Power Source Element and Its Properties (P. Erickson Singer 1994)

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Power-source element and its properties

S. Singer
R.W. Erickson

Indexing t e r m : Power-conservative network, Power source element

applications as well; in fact, any two-port power-

Abstract: A power-source element is defined and conservative network which meets simple buffering
its properties are studied. The power source conditions must contain a power-source element. Power-
describes the output characteristics of the loss-free source definition, simplification of series and parallel
resistor, as well as high quality rectifiers, some combinations, and transferral by gyrators and trans-
types of switched-mode convertors, and other loss- formers are given in Section 2. An interesting property is
less two-ports. It is shown that controlled power the equivalence of series- and parallel-connected power-
sources are inherent in the large class of buffered sources, an attribute not shared by other known non-
power-conservative two-port networks. This trivial one-port elements.
approach has inspired some new realisations and Unity power factor, low-harmonic rectification is
applications of the loss-free resistor. A family of becoming an important power-system issue, with stand-
high freqeuncy switched-mode convertors is ards being established. Such rectifiers must exhibit LFR
shown to exhibit naturally power-source output characteristics, with power-source output characteristics
Characteristics. driving energy storage and other elements [SI. We have
found the LFR/power-source approach to be well suited
for understanding these systems. The power-source
1 Introduction output characteristic inherent in this application has been
experimentally verified, and good agreement has been
Power-conservative two-port networks are widely used in found.
modelling of efficient power-processing systems. The
transformer model, including the DC transformer [l],
and the time-variable transformer [2, 31 has been widely 2 Definition and some properties of the power
applied in the attempt to model power-electronic circuits
in a simple way. The gyrator has also found application The power source is defined as an element whose i-u
[4, 51. However, efficient power-processing systems exist curve obeys the following equation
which are not adequately described by these models.
These systems perform nonlinear power-processing func- ui=P=constant IuI<co lil<co (1)
tions, yet are nonetheless power-conservative. Hence, a Eqn. 1 is plotted in Fig. la for a positive value of P. Fig.
more general approach is needed which encompasses l b shows the proposed power-source symbol. The value
both linear and nonlinear two-port power-conservative
networks. The generalised two port is denoted POPI
(Potu Pin) C61.
The POPI approach was strengthened by the develop-
ment of the loss-free resistor (LFR) [7]. This element is a
two-port power-conservative network which emulates
resistive characteristics at its input port, and transfers
power to its output port. It was first realised based on
continuous control of a time-variable transformer or
gyrator such that resistive characteristics appear at the
input terminals [7, 81. Practical implementation was by
means of a controlled ?witched-mode convertor. Later, it 0

was found that switched-mode convertors exist which

naturally (i.e. without additional control) exhibit LFR
Hence, we proposed a simplified model of the LFR
which includes a resistive element at the input terminals,
and a new circuit element at the output terminals called
the power source. We have later found that it has other

0IEE, 1994
Paper 102OG (P6, ElO), first received 9th August and in revised form
6th December 1993 Fig. 1 The ideal power source element
S. Singer is with the Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel- (It u characteristic
b symbol
Aviv, Ramat Aviv, 69978, Israel e characteristicfor negative P
R.W.Erickson is with the Department of Electrical and Computer d power sink symbol, and its equivalence to a negative power source
Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425, USA The arrows indicate the dimtion of the power flow

220 I E E Floc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 141, No. 3, June 1994

of P may be either positive or negative. In the case where network formed by parallel connection of the same
P has a negative value (Fig. IC), the element delivers power sources. This equivalence is not shared by any
negative power, i.e. is a power sink as shown in Fig. Id. other known nontrivial circuit elements. The equivalent
The direction of the arrows indicates whether power of series-connected resistors, for example, has a different
flows from the source to the external network (Fig. lb) or resistive value from the same group of resistors in parallel
vice versa (Fig. Id). For simplicity of notation, the connection.
element is referred to here as a power source, regardless Power-source elements are invariant to transfer by
of whether P is positive or negative. Eqn. 1 also implies transformers and gyrators, as illustrated in Fig. 3, let P
that, for nonzero P, the source can be terminated by
neither a short circuit nor an open circuit. Similar to the
voltage and current-source elements, the power-source
element may be controlled by some other system quant-
ity such as a voltage, current, or power signal.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, series, parallel, and other con-
nections (provided the circuit forms a connected graph)

Fig. 3 Invariance of the power source element to transfer by gyrators
and transformers

be a power source P transferred by a transformer or

t-l\ I
:I: 1' ,
gyrator. Then
P = P
for all nonzero n and g. This is true because the trans-

former and gyrator are both power-conservative two-

port networks. The value P of the equivalent power
source is independent of the gyration constant g or the
transformer turns ratio n. This is also a unique property
of the power source.
P For P = 0, the power source can behave as both a
short circuit and an open circuit. When it terminates a
current source, it behaves as a short circuit, and it
behaves as an open circuit when terminating a voltage
Interconnection of the power-source element and an
arbitrary network does not necessarily imply real voltage
and current solutions. An additional compatibility con-
straint must be satisfied: by Tellegen's theorem, the
network must be capable of sinking or sourcing the
power of the power-source element. Imaginary solutions
Fig. 2 Connections of power sources
indicate that the source and network power requirements
a parallcl cannot be balanced.
b series
e equivalent single ekment For example, in case of a power source P connected to
a storage battery with open circuit voltage E and internal
resistance r, the current flowing to the battery is given by
of power sources are equivalent to a single power-source
element with value
i = 2r
E[/(l+F)-l] m > P > -E2/4r (5)
P= CPj
j= 1
For a positive value of P there is no limit (in principle) to
This implies that the reduction of complex structures of the power which such kind of load can absorb. On the
power sources to a single source is independent of topol- other hand, for a negative value of P, the limit is deter-
ogy. For example, in the simple case in which power mined by the maximum power the battery can deliver,
sources P,, P , are interconnected in series (denoted by given by E2/4r.
) or parallel (denoted by m) we have Another example is a power source connected to a
capacitor C with initial voltage uco. In this case we have
P P , = P , rn P , (3)
Eqn. 3 states that a network formed by series connec- P = ucic = ucC
tion of power sources P , and P , is equivalent to a dt
I E E Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 141, No.3, June 1994 221
and the solution is of the input signals vi or ii are therefore required, so the
boundaries of ui ,ii should be reduced; i.e.
U&) = JC2(wCo + Pt)/Cl
io = h(u,, u(t)) vi # 0 ii # 0 (11)
w, > - P t
Eqn. 11 can be written in the following form
wco= fCU& (7)
In the case in which a power source is connected in
0 = -io + h(u,, U([)) vi # 0 ii # 0 (12)
parallel to a voltage source E,, its voltage U, and current or,
are given by F(x,, U([)) = 0 (13)
U, = E is = P / E (8)
The same arguments apply in the case of the power F(x,, U([)) = -io + h(u,, u(t))
source connected in series with a current source I, in this
U, = P/I i, =I (9)
3 How power sources arise in two-port buffered
POPI networks
Eqn. 13 indicates that the output port can be modelled
The loss-free resistor is an example of a buffered network, by an equivalent one-port element, as in Fig. 4a.
in which the input waveforms are not influenced by the This buffer condition, along with the power-
output port signals. It is shown in this section that when- conservative property of the two-port network, implies
ever buffer conditions are satisfied in a power- that the input port exhibits a power-source characteristic.
conservative (POPI) two-port network, then a controlled By eqn. 6, the output power is given by
power source must arise. Additional examples are dis- Po = U, io = U, h(u,, u(t)) (14)
cussed, including an ideal switching convertor with
output voltage regulation. Thus, the output port buffer condition leads to output
In general, either the output port can be buffered from power Po which is not a function of ui and ii. By use of
the input port, or vice versa. In the case when the output the power-conservative property Pi = P o , the input
port is buffered, Fig. 4, there is a functional relationship power is given by
between the output voltage and current, which is inde- Pi = 0, h(u,, U@)) (15)
pendent of the input voltage and current. In a controlled
two-port, the voltage and current may additionally or,
depend on the control signal U([). This condition can be uiii = P(t) (16)
formulated as follows where
io = h(u,, u(t)) Vu,, ii (10) P(t) = 0, W O 40)
In a power-conservative two-port, the output power must Eqn. 16 is the equation of the power source, as given in
be derived from the input port. Finite and nonzero values eqn. 1. Therefore, the buffered two-port POPI network

I I 0


I *
V *

b d
Fig. 4 Buffered two-port networks
a buffered outpul port
b embodiment of an input wnlrolled power source in an output-bufferedpower-conservative two-port
e operating poinl determined by intersection of output and arbitrary load characteristics
d embodiment of an output-controlled power source in an input-bufferedpower-conservative two-port

222 I E E Proc.-Circuits Deuices Syst., Vol. 141, No. 3, June 1994

can be represented as in Fig. 2, and must always contain Similar arguments can be used in the case where the
a controlled power source at the non-buffered port. input port is buffered from the output port. The result is
For a given arbitrary load, P(t) is determined by the depicted in Fig. 4d, in which the output port exhibits
output port operating point. As in the case of any power-source characteristics. The loss-free resistor is an
network composed of two elements, the operating point example of a network of this form.
Power sources may also arise in non-power-conserva-
tive buffered two-port networks operating at constant
efficiency q. The arguments are the same as those for the
power-conservative network. In case of positive power-
source creation at the output terminals, the value of the
power source is given by

p = -Pin

For the case of creation of a power sink at the input
I - I terminals, the power value is given by


Fig. 5 Realisation of a loss-free resistor based on the controlled trans-

/ o m 4 Some two-port networks with embodied power

is determined by the intersection of the load character- 4.1 The loss-free resistor
istics and the output port characteristic, eqn. 16, as The loss-free resistor (LFR) was first developed to
shown in Fig. 4. This alone determines the power given provide damping and waveshaping in a CO2 laser system
in eqn. 10, which also determines the value of the power [7]. The objective was to obtain resistive characteristics
source P(t) according to eqn. 16. (i.e. obeying Ohm's and Joule's laws) without the dis-

V1 v2
C d
Fig. 6 Discontinuous conduction mode buck-boost conuerter
a schematic b input and output currentwaveforms c eKective resistive input characteristic d effective power-source output characteristic

IEE Proc.-Circuits Deuices Syst., Vol. 141, No. 3, June 1994 223
advantage of dissipation of the absorbed power. The It has been shown [6, 91 that switching convertors
realisation was based on the controlled transformer exist which naturally exhibit LFR characteristics, with no
controller at all. An example is the buck-boost convertor d
concept, as shown in Fig. 5. Through variation of the
of Fig. 6, operating in the discontinuous conduction
mode (DCM). Any well-designed convertor incorporates
EM1 filtering with a low-pass characteristic, such that the
input current i i t ) is well approximated by the average
value of il(t) [l]. Use of the state-space averaging
approach [l] yields the following expression for (il(t))
D ~ T ~
(il) = u1 -
Fig. 7 Equivalent circuit for the discontinuous conduction mode buck-
b w s t convertor where denotes that . has been averaged over one
( e )

switching period T, and D is the transistor duty cycle as

shown in Fig. 6. Note that this equation is of the form

I +
R =-
Fig. 8 Loss-free resistor equivalent circuit model e D2T,
Based on the controlled power source
Hence, the input port emulates a resistor, as depicted in
Fig. 6c. The average output current is given by

Substitution of eqn. 21 into eqn. 22 and rearrangement of

terms yields the expression for the output power
v2(i2) = -= P
Hence, the output power P is equal to the input power
absorbed by R e , and is not influenced by the output
quantities o2 and i 2 . The output port characteristic is
shown in Fig. 6d. Thus the DCM buck-boost exhibits
c LFR behaviour, and contains a power-source output
+ characteristi'c. Other DCM switched-mode convertors
exist, such as the flyback and Cuk convertors [6, 91,
VO which exhibit similar properties. Hence, there is a family
of convertors which naturally exhibit LFR characteristics.
In the practical cases where the input variations occur at
frequencies sufticiently lower than the EM1 filter cutoff
frequency, the filter dynamics can be ignored. The equiv-
alent circuit model can then be simplified as shown in
Fig. 9 Modelling of output-voltage-stabbiiised convertor Fig. 8. This model directly describes the resistive charac-
LI stabilisationof output voltage by control of transformer ratio n teristic of the input port, the power source behaviour of
b equivalent circuil containing controlledpower sink the output port, and the lossless transfer of power from

input to output. It is not based on the realisation
'I POPI method, so it describes the principal features of any LFR.


4.2 Output voltage stabilised DC-DC convertors

"I It is known that a large family of DC-DC convertors,
such as the buck, boost, Cuk, half-bridge, forward, etc.,
-U_ _ _ _ - _ _ _
)- 1
convertors are well modelled as controlled DC trans-
formers [l]. When operated open-loop, the outputs of
t Ir these convertors are directly influenced by input varia-
Fig. 10 Equivalent circuit ojaverage-current-programmed convertor tions. In many applications, a stabilised output voltage is
required, and hence a feedback loop is applied as shown
transfer ratio by a controller, the input port was made to in Fig. 9a. In a well-designed system, the output tends to
emulate resistive characteristics. The absorbed power was exhibit voltage source characteristics, regardless of the
returned to the system power supply. It is well known values of the input voltage and current. Therefore, the
that a large family of switched-mode convertors obeys the voltage regulator satisfies the buffer conditions, eqn. 10.
equation of the controlled transformer [l], and one of Since the control process does not change the power con-
these was used in the practical circuit. servative nature of the convertor (it is assumed that the
224 IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 141, No. 3, June I994
controller power consumption is negligible), the input observed that the loss-free resistor can be simply mod-
should exhibit power-source characteristics, as given by elled by the combination of resistive and controlled
eqn. 16. power-source elements. It was later realised that the
power-source concept has much wider application.
4.3 Current-programmedconvertors Systems in which one port is not influenced by the other
Other similar examples are the average-current-pro- include a majority of power electronics applications.
grammed buck, bridge, and forward convertors, which Therefore, this buffer property is formalised in this paper.
can be modelled by power-conservative two-port net- A wider class of power-conservative networks which
works whose output currents are proportional to a incorporate this property has been defined. It has been
control signal [lo]. Hence, the output ports of the con- found that a power source is embodied in each power-
vertors also satisfy the buffer conditions, eqn. (10). The conservative two-port network which satisfies the buffer-
input ports must therefore behave as controlled power ing condition.
sinks, dependent on the output power. The model of Fig. Some interesting properties of the power-source
10 can be applied. element follow from its definition. Attributes not shared
by other known nontrivial one-port elements are the
5 Experimental verification equivalence of seiies- and parallel-connected power
sources, and their invariance to their transfer by gyrators
A practical high quality rectifier based on a natural LFR
was constructed, and is described in Reference 9. The and transformers.
loss-free resistor was realised using a DCM flyback con-
vertor, as shown in Fig. 110. An equivalent circuit is 7 References
shown in Fig. llb. The convertor operated from the 1 MIDDLEBROOK, R.D., and CUK, S.: 'A general unified approach
120 VAC 60 Hz line. The measured DC output charac- to modelling switching-converter power stages'. IEEE Power Elm-
teristics are plotted in Fig. l l c . It can be seen that the tronics Specialists Conference, 1976 Record, June 1976, pp. 1&34
convertor output port does indeed behave very nearly as 2 SINGER, S.: 'Canonical approach to energy processing network
synthesis', IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., 1986, CAS-33,(8), pp. 767-
a source of constant DC power. The actual measured 774
power varied between 11.9 W and 12.4 W for load resist- 3 NEWCOMB, R.W.: T h e semistate description of nonlinear time-
ances varying from 3.9 R to 88 R. Thus, operation of the variable circuits', IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., 1981, CAS-23,(2), pp.
DCM flyback convertor as a loss-free resistor, in a high 62-7 1
quality rectification application, has been verified experi- 4 SINGER, S.: 'Loss free gyrator realization', IEEE Trans. Circuits
mentally. Output port power-source characteristics have
Syst., 1988, CAS-35,(l), 6. 26-34
5 KUH, E.S., and ROHRER, R.A.: Theory of linear active networks'
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6 SINGER, $'and ERICKS0N;RW.: 'Canonical modeling of power
6 Conclusions processing circuits based on the POP1 concept', IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., 1992, ??, (l),pp. 37-43
It has been observed that a number of power-procesing 7 SINGER, S.: 'Realization of loss-free resistive elements', IEEE
Trans. Circuits Sysf., 1990, CAS-36,(12), pp. 54-60
networks exhibit constant power output characteristics. 8 SINGER, S.: 'The application of loss-free resistors in power pro-
This is the motivation for the definition of the power- cessing circuits', IEEE Trans. Power Electron., October 1991, pp.
source element, and the study of its properties. It was 595-600

E M 1 filter
---- ~

I ( , )-DCM
r- flyback
- - - converter
- - - ~
r8 I


Cl, > Cl?>
-r - - ----1-

- ' I _
L------J 0
t 0 10 20 30
output voltage
Re( D)
b C

Fig. 11 Experimental high quality rectifrerlloss-free resistor

a power stage schematic b equivalent circuit e measured output characteristic

IEE Proc.-Circuits Deuices Syst., Vol. 141, No. 3, June I994 225
9 ERICKSON, R.W., MADIGAN, M., and SINGER, S.: ‘Design of a ments and implementation of practical circuits’. IEEE Power
simple high power factor rectifier based on the flyback converter’, Electronics Specialists’ Converence, 1985 Record, June 1985,
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, 1990 Proceedings, pp. 771-785
March 1990, pp. 792-801 11 SINGER, S., and SMILOVITZ, D.: ‘Transmission line based loss
10 REDL, R., and SOKAL, N.: ‘Current-mode control, five different free resistor’, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., Dec./Jan., 1993/94, CAS-I-
types used with the three basic classes of power converters: small- 40,pp. ???-???
signal AC and large-signal DC characterization. Stability require-

226 1EE Proc.-Circuits Deuices Syst., Vol. 141, No. 3, June 1994

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