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Mah Jong Symbols

The symbols and artwork on Mah Jong tiles are often exquisitely beautiful. The game of Mah Jong is
not only a game, it can often be considered a work of art. Many designers have taken a turn designing
Mah Jong tiles. The wall created in the game is actually meant to stand for the Great Wall of China
The tiles themselves are full of symbolism, and by understanding the deeper meanings of the tile
artwork, it is perhaps easier to understand the game itself. Conversely, one does not need to know how
to play Mah Jong in order to appreciate the loveliness of the artwork and tile design.
To begin with, there are the winds tiles. These tiles denote winds from the four directions, north, east,
west, and of course, south.
There are dragon tiles with three different colours: Red, white, and green.
There are three different tiles numbered one through none. These are the bamboo, circles, and wan
There are also eight special tiles that are used for scoring bonuses in the game. These are called the
flower and season tiles.

Colour Symbolism
In Chinese culture, just about everything has a symbolism. This means that there is a shape or a
drawing that represents something else. Through the study of symbols, we can delve into the deeper
meanings of the tiles.
Red – The first colour is red. In Chinese culture, the colour red most distinctively symbolizes blood, as
blood is red. Looking into the deeper symbolism of blood, we learn that it also represents life itself, and
taking it one step further, it refers to mankind in general.
Red is also considered to be a lucky colour. On Chinese New Year, red envelopes are often exchanged,
as red means luck and good fortune.
Blue – Blue symbolizes the beautiful and expansive sky, in all its glory. The sky, like the colour, is
blue. Going deeper into the meaning, blue also represents the Heavens. When we study the positive
aspects of the heavens, we come to understand that this also has a further definition of purity and,
prized by Chinese, dignity.
Lastly, we have green. Green in this case symbolizes the great, wide earth. People might not think of
the earth at first as green, but when you consider the lush grasses, plants and trees that give bounty to
us as humans, it becomes more apparent. Green is earth. In addition, the symbolism is expanded to
include nature in all her radiance, fertility, and all forms of natural richness. It is a verdant and vibrant

The Compass and Winds Symbolism

When you are looking at the compass in Mah Jong you will see that the winds on the compass are
actually reversed. It is all a matter of perspective. While you would see the winds in one direction from
a vantage point on earth, the winds ore drawn as if they were being seen from the heavens, and being
looked down upon.
There is some interesting symbolism to the winds in Mah Jong:
The East Wind represents spring, the colour green, the dragon, and the element of wood.
The South Wind represents summer, the colour red, the phoenix and the element of fire.
The West Wind represents autumn, the colour white, the tiger and the element of metal.
The North Wind represents winter, the colour black, the tortoise and the element of water.

Each one of the bamboo tiles has a different picture with each picture having its own unique meaning
which is as follows:
1. Peacock – success
2. Duck – enduring partnership
3. Toad – healing and over-ambition
4. Carp – peace and contentment
5. Lotus flower – new birth
6. Water – communication and travel
7. Tortoise – progress and longevity
8. Willow tree - diplomacy

The circles, too, have none different meanings, one for each circle and they are:
1. Pearl – luxury and wealth
2. Pine tree – firmness and strength
3. Phoenix – happiness, joy and splendor
4. Jade – lasting values
5. Dragon – luck and fortune
6. Peach – feminine beauty, extravagance, and indolence
7. Insect – busy activity and short period
8. White Tiger – authority and bravery
9. Unicorn – ability to foresee events

There are nine individual wans, with specific symbolism shown here:
1. Bar of a door and new opportunities
2. Sword – balance and decision
3. Earth – stability and land
4. Lute – performing arts and relaxation
5. House – building or any dwelling
6. Fire – intelligence, inspiration and danger
7. Seven stars – imagination
8. Knot – tying or untying
9. Heaven – achievement and fulfilment

Seasons Symbolism
Each of the four seasons has its own symbolism, shown below:
Spring – Fisherman, represents common sense and patience.
Summer – Woodcutter, who represents success through activity
Winter – Scholar (some say Confucius), who represents a cultured mind and prudence.
Autumn – Farmer, who represents physical, arduous labor and rich rewards.
Flowers Symbolism
There are four flower tiles, each representing a different flower which has its own characteristics:
Orchid – refinement, symbolises things that are rare and precious.
Chrysanthemum – Leisure and entertainment
Plum Blossom – Spring, Innocence, inexperience and happiness
Bamboo – writing, learning and scholarship is symbolized by this plant.

Dragons Symbolism
The three dragons are symbolized by design and colour, which are explained thus:
Red – Represents the centre or middle, hitting a target and achievement.
Green – means to commence or to begin.
White – Blank, representing the mysterious or the unknown.

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