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NAME: _______________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:________________

Materials that gain a positive (+) electrical charges
(Tend to give up electrons)
Most (+) Charges Air Greatest tendency for giving up electrons and
becoming highly positive (+) in charge
Dry human skin Greatest Tendency of a solid to give up electrons
and becoming highly positive (+) in charge.
Rabbit fur Fur is often used to create static electricity.
Glass The glass on you TV screen gets charged and
collects dust.
Moderate (+) charges Human hair “Flyaway hair” is a good example of having a
moderate positive (+) charge.
Nylon Sewing threads, fishing line and net
Lead Pencil lead
Cat fur
Aluminum Gives up some electrons.
Least (+) Charges Paper
Materials that are relatively neutral
Cotton Best for non-static clothes
Steel Not useful for static electricity

Materials that gain a negative (-) electrical charges

(Tend to attract electrons)
Least (-) charges Wood Attracts some electrons, but is almost
Hard rubber Some combs are made of hard rubber.
Nickel, Copper Copper brushes used in Wimshurst
electrostatic generator
Brass, Silver Brass is a metal used in instrument.
Gold, Platinum Platinum used in jewelries.
Polyester Clothes have static cling
Styrene (Styrofoam)
Moderate (-) charges Saran Wrap Plastic wrap
Polyurethane Used in cushioning beddings and carpets
Polyethylene (like Scotch
Polypropylene Plastic bottles and plastic bags
Vinyl (PVC) PVC pipe
Silicon Used to make glass and makes pottery.

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