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Sun in 8th

Sun is the karaka of soul and is called the natural atmakaraka in Astrology. Placement of sun in the 8th
house does not augur well for health in general. Sun in 8th is like a petrol leaking from tank due to small
holes. The vitality and defence mechanism against diseases can be less in such people depending on the
affliction of sun. Such people are usually given to rise in body temperature, fever, boils, ulcers more so if
other hot planets combine sun here. Exalted and self placed sun however can mean increase in fame after
death provided other factors are good. This 8th sun also gives huge inheritance from father and is good for
spiritual progress as 8th being one of the houses of moksha trikona.

Moon in 8th

Moon is the life force and the karaka of mind and 8th house is the house of death and moon is said to be in
“Marana Karaka” avastha in 8th house. Scorpio falls in the 8th house of natural zodiac which is again the
debilitation sign of moon, hence moon in 8th does not usually augur well unless there are other benefic
influences. The mind is in a habit of worrying constantly, fears and phobias are deeply rooted in case of
such people. Such moon if well placed and well aspected by benefics can give good gains from opposite sex
and inheritance from mother and in-laws. Such people have deep interest in occult subjects along with
subjects which contain mysteries. Such people can be good mind readers and psychologist or psychiatrist.
Such moon however is very good for occult pursuits and conjugal happiness along with spiritual pursuits.

Mars in 8th

Mars in 8th is said to create mangal dosha. 8th mars is harmful for longevity of married life in case of girls
provided it is placed in krur nakshatra and under heavy affliction. Alone mars in 8th is very good for
inheriting and getting gains from landed properties, it will however increase the sex appetite as 8th is the
house which covers the area of private parts and is the seat of base chakra where the kundalini gets
activated. Mars is the karaka of energy and it creates excess sexual appetite being placed in the 8th house.
Such mars can cause unnatural death or injuries through burns, boils, accidents, weapons if severely

Mercury in 8th

It is one of the best placements for mercury as mercury gives good longevity in the 8th house and augurs
well for occult subjects like astrology. People with mercury in 8th can show deep interest in puranas,

shastras, old languages etc, Such a mercury is very good for gains from inheritance, insurance, hidden
treasures. On the negative side it can give sufferings related to nervous system, breathing, memory loss if

Jupiter in 8th

Jupiter is always the best if placed in 4-8-12 houses it these houses come in the moksha trikona and are
very good for spiritual progress, placement of jupiter in these houses guarantees spiritual progress and
good knowledge of vedas, shastras and astrology. 8th jupiter however being the karaka of children can be
bad for gain of a male child if severely afflicted. Jupiter in 8th aspects the 2nd house giving good speech
habits and vaak siddhi, such people if say something turns out to be true. Aspect on 4th and 12th gives
good peace of mind, happiness and controlled expenditure. Such a jupiter also gives peaceful death if well
placed in 8th.

Venus in 8th
Venus in 8th house is very good for carnal pleasures, such people can be very romantic and experimental in
romance, they know the art of satisfaction. However this venus can also give excess desires and tendency
to indulge in sex more than required and it an also cause vikruti. Such a venus is very good for sudden gains
and married life if well placed. Venus would tend to give some hidden artistic skills or abilities here.

Saturn in 8th

Saturn being the karaka of the 8th house and longevity can be very good for long life but it is one of the
worse positions to have for saturn in the horoscope. It will aspect the 10th, 2nd and the 5th house from 8th
delaying child-birth, giving defective speech habits or bad communication skills and sufferings in career. Its
aspect on 10th means one needs to put extra efforts in their work area. Some people might be karma
oriented than spirituality oriented with saturn in 8th, Duty comes first to such people and life can be
monotonous for them sometimes. This saturn is good for longevity however.

Rahu/ketu in 8th

Rahu/ketu axis on 2/8 will give problems related to family life and health. Placement of rahu and ketu in
the 8th could give long term chronic disease. The axis falling on 2/8 itself indicates sufferings in family life
and may be sometimes bad in-laws if afflicted severely. Such rahu/ketu falling on 2/8 gives good expertise
in vedic chantings or mantra shastra, voice of such people can be very commanding and loud. It is
sometimes mesmerizing. Rahu and ketu are mystical planets so the sufferings they bring along are also
mystical in nature.


The malefic influences in our chart generally deliver to us our negative, undesirable karma during the times
of their dashas and transits. They fall into the category of tamas or decay in terms of the three gunas: rajas
(creation/Brahma), sattva (maintenance/Vishnu), and tamas (destruction/Shiva). Their role is to do the
astrological dirty work by passing on the negative effects of our past actions. Therefore, during 8th house
influenced time periods, such as the dasha of 8th lord or planet placed in the 8th house, a variety of
difficulties are likely to occur: pursuits resulting in disappointment, losses of things you value, etc. You don’t
need to be creating negative karma at the time. Bad things can happen to nice people, due to their past,
unseen karma.

Even though it’s valid, from an astrological standpoint, to define the effects of the 8th house as malefic, it's
our attitude about change that's important. Our happiness is internally based, not externally. “People are
disturbed not by things, but by the view they take of them,” writes Greek philosopher Epictetus in the 1st
century B.C. Astrology reveals the likely outcome of our external situation but not our internal reaction to
it. That is our choice, moment to moment. We either choose to be 'victims of our fate' or we rise above it.
We either look for the 'silver lining', the 'blessing in disguise', the 'opportunity for growth,' or we continue
to feel like our situation really, totally and justifiably 'sucks.'

Blessings in Disguise

If we don't look beyond our surface frustrations to the depths of our life lessons we're missing the greatest
gift of the 8th house - spiritual transformation. The 8th house is not only a dusthana house, but a house of
moksha or liberation along with the 4th and 12th houses. Isn't it interesting that the most malefic house is
also a house of liberation? The 8th house takes us to our edge where transformation and rebirth are just on
the other side of despair and death. It’s a house of transition from one state to the next. Its role is not just
to create upheaval that leaves us in a sobbing heap on the floor, but to liberate us. The destructive principle
of tamas paves the way for new creation (rajas), just as compost provides fertile soil for new seeds to grow.

Just like compost takes time to transform from waste, the blessing that the 8th house invariably gives, may
take time to be revealed. A rebirth is guaranteed following any kind of death, but there may be a gestation
period. The Dalai Lama says, “Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” We all
know of people who’ve lost their dream only to find that something better was around the corner, if not
immediately, then eventually. A Course in Miracles says, “All things work together for good. There are no
exceptions except in the ego’s judgment.” Often letting go of our judgments and learning to trust the
process are the most important lessons of the 8th house.

Slaying Demons

The change of an external situation, like transitioning from a job or marriage, are obvious kinds of
transformation but what about spiritual, inner transformation? The 8th house, like its karaka Saturn, often
represent the hardest life lessons in the chart, yet also the most rewarding. It’s the house of intense
transformation because it corresponds to the 8th sign of Scorpio, the most intense sign. The last moksha
house, the 12th house, represents the ultimate dissolution of the ego, but the 8th house is the battle
between the ego and the soul. Mars, the planet of war, rules Scorpio. It’s where we face our demons and
slay them. Our demons are our compulsions, obsessions, phobias, and fears, with death being the ultimate
fear. This is our psychological baggage, which is why the 8th house is a house of psychology. The moksha
houses correspond to the water signs, and the water element represents our past psychological
conditioning, and the unconscious mind.

We slay our demons by facing them and making them conscious. The great psychologist Carl Jung said,
“Whatever is not conscious will be experienced as fate.” Just like history tends to repeats itself, we’re
doomed to repeat our personal history until we learn from our mistakes. Therefore, it's valuable to take the
time for reflection during the transitional periods of the 8th house, so we can learn from our past. "Where
the wound is, is also where the gift is," says Sobonfu Somé, author of The Spirit of Intimacy. When we take
the time to dive for those pearls we are able to transform our lives the most. We may choose to make a
resolve (vrata), like committing to a mantra practice for a specific length of time, that significantly changes
our karma from that point forward.

Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” However, making a major shift, especially
inner, is not easy. After all, we’re creatures of habit, and usually defend against changing them. 

Ultimate Lessons of the 8th House

The 8th house represents many things, but it can’t be underestimated for its ability to create change during
its dasha. When we're going though intense change it can be helpful to think of the wheel of samsara or
illusion as being an actual wheel. The closer we get to the center or hub the less spinning actually takes
place. This is why meditation and spiritual practices are so important because they pull us back into the
peaceful center of our beings so we can stop spinning out with our minds. The way out is in.

In Paramahansa Yogananda's classic book, The Autobiography of a Yogi, he writes about his meeting with
Anandamayi Ma in his chapter entitled, "The Joy-Permeated Mother." He asks her, "Please tell me
something of your life." She replied, "Father, there is little to tell. My consciousness has never associated
itself with this temporary body. Before I came on this earth, Father, I was the same. I grew into
womanhood, but still I was the same. When the family in which I had been born made arrangements to
have this body married, I was the same. And Father, in front of you now, I am the same. Even afterwards,
though the dance of creation changes around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same."

This is one of my favorite quotes and something valuable to remember when we're going through major
transitions in our lives, or counseling someone else who is.


It’s easy to jump to negative conclusions when analyzing malefic influences in a chart, especially involving
the 8th house. However, it’s helpful to remember that no planetary combination in the chart is all malefic
or benefic, and therefore can’t be summed up as simply good or bad. It’s always a mixed blessing, just like
the material world is a mixture of the three gunas. As astrologers we can be of the most service when we
help clients find the gifts amidst whatever challenges they’re facing, especially the gifts of the most malefic
house, the 8th house.


Each of the nine planets in Vedic astrology exists within a House (Bhava) in your birth chart (Kundli). Apart
from providing invaluable insights about your personality, the placement of the planets illustrates how you
are connected and how you coexist with the world around you. Moreover, the 12 Houses in your Kundli are
a roadmap of your past, present and future. As the planets in the sky move across these houses, all sorts of
events are triggered in your life — both tangible and emotional.

Every house in the horoscope carries a unique meaning and represents a specific area of life.Indeed, the
twelve houses are truly what makes astrology so spectacular. How these houses work is fairly complex, but
we will make it easy for you to understand what the 8th house in Kundli is all about.

About 8th House in Vedic Astrology

The 8th house is commonly referred to as the House of Sex and also the House of Death.

It reveals what our relationships will bring to us and how we can get the most out of them.Just like its
natural ruling planet Saturn (which stands for equality and justice), the 8th House stands for equal
opportunity. It places sex, death and rebirth on the same level and acknowledges the importance and
viability of all three. Death and rebirth is a part of life.
Failed relationships leading to new ones, career changes, and even a new haircut, all indicate this aspect.
We are reborn and regenerated with each new phase and should welcome them all. 

The 8 th house essentially transforms our insecurities into strengths. The change that we experience
through this house drives us to look deeper into the hidden aspects of our self and explore life. How we
manage our interactions, relationships and rituals is important to the 8th house.

Shared resources such as inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, etc., all fall under the realm of the 8th
House in Kundli. Besides, this house addresses financial and physical support as well as emotional and
spiritual support.  

The planetary indicator for the eighth house is Saturn because it shows loss and the need to do things

Fundamentals of 8th House in Kundli

● Vedic name of 8th House: Ayu Sthan / Nidhan Bhava

● Natural Ruling Planet and Sign: Saturn and Scorpio

● Body parts associated: Reproductive system, genital area, private parts and colon area
● People in 8th House:  Those we are afraid of losing; those we fear in general; those we can’t control; the
astrologer, hypnotist, therapist, insurance agent, a killer
● Activities in 8th House: Strengthening our deep insecurities, hypnotherapy,counselling, exorcism,
transformative work, death

Planets in 8th House of Kundli: Significance and Effects

The role of the planets in the 8th house varies for each individual. Let’s understand how the planets
influence the natives of the 8th house.

Sun in 8th House: The Sun in the 8th house reveals that you will work towards exploring the deepest
mysteries of life. This may influence your interest in the occult, mystery and psychic matters. You may even
have the capacity to be a healer. Relations with in-laws and other relatives post-marriage may be
unpleasant due to an afflicted or weak Sun.

Moon in 8th House: The Moon in the 8th house in Kundli will make you a private person and you will
mostly keep your feelings to yourself. Moon also suggests wealth and you may gain wealth through legacy.
You may also enjoy financial gains through marriage or partners. Possessions give you a sense of security
and fulfilment. An afflicted Moon tends to fill your mind with psychological fears.  

Jupiter in 8th House: Being the planet of philosophy, Jupiter in the 8th house gives you a probing nature.
You have the potential to become a great teacher and guide in occult matters, which can help heal
mankind. You are an optimistic and cooperative person. Financial gains come to you through a partner or
an inheritance.

Venus in 8th House: There is a possibility of obsession with sensual pleasure, which could cause your
downfall. The desires of Venus usually lead you to commit mistakes which result in painful outcomes.
Besides the occult, psychic studies and metaphysics, your interests also include magic and healing. The
wealth that you need to live a luxurious life will come to you through your partner. 

Mars in 8th House: This placement is one of the most dangerous in a Kundli. The reckless Mars combined
with the eight houses is where mistakes may lead to dire consequences.You have the intensity to get down
to the nitty-gritty -- anything that takes you close to the edge. Don’t be impulsive. Financial trouble due to a
partner is likely.

Mercury in 8th House: With Mercury in the 8th house, you are likely to become a penetrative thinker,
especially a writer. You will be associated with death in one way or the other way – possibly through wills,
funerals, cemeteries or criminal investigation. Your curious mind is evident through your desire to get to
the depth of matters and unravel
secrets. You are likely to receive financial gains or face losses due to inheritance and contracts. 

Saturn in 8th House: Saturn in this house indicates someone hard-working, self-disciplined, patient and
prudent with expenses. This placement also indicates delays and obstructions in matters related to
inheritance, debt and sexual satisfaction. It may also interfere with your
health, making your illnesses chronic and prolonged. Additionally, Saturn the planet of our fears, is likely to
challenge and intimidate you through life. But making peace with painful realities will help you to sail
Rahu in 8th House: This placement is usually malefic in astrology, similar to Mars where you act
impulsively. It could lead to disastrous consequences. Tread slowly and carefully especially when you are
distressed. However, a well-placed Rahu indicates that you will be
gentle in your thoughts. You will have a healthy and wealthy life as you advance towards old age.

Ketu in 8th House: Ketu in the 8th house in Kundli indicates a good character, happiness,successful career
and longevity. However, an afflicted Ketu indicates problems in the recovery of loans or advance money
given to others. Also, there is potential for injuries,losing friends, fear of vehicles, tension and excessive

What is 8th house?

8th house is the house (bhava) of longevity, transformation, sexual instincts and death. It signifies the
difficulties, separation and sudden upheavals that we face in our lives. It is the place for our deepest,
darkest secrets. It is also the place from where we judge occurrence of accidents. Relationship wise it
signifies your spouse’s family or in-laws. Your spouse’s wealth and finances are seen from the 8th house
too. It is the place for other people’s money and sudden gain or loss. 8th house also signifies deep research,
occult and esoteric matters.

What does Moon signify in your chart?

Moon signifies your mother and her well-being, your emotion, peace of your mind, purity of thoughts,
water bodies and sea.

Why and when does Moon in 8th house cause depression?

As per classical texts of Vedic Astrology 8th house is the Marana-Karaka Sthan (i.e. death signifying house)
for Moon. Moon, the significator of mental peace and emotions, feels extremely uncomfortable in the
turbulent atmosphere of the eighth house. It creates a lot of emotional conflict within the person who has

People with Moon in 8th house of the birth chart are highly emotional and intense in nature. They feel
other people’s pain intensely; sometimes they get so overwhelmed by others’ sufferings that they tend to
take it on themselves causing a lot of emotional and mental turbulence within them. Their intuition is very
powerful. There may be an inherent sense of possessiveness and jealousy as well. These people have a life-
long need to be loved, to be taken care of. They have vivid imagination too. These people cannot adhere to
anything for long. Their mind is so restless and fickle that they jump from one thing to another. They are
also unable to take a concrete decision. Moon in 8th house may increase chances of accidents related to

8th house Moon can create obstacles in the path of completing education. It can also denote sufferings for
the mother and her own emotional turmoil caused by the sufferings in her life. In some cases it may also
signify early death of the mother or lack of affection from her. People with 8th house Moon have some
Karma related to their mother.

The turmoil produced by the Moon in 8th house definitely transforms one’s life to great extent. What kind
of transformation would it be? That will depend in the strength and state of the Moon. Moon in 8th house
is not so bad when it is well placed, for example if it is exalted in the sign of Taurus (i.e. for Libra ascendant)
or if the Moon is waxing in nature or if it is aspected by strong benefics like Jupiter. The strength of your
birth time Moon, whether it is a waxing Moon of a waning Moon and the ‘Tithi’ makes a major difference in
how you would handle this intense, turbulent emotional energy in life. People with strong, waxing Moon
can handle it in a much better way. They can go through the most awful emotional turbulence, but are
capable of coming out of it after learning the lessons. They are very calm in managing the challenging
situations in life. A well placed Moon in the eighth house can bring sudden gains through marriage,
inheritance, insurance, and lottery.

On the other hand if Moon is placed in the 8th house in its own sign of Cancer, the person goes through an
emotional roller-coaster every day even every few hours in a day. His or her mood can be very happy at the
start of the day and can become sombre in a couple of hours’ time for no apparent reason.

Emotional insecurity and inferiority complex are two marked traits of people with 8th house Moon. They
can be very controlling and domineering. This happens mainly because they want to overcome and hide
their inherent emotional insecurities by dominating others . These people constantly raise the bar for their
own achievements just to prove to themselves that they are worthy of it. They can be extremely
demanding in love and relations. They themselves give their 100% in their love and tend to get intensely
hurt when it is not reciprocated or the relations fall apart.
It is normally found that people with Moon in the 8th house do better and achieve success when they
relocate and work in a foreign country or in a place which is away from their place of birth.

If the 8th house Moon is afficted by malefics like Rahu, Saturn or Mars managing the darkness of thoughts
and turbulence of emotions can be a challenge. It can lead to deep depression and an obsession with either
sex or death. Saturn, however, gives depression, but does not induce suicidal thoughts. The suicidal
tendencies go up many folds if the 8th house Moon is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu. With Mars along with
suicidal tendencies, violent expression of the depressive mind is also noticed. If these combinations are
aspected by Jupiter, the self-destroying tendencies get reduced to great extent.

Is there a remedy for Moon in the 8th house?

Well, 8th house is a house of Karmic retribution. If you are born with Moon in the 8th house you are born
to go through the past life Karmic retribution related to it in this life. Therefore there is no shortcut
‘remedy’ for this, no matter who says what. In my experience and opinion it is best to endure this energy
and try to make best of it instead of trying to escape it. Now how do you make best of this energy?

If you have Moon in the 8th house and is facing problems in life, it is very important to get the birth chart
examined by a good astrologer to assess the intensity of this placement and come up with a remedy for the
same. It is important to check the Bhav Chalit chart, the Navamsha chart and the strength of Cancer sign in
the chart. It is also important to assess the transits of any malefic planets over the Natal Moon or through
the Nakshatra of the Natal Moon.

A very effective remedy is to awaken your spiritual self. This is easier said than done; but along with this
difficult position of Moon, God has also blessed you with the quest of knowing the truth of life. Utilise that
energy. The best and the most effective remedy here is to meditate everyday all your life. By meditation
you will gain a better control of your mind and the negativity will reduce. If you have an Ishta Mantra given
by your Guru, you are lucky, meditate on that. If there is no Ishta Mantra, meditate on the mantra of any
God or Goddess who you like.

Secondly, there is a way by which you can utilise the 8th house energy to reduce its negative impacts.
Engage in professions related to 8th house, like working in reform, transformation or rehabilitation centres,
being a mystery solver, yoga teacher, psychologist, working in secret services or in research. Helping and
counselling the people with depression can be a very rewarding career for them since they understand
other’s mind and pain and are capable of providing a sound solution to tackle it. This way the negativity of
this house decreases and the same energy can then be utilized for your gain, both emotional and career-

Metaphysics, esoteric and occult studies and research in these fields are also very effective ways to mitigate
the negativity of Moon in the 8th house.



When benefic in nature, retrograde Jupiter placed in eighth house of a horoscope can bless the native with
a wide variety of good results related to the spheres of his marriage, profession, overall health, spiritualism
and many other spheres of his life. Accordingly many natives benefitting from this positive influence may
witness good results which can be of different type and different quantum, depending on the type and
strength of this benefic placement as well as depending on the overall tone of the horoscopes of these
natives. Benefic retrograde Jupiter in eighth house of a horoscope is a very good placement of this planet
when it comes to bless the native with professional success, good or very good amount of money and
wealth, good marriage, long age, spiritual progress and many other good things.

Benefic retrograde Jupiter in eighth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good, very good or
great amount of money as well as other types of wealth which is not directly earned by the native through
his profession and which comes to him through some other means. It means that such money and wealth
may be passed on to him by his parents or grandparents by means of inheritance or it may come to the
native by virtue of some lottery, jackpot or some other such type of instant phenomenon which is not
related to the income through his direct profession but which can still make the native have good, very
good or great amount of money in a short or very short period of time.

Some of these natives may also gain good or very good amount of money through gifts and other types of
financial help that they may receive through their friends or relatives from time to time whereas some
other natives under this benefic influence may receive such money and wealth through their spouses or
their families. It means that such natives may get married to rich people or people belonging to a rich
family and such family may keep helping these natives with money and other resources from time to time,
under various contexts. For example, if benefic retrograde Jupiter is present in the eighth house of a
horoscope in the sign of Aries, the native may receive good or very good amount of money and other types
of wealth which comes to him as an inheritance from his father.

The native under the benefic effect of such retrograde Jupiter may also receive such money and wealth by
virtue of a will executed by someone else in his close family, like the maternal grandparents of the native
may leave money and wealth for the native where the quantum of such money and wealth depends on the
overall tone of the horoscope of the native. If benefic Mars, benefic Rahu or benefic Venus is placed in the
second house of the same horoscope in the sign of Libra, the amount of money and wealth received by
such native may increase considerably and accordingly this native under the combined effect of these
benefic planets may receive considerable amount of money and wealth left by his father or by some other
close family member from his father’s side like paternal grandfather or from his mother’s side like maternal

Let’s consider one more possibility in the same case and let’s consider that a combination of benefic
retrograde Jupiter and benefic Mercury is present in the eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Aries.
Such a benefic combination of these two planets can make the native receive very good amount of money
through his father or grandfather and such money may come at a time when it is not expected much and
such money can change the financial status of the native to a great extent. If benefic Rahu or benefic Moon
is also present in the eighth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Aries, the native under the
combined effect of such benefic retrograde Jupiter, benefic Mercury and one more benefic planet say
benefic Moon may receive very good or even great amount of money through some type of inheritance
which may come as a surprise.

For example, the native under the combined effect of these influences may suddenly receive this news that
the government of his state or country had acquired a big piece of land which was owned by his
grandfather who died years back, and the government didn’t pay the justified price for that piece of land,
according to the opinion of his grandfather. Hence his grandfather filed a case in a court of law that he was
entitled to much more money than what was paid to him. Such court case keeps going and though the
grandfather dies, but the case keeps proceeding. All of a sudden, when the right type of time comes, the
native under the benefic effect of such retrograde Jupiter, Mercury and Moon in the eighth house of his
horoscope may come to know that they have won the case and a very big amount of money has been
awarded to the legal heirs of his grandfather by a court of law, as a settlement for the case filed by his

The native may be the only heir to such money which means he may be the only son of the only son of his
grandfather or he may have some other heirs in the family who are entitled to an equal share in the money
awarded by such court of law. In any case, the native may receive very big amount of money through such
court decision and such money may raise the financial status of the native considerably, thereby changing
the future course of his life. If benefic Rahu is placed in the eleventh house of the same horoscope in the
sign of Cancer, the native under the combined effect of these four benefic planets may receive very big
amount of money, wealth as well as some well established business by means of inheritance, provided his
overall horoscope allows all this.

Looking at one more such possibility in the same case, if a combination of benefic retrograde Jupiter,
benefic Mercury and benefic Rahu is present in the eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Aries, the
native under the combined effect of these benefic planets may not only receive big amount of money by
means of an inheritance left by one of his family members, but he may also receive such money through a
will executed by someone who is not related to the native at all. Such native may develop a bond of love
with someone rich or very rich and such bond of love may keep getting stronger and stronger with each
passing day.

Such rich person may not have any legal heir of his own choice in his direct family and as a result, he may
leave a big part of his wealth and property to the native, by means of a will. If there are other benefic
influences present in the horoscope of the native in the same case, the native under the combined effect of
such benefic retrograde Jupiter and other benefic planets in the eighth house of his horoscope may receive
the entire wealth and property of a very rich person through his will, where such wealth may amount to
multi-millions or even to billions, depending on the overall horoscope of the native.

Eighth house of a horoscope is generally considered as a very bad or even the worst house of a horoscope
by many astrologers and such astrologers believe that the placement of any planet in the eighth house of a
horoscope can only result in bad things happening to the native. This is just a misconception and the truth
may be quite the opposite to this belief in some cases as eighth house of a horoscope is undoubtedly one of
the most resourceful houses of a horoscope and this house has the potential of blessing the native with a
number of good things related to many spheres of his life, if the planet or planets placed in this house of
the horoscope are benefic and the overall tone of the horoscope of the native under consideration is
The beauty of the eighth house of a horoscope is that it can render greatest of the results to the native, in
the shortest possible time, compared to almost any other house of a horoscope. Hence the planetary
influences in this house of the horoscope as well as the overall working of planetary lord of this house and
the general significator for this house should be studied carefully before concluding all the malefic results
related to the planets placed in this house. The truth may be quite the opposite in some cases and the
native may achieve so many good things in his life through the eighth house of his horoscope.

Moving on, benefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope can also render good, very good
or great amount of professional success to the native under its influence and accordingly different natives
under this benefic influence may achieve success through different types of professional spheres depending
on the type and strength of the benefic influence as well as depending on the overall tone of their
horoscopes. The number of professional spheres through which such benefic retrograde Jupiter can render
success to the native is countless as this benefic placement can bless the native with success through a
great number of professions. Some natives under such benefic influence may become officers with banks or
some other financial institutions and they may earn good amount of money and recognition through their

For example, the presence of benefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of
Aquarius can bless the native with success through one such field and accordingly the native under the
effect of such benefic influence may become an officer with some bank or with some financial institution. If
benefic Rahu or benefic Saturn is also placed in the eighth house of the same horoscope in the sign of
Aquarius, the combined effect of these benefic planets can increase the amount of success achieved by the
native and accordingly the native may get a post of high status and authority in some bank or in some other
financial institution. The career graph of such native may show steady growth and he may keep rising
higher and higher in his professional sphere, throughout his life, provided his overall horoscope supports all

If benefic Venus, benefic Sun, benefic Mars or benefic Moon is placed in the tenth house of the same
horoscope in the sign of Aries, the native under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may see
even higher level of good results through such profession, where such results may be different in different
cases, depending on the planet present in the tenth house of this horoscope as well as depending on the
overall tone of his horoscope. For example, if benefic Sun is present in the tenth house of a horoscope in
the sign of Aries when a combination of benefic retrograde Jupiter and benefic Saturn or Rahu is placed in
the eighth house of the same horoscope in the sign of Aquarius, the native may achieve a post of much
higher status and authority, under the combined influence of these benefic planets. Such native may
become a high authority in the state unit of a national or even an international bank, at a relatively young
age. As more positive variables keep adding to this equation, the good results achieved by this native keep
increasing in number as well as in quantum.

Apart from this, benefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope can render success through
many other professional spheres, to the native under its influence and accordingly some natives under this
benefic influence may achieve success through different professional spheres depending on their overall
horoscopes. The presence of benefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope can also bless
the native with good results related to his marriage and accordingly different natives benefitting from this
good influence may witness different types of good results through their marriages, depending on their
overall horoscopes. Such benefic influence can also render good, very good or great amount of special
abilities related to the fields of spiritualism, paranormal and other such spheres, to the native under its
impact. Accordingly, some natives under such benefic influence may see progress in these spheres also and
some of them may engage in one of these fields on professional basis, if their overall horoscopes allow such
On the other hand, malefic retrograde Jupiter placed in eighth house of a horoscope can cause countless
number of problems and troubles to the native under its influence where such troubles can come through
the sphere of his marriage, profession, financial status, health, lifespan and many other spheres of his life.
Accordingly, some natives suffering from this malefic influence may witness bad results in many spheres of
their lives where such results can change in nature and quantum in case of different natives, depending on
the type and strength of such malefic retrograde Jupiter, as well as depending on the overall tone of the
horoscopes of these natives.

Though malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a horoscope can trouble the native in almost any
sphere of his life, this placement is especially very bad for the marriage aspect of the native. Accordingly
some natives under this malefic influence may witness different types of problems related to their
marriages, like some natives under such bad influence may not get married till late or very late in their lives
whereas some other natives suffering from such negative retrograde Jupiter may have to face great
disturbances and troubles in their marriages. In extreme cases, when such malefic influence is strong and it
is supported by some other negative planets in a horoscope, it can either deny the possibility of marriage to
a native or it can cause more than one broken marriage.

Looking at some practical examples, the presence of malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a
horoscope in the sign of Virgo can cause delay in the marriage of the native and accordingly the native
under such malefic influence may get married late in his life. Such malefic placement of retrograde Jupiter
in eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Virgo is even worse if it happens to be in the horoscope of a
female and accordingly the female native suffering from this malefic influence may have to face even more
intense negative results related to her marriage. The female native under this malefic influence may not be
able to get married at a proper time and she may have to wait long in order to get married.

If malefic Saturn, malefic Ketu or malefic Mercury is placed in the seventh house of the same horoscope in
the sign of Leo, the problems of such female may intensify even more. Accordingly, the female native under
the combined effect of such malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of her horoscope in the sign of
Virgo and malefic Saturn, Ketu or Mercury, let’s say malefic Saturn in the seventh house of her horoscope
may have to wait till 35 years of her life or even longer in order to get married. If malefic Ketu is also
present in the eighth house of the same horoscope along with malefic retrograde Jupiter in the sign of
Virgo, the female native under the combined effect of such malefic influences may not get married at all
throughout her life despite her best efforts, provided there are no other marriage promoting combinations
present in her horoscope.

Speaking about these combinations, the presence of benefic Venus and benefic Rahu in the second house
of the same horoscope or the presence of benefic Venus and benefic Sun in the second house of the same
horoscope in the sign of Pisces can still get this female married with some delay, despite the presence of
the already mentioned marriage delaying and marriage denying combinations in the horoscope of such
female. The science of astrology is vast and there are billions of possible benefic as well as malefic
combinations which can exist in different horoscopes and such combinations can change the results in a
positive or in a negative way. Hence no conclusion should be drawn by looking at a single planet or even by
looking at 3 or 4 planets in a horoscope as some other combinations may be present somewhere else in the
same horoscope, which may change the results indicated by such planets.

Apart from delaying the marriage of the native under its influence, malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth
house of a horoscope can also cause many problems in the marriage and married life of the native as such
malefic influence may not only degrade the quality of marriage enjoyed by the native, but it may cause
many problems in such marriage. Accordingly some natives under this malefic influence may have to suffer
disturbances and problems of different type and different quantum through their marriages, depending on
the type and strength of this malefic placement as well as depending on the overall tone of the horoscopes
of these natives. For example, the presence of malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a
horoscope in the sign of Scorpio can cause problems in the married life of the native though such malefic
placement may not cause much delay in his marriage.

The native under the malefic influence of such retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of his horoscope may
have to face issues related to lack of trust with her wife which means that there may not be much trust
between the native and his wife and both of them may keep doubting each other, right from the start of
their marriage. If malefic Mercury or malefic Rahu is placed in the seventh house of the same horoscope in
the sign of Libra or if malefic Mars is present in the eighth house of the same horoscope in the sign of
Scorpio along with malefic retrograde Jupiter, such problem of lack of trust between the native and his wife
may intensify even more and accordingly they may suffer from serious issues which originate from lack of
trust in each other.

It means that the native and his wife may keep suspecting each other in day to day life and they may not
feel comfortable in each other’s company. They may also argue a lot and such arguments may change into
frequent fights with the passage of time. If there is no marriage saving combination present in the
horoscope, the combined effect of such malefic retrograde Jupiter and other malefic planets mentioned in
this example may eventually break the marriage of this native, after torturing him a lot.

In extreme cases, when a combination of malefic retrograde Jupiter and malefic Mars is present in the
eighth house of a horoscope in the sign of Scorpio and malefic Rahu is placed in the seventh house of the
same horoscope in the sign of Libra, the native under the combined effect of these malefic planets may
have to face one or even more than one broken marriage, if there is no marriage saving combination
present in the same horoscope. For example, the presence of a combination of benefic Venus and benefic
Moon in the second house of the same horoscope in the sign of Taurus can still save the marriage of this
native and the couple may finally be able to trust each other, after some initial years of serious lack of trust
and problems in the marriage.

Apart from this, malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eight house of a horoscope can cause many other types of
problems related to the marriage of the native and accordingly, different natives may suffer from these
problems depending on their overall horoscopes. Malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of a
horoscope can also cause problems related to the professional sphere of the native due to which, some
natives under this malefic influence may have to face problems of different type and different intensity in
their professional spheres, depending on the type and strength of this malefic influence, as well as
depending on the overall tone of the horoscopes of these natives. Such malefic influence can also reduce
the lifespan of the native and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic influence may die at a
relatively young or very young age by virtue of some disease, accident or even by virtue of a planned
murder caused by such malefic retrograde Jupiter in the eighth house of their horoscopes.

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