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Tim N. Trevathan
1842 Stoner Ave
Los Angeles, Ca 90025
310-430-0576 (Cell)
Email –

I have been a student since 2004 and working part time to supplement household income


To finish my bachelors degree and re-enter the work force.

Acufacts Security, San Jose ,CA

12/15/06 – 03/19/07

Second Shift Saturday and Sunday Security

• Monitored building safety

• Did internal/external rounds to ensure building safety
• Wrote daily activity reports and incident reports
• Attended quarterly meeting with client for facilities feedback

Part – Time Contract Recruiter

01/2006 – 12/01/2006

• Did ‘split’ deals with recruiters with client relationships. Made one placement
over a 12 month time period for $17,800.

Universal Protection Services

1/9/04 – 12/2005

Security Supervisor/Rover

I was hired by U.P.S. to be a shift supervisor. Another supervisor’s guard card had
expired and they had not heard back from him on the status. Once he reported back they
kept me on as a rover, giving breaks to security officers at their building console and
trained me for both roles.

Mobile 2 Shift Supervisor/Mobile 3 Rover-Breaker

• Shift supervisor for the 3rd shift 2200 – 0600 am and backup shift supervisor for
second shift 1400-2200.
• Responsible for all vendor interactions and people situations in a 4 building mid-
rise facility covering a city block in Santa Monica (The Water Gardens).
• Responsible for all buildings master keys and the security of the entire facility.
• Handled emergency situations such as medical emergencies, fire alarms, fire
alarm training, slip & falls, elevator entrapments, emergency police calls, bomb
threats etc.
• Assisted in the training of officers for monthly fire training.
• Responded to building managements requests for deliveries and urgent security
• Fire Control Room trained to respond correctly and with accurate judgment when
to put buildings on test, how to differentiate a ‘trouble’ alarm from a ‘fire’ alarm
and the respondent actions to assist fire personnel in those circumstances.
• Responsible for shift paperwork including overtime, call offs, shift fulfillment,
officer discipline and write ups.
• Changed Shift Security camera VHS Tapes, checked Tenant doors inside and
outside of building, reported any incidents/accidents to security director, checked
on status of all elevators at beginning and end of shift, checked on visitor sign-in
sheets to make sure officers were enforcing building policy, assured officers were
uniformed correctly, consoles are presentably clean and information binders are in
good condition and labeled. Communicated facility reports to building engineers,
assured cameras are up and operational, confirmed that digital cameras are
working and functional (time and date stamp is correct, assure that key logs are
checked in/out properly and key turnover happens consistently and accurately.
• Dealt with parking issues and dock usage rules.
• Confirmed the working condition of radios at the beginning and end of shift.

• Dealt with access issue by vendors not being on after hours access list by calling
security director and building management when required.
• Assured that batteries are distributed as needed, picked up and delivered to charge
and are in viable working status at all times.
• Confirmed the status of buildings (on Test/Off Test) when vendors are in-house
working to prevent false fire alarm calls.
• Made sure Tenant list and contacts were updated semi-annually.

• Completed twenty training modules in one year which included:

• One full day of eight one-hour videos on building safety, security, practices and
• 20 training modules covering;
• Contract security
• Indicators of terrorist surveillance,
• Understanding liability & loss prevention
• Crisis management

• Harassment
• First aid
• AED’s (Automatic External Difibulators,
• Safety
• Bomb, Threats
• Terrorism
• Fire life safety and building evacuation
• Building fire life safety systems
• Building access control
• Security surveillance devices such as CCTV and access deterrent equipment and
• 20 pages of internal site specific Post Certification information including;
questions as basic the addresses of each building in the facility to internal daily
procedures for handling events and customer/tenant interaction.
• Responsible for knowing the content of all Shift Supervisor Memo’s that
have been published and responding according to procedure


TNT Enterprises, LLC Los Angeles CA

1996 – 2004
Area: Nationwide/USA
Verticals: Consultants for fortune ‘500’ Professional Services groups, ERP,
CRM, Retail, Supply Chain, Real Estate, Legal, Sales Professionals up to the ‘C’
Level, Software Integration teams (Architect, Project Leaders, all team players
to fulfill projects)

 Utilized all recruiting sources (job board postings, consolidated internet

searching tools, Applicant Tracking Systems, Split networks, cold calls,
networking, referrals, etc.)
 Established and nurtured relationships with Customers; assessing their
needs and assuring that staffing goals are established and met.
 Utilized established sources to find qualified, competitive candidates,
screened resumes, conducted telephone interviews on a daily basis.
 Assessed Candidate skills/abilities and analyzed job requirements.
 Checked References.
 Communicated with hiring managers and Candidates and gave interview
 Used Talent hook, Sendouts, Hire Desk, ICMS, Infogist, Act 4.0 & 2000,
MS Outlook, Candidate tracking system to process and track Candidates
 Proactively ensured a generous Candidate pipeline for current and future

 Recruited IT Professionals Nationally as well as locally for the Fortune 15
clients, Startups and Pre-IPO’s
 Worked well with others and independently as part of a virtual team;
excellent team player.
 Worked under tight time constraints and stressful situations.
 Participated in Job Fairs and other sourcing efforts.
 Produced $100-200k in revenue for myself and others consistently
 Assisted with resume preparation reflecting Candidates’ skills, ability and
experience and translate those to other jobs or other industries.
 Built a 1 x 12 x 50 virtual matrixed organization to fulfill local, regional
and national recruiting needs of our clients.

The Partners, CA
1995 - 1996
(Area: Silicon Valley – Bay Area - East Bay/
Vertical: Computer Shrink Wrap Software Developers/Programmers

Was recruited by my IT Recruiter to enter the Recruiting profession. My recruiter

recognized my ability to interface and communicate with people as well as having a good
‘business sense’ and level of confidence and self-esteem that did not allow defeat and
setbacks to prevent me from performing.

 Started with a 2 yr. Old database from Silicon Valley PC/Shrink wrap
software companies and turned old information into viable Clients and
candidates in the first day.

 Produced first client/candidate placement on day 1 with a $10k


 Produced first of several 30% fee agreements the firm had ever seen since
its inception (most of their client fee agreements were 15% until I arrived
and they changed them to a 20% minimum after that.

 Called on qualified Candidates and brought them in for interviews to get

to know their skill set, background, personality and professional desires.
 Tested Candidates so as to better assess candidate’s strengths and skills to
know what jobs they would be able to perform and which environment
would be most suitable.
Assisted with resume preparation reflecting Candidates’ skills, ability and
experience and translate those to other jobs or other industries.
 Effectively used the Web for recruitment to find candidates and make hires
using Internet tools and resources as well as keeping down advertising

 Used Act 4.0 tracking system.
 Conducted virtual job fairs to get the best Candidates on the market.
 Recruited and interviewed on a daily basis as phone calls were received,
and interviewed between 25-50 Candidates per week as we had a large
volume of walk-in and referral business.
 Learned how to skillfully ask questions and ‘drill down’ to real
qualifications and skills

Northrop Grumman Corp 1983-1995

Systems Mainframe Software Applications Analyst

 Was responsible for 8-terabyte storage facility to oversee the backup,

recovery and management of this huge storage environment.
 Analyzed new software tools, coordinated upgrades and fixes, wrote
trouble tickets and interfaced with IBM daily on their ‘buggy’ software
products and services.
 Used IBM’s HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management System)
software as well as Astute, Legent MSI/MSM software to keep data
integrity, planned for new storage needs, allocate new space and
reclaim unused and infrequently used storage.
 Administered projects saving the company over $1M a year on their IT
 Coordinated hardware installations, removals and relocations of
equipment on a weekly basis.
 Moved data from failing disk ‘packs’ to other locations on nights,
weekends, holidays and other low usage ‘downtime’ windows
 Coordinated with all of groups (Performance and Tuning, Systems
support, Operations, Master Console, Help Desk, The Configuration
and Planning Group, all affected ‘users’ of the computer system and
that specific data, the change management group, and upper
management for weekly changes of the storage environment.

 Worked with fellow analyst to take action on daily reports that showed
Performance and necessary maintenance required on devices

 Current Student at CSU working toward BA degree in Public

Relations. Working on units 109-112 with 120 units until completion.
 Moorpark College AA Degree in General Ed/CSU Transfer
 Hobbies: reading, computer software, learning new things, cooking,
and music appreciation

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