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Case Study Summaries

Aga Khan PATH World Vision UNICEF Latin America & Handicap International USAID DRC (CRS) &
Foundation (Go Baby Go!) Caribbean region UNICEF Mali Tanzania (PACT)

Explicit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

reference to CCD
Integration - Primarily through - Health system “touch - Go Baby Go as an - Training and rollout Government clinics, - Part of larger umbrella
points CHWs and the health points”: during ANC, overall program (of with action undertaken in: extending to home OVC programs
system: antenatal care PNC, growth monitoring, CCD is a component) can hospitals, health clinics, based interventions
and HIV immunization, PMTCT, be a stand-alone ECD centres, ad services supported by the
routine child health program, but also can be for children with community health
- Pre-primary teachers services, peer support integrated into health disabilities (and their network; malnutrition
groups and home visits and nutrition platforms families) programs (Handicap
- Group sessions with by CHWs and CBOs International)
women who come -Example: in Sudan Examples:
monthly to pick up ARVs -ECD messaging across integrated into a
(Malawi) the continuum of care Supplementary Feeding Belize: ministries
MCH health systems Centre in Darfur involved include
Education, and Human
-Example: in Haiti Development, combining
integrated into Mothers with efforts of MCH
Clubs who received services under the
information on health Ministry of Human
and nutrition by Development, Social
government CHWs. Transformation and
Poverty Alleviation

Brazil: included in a
parent program for
families in early
daycare centres in the
State of Permanbuco.
CCD approach is also
being incorporated
within the Criance Feliz
program (social welfare)
in multiple states and
municipalities whose
families are recipients of

Aga Khan PATH World Vision UNICEF Latin America & Handicap International USAID DRC (CRS) &
Foundation (Go Baby Go!) Caribbean region UNICEF Mali Tanzania (PACT)

the cash transfers.

Adaptation -Empowered trainers to - Interactions “more - In West Bank adapted -Strengthened -Leveraged “social” - HIV contexts
strategies develop curriculum intensive” in HIV for home visits only, but components related to workers (or community
contexts will be doing both group responsive caring workers (Handicap - Adapted to feeding in
-Developed protocols for and home visits in the practices for families International) HIV contexts, issues of
working with groups. - Strengthened next phase. with young children with disclosure, etc.
nutritional counselling disabilities. -Integrated
-Includes promoting In Lebanon, (Syrian physiotherapy sessions Tz- includes elements of
well-being as a family - Expanded upon the response) where there is -(Recommended) use of to help overcome the case manage-ment
affair (including fathers original no access to early CCD as part of a restrictions in motor
recommendations for learning centers adapted psychosocial approach development connected All messaging was
- Reinforces learning and play and communication GBG (called “Go My for families with children with malnutrition adapted to soften text
application through in- for each age group in the Child”) by merging affected by microcephaly (Handicap International) heavy content: created
depth dialogue and counselling cards and groups sessions within and other neurological job aids that were
mentorship. transformed them into the homes of Syrian complications in the - Systematic engagement digestible and more
pictorial format. refugees in South context of the Zika virus. in discussions with the “user-friendly”
-Identifies barriers to Lebanon. There is an community (Handicap
adopting positive -Counselling card have existing curriculum for 3- -In connection with the International) -included violence and
practices been significantly revised 6 year olds. Brought 2 UNICEF and PAHO/WHO prevention response
and additional content packages(0-3, 3-6) Zika response in LAC,
- Support networks to added: together and added initial steps being made -Protocols to social
facilitate sustainable some additional to incorporate CCD as worker for legal support
support for families with • Age specific information. More focus part of the Child Care
young children counselling steps on numeracy and and Family Support Tz (PACT) planning a
adapted to specific literacy. In host commitment. mobile platform to track
-Utilizes behavioural “touch points” communities, lots of referrals
change communication • Additional tensions between host - Increased references
techniques illustrations and refugee to, and
• Guidance on communities (e.g. when recommendations for
-Includes guidance on screening for refugees leave they are promoting the
information flow and use developmental often house spat upon.) participation of fathers
delays as caregivers. This is
• Inclusion of -Extrapolated from CCD reinforced in country
maternal, nutrition to create Development level/field/clinical
and complementary Milestone Cards with practices to include
feeding of children 6- pictures fathers in a wider range

Aga Khan PATH World Vision UNICEF Latin America & Handicap International USAID DRC (CRS) &
Foundation (Go Baby Go!) Caribbean region UNICEF Mali Tanzania (PACT)

23 months, and of counselling settings

attention to well- - Instruction in Project and activities.
being of caregivers Model Template: can
(e.g., maternal shorten care giver
depression) sessions into smaller 20 -More specific childhood
• Playbox sessions minute session, content disabilities content and
(using recycled local can be added or key related parent/caregiver
materials) messages placed within counselling information
home visits with no which includes
- Training times often cut group sessions additional content within
back dramatically to conducted. the participants manual
conform to time and and technical notes,
space (because of the -In Sudan – 1 day along with the
quantity of content) training: used age incorporation of content
appropriate table: in the counselling cards
trained nutrition staff
with less than the whole - Specific content and
package and not the training activities
same intensive training focusing on the
utilization of the CCD
-Integrated also with package in a wider range
child protection and of sites incorporated
water, sanitation and within the training and
hygiene (WASH) roll-out plan.

-Includes instructions for
- Technical seminar
adaptation to fragile developed for field
contexts and testing on the topic of
transitioning economies CCD, ECD, and violence

-Package addresses
resilience and aimed at
“at risk children”

Implementation Tanzania, Kenya, Kenya, Mozambique, Armenia, Sudan (pilot), Latin Amrica and Mali Tanzania (PACT) and
sites Pakistan, Uganda, South Africa Haiti, Indonesia, West Caribbean region: Belize, Democratic Republic of

Aga Khan PATH World Vision UNICEF Latin America & Handicap International USAID DRC (CRS) &
Foundation (Go Baby Go!) Caribbean region UNICEF Mali Tanzania (PACT)

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Bank, and Jordan (as part Eastern Caribbean, Congo (DRC)
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, of the Syrian response) Guyana, Paraguay, Brazil,
Côte Honduras, and Panama
d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Indi “Revised “ package being have included CCD
a, Mozambique, piloted in Jordan, approach in their
Portugal, Syria, Tanzania Indonesia, Philippines, programs, plans and
and Sri Lanka public policies
Operational 2014 evaluation of: - November 2016- -Impact assessments P. Holding, A Child is One
research Tanzania, Kenya, conducted evaluation to working with partner
to be Raised (UNICEF

Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, understand the research institutions 2015)
Tajikistan feasibility and value
added of integrating -Armenia The analysis of the pilot
nutrition and study carried out in
development topics into - World Vision, Bamako provides an
Moz APE work (APEs Educating Children for evidence base of a faster
reported satisfaction. Life: Go Baby Go! recovery rate associated
APEs “more productive Parenting Programme: with the multi-sensory
in their main Early Childhood “holistic” therapeutic
responsibilities” than in Development (Ages 0-3 curriculum that
the control groups. integrates motor
- In Jordon, partnering therapy with play and
- Kenya: APHRC: with Harvard on OR of nutrition
conducting a 1-3 year package in the 2 year
tracking and longitudinal looking at impact on
research with controls BOTH the caregiver and
tracking behaviour on the child
households and

- Conducted a lot of
qualitative evaluations,
small studies

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