Anthony S. Angulo Philosopher's Toolbox

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Anthony S.

Philosophy of Law

1. What are the three branches of philosophy?

a. Metaphysics – a branch of Philosophy that studies the fundamental
nature of reality and existence.
b. Epistemology – a branch of Philosophy that studies the nature and
scope of knowledge.
c. Value Theory - designates the area of moral philosophy that is
concerned with theoretical questions about value and goodness of
all varieties.

What are the two sub-branches of the third (Value Theory)?

c.1. Ethics – a sub-branch of Value Theory, that studies and
evaluates human conduct.
c.2. Aesthetics - a sub-branch of Value Theory that deals with the
study of beauty and art.

2. Which of these three branches do you find the most difficult to

understand? Why?

Metaphysics. It will be very difficult to understand the true nature of

reality and existence. As per Thomas Aquinas, an influential Italian
philosopher and theologian said that, Metaphysics is the study of
causes of existence and things. Thinking about the being of things
around you can just lead you to more question without an exact answer.
For example, I will try to question myself, “why am I alive?.” Sometimes
your brain will lead you to a more superficial answer. “I am alive,
because I was conceived by my mother.” Or sometimes, when we get
philosophical, we can think of a profound answer that, “I am alive,
because I am compose of the universe that surrounds me.” This idea
could lead to more questions like, “How did the universe exist anyway?”
or “What is the purpose of my very own existence?.” Metaphysics
encompasses more topics than its own definition, and more often that, it
overlaps some areas of science and other studies.

3. What is the philosopher's toolbox?

Logic is the Philosopher’s Toolbox. It is their (philosophers) tool to
come up with an answer in a clear systematic way.
4. What are the three types of reasoning?
a. Deductive – premises are true, thus, the conclusion is true.
Ex: Iphones are expensive phones. I am using an Iphone. ∴ I am
using an expensive phone.

b. Inductive – using past experience to make future predictions.

Ex: Anthony likes to be happy. Happy people live longer. ∴
Anthony will probably live longer.

c. Abductive – drawing a conclusion based on explanation that best

explains a state of events, rather than from evidence provided by the
Ex: I profusely drank vodka last night. I woke up dizzy and weak the
next day. ∴ I am probably having a bad hangover.

5. Present an argument.  Present its counter-argument.  Add a counter-

counter argument.

Khaleesi was given three dragon eggs. Dragon eggs turn into
dragons. ∴ Khaleesi has three dragons.
Counter - Argument:
One of Khaleesi’s three dragons was shot by the knight walker with
a spear. The Dragon that has been shot with a spear died, because
of severe bleeding. ∴ Khaleesi has two dragons left.
Counter-counter Argument:
The Night King has the power to turn every creature into Night
Walker zombie. The Night King turned the dragon into a Night
Walker Dragon. ∴ Khaleesi still has three dragons.

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