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The Role of Chess in Artificial Intelligence Research.

Conference Paper · January 1991

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5 authors, including:

Robert Levinson T. Anthony Marsland

University of California, Santa Cruz University of Alberta


David E. Wilkins
SRI International


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T h e Role of Chess in A r t i f i c i a l Intelligence Research
R o b e r t L e v i n s o n (Chairperson)
Computer and Information Sciences
Applied Sciences Building
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Feng-hsiung H s u J o n a t h a n Schaeffer
I B M T.J. Watson Research Center Computing Science
PO Box 704 University of Alberta
York town Heights Edmonton
NY 10598 Canada T6G 2H1

T. Anthony Marsland D a v i d E* W i l k i n s
Computing Science SRI International EJ227
University of Alberta 333 Ravenswood Ave
Edmonton Menlo Park
Canada T6G 2H1 CA 94025

Abstract Panel S u m m a r y
The factors that make chess an excellent domain for AI
Our eminent researchers including John McCarthy, research include:
Allen Newell, Claude Shannon, Herb Simon, Ken
Thompson and Alan Turing put significant effort • Richness of the problem-solving domain.
into computer chess research. Now that comput- • Ability to monitor and record progress accurately
ers have reached the grandmaster level, and are through competition and rating, because of its well-
beginning to vie for the World Championship, the defined structure.
AI community should pause to evaluate the sig-
nificance of chess in the evolving objectives of A I , • Chess has been around for centuries - the basics are
evaluate the contributions made to date, and assess well-understood internationally, expertise is readily
what can be expected in the future. Despite the available and is (generally!) beyond proprietary or
general interest in chess amongst computer scien- nationalistic interests. Has been considered a "game
tists and the significant progress in the last twenty of intelligence." Many players of the game feel men-
years, there seems to be a Jack of appreciation for tally "stretched."
the field in the AI community. On one hand this is
• Detailed psychological studies of chess playing exist.
the fruit of success (brute force works, why study
These studies suggest that human players use differ-
anything else?), but also the result of a focus on
ent reasoning modes from those in current chess pro-
performance above all else in the chess community.
grams. Further, the reasoning modes are also used in
Also, chess has proved to be too challenging for
many other problem-solving domains.
many of the AI techniques that have been thrown
at it. We wish to promote chess as the fundamen- • Excellent test bed for uncertainty management
tal test bed recognized by our founding researchers schemes - the basis of most expert problem-solving.
and increase awareness of its contribution to date. The well-definedness and discreteness of the game
have led many to ignore this.

Levinson, et at. 547

The above factors make chess a useful tool regardless • The effectiveness of brute-force search. Chess has
of the strength of the current programs. Because of clearly demonstrated that simple, brute-force ap-
the success of the current methods there remains a vast proaches should not be quickly discarded.
arena of other methods that have not been explored. • Iterative search. Some of the ideas developed for
The most obvious lack is in the application and develop- alpha-beta search, iterative deepening in particular,
ment of machine learning techniques to chess, but other are applicable to other search domains.
areas, including knowledge representation and compila-
tion, planning and control, also seem to be applicable. • The inadequacy of conventional AI techniques for re-
AI researchers should be encouraged to use chess as a altime computation. No competitive computer chess
test bed for their techniques, with the understanding program uses AI languages or knowledge representa-
that chess is not the end in itself. Chess may provide tion methods. Why? They are too slow for a real-
the avenue by which bridges may be built between cog- time, high performance application.
nitive science, AI and connectionist modeling- Although these (and other, lesser contributions) have
W i t h the current and future battle for the World enhanced our knowledge, it is not clear whether the
Human-Computer Championship the AI community effort expended justifies the results obtained.
should be made more sensitive to the issues involved It is easy to question the usefulness of computer chess
and their bearing on intelligence research: Is search research. It is important to distinguish between com-
sufficient? How much detailed chess knowledge is re- puter chess research and research using chess as a test
quired? How is this knowledge implemented and incor- bed. Unfortunately, the latter has evolved into the for-
porated with search? We are fortunate to have a World mer. An entirely new field of "computer chess" has
Champion who promotes creativity over the chess board evolved, with the emphasis on chess performance and
and is willing to face the challenge from computers chess research - not generally of much interest to the AI
head-on. community. There is a much deserved credibility prob-
The members of the panel and the presentations have lem here. The unfortunate correlation between program
been designed to address these topics in a way that sup- speed and performance encourages short-term projects
ports our objectives to make chess an important and (speeding up a move generator 10%) at the sacrifice
respected AI tool in this new decade. Jonathan Scha- of long-term research projects (such as chess programs
effer will emphasize those areas of computer chess re- that learn).
search that have been ignored, because the approach After over 30 years of work on chess programs, where
has been a competitive/engineering one instead of sci- are the scientific advances i n :
entific. Feng-hsiung Esu of the Deep Thought team
will discuss the role of knowledge in current chess pro- • knowledge-based search algorithms? There has been
gramming and argue that more responsibility for the some good work in this area, but none has progressed
knowledge should be put on the machines themselves, enough to be used in competitive chess programs.
Tony Marsland w i l l present specific open research issues Alpha-beta simplifies the programming task, but the
in computer chess that will require AI solutions. Robert exponential search limits what can be achieved.
Levinson will describe an alternative model of chess • knowledge representation and acquisition? These ar-
computation, a self-learning pattern-oriented chess pro- eas are of considerable importance to chess programs,
gram ("Morph") whose knowledge is learned incremen- yet the computer chess community has done embar-
tally from experience, without many examples being rassing little research in this area.
stored (and w i t h little guidance about relevant fea-
• error analysis? While extensive error analysis has
tures). David Wilkins w i l l provide balance to the dis-
been done on search algorithms, little has been done
cussion by pointing out the limitations of chess and
to quantify errors in evaluation functions and how
claiming that Go is a better domain. He w i l l also de-
they interact with the search.
scribe a new type of games tournament that prevents
the human tailoring of evaluation functions and encour- • tool development? W i t h the right tool, work that
ages the use of learning and more robust approaches. might take days could be done in minutes. No tools
The t i m i n g for this panel is particularly good with are being developed to help build chess programs.
the current World Championship having completed, a For example, why isn't someone working on tools for
more powerful Deep Thought on the scene, a recent defining chess knowledge?
article in Scientific American [Hsu et al, 1990] and new If the community were committed to research, many
books by Levy and Newborn [1991], and by Marsland of these problems would have been addressed by now.
and Schaeffer [1990]. Sadly, much of the work currently being done on com-
puter chess programs is engineering, not science. For
Presentations example, the engineering of special-purpose V L S I chips
to increase the speed of a chess program only underlines
C o m p u t e r Chess: Science or E n g i n e e r i n g ? the importance chess programmers attach to speed.
In my opinion, conventional computer-chess methods
J o n a t h a n Schaeffer
will yield little of further interest to the AI community.
University of Alberta
I believe they will be inadequate to defeat the human
Research into artificial intelligence using chess as World Champion in a match for a long time to come.
the application domain has produced several important It is still very easy to set up a position for which the
contributions to A I : computer has no idea what is going on - even if you

548 Panels
speed up the machine 1000-fold. The current computer Some fundamental AI questions that will remain are:
chess work will only underscore the need for better ways
• Given a patient and seemingly perfect teacher (that
of adding and manipulating knowledge reliably.
is a superior chess-playing machine), how should one
The defeat of the human World Chess Champion
use it to "teach" an Al-based learning program about
sooner rather than later w i l l help artificial intelligence.
strategies for playing chess (given that the rules of
This w i l l help to re-establish chess as an ideal problem
chess themselves are already perfectly known)?
domain for experimenting with the fundamental prob-
lems of artificial intelligence, as elaborated more fully • A related but perhaps simpler problem comes from
by Donskoy and Schaeffer [1989]. the realm of endgame play. Given a perfect N-piece
database holding an optimal move for each position
" E x p e r t I n p u t s " are Sometimes H a r m f u l (or perhaps only the length of the optimal sequence
Feng-hsiung Hsu from that position, or even less, whether the position
I B M T J . Watson Research Center was won), develop a program that can deduce a sound
set of rules or strategies for playing the endgame per-
Experience from the chess machine Deep Thought sug- fectly (or at lea#t better than any other expert).
gests that inputs from chess experts, while generally
useful, cannot be trusted completely. A good exam- • Given endgame positions which cannot be solved by
ple of this is Deep Thought's evaluation function. Sev- search or databases alone, deduce a plan or playing
eral changes by capable human chess experts failed to strategy that will transform the position into a known
produce significant improvements and occasionally even (win/draw) state. In one class of positions the re-
affected the machine's performance negatively. Here, maining pieces are held to few squares. Progress
human experts, along with their expertise, introduced can only be made by a freeing move that converts
their own prejudices into the program. One way of solv- a short-term loss of material (or perhaps position)
ing this problem is to l i m i t the type and the amount of to the achievement of a later, more significant goal,
expert inputs allowed into the program; in other words, Consider the Duchess-Chaos game [Frey, 1983, pp.
having an almost "knowledge-free" machine. The avail- 269-274], which is still thought to be beyond brute
ability of on-line high quality chess game databases force search. Related examples abound, for instance
makes this an attractive approach. Instead of having giving up a passed pawn on one side of the board to
the value of, say, an isolated pawn set by human experts win a pawn race on the other.
either explicitly or in functional form, one can simply • Given a well-defined threat (for example mate) deep
tell the program that isolated pawns are important fea- in the tree, identify un-examined moves at an earlier
tures and statistical procedures, with some additional level along the current path that have the potential to
expert inputs, can then be used to decide the functional deny the threat explicitly. This a form of dynamic re-
form and the proper weighting of the features in ques- ordering of moves, but is also (if no potential denials
tion. exist) a good forward pruning criteria - providing
That more responsibility for knowledge should be evidence to abandon this line of play.
placed on machines is consistent with recent efforts
to handle the knowledge acquisition problem in expert The first two projects rely on perfect domain knowledge
systems and also in memory-based reasoning schemes and the availability of an un-tiring teacher to whom
where knowledge is generated statistically rather than questions can be posed. The need for convergence to
a solution within some arbitrary or unreasonably short
relying on symbolic learning, abstraction or domain
time-frame will thus be eliminated. The learning mech-
anisms used will have the benefit of drawing on results
obtained by exhaustive means. Even simple rote learn-
O p e n P r o b l e m s a n d Lessons f o r A I
ing, for example, has its place in Artificial Intelligence.
T . A n t h o n y Marsland Scherzer et at. [1990] have shown how to use the moves
University of Alberta made during a series of chess games to ensure that a
Based on predicted advances in computer technology, poor move sequence will eventually not be replayed.
particularly the faster speeds and increasing memory of By holding the computer's memory of played games
low cost systems, it is reasonable to assume that within in a hash table the information can be used to extend
the next decade the World Chess Champion will lose the depth of search during later play. In related work,
an informal game to a computer, and within twenty-five the expert knowledge from an encyclopedia of games
years lose a 12-game match. The early losses w i l l reflect has been optically read into a computer which also cor-
more breaks in concentration at first and later a recog- rected the typographical computer to play through all
nition of the inevitable, as arose when trains started to known games, identify "losing moves" and by back-
out-pace runners. Although the defeat of humans by tracking develop "innovations*' that correct the flaws. It
machines will be significant, it w i l l mean neither the is not trivial work because it requires making a plausible
destruction of chess as a pastime and learning medium, re-construction from imperfect data, but Ken Thomp-
nor the end of interest in computer chess per se. In- son has shown the way here [Marsland, 1987] Finally,
stead it will focus attention even more sharply on pre- once errors are found, a backtracking mechanism will be
cisely how and why humans can become so expert at needed to find the best place earlier in the game-tree
selecting sound (often optimal) variations in seemingly path to correct (avoid) the flaw that follows. The ap-
complex situations, without resorting to the exhaustive proach of recording, correcting and innovating appears
techniques used by computer programs. to be fundamental to Artificial Intelligence.

Levinson, et al. 549

The remaining problems are linked closely to formal been developed to be more consistent w i t h the cogni-
or probabilistic pruning methods. Computer chess is tive models.
computationally expensive enough that one can afford The main objectives of the project are to demonstrate
to expend considerable time eliminating parts of the capacity of the system to learn, to deepen our under-
search space by deduction. Over the years humans standing of the interaction of knowledge and search, and
have developed techniques that allow them to reduce to build bridges in this area between AI and cognitive
the search space through judicious use of forward prun- science.
ing (that is, by temporarily abandoning certain vari- The current model of chess programming came into
ations) and either deducing by analogy that further its own in the 70's and early 80's and has been refined
consideration would be irrelevant, or (upon questioning ever since [Slate and A t k i n , 1977]. The main character-
the validity of the pruning) force reconsideration of the istic of the model is the use of brute-force alpha-beta
omitted lines. Pruning by analogy is a powerful general- minimax search with selective extensions for special sit-
purpose too! and if developed satisfactorily for a per- uations such as forcing variations. This has been further
fect information game like chess would almost certainly enhanced by special purpose hardware. This model has
be applicable to related decision-tree searches. The in- been so successful that little else has been tried.
tent is to be more selective about variations that are to The alternative AI approaches have not fared well,
be expanded fully. Methods like the null-move heuris- perhaps because of the expense in applying the "knowl-
tic [Beal, 1989], conspiracy number search and singular edge" that had been supplied to the system. When
extensions [Anantharaman et al., 1988] all do this by chess has been used as a test bed [Flann and Diet-
expanding non-quiescent lines of play. On the other tench,. 1989; Minton, 1984; Pitrat, 1976; Quinlan, 1983;
hand, the more formal probabilistic methods [Palay, Wilkins, 19821 only a small sub-domain of the game was
1985] attempt to l i m i t the width of search at any node used, so that fundamental efficiency issues that AI must
by estimating the probability that a better move exists grapple with have been largely unaddressed. However,
in the moves that remain to be searched (Kozdrowicki we feel that there is a t h i r d approach that relies nei-
and Cooper's [1973] so called "Fischer Set"). In effect ther on search nor on the symbolic computation ap-
this problem requires looking again at the method of proach of knowledge-oriented A I . In what we shall call
analogies [Adelson-Velsky et al,, 1975]- It is remark- the "pattern-oriented approach," configurations of in-
able that no significant improvement has been made to teraction between squares and pieces are stored along
that method, despite the passage of 15 years. Not even
with their significance. A uniform (and hence efficient
attempts to implement simple forms of the idea in se-
method) is used to combine the significance in a given
rious chess programs. The fundamental work here is to
position to reach a final evaluation for that position.
determine how best to make the method of analogies
That such an approach is possible is evidenced by psy-
pay for itself. In this era of faster processors and par-
chological models of human chess play [de Groot, 1965;
allel computation this must be a topic that is ripe for
Pfleger and Treppner, 1987].
M o r p h 1 is a system developed over the past 3 years
One important lesson for the AI community is the im- that implements the pattern oriented approach [Levin-
portance of competitive testing and performance com- son, 1989; Levinson and Snyder, 1991]. It is not con-
parison of algorithms. In a sense 20 years of computer ceivable that the detailed knowledge required to evalu-
chess championships have provided a long-running se- ate positions in this way could be supplied directly to
ries of experiments proving conclusively that progress the system, thus learning is required.
has been made, identifying clearly those methods that To strengthen the connections w i t h the cognitive lit-
have been effective and making a direct comparison erature the system's knowledge is to come from its own
from year to year possible. In principle theorem proving
playing experience, no sets of pre-classified examples
programs could be tested the same way, as indeed could
are given and beyond its chess pattern representation
language translation systems. These forms of compari-
scheme little chess knowledge such as the fact that hav-
son are standard for pattern recognition systems, why
ing pieces is valuable (leave alone their values) has been
not for natural language understanding? In conclusion
provided to the system. Further, the system is limited
AI would benefit if more of its work were done on a
to using only 1-ply of search. 2
direct competitive basis to identify more sharply those
methods that are truly generally applicable. S y s t e m D e s i g n Morph makes a move by generating
all legal successors of the current position, evaluating
Morph: An Adaptive, Pat tern-Oriented each position using the current pattern database and
Chess S y s t e m choosing the position that is considered least favorable
to the opponent. After each game patterns are cre-
Robert Levinson ated, deleted and generalized and weights are changed
University of California to make its evaluations more accurate, based on the
Although chess computers now are competitive at outcome of the game. A more detailed summary of
master and grandmaster levels, that is where their re- the design has recently appeared [Levinson and Syn-
semblance to human players ends. Psychological evi-
dence indicates that human chess players search very The name "Morph" comes from the Greek morph mean-
few positions, and base their positional assessments on ing form and the chess great, Paul Morphy.
structural/perceptual patterns learned through experi- Though nothing in the method except perhaps effi-
ence. Morph is a computer chess program that has ciency, prevents deeper search.

550 Panels
der, 1991]. Chess W a s G o o d for A I Research.
Morph stores two types of pattern: Graph patterns
David E. W i l k i n s
which represent attacks and defends relationships be-
SRI International
tween pieces and squares and Material patterns that
are vectors giving the relative material difference be- Over the years, chess has proven to be a fertile ground
tween the players, e.g. "up 2 pawns and down 1 rook," for ideas and techniques that have spread to other areas
"even material," and so on. Along with each pattern of A I . These include database enumeration techniques
is stored a weight that reflects the significance of the [Bratko, 1978], chunking [Campbell, 1988], search tech-
pattern. The weight is a real number in [0,1] that is niques (minimax, alpha-beta, iterative deepening), and
an estimate of the expected true minmax evaluation of the utility of information [Good, 1977], Considering
states that satisfy the pattern. the lack of funding for chess, it is significant that it has
produced so many results.
R e s u l t s w i t h M o r p h There have been many encour- Chess has been fertile because it provides a complex
aging signs in the three months since Morph was fully reasoning problem from a simple domain with a built-
implemented, and some preliminary results have been in performance criteria. The simple domain permits
published [Levinson and Snyder, 1991]. research to progress with little initial overhead. Having
R e l a t i o n s h i p o f M o r p h t o o t h e r approaches The a hostile opponent adds complexity to the reasoning. In
chess system combines threads of a variety of machine- many domains (natural language understanding comes
learning techniques that have been successful in other to mind), progress can be hindered by lack of perfor-
settings. It is this combination, and exactly what is mance criteria - it can be hard to tell whether the lat-
done to achieve i t , that is the basis for Morph's con- est thesis is an improvement on the current state of
tributions. The learning-method areas and their in- the art, Chess provides precise answers to performance
volvement in Morph include genetic algorithms [Gold- questions.
berg, 1989], neural nets (weight updating), temporal- However, hardware advances have made chess a less
difference learning, explanation-based generalization fertile ground for addressing the basic issues of A I . The
(EBG), and similarity-based learning. To combine game is small enough that brute-force search techniques
these methods some design constraints usually associ- have dominated competitive computer chess, and I see
ated with these methods are relaxed. W i t h genetic al- little AI interest in squeezing out the last few hundred
gorithms, structured patterns rather than bit strings points on the chess ratings, except for the psychological
are used. In contrast to neural networks the nodes impact of having a computer beat the human world
in Morph's hierarchy are assigned particular seman- champion.
tic/structural values. Temporal-difference learning is Obviously, many basic issues in AI are not naturally
usually applied to methods with fixed evaluation func- addressed in a game-playing environment and should
tion forms (in which the features are known but not be explored in other domains. These include commu-
their weights) but here the features change and the hi- nication, forming models of one's environment, sensor
erarchical database organisation produce atypical dis- analysis and integration, and (perhaps) reasoning about
continuities in the function. uncertainty. In addition, real-world domains force AI
Once a chess graph is constructed from a game board, researchers to address issues such as economy of scale,
the semantics of the nodes and edges in the graphs are noise, realtime response, failed actions, novel phenom-
unknown to the system. The only information a pat- ena, and multiple agents - issues that can be ignored
tern contains as far as the system is concerned is the in chess.
significance (weight) that has been attached to the pat- Of the AI areas well-suited to a game-playing do-
tern , in no place after pattern creation do we special main, there are better domains than chess. In partic-
case pieces or edges. Such a syntactic approach to the ular, Go has all the advantages of chess but provides
learning of search knowledge is substantially different more complex reasoning and an even simpler domain.
from many of the traditional symbolic AI approaches A successful symbolic Go program would have to plan,
to chess and to the learning of control knowledge. would have to use goal-directed search, would encourage
In summary, in addition to a unique combination of machine learning, and would promote visual reasoning
methods, what distinguishes Morph is: - all basic AI research issues that are now ignored in
competitive computer chess.
• A uniform representation of search knowledge.
Even better than Go, Barney Pell [1991] has proposed
• A syntactic approach to playing and learning. an event where programs compete against each other,
• An attempt to play a complete game of chess rather but are only given a description of the game to be played
than a small subdomain. at the beginning of the match. Chess is particularly well
suited to this adaptation. One could, for example, have
• Rejection of a learning-by-examples framework for
a competition using a chess board and pieces, where
an experiential framework that is more cognitively-
the match begins by giving the programs a declarative
statement of now the pieces move, how they capture,
• Responsibility for feature discovery given to the sys- the initial position, and what the objective of the game
tem. is. The programs would have to play this newly de-
• Non-reliance on search (though at some point small fined game under time constraints. A longish series of
guided search may be incorporated, bringing us even games could be required. This would require machine
closer to the cognitive model). learning and a robust symbolic problem-solving capa-

Levinson et al. 551

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