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Analog data is a continuous stream of data in the wave form whereas digital data is discrete.
To convert analog wave into digital data, Pulse Code Modulation PCM has to be used.

Pulse Code Modulation (transmission of signal as digital code): a technique for electronic
transmission of voice signals by sampling the amplitude of the signal and converting it to a
coded digital form for transmission. It is a standardized method used in the telephone
network to change an analog signal to a digital one. PCM signals are derived from all types
of analog sources maybe merged with data signals and transmitted over a common high-
speed digital communication system. In long-distance digital telephone systems requiring
repeaters, a clean PCM waveform ca be regenerated at the output of each repeater, where
the input consists of a noisy PCM waveform. The PCM is done in three steps Sampling,
Quantization and Coding.

Analog voice data must first be translated into a series of binary digits before they can
be transmitted over a digital circuit which is done by sampling the amplitude of the sound
wave at regular intervals and translating it into a binary number, done by PAM. Digital
Sampling refers to an electronic process used in telecommunications for transforming a
constantly varying analog signal into one composed of discrete units, a digital signal. In the
creation of recorded music, sampling enables the composer, producer, or remix engineer to
borrow discrete vocal or instrumental parts from other recorded work.

Another example, conversion of a sound wave to a sequence of samples. Sampler that

extract samples of a continuous signal, it is a subsystem ideal sampler that produces
samples which are equivalent to the instantaneous value of the continuous signal at the
specified various points. The data points are selected to create the digital data. The
amplitude of the analog signal is sampled at uniform intervals and each sample is quantized
to its nearest value within a predetermined range of digital levels. The Sampling process
generates flat-top Pulse Amplitude Modulated signal (PAM).

The Quantization step, the result of sampling is defined as a series of pulses with amplitude
values between the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the signal. Quantization converts
the discrete time continuous amplitude signal to discrete time and discrete valued from a set
of finite values and can be stored on a computer. To transmit the samples values via a
digital system, each sample value has to be represented in numerical form. In quantization
process the information in accurate signal values is lost because of rounding off and the
original signal cannot be reproduced exactly anymore. That simply means, all quantized
samples will differ from the original samples by a small amount, which is referred to as
quantization error.

Encoding is the process of using various patterns of voltage or current levels to represent
1s and 0s of the digital signals on the transmission link. So here, the quantized signal is
encoded into a sequence of bits which is 1s and 0s digits. Encoding assigns binary numbers
to the amplitude values, by this it requires 8-bit code word to encode each pulse amplitude.
Digitizing information makes it easier to preserve, access, and share. For example, an
original historical document can be accessed by only people who visit its physical location,
but if the same document content is digitized, it can be made reachable to people globally.

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