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OREGON ARMY NATIONAL GUARD [ALPHA COMPANY, 1" BATTALION, 186 INFANTRY 1704 5. PACIFIC HWY ‘MEDFORD, OREGON 97501 NGOR-IN-A 08 February 2019 SUBJECT: Care Packages While Deployed From the NCOA Rogue Chapter NCOA Rogue Chapter members, ‘Thank you for the wonderful items that you sent to us. We are very grateful for all the support. As many of you know deployments bring with them many unique circumstances and challenges. Knowing that we have the support from other members of our communities all across Southern Oregon is wonderful. We have a mix of Soldiers from all over the state and even have a Soldier from Washington. Whenever packages like the ones you sent come in we see a noticeable increase in the morale and welfare of our Soldiers. This makes our ability to accomplish our mission and ‘maintain a positive attitude easier. This makes my job as the Quick Reaction Force Platoon Sergeant much easier. | wanted to personally thank you for doing such an outstanding job in support of myself, and the Soldiers of my unit with these kind donations. Please express our feeling of gratitude to all members of the NCOA Rogue Chapter. Ca fle ANTHONY J, FRYE SSG, ORARNG Platoon Sergeant \ Ton pe locke ne Upmy meoyL. \ wish yak the Best Stevew> car ait vee ee ome cab Thanls youll Lonnoty | les Ble” fn. oO woh Aloe on very Mab! Apher! Vode 3. Then pen Tl yo for yor — : fo SSE Hivdes awe Support ue ave ‘Aveot a Aa io Avil grateGl! Set Sierra i Mi M Of 2 G w ye tuly cgprecak yor sypher Toone Ye ZF ee (cole Pas | GoaKk VOX ff, 4 1b ((%: ROGUE CHAPTER #1260 PO BOX 5597 CENTRAL POINT, OR 97502 541-601-8467 Fellow Service member: Having spent 30 years in service to my country and having spent time deployed to a combat zone, I know how important it is to receive support from home. With that in mind, is there anything special that we can send to you or do for you that you can’t or don’t get where you are currently stationed? Please list suggestions below and return in the envelope provided. Ne _Neiae- T want se ewe yous Coe the Hine it tober 52 _geepare ene —qaitnages aad Ake fences hay Gs ng stot ats cee tals” ass make te Sie oo Wy a Wie aaa xh & 3 en Deplee sre Ss vas 1A & R 7 c we yeas _o8 _eeuico ttn _ dor pS ey Cone Oso Cette Wit tome Name:, eat Case, Capisceror~ Vy Unit:_\-c0 Liane 5G VM REG OTE estes eee APO: Respectfully, SKCM (SCW) Terry M. Haines Chairman, Rogue Chapter Tax ID# 93-0874428

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