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Diploma Continuous Assessment Test -2 /December – 2020

Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering.

Subject & Code : Theory of Structures (31041)
Time: 2 Hours Date: Session: Max. Marks: 50


Answer all questions (4X2=8 marks)

1. What do you mean by symmetrical portal frame?

2. Define the terms (i)Relative stiffness (ii)Distribution moment.

3. Define the terms (i)Safe load (ii)Buckling load.

4. What is meant by core or kern of a section?


Answer all questions (4X3=12 marks)

5. Derive the value of limit of eccentricity and core for a rectangular


6. Briefly explain about (i)Long column (ii)Short column.

7. Differentiate sway and non-sway frames.

8. Explain the terms carryover factor, carryover moment and

distribution factor.


Answer any THREE questions (3X10=30 marks)

9. A continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C.

The span of AB is 3m and it carries an UDL of 50kN/m throughout the
span and the span BC is 5m and it carries a central point load of
40kN. Find the support moments by using moment distribution
method and draw BMD.

[Turn over…..

10. Analyse the portal frame shown in fig. By moment distribution

method and draw BMD.


100kN I I 100kN


11. Compare the crippling loads given by Euler’s and Rankine’s formula
for a tubular strut 3m long, having inner diameter and outer
diameter of 40mm and 60mm respectively. The column is fixed at
both ends. Take yield stress as 350N/mm2. Rankine’s constant as
1/7500, E=200kN/mm2.

12. A short hollow cylindrical column is 300mm external diameter and

25mm metal thickness. It carries an eccentric load of 100kN which is
off the geometric axis by 20mm. Calculate the maximum and
minimum stresses induced in the section.


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