Food, Nutrition and Health Culminating Activity (10%)

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Food, Nutrition and Health Culminating Activity (10%)

Select one of the following topics by highlighting or underlining it.

1. Food availability in Canadian home during a pandemic

2. Genetically modified foods versus non-genetically modified food.
3. Impact of organic foods on health
4. Religious practices and food
5. Farmers markets
6. Treatment of animals during food production
7. Prenatal nutrition
8. Urban gardening
9. 100 mile diet
10. Food Banks
11. Campaigns to relieve hunger
12. The benefits of effective meal planning for teens.
13. Nutrient comparison between a home-cooked versus take out food menu.
14. The increasing obesity rate and health effects (eg. High cholesterol, high blood
pressure, hardening of the arteries, heart diseases, kidney and liver complications,
diabetes, etc.)
15. The relationship between income level and the quality of food eaten in daily diet
16. Teen compliance with the recommendations outlined in Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy
Eating (updated 2007).
17. Nutrient deficiencies of teens and effects on health.
18. Nutrient excesses of teens and effects on health
19. The relationship between a lazy lifestyle (without regular physical activities) and eating
disorders (eg. Anorexia Bulimia, Anorexia nervosa, etc.), high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, diabetes, etc.
20. None-active teens also have poor food diets. Investigate the validity of this statement.
21. According to Statistic Canada (1998), the obesity rate was 17% amongst adults. In 2004,
the adult obesity rate rose to 23%. Investigate this issue and develop a thesis to account
for this increase.
22. The__________________ (insert the name of a cultural group, eg. Chinese, Indians,
etc.) have less problems with obesity compared to North Americans (eg. Canadians)
because ……….. (Related to diet and lifestyle issues).
23. The effectiveness of food supplements for women or men in adult years.
24. The presence of “bad fats” (ie. Trans fat, palm oils, butter, etc.), contributed to the rise in
obesity rates because........ Investigate and develop a thesis about this issue.
25. The effects of advertisements on teen food habits.
26. Teen nutrient deficiencies and the food habits modeled by parents/caregivers at home.
27. Dieting techniques.
28. Diet needed for high school athletes.
29. Poor eating habits among teens.
30. Teen athletes need a high carbohydrate diet for maximum performance.
Stage 1 of Culminating Activity (/20)
Select a topic of interest to you that is related to this course. You could select one from
the list of topics given to you.

Guidelines for choosing a topic:

My topic is:

You can conduct preliminary Research by consulting at least three sources about your
topic. All sources must be reliable and valid. If you are unsure of the validity of a source,
check pages 16 to 20 of the Toronto District School Board document entitled Research Success
at Your Library (Revised) (2010).

You are expected to use research based articles in TDSB databases, magazines or
newspapers, academic journals, and books. Do not simply use Google. If you cannot find
three reliable sources, consult your teacher or teacher-librarian at your school about search

Once you have completed your preliminary research, brainstorm possible secondary research
questions and write them in the box below. A research question should be specific enough to
guide you in the right direction, but not too specific that you will not find any sources for your

Possible secondary research questions:

Remember you are approaching your culminating activity for this course as a social
science researcher.

Include the following information in your research proposal.

Research Question

● Outline the basis, or guiding purpose of your research.

● Ask a question for which you want an answer by the end of your research.


● Go into more depth about your question.

● What is the overall importance of your question to the study of food, nutrition and
health? Provide at least two reasons why it is important to study this topic; how
will your investigation contribute to our understanding of nutrition?
● Who will be your sample group? Include the area of the Greater Toronto that the
group will come from.
● What research method will you use for your primary research?

Possible limitations

● List any factors that might limit your research (for example time, money, limited
sample group or sample size).

Your Proposal should be approximately one page long.

Culminating Activity- Phase 1 Research Proposal Rubric

Expectations Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Knowledge and -Demonstrate -Demonstrate -Demonstrate some -Demonstrate limited

Understanding thorough and considerable understanding of understanding of
insightful understanding of research question and research question
understanding of research question and Food and Nutrition – and Food and
research question and Food and Nutrition – related issues Nutrition –related
Food–related issues related issues issues

Thinking and A considerable A considerable number Some skills are Limited skills are
Inquiry number of skills are of skills are involved in involved in choosing involved in choosing
involved in choosing choosing an an appropriate topic, an appropriate topic,
an appropriate topic, appropriate topic, formulating a formulating a
formulating a formulating a research research question research question
research question question based on a based on a specific based on a specific
based on a specific specific food-related food-related issue, food-related issue,
food-related issue, issue, including a including a sample including a sample
including a sample sample group, group, connecting group, connecting
group, connecting connecting research their research topic to their research topic
their research topic to topics to their course of their course of study to their course of
their course of study study and discussing and discussing study and discussing
and discussing limitations. Chooses a limitations. Chooses a limitations. Chooses
limitations. Chooses a variety of valid some valid secondary limited secondary
wide variety of valid secondary sources on sources on which to sources on which to
secondary sources on which to base the base the proposal base the proposal
which to base the proposal

Communication -Writes a well -Writes a well -Writes a proposal for -Writes a proposal
organized proposal organized proposal for research with some for research with
for research with a research with clarity limited clarity
high degree of clarity considerable clarity
and fluency and fluency

Application -Transfers concepts of -Transfers concepts of -Transfers concepts of -Transfers concepts

the social science the social science the social science of the social science
research process to research process to research process to research process to
their own topic very their own topic their own topic with their own topic with
effectively effectively some effectiveness limited effectiveness

Nutrition and Health Culminating Activity (/50)

Phase Two: Review of Literature
This is a paper that you create from the Literature related to your topic in the journals,
magazines, newspaper, TDSB Virtual Library databases, etc. It should be a summary that is
organized according to how it answers your research question. For this paper you must:
● Use APA citation method
● Include a complete reference list of all sources referred to in your review of the literature
in APA format
● Use a minimum of five (5) secondary sources, no source should be over 10 years
● Show depth in your investigation by using a variety of relevant sources including
professional journals, such as The Journal of Nutrition. Be sure to get Full Text versions.
These journals will give you up-to-date research results on your topic.

Save your Review of Literature for revision and later include it in the final report.

Here is how you might organize the Literature Review:

● Write a summary of at least three subtopics that you have discovered in your research.
A couple of sentences are sufficient for each subtopic.

Subtopic One
● Write at least two or three paragraphs discussing the findings related to your topic. Use
in-text citation whenever you write something that is not common knowledge.
Subtopic Two
● Write at least two or three paragraphs discussing the finding related to your second

Subtopic Three
● Write two or three paragraphs discussing the findings related to your third subtopics.

In this section you are expected to discuss what you have found in the literature that you
reviewed. There must be no discussion about your primary research.

Culminating Activity- Phase 2

Expectations and Rubric for Review of Literature

Expectations Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Knowledge/ -Literature review -Literature review -Literature review -Literature review
Understanding demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates some demonstrates
Research plans, and considerable considerable understanding of limited
locate and select understanding of understanding of chosen topic understanding of
information relevant
to their chosen topics,
chosen topic. chosen topic. -Research is somewhat chosen topic
using appropriate -Research is extensive, -Research is accurate, accurate and focused -Research is limited,
social science research research based, and research based, and lacks accuracy, and
and inquiry methods focused focused focus.

Thinking/Inquiry -Sources are highly -Sources are diverse -Sources are somewhat -Sources are too few
Assess, record, diverse and very relevant and very relevant relevant. or inappropriate
analyse, and -Analyzes, interprets, and -Analyzes, interprets, and -Analyzes, interprets, and -Analyzes, interprets,
synthesize evaluates the selected evaluates the selected evaluates the selected and evaluates the
information gathered information with a high information with some selected information
information with with limited effectiveness
through research and degree of effectiveness effectiveness
considerable effectiveness

Communication -Summarizes research -Summarizes research and -Summarizes research -Summarizes research
Communicate the and ideas as a review of ideas as a review of and ideas as a review of and ideas as a review
results of their literature with a high literature with literature with some of literature with a
research and inquiry degree of clarity and considerable clarity and clarity and confidence high degree of clarity
clearly and effectively, confidence confidence -Main ideas are included and confidence
Summarize and -Main ideas are well -Main ideas are with few supporting -Main ideas are
interpret articles on articulated, with clear articulated, with evidence. articulated, with
food and nutrition supporting evidence. supporting evidence. -Introduction and limited evidence.
found in -Includes extremely clear -Includes clear introduction conclusion are somewhat -Introduction and
newspapers, introduction and conclusion and conclusion clear conclusion have limited
magazines, and clarity
selected research
literature, as well as
on the Internet

Application -Demonstrates excellent organizing research notes -Applies a method of -Applies a method of
Record information note-making skills with considerable skills organizing research organizing research
from and key ideas -Documents sources -Answers own research notes with some skills notes limited skills
using in-text citations question with considerable -Answers own research -Answers own research
gathered from
and reference list in APA effectiveness question with a some question with limited
research, and format, with a high effectiveness effectiveness
document sources degree of effectiveness
accurately, using
correct forms of

Food, Nutrition and Health Culminating Activity (/30)

Stage Three: Designing your Primary Research

You have conducted your review of literature or secondary research. It is now time for you
to design and conduct your primary research.
To design and conduct your Primary Research, you will:
1. Submit a research proposal
2. Submit your research instrument
3. Have a conference with your teacher. You must have your completed research proposal
and instrument. These must be approved by your teacher before you can begin collecting
your data.

Primary Research Proposal

In this section you will:
1. Describe your sample. Include the number of people who will participate in your study.
Describe relevant demographic information (eg. Age of the participants, gender, cultural
2. Describe the primary research method(s) you will be using (example survey
questionnaire, interviews, etc).
Justify why the method(s) you select is/are suitable for answering your research question.
For example, if you have chosen to do interviews, explain why interviews might meet
your needs more effectively than surveys.
Research Instrument
Attach a copy of your questionnaire or interview questions or your observation checklist
Guidelines for Surveys:
● At least 10 questions
● Include both open and closed ended questions
● Survey 10-15 people in your study.
● Include an introductory page
● State how long the survey will take to complete
● Tell the participants that he/she does not wish to answer a particular question, it can be
left blank and he/she can stop participating in the study at any time
● Tell the participants that he/she will be asked for their name and contact information in
order to verify their participation in the study. Only your teacher will have access to this
● Include your name and your teacher’s name
Follow the instructions in this package about formulating good survey questions

Guidelines for Interviews

● Conduct full interviews with three to five people
● Include at least 10 questions.
● Ask for permission to record all interviews before you begin. Recording the interviews is
proof of authenticity.
● Include an interview confirmation form.
Food, Nutrition and Health Phase Three Rubric

Expectations Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

-Consistently uses -Regularly uses -Sometimes uses -Shows limited
appropriate appropriate appropriate understanding of
research research research research
Knowledge and terminology (eg. terminology (eg. terminology (eg. terminology(eg.
Understanding interview, interview, interview, interview,
participants, etc.). participants, etc.) participants, etc.) participants, etc.)
-Show insightful -Show considerable -Show some -Show limited
understanding of understanding of the understanding of understanding of
the social science social science the social science the social science
research model research model research model research model
-Provides insightful -Provides good -Provides some -Provides limited
explanation for the explanation for the explanation for the explanation for
Thinking and research research research the research
Inquiry methodology (eg. methodology methodology methodology (eg.
survey, interviews, chosen(eg. survey, chosen (eg. survey, survey,
etc.) chosen interviews, etc.) interviews, etc.) interviews, etc.)
-The research -The research -The research chosen
methodology clearly methodology clearly methodology -The research
relates to the relates to the relate somewhat to methodology
research question research question the research does not relates
question to the research
All survey or Most survey or Some survey or Few survey or
Communication interview questions interview questions interview interview
are clearly written are clearly written questions are questions are
and all directly and all directly clearly written and clearly written
relate to the relate to the relate somewhat to and few directly
research question research question the research relate to the
question research
Application Show insightful Show clear Applies some Shows limited
application of application of understanding of understanding of
understanding of understanding of guidelines for guidelines for
guidelines for guidelines for creating good creating good
creating good creating good survey/interview survey/interview
survey/interview survey/interview questions questions
questions questions

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