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Recording Guidelines for

Prepared by Lawrence Jatayna


1. The CSU CHOIR has been invited to “perform” in the MTV of CSU ESA featuring the awardees, in a less
formal and fun presentation.

2. The music will be a MEDLEY of songs based on the hit songs of the year where each batch started.

3. The chosen songs will be forwarded to the singers in advance, so singers can start learning the songs
while the medley is being arranged and finalized.
4. Only parts or the choruses of each song will be used for the medley.

5. Maximum number of singers: 11

6. All singers will sing all the songs and SING IN UNISON.

7. If you can memorize each song part or chorus, that would be best.

8. The File you will be submitting should contain one (1) VIDEO with A CAPELLA VOICE only. No
Minus-1, or noise should be heard in the background. Sound should just be the voice.

9. Before video recording, please prepare the following:

Lighting —window with Natural light (best lighting) if not available, prepare other lights:
Ring Light with stand and mobile phone holder (if available)
Desk lamps or Lights on stands
Device #1 for video recording only — device with 1920x1080 video recording setting recommended.
Device #2 for playing music/vocal guide only
Earphones — the smaller and less conspicuous, the better (“ear buds”, AirPods, etc…)
Camera stand or Mobile phone stand
Mobile Phone adapter/holder
Lyric sheet, if needed — via tablet, screen of laptop, or printed paper.
Table for music-playing devices, laptops, desk lamps, and mobile phone stands — if needed.
Venue for recording - bedroom, study room/office, any enclosed quiet space (avoid Bathrooms)

10. Recommended recording rooms:

— NO Bathrooms (too echo-ey, interferes with mixing)
— any other quiet, enclosed room — home offices, study rooms, bedrooms
— the more sound-absorbing materials, the better (carpets, curtains, cushions, etc,)
— if surroundings are noisy, you can record at night when there is less noise

11. BACKGROUND - plain, preferably white or light color,

—avoid black
—avoid “busy” backgrounds with lots of furniture

12. ATTIRE - Green or shades of Green

13. Get a “Personal Assistant” to help you play music, operate video, or hold the lyric sheet, if needed.

14. Use Device #1 (MOBILE PHONES, TABLETS, or LAPTOPS) to record your video.
—For LAPTOPS, use HD cameras or external HD Cameras if available.


15. Use Device #2 to play your music/vocal guide and to which your earphones will be connected.

16. Small earphones (or “ear buds”) recommended for listening to the music/vocal guide - wired or wireless.

17. Device Camera settings and other specifications:

Orientation: Landscape
Video Size: FHD 1920 x 1080
File Format: mp4
Use FRONT/ SELFIE Camera, if most convenient.
Use REAR / MAIN Camera (recommended due to video stabilization etc) if someone can operate for you
Use a “Tight” Camera shot where singer is seen from chest up only

Photo example of “Tight Shot” - singer is seen from chest up only:

18. Do not use external speakers while recording. Music will be recorded with your voice.

19. Use only earphones while recording. For earphones with cable, try to hide the cable at your back.

20. Avoid background noise:

— no electric fan (wind will blow through the mic)
— no dogs, cats or chickens making animal noises in background
— when using air conditioners, test first if there is no hissing or humming sound in the recording
— if air conditioners produce a significant amount of noise, turn on the air conditioner for several
minutes while setting up and rehearsing to cool up the room, then turn off aircon for the duration of the
actual final recording

***Again, the resulting video should be VIDEO with A CAPELLA VOICE only.***
***No Minus-1, or noise should be heard in the background. Sound should just be the voice.***

21. Practice good grooming and look your best, as in an actual performance (put make-up, fix hair, etc.),
because the video will be broadcast to the SMC Community.

22. Avoid fidgeting (touching face, fixing hair, etc…) during recording

23. Keep head/face at center at all times. Keep face well-lit during recording.

24. Starting and stopping the video recording:

— Start recording video with 3 seconds lead time, before starting music track/guide.
— Allow 3 seconds after the music has stopped, before stopping the video recording.

25. Open mouth and pronounce well while singing. SMILE and enjoy your singing.
—You may sway to the beat of the songs, just don’t go too off-center

26. LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERA LENS of your device while singing.
— avoid looking at the display screen where you can see yourself

27. It’s best to sing memorized so you can look directly at the camera lens. If you cannot memorize in time,
you may use a lyric sheet. Just follow the instructions stated below…

28. When using a lyric sheet:

—place lyric sheet at the side nearest the lens of device’s camera at the same height or level as
the camera (you may need someone to hold the lyric sheet for you)
— keep head straight, facing camera, while eyes look at the guide. Look at lens from time to time.
— avoid putting the lyric sheet below the camera as it will force you to look down.

29. When singing in an VIRTUAL ensemble or choir, remember to sing strictly in time with the vocal guide.

30. Make sure your phone or device mic can pick up your voice adequately
— sing loud and clear
— make sure there is no distortion in the high or loud notes
— make sure auto recording level settings do not cut or clip your high/loud notes; better to turn it off
— sing too soft and your voice will be drowned by other voices in the mix

31. In order to save time, make a 10-to-20-second TEST VIDEO RECORDING first to check sound,
lighting, & general appearance. Correct and/or adjust as needed before proceeding with final recording.

32. Label your videos in this format:

voice_first name, surname

ex. S_Maria Reyes

B_Juan Santos

—Voices will be divided to Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (S, A, T and B) for editing purposes

33. If you don’t know your voice assignment, just choose S or A for females, or T or B for males.
— There will be no “voicing” or parts, because everybody will sing the melody in “unison” (together).

34. Once done, upload video to the assigned Google Drive account.

35. You will need to submit only ONE video

36. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me (Lawrence) or Ms. Jenny (via Messenger
or Viber), or Ms. Maricar Veloso.

Thank you.

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