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Inside the Mind of Master Procrastinator
Before you watch
Check the meaning of the following phrases:
thesis  memory of the past

spread the work out knowledge of the future

things stay civil. keep well-slept, well-fed

paper would come along, tribal times

bump it up  advanced civilization

kick it up well-earned leisure time

high gear for the sake of 

They came and went, guardian angel

perplexed public embarrassment,

 why we are the way we are. scary consequence

Rational Decision-Maker system's in mayhem

Instant Gratification insane behavior

Room on the schedule intense frustration 

lives entirely in the present moment. epiphany

1) up to 2:33
1) What was his major?
2) How did he usually write his papers?
3) What was his plan for his thesis?
4) What happened in the end?
high gear staircase light
bump it
Complete the sentence with these words:

So I'd start off_________, and I'd ________ up in the middle months, and then at the
end, I would kick it up into ________just like a little___________.
sprinted until got it in
having written
Complete the sentence with these words:

And one day I woke up with three days _______ the deadline, still not _________ a word, and
so I did the only thing I could: I wrote 90 pages over 72 hours, pulling not one but two all-
nighters, ________ across campus, dove in slow motion, and __________ just at the deadline

2) Up to 6:43
5) What is his occupation now?
6) Why dos he write about procrastination?
7) What was their hypothesis?
8) In what way is the brain of a procrastinator different from a brain of a non-procrastinator?
9) What does Instant Gratification Monkey do?

cares about seem like

present moment
behind the wheel

Complete the sentence with these words:

The Instant Gratification Monkey does not __________a guy you want__________. He lives
entirely in the__________. He has no memory of the past, no knowledge of the future, and he
only ____________two things: easy and fun.

Cares about Cares about

……………………………… ………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………
10) What is the dark playground?
11) What feelings is it filled with?
embarrassment terrified of
Panic Monster consequence
a deadline

3) Up to 10:00
Complete the sentence with these words:

12) What is this?

__________ is dormant most of the time, but

he suddenly wakes up anytime ________
gets too close or there's danger of public
____________ , a career disaster or some
other scary_________. And importantly, he's
the only thing the Monkey is ___________. 

13) What happened six months before the talk? What was the speaker’s reaction?

4) Up to the end

14) What are the two kinds of procrastination?

15) What are the examples of the second kind of procrastination?

feel like start chasing

Complete the sentence with these words:

It's that long-term procrastination has made them ________ a spectator, at times, in their own
lives. The frustration is not that they couldn't __________ their dreams; it's that they weren't
even able to __________ them.

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