c. 1 1100 1000

d. 1 0101 1010

e. 1 0000 0001
2. The following transfer statements specify a memory. Explain operation in each case.

a. R2  M[AR]

b. M[AR]  R3

c. R5  M[R5]


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