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Ancient architecture in ancient times has numerous sources all over the world.

Architecture, both with respect to the remaining temples and their influence on

contemporary buildings all over the world, has been an enduring contribution by

ancient civilizations to modern life. The ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Phoenician, Greek,

Roman, Etruscan, Old Korean, Hindu, Shinto, Inca, Maya, and Byzantine architectures

remain in various styles. Early materials like leaves, roots, and animal hides may be

lost in this period. Later, natural materials like clay, stone, and wood became more

durable. Also, they use synthetic materials such as bricks, concrete, metals, and


This paper would concentrate only on the distinction between Greek and Roman

architecture. The tall columns, complex detail, symmetry, harmony, and balance of

Greek architecture are. The Greeks also designed all manner of houses. The great

temples they constructed for their gods are the only examples of Greek architecture that

survive today. Although the Romans were trying to construct conservative houses.

Arches are used to build larger and wider structures. Most Roman buildings were

constructed of marble or limestone. They perfected a variety of critical construction

methods, including the arch, dome, and vault, as well as the use of concrete.

The history of architecture is like the history of civilization itself, and perhaps

just as complicated. The precise roots of the architecture may be said to date back to

the Neolithic period, around 10 000 BC, or actually when people stopped living in

caves and began treating the way they needed their houses to look and feel.

The Etruscans, who were the early kings of Rome, inspired Roman

architecture, and in turn the Greek archeology impacted the Etruscans. All the

hallmarks of Etruscan architecture can be seen here at the Temple of Jupiter, which

started at the end of the 6th century before Christ's Easter. In their own civic houses,

they used Greek designs. In due course they learnt to create much larger buildings, like

the Pantheon in Rome, using concrete. In addition, the Romans constructed large arenas

like the Colosseum in which gladiators fought.

Greek and Roman architecture are comparatively similar, influenced by

existing Greek work and tailored to its own designs. It was a great credit for the Romans

who came to understand the arch and the cathedral, which are an important element of

ancient Greek architecture. The Classical Art includes the Greek and Roman

civilizations and is the central foundation of western civilization. Classical art has

followed the values of elegance, unity and proportion, through developments in

painting, sculpture, decorative arts and architecture, even though these ideals have

evolved and changed over the years. The human form and the human condition are also

used in propaganda. Whereas the human form and the human perception in space and

their interaction with the gods were mostly used in propaganda, they were fundamental

to classical art.

Ancient builders had a profound understanding of human responses to

environmental conditions and physical needs. Architects used sophisticated geometry

and optical tricks to present buildings as perfectly straight and harmonious. The ancient

Greeks are rightly famous for their magnificent Doric and Ionic temples, and the

example of their excellence is undoubtedly the Parthenon of Athens. The Romans first

began building with concrete over 2,100 years ago and used it throughout the

Mediterranean basin in everything from aqueducts and buildings to bridges and

monuments. Combined with volcanic rocks called tuff, this ancient cement formed a

concrete that could effectively endure chemical decay.

This paper allows the researcher’s objectives to be successfully distinguish the

differences and similarities of Greek and Roman Architecture. And explore the

different ancient architectural buildings that were built in ancient Greece and Rome.


This paper aims to study the ancient architecture of Greeks and Romans and its

differences and similarities.

More specifically, it seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the differences and similarities between Greek and Roman

architecture in terms of?

a. Characteristics

i. Structure

ii. Design

iii. Materials

2. What are the other significant features of ancient buildings in Greece

and Rome?;and

3. Why ancient architecture has a unique structure and design?

This paper gives an opportunity to examine the differences and similarities of Greek

and Roman Architecture, understand the characteristics of ancient architecture and to

explore the world of architecture were ancient buildings has aesthetically unique and

historical design and structure.

Before examining the different architecture buildings located in Rome and Greece,

consider that they almost have the same materials, design, and structure where Romans

was influenced by the Greek Architecture in ancient times. Also, Romans adapted the

Greek’s design and structure that makes them almost like each other. Considering that

architecture around the world in ancient times evolved into modern architecture. But

ancient buildings have a big impact in our history and has unique characteristics that stands

out and become a tourist spot nowadays.

There is a need to study and do a research on Greeks and Romans architecture so

that people or architecture students who’s curious and wants to know deeply about this era

of architecture. Also, it seems that there is a lot of people who doesn’t know yet the history

behind architecture. This will clarify, distinguish, and explore the design, materials, and

structure of ancient buildings in Greece and Rome. Knowing that history contains a wide

information and deep truth, not only in architecture but also connected worldwide.

Afterall, gaining knowledge about history of architecture is an advantage to those

studying architecture specially first year students. Learning is continuous, it doesn’t mean

you know about it then you know everything behind it.

The world of architecture has the privileges and possibilities to change the world.

Everything we see outside is an artwork. Different design, structures, and materials.

Evolving is lifetime, what we see now can evolve someday. And we will realize that this

is the new era and we have lived on the history.

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