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The FINAL EXAM, which is a comprehensive one, this Wednesday, 23 February 2011 w

ill cover ALL READINGS from Session 1 to Session 4. In order to get high grade,
make sure you have meticulously and critically read ALL THE READINGS (total of
18 reading materials) that are listed below:
1. Allen, J. (2004) The Whereabouts of Power: Politics, Government and Spa
ce. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Georgraphy 86 (1), 19-32.
2. Arendt, H. (2005) Introduction into Politics. In Arendt, H. The Promise
of Politics. (pp. 93-200) New York: Schocken Books.
3. Barkey, K. & Parikh, S. (1991) Comparative Perspectives on the State. A
nnual Review of Sociology 17, 523-549.
4. Bourdieu, P. (1994) Rethinking the State: Genesis and Structure of the
Bureaucratic Field. Sociological Theory 12 (1), 1-18.
5. Digeser, P. (1992) The Fourth Face of Power. The Journal of Politics 54
(4), 977-1007.
6. Genel, K. (2006) The Question of Biopower: Foucault and Agamben. Rethin
king Marxism 18 (1), 43-62.
7. Gerring, J, Thacker, S. & Moreno, C. (2004) Normative Models of Democra
tic Governance: Decentralism, Centralism and Centripetalism. Boston University,
1-42. (www.bu.edu/sthacker/normmodels040625.pdf)
8. Gritsch, M. (2005) The Nation-state and Economic Globalization: Soft Ge
o-Politics and Increased State Autonomy? Review of International Political Econo
my 12 (1), 1-25.
9. Hayward, C. & Lukes, S. (2008) Nobody to Shoot? Power, Structure, and A
gency: A Dialogue. Journal of Power 1 (1), 5-20.
10. Heywood, A. (2002) Government, System and Regimes. In Politics. 2nd ed. (p
p. 23-38) Hampshire: Palgrave.
11. Heywood, A. (2002) Politics. 2nd ed. (pp. 1-22) Hampshire: Palgrave.
12. King, R. & Kendall, G. (2004) Why Study the State in State, Democracy and Gl
obalization (pp.1-19) New York: Palgrave Macmillian.
13. Mouffe, C. (2005) Politics and the Political. In On the Political (pp. 8-3
4) New York: Routledge.
14. Newman, S. (2004) The Place of Power in Political Discourse. International
Political Science Review 25 (2), 139-157.
15. Palonen, K. (2007) Politics or the Political? An Historical Perspective on
a Contemporary Non-Debate. European Political Science 6, 69-78.
16. Rose, N. & Miller, P. (2010) Political Power and beyond the State: Problem
atics of Government. The British Journal of Sociology, 271-303.
17. Shugart, M. S. & Carey, J. M. (1992) Criticisms of Presidentialism and Res
ponses. In Presidents and Assemblies: Constitutional Designs and Electoral Dynam
ics (pp. 28-54) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
18. Strom, K. (2000) Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracie
s. European Journal of Political Research 37, 261-289.
Again, please be reminded that the FINAL EXAM is structured into three main part
s: TEST 1 - modified TRUE or FALSE, TEST 2 -
Enumeration and Identification, and TEST 3 - ESSAY.
The FINAL EXAM is 100 points (Test 1 - 5 items, two points each; Test 2 - 20 ite
ms, two points each; Test 3 - 5 questions, 10 points each). Passing grade is 70
*Don't just rely on my notes.
Final Examination details:
POS 100 P, N & Q WED FEB 23 1430 1630 CTC 118

Good luck!

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