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January 2021

2020 was a year like no other. With every challenge, obstacle, and setback, the people
of this great organization have endured, helped each other, and pressed on. I reflect on
the unexpected trials of this year, but also the gifts and perspective we have gained.
NCOA is a special organization to me and there are countless reasons to love this

All of us are leaders or past leaders. As Knights, we are committed to assisting NCOA
and its leaders, not only at the highest level but also at every level including at the chapter level. Our Great
Association’s most valuable asset is its members. The members look toward the chapters and chapter officials for
guidance. You, as a Knight can make that member and his/her chapter much stronger by offering your advice and
expertise. You have probably experienced many of the same trials and tribulations they are going through today. I
urge you to offer your service as Knight Advisor to your chapter.

Although our Annual Knights Assembly is still several months away, the deadlines for submission of resolutions,
Petitions for Knighthood, Girding Petitions, etc., are fast approaching. Petitions for Knighthood, Girding and Emeritus
can be found on the NCOA website at by simply clicking the MEMBERSHIP AREA tab
located near the top of the home page then sliding down to NCOA KNIGHTS and clicking on that, look toward the
bottom of the page and click on appropriate petition and print. Assistance is available from your Knight Executive
Committee members as well as from many of our Past Grand Knights. In order for the Knights of the Square Table to
grow, petitions for Knighthood are necessary. Now is the time to be assisting prospective Knights with this
administrative task to ensure that no worthy individual is left behind due to a deadline get those documents in today.
Petitions are due to the KST Executive Board (Knights of the Square Table, 9330 Corporate Dr. Ste. 708,
Selma, TX 78154) prior to April 20, 2021. Concerns and/or improvement suggestions about the process, the
submission deadline, the form(s), or the requirements should be communicated directly to the Grand Knight.

Your Executive Board made the decision not to meet this year for mid-year due to the COVID-19 problem, however,
we have been meeting via ZOOM. We are still conducting the business of the Knights. Anyone wishing to provide
input to our meetings should contact me, any member of your Executive Board, or any Past Grand Knight and we will
place the information on our agenda.

This year Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday will be celebrated on January 18. Born on January 15, 1929, Martin Luther
King Jr. grew to become one of the greatest Social Activists the world has ever known. At 35, he became the
youngest person to win the Nobel Peace prize. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968 while making a speech from
the balcony of his hotel room in Memphis, Tennessee. His birthday became a National Holiday by an act of
Congress in 1983. It is the only federal holiday considered a national day of service. His quote "The ultimate
measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of
challenge and controversy" are words to live by. Martin Luther King Jr. is someone we need to remember.

Stay safe my fellow NCOA members.

Strength in Unity
The Voice of the Enlisted

Lady Sunny Wirth

Grand Knight

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