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My whole life I had always wanted to be a teacher; however, I was a little hesitant.


of my parents were teachers; all four of my grandparents were teachers and numerous other

family members are teachers. I had grown up around teaching and did not know anything else. I

wanted to teach because I love children. I wanted to be around them and help shape their minds.

I wanted to see the students become their own person. I also love math; so what better than to

combine the two things that I love and am passionate about?

However, like I said, I was always around teaching so how was I supposed to know if

that was truly my passion or just what was normal? So, coming into Spring Arbor University

where I attended my four years of undergrad, I was a business major. I could still change lives

without teaching. However, within two weeks of my freshman year, I knew education was truly

where I wanted to be. I was just blessed my whole life to be in the atmosphere of education for

my whole life. Since realizing why I would like to teach, I have been able to discover why I am

passionate about it, my philosophy of education, and future goals that I have as a future educator.

I am so excited to begin my teaching career. I started substitute teaching my sophomore

year and instantly fell in love. Even if I did not have a fabulous day of subbing, it was still

where I found joy and where I wanted to be the next day. The bad days were just the days I can

learn more from the experience and from the students. I truly believe I will never lose my

passion to teach. I hope to always love what I do; if you do not love what you do, the students

will not love learning and will have a harder time finding out who they are – which is the

complete opposite of my drive to teach.

As a future educator, I will do my best to help the students master all they can in the

subject area. I will also tend to each of their needs. I want my classroom to be a safe haven if

the students need it to be. I want them to be able to be their true selves without feeling judged;
my classroom will be a safe environment for my students. I will also want to involve the

students’ parents – in the classroom and out of the classroom – if they would like to so they can

also be influential to their children also and informed on their children’s progress. I want to be

the type of teaching that the students love to come to school to be in my class. I know that can

seem like a struggle as teaching in thirty different styles in one hour is a lot to bare, but if that is

what my students need to succeed, I will do all I can to help them succeed.

To be honest, I do not know what to expect for teaching though. I am aware that my

classroom can be different every year – even every hour – but I do not know who my future

students will be. My goal as a teacher is to be there for them where my students enjoy coming to

school and, at the same time, master all that they would need to in my subject area. I do not have

any “over-time” goals where eventually I will want to become a principal or anything of that

nature – at least currently. It seems hard to know what your goals are before you even begin the

journey. However, I would say that my goal at the moment is to be the teacher that my students

will need me to be every day.

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