For Cas On Web

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Q) Entries is coming in Provisional GRN Listing but not updating the Stock

A) When you enter shortage or sweeping qty. Then this Entry goes in Provisional GRN
Listing. After this entry is approved by your MRO then it comes in GRN Listing and update
your stock.

Q) Sales Order has been created in B2B but it is not coming in Pending Order List
A) After the approval of Sales Order from RO then the Entry comes in Pending Order List. U
can also check the Status of the Sales Order in B2B. The Option is SALES ORDER STATUS

Q) While preparing Sales Order the Customer name is not appearing

A) The Customers are maintained by your RO. Please send the details to them.

Q) After clicking Web Data Transfer sometimes it displays the message that Page
cannot be Displayed
A) This Problem is because of the following Reason
1. Either the INTERNET Speed is slow or you had not been connected to Internet.
Soln. Reconnect to internet.
2. Sometimes there is some Problem on the WEB Server.
Soln. Try after sometimes.

Q) Sales Order is showing in SALES ORDER FOR CAS ON WEB but still it is not
coming in Pending Sales Order List
A) In SALES ORDER STATUS FOR CAS ON WEB, if the download Status is "Y" for that
Sales Order then Click the checkbox of the Sales Order which is not is not coming in Pending
Order List & then click on Download again Button. After this is CAS Module do the Web Data

Q) How to make the Invoice of CUT & TORN Quantity

A) You cannot dispatch both INTACT & CUT & TORN Quantity togather. For this you have to
make seperate Sales Order and then while creating an Invoice in CAS Module there you have
to select the Mother Invoice Quantity Type as C&T Qty. Then the System will display only the
mother Invoice of CUT & TORN.

Q) The Sales Tax are coming wrong in the Invoice Printing

A) The Taxes are maintained by RO. Please clarify with them.

Q) We have Printed Invoice, but the Customer is not taking the material
A) The Cancellation is of three ways
1. You can directly cancel the Sales Order if you had not created the Invoice. The option
name is SO Cancellation. By giving the Sales Order No.
2. If you have prepared the Invoice & the Material has not gone out of the warehouse & you
had not clicked on the Truck Status. Then can you cancel the Invoice by option => Invoice
Cancellation by the Invoice No. this will update your stock again.
3. If the Material has gone out of the warehouse and then u had received back because of
some reason OR you have click the Truck Status. Then you had to make Sales Return Entry.
This entry will come in Provisional Sales Return. After it is approved by the MRO then it will
update the stock.

Q) Error While Login as "u_login not initiated"

A) Reload the Java Plugin (J2RE)

Q) Program Patches not getting updated

Start Internet explorer .
Go to Tools -->Internet Options --> General -->Setting
"Automatically" should be clicked.
Q) "Create Object failed" at the time of login
Reload Personal Web Server

Q) Error "Page Can not be Displayed "

The Reason is web service is not started.
a) Check whether Publish icon is there on desktop
Click on publish icon and then clcik "START" button.
b)if icon is not there on desktop
Go to Start -->Programs -->Accessories-->Internet Tools -->Personal web server-->Personal
web manager
Click on "START" button.

Q) Error While web data transfer as "Create Object failed "

The Reason is Registry is corrupted a) download reg.exe from -->cas Manuals
b) Click on reg.exe and unzip. c) run reg.bat

Q) Error While web data transfer as "Page Cannot be displayed"

The Reason Internet connection might be not proper. a) Check internet is working

Q) Error While web data transfer as "FTP Failed"

The Reason Internet connection might be not proper. a) Check internet is working b) WEB
Server might be down.

Q) Provider not found" at the time of login

The Reason Microsoft Access Provider 4.0 is not there on your pc.
Load Microsoft Access 2000.

Q) Internet Explorer gets closed" at the time of login

Check Display Setting as follows.
Right Click on Desktop --> Properties --> Setting -->Colors
Make it 256 or Any High true Colors

Q) Sales Order not getting uploaded

The Reason is rate is not maintained in SAP. Contact Regional office.

Q) Java Plugin icons showing in tray after closing cas module

Restart PC

Q) RED Cross mark comes when we click on entry option

Restart PC

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