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Quiz 3:

1. Sandra is the warehouse manager at a bottling company. Employees are on a four-week

schedule during which each employee spends one week loading trucks, unloading trucks,
verifying invoices, and pulling inventory from storage. Sandra is using the job ___ approach to
job design.
 rotation
 specialization
 enrichment
 centralization
2. Job ___ attempts to increase both the number of tasks a worker does and the control the
worker has over the job.
 enlargement
 enrichment
 rotation
 specialization
3. What is delegation?
 the process of systematically retaining power and authority in the hands of higher-level
 power that has been legitimized by the organization
 the process of systematically delegating power and authority throughout the organization to
middle and lower-level managers
 the process by which a manager assigns a portion of his or her total workload to others
4. James is the human resource manager at a large bottle manufacturing company. Ten years
ago, when the business moved to its current location, the company structured operations by
grouping together jobs that involved the same or similar activities. What type of
departmentalization structure is this?
 functional
 product
 customer
 location
5. At a car rental agency, reservations has to provide greeters with information about how
many cars are being rented and returned each day and at what time. The maintenance staff
responsible for cleaning and fueling the cars, as well as performing other routine maintenance,
need to know which cars to prepare and when. If any of these groups does not do its jobs
properly, the others will be affected. This is an example of ___ interdependence.
 reciprocal
 sequential
 structural
 electronic
6. Which dimension of the job characteristics approach deals with the perceived importance of
the task?
 task identity
 skill variety
 task significance
 autonomy
7. When Lawrence opened his accounting firm with his wife Laura, it was just both of them.
Over the years, Lawrence gained expertise and a reputation in the area of auditing, while Laura
handled administrative tasks for him. Lawrence's firm is now the largest of its kind in the state
of Nebraska, but unmanaged growth has led to massive inefficiencies and disorganization.
Lawrence has decided he needs a legitimate and formal system of authority at his firm. The
type of organizational model Lawrence needs to establish for his firm is a(n) ___.
 bureaucracy
 sequential interdependence
 decentralization
 delegation
8. The best examples of bureaucracies today include:
 government agencies
 family-owned retail stores
 online businesses
 small businesses
9. Which of the following is a characteristic of the ideal bureaucracy?
 Flexible rules
 Informal office relations
 Arbitrary dismissal
 A hierarchy of positions
10. Ben's Beef Barn takes one order at a time and custom grills burgers or steaks to the
specifications. Ben's Beef Barn uses ___ technology.
 small-batch
 continuous process
 large-batch
 mass-production
11. When Lawrence opened his accounting firm, he faced a great deal of uncertainty. Over the
years, Lawrence developed a specialization in auditing and his business environment stabilized.
Lawrence's firm is now the largest of its kind in the state of Nebraska. Even though he has over
40 associates, Lawrence retains the majority of power and authority as the founding manager.
Lawrence's accounting firm is a(n) ___ organization.
 mechanistic
 organic
 decentralized
 continuous-process
12. The conglomerate design used by an organization made up of a set of unrelated businesses
is also called the ___ design.
 H-form
 X-form
 U-form
 M-form
13. Two advantages of a ___ design are that it enhances flexibility and gives employees
considerable opportunities to learn new skills.
 divisional
 matrix
 functional
 conglomerate
14. Delta Destinations is an international business operating in over 20 countries. It began as a
regional hotel chain and then expanded into travel and vacation planning services. Delta
Destinations' functional employees are continually transforming the way they work within their
departments to respond to evolving customer expectations. The company evaluates employees
on their demonstrated ability for continuously improved performance. Delta Destinations uses
a ___ organization to maximize the company's ability to adapt to its changing environment.
 team
 virtual
 functional
 learning
15. In a team organization:
 there is underlying functional hierarchy.
 all business is conducted online.
 people float from project to project.
 the focus is on continuously upgrading employee skill.
16. An example of an internal force that drives an organization toward change is:
 workers' demand for a change in working hours.
 a rise in consumer demand for a company's products.
 a change in prices of competitors' products.
 suppliers offering new product lines.
17. Chartab's analysis has indicated that the market for its products should grow three to five
percent each of the next five years. To prepare for this, Chartab is making arrangements to
expand its manufacturing facility and increase staff to meet the increased demand. In this
scenario, Chartab is making a(n) ___ change.
 planned
 external
 reactive
 internal
18. Changes in car emissions standards forced automakers to design and build more fuel
efficient vehicles. In this situation, the automakers are responding to a(n) ___ force for change.
 technological
 internal
 sociocultural
 external
19. The Fed lowered adjusted interest rates, making it difficult for Chartab to get the loans
needed to expand certain operations. Chartab had to adjust its production and sales forecasts
accordingly. In this scenario, Chartab is responding to an external force for change in the ___
 technological
 economic
 political
 sociocultural
20. The new CEO at Chartab is a big believer in functional organization structure and has begun
implementing changes in the organization to match this structure. In this situation, Chartab is
responding to a(n) ___ force for change.
 technological
 internal
 sociocultural
 external
21. Which of the following is an external force that drives an organization toward change?
 Workers' attitudes toward the organization
 A demand by a firm's employees for higher compensation
 Technological innovations in the market
 Human resource policies of the organization
22. Education and communication is a particularly useful method for overcoming which source
of resistance to change?
 feelings of loss
 uncertainty
 different perceptions
 threatened self-interest
23. For years, Martin's purchasing department has used a cycle counting system to monitor
inventory levels. Upper management has decided to convert to an automated perpetual
inventory system that will reduce costs and improve accuracy. Martin is aware of his
employees' anxiety about the change. During the conversion, he made only the necessary
changes, announced those changes well in advance, and allowed time for employees to adjust
to new ways of doing things. This ___ technique was an effective way for Martin to overcome
resistance to change.
 unfreezing
 refreezing
 facilitation
 reengineering
24. Which of the following is used to overcome resistance to organizational change?
 the Lewin model
 implementation of the change
 force-field analysis
 diagnosis of variables
25. Employees at Chartab Industries feel that they are underpaid. They took their complaint to
management. In response, management was able to collect data from the industry to show that
the firm pays a competitive wage and offers excellent benefits. In this scenario, Chartab
management is trying to change ___.
 culture
 perceptions
 overall design
 departmentalization
26. What type of OD technique is intended to promote overall group effectiveness?
 team building
 diagnostic activities
 third-party peacemaking
 survey feedback
27. In response to the Affordable Care Act, Chartab Industries had to make significant changes
to the health insurance segment of its employee benefits package. This is an example of a
change in the area of ___.
 technology and operations
 people
 organization structure and design
 work process
28. The management at BigWell Industries understands the need to innovate in order to remain
competitive. Unfortunately, BigWell does not have the creative personnel on staff to drive
innovations, and lacks the budget for any new hires this year. BigWell's failure to innovate can
be blamed on what?
 failure to recognize opportunities
 lack of resources
 resistance to change
 no reward system
29. EvruTech developed an innovative new way to deliver products to its customers. At this
point, most companies in the industry have access to this delivery method and are using it.
EvruTech's new delivery method is what type of innovation?
 physical
 product
 manufacturing
 process
30. ___ innovations are changes in the physical characteristics or performance of existing
or services or the creation of brand-new products or services.
 Product
 Marketing
 Managerial
 Process
31. ___ reflects the organization's investment in attracting, retaining, and motivating an
effective workforce.
 Financial capital
 Adverse impact
 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
 Human capital
32. Zero Defect Machinery (ZDM) is a mid-sized tool and die fabrication shop located in Peoria,
IL. The company services several large manufacturing accounts based in the Illinois River Valley.
ZDM must comply with multiple regulations associated with employee-employer relations. As
part of its cost-containment measures, all hourly employees are limited to a 40-hour work week
so as not to incur overtime pay. ZDM maintains these guidelines in order to satisfy
requirements of the ___.
 National Labor Relations Act
 Equal Pay Act of 1963
 Fair Labor Standards Act
 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
33. Benjamin needs to hire a new staff member. What selection tool should he use if he wants a
predictor of job success?
 replacement chart
 tests
 interviews
 application blank
34. Benjamin needs to hire a new staff member. Where can he get information about
applicants' previous work history and educational backgrounds?
 job description
 test results
 replacement chart
 application blank
35. How does BARS overcome some of the limitations of standard rating scales?
 Each point on the scale is accompanied by a behavioral anchor.
 The manager who is doing the rating circles the point on each scale that best reflects her or
his assessment
of the employee on that scale.
 It considers information only from the employee's most recent performance.
 The employee's boss, peers, and subordinates all provide ratings.
36. Edna is a manager at TruTech Enterprises. She appraises her staff's performance by
measuring their actual output. What might keep those appraisals from being fair?
 360 degree feedback
 recency error
 opportunity bias
 halo error
37. At TruTech Enterprises, the managers are evaluated by their boss, their peers, and their
subordinates. This is known as ___.
 360-degree feedback
 performance feedback
 halo error
 recency effect
38. The ___ decision is a management policy decision about whether a firm wants to pay above,
at, or below the going rate for labor in the industry or the geographic area.
 wage structure
 job evaluation
 wage-level
 individual wage
39. ___ is an attempt to assess the worth of each job relative to other jobs.
 Job evaluation
 A benefit
 Compensation
 A cafeteria benefit plan
40. Tango Toppers is a chain of taco restaurants in the Midwest. Last year, management began
recruiting Hispanic chefs from U.S.-Mexico border states to help innovate the company's
product offering. Tim has been with the company for five years and has worked his way up to
manager of one of Tango Toppers more successful individual restaurants. Tim recently applied
for a regional manager position. When the job was given to one of those Hispanic chefs, a
relatively recent hire, who Tim felt has less managerial experience than he does and is far less
qualified for the job, Tim became angry and started causing trouble for the company. What is
the primary source of this conflict?
 Tim is prejudiced against Hispanics.
 Tim does not trust the organization.
 Tim feels the other individual was promoted because of his diversity status.
 Tim feels the Hispanic chefs is a personal threat to him.
41. ___ may arise if there is an environment of fear, distrust, or individual prejudice.
 Tolerance
 Conflict
 Communication
 Diversity
42. For employees to form a new local union, several things must occur. First, employees must
become interested in having a union. The second step is to:
 collect employees' signatures on authorization cards.
 sign labor contracts.
 undertake collective bargaining over the first labor contract.
 have the union sign up members and elect officers.
43. Part-time workers are:
 leased employees.
 contingent workers.
 on-call workers.
 independent contractors.
44. Delta Destinations is an international business operating in over 20 countries. It began as a
regional hotel chain and then expanded into travel and vacation planning services. Delta
Destinations needs to be a highly adaptable organization to respond to continually evolving
customer expectations. The company relies heavily on employees who add intellectual value,
especially those with experience in digital and socially interactive technologies. Delta
Destinations relies heavily on ___ workers.
 contingent
 contract
 knowledge
 on-call
45. Which of the following is NOT a reason for diversity as a source of conflict?
 Conflict can arise if an individual thinks that someone is hired because of his/her diversity
 Conflict can arise when diversity is understood.
 Conflict can arise if there is an environment of fear.
 Conflict can arise when diversity is misinterpreted.

CHAP 6 :
Job _____ attempts to increase both the number of tasks a worker does and the control
the worker has over the job.
a. enlargement
b. enrichment
c. rotation
d. specialization - b

E-mail, a tool that makes it easier for people to communicate with each other, is a type
of _____ coordination.
a. reciprocal
b. sequential
c. structural
d. electronic - d

_____ is a clear and distinct line of authority among the positions in an organization.
a. Authority
b. Chain of command
c. Delegation
d. Departmentalization - b

Which dimension of the job characteristics approach deals with the perceived
importance of the task?
a. task identity
b. skill variety
c. task significance
d. autonomy - c

_____ is the process of systematically retaining power and authority in the hands of
higher-level management.
a. Centralization
b. Decentralization
c. Coordination
d. Pooled interdependence - a

Span of management is the number of

a. hierarchical layers in a firm.
b. managers in an organization.
c. people who report to a particular manager.
d. managers in top management. – c

The best examples of bureaucracies today include:

a. government agencies
b. family-owned retail stores
c. online businesses
d. small businesses - a

A bureaucracy is a model of organizational design based on

a. the output of one unit becoming the input for another.
b. a legitimate and formal system of authority.
c. units operating with little interaction.
d. activities flowing both ways between units. - b

According to Weber, the bureaucratic form of organization is

a. personal, rational, and flexible
b. personal, flexible, and efficient
c. logical, rational, and efficient
d. logical, personal, and flexible - c

Mechanistic and organizational design are both aspects of what basic situational factor?
a. size
b. organizational life cycle
c. technology
d. environment - d

In the organizational life cycle, _____ is a period of gradual growth evolving eventually
into stability.
a. youth
b. decline
c. maturity
d. midlife - d

A mechanistic organization operates in a(n) ________ environment.

a. unpredictable
b. rapidly changing
c. uncertain
d. stable - d

The matrix design results from a strategy of _____.

a. a multiple command structure
b. an H-form design
c. unrelated diversification
d. related diversification – a

What type of design is essentially a holding company that results from unrelated
a. functional
b. matrix
c. conglomerate
d. divisional - c

The divisional design results from a strategy of _____.

a. a multiple command structure
b. an H-form design
c. unrelated diversification
d. related diversification - d

A learning organization is concerned with

a. the personal development of all its employees.
b. educating the public.
c. promoting employee specialization.
d. promoting employee specialization.
providing consistent rules and regulations for employees. – a
CHAP 7 :
Which of the following is typical behavior for an organization?
a. resisting the status quo
b. reengineering
c. taking action against system decline
d. consuming its own resources – d

Education and communication is a particularly useful method for overcoming which

source of resistance to change?
a. feelings of loss
b. uncertainty
c. different perceptions
d.threatened self-interest

What type of OD technique is intended to promote overall group effectiveness?

a. team building
b. diagnostic activities
c. third-party peacemaking
d. survey feedback - a

An organization is behaving most typically when it _____.

a. maintains the status quo
b. changes in synch with its environment
c. resists entropy
d. seeks additional resources to survive - a

Most organization change fits into all the following categories EXCEPT:
a. globalization.
b. organization structure and design.
c. people.
d. technology and operations. - a

_____ innovations are changes in the way products or services are manufactured,
created, or distributed.
a. Product
b. Managerial
c. Process
d. Resource - c

_____ is a period of high economic performance for an organization.

a. Innovation application
b. Innovation maturity
c. Application launch
d. Application growth - d

What are the two types of technical innovations?

a. product and managerial
b. product and service
c. product and process
d. product and distribution - c

What is the second stage in the organizational innovation process?

a. innovation decline
b. innovation maturity
c. innovation application
d. application launch - c

What is the second stage in the organizational innovation process?

a. growing
b. developing
c. applying
d. launching - c

Which of the following is true of an incremental innovation?

a. It creates new products to completely replace existing ones.
b. It fundamentally shifts the nature of competition in an industry.
c. It modifies existing products and processes.
d. launching - c

A person who develops new businesses within the context of a large organization is an
a. intrapreneur
b. entrepreneur
c. innovator
d. inventor - a

_____ innovations refer to a new product, service, or technology that modifies an

existing one.
a. Product
b. Radical
c. Incremental
d. Managerial - c

What type of change is associated with lower risk?

a. internal
b. planned
c. external
d. reactive - b

An example of an internal force that drives an organization toward change is:

a. workers' demand for a change in working hours.
b. a rise in consumer demand for a company's products.
c. a change in prices of competitors' products.
d. suppliers offering new product lines. - a

What type of change is based on developing circumstances?

a. internal
b. planned
c. external
d. reactive - d

_____ change refers to any substantive modification to some part of the organization.
a. Planned
b. Organization
c. Managerial
d. Reactive - b

Reactive change
a. is designed in an orderly fashion.
b. is a piecemeal response to circumstances.
c. is implemented in a timely manner.
d. anticipates future events. - b

What type of change has a greater potential to be poorly conceived and executed?
a. internal
b. planned
c. external
d. reactive - d

Which of the following is an external force that drives an organization toward change?
a. Workers' attitudes toward the organization
b. A demand by a firm's employees for higher compensation
c. Human resource policies of the organization
d. Technological innovations in the market - d

The final step in the Lewin model of change is:

a. implementation.
b. planning.
c. refreezing.
d. unfreezing. - c
The Lewin model of organizational change process includes refreezing, which involves
a. implementing the change.
b. notifying people of the change.
c. recognizing why change is necessary.
d. supporting the change. - d

Causes for resistance to change include all EXCEPT:

a. feelings of loss.
b. different perceptions.
c. certainty.
d. threatened self-interest. - c

What is the second step in the Lewin model of organization change?

a. goal-setting
b. refreezing
c. implementation
d. unfreezing - c

According to the comprehensive approach to change, which of the following is the first
step in the change process?
a. selection of an appropriate change technique
b. planning for implementation of the change
c. recognition of the need for change
d. diagnosis of relevant variables - c

Which of the following is used to overcome resistance to organizational change?

a. the Lewin model
b. implementation of the change
c. force-field analysis
d. diagnosis of variables - c

Which of the following would be an organizational change that would fall into the
category of people?
a. reporting relationships
b. job design
c. line-staff structure
d. performance - d

Diagnostic activities, third-party peacemaking, and process consultation are activities

associated with:
a. business process change.
b. force-field analysis.
c. organization development.
d. reengineering. – c
CHAP 8 :
_____ is the set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and
maintaining an effective workforce
a/ Adverse impact
b/ Affirmative action
c/ Human resource management
d/ Human capital - c

_____ reflects the organization's investment in attracting, retaining, and motivating an

effective workforce.
a/ Financial capital
b/ Adverse impact
c/ Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
d/ Human capital - d

Benjamin needs to hire a new staff member. What selection tool should he use if he
wants a predictor of job success?
a/ replacement chart
b/ tests
c/ interviews
d/ application blank - b

Which of the following job elements is listed under the job specification?
a/ Working conditions
b/ Equipment
c/ Tools
d/ Abilities - d

_______ is the process of attracting qualified individuals to apply for jobs that are open.
a/ Skills inventory
b/ Recruiting
c/ External recruiting
d/ Validation - b

_____ means considering present employees as candidates for openings.

a/ Internal recruiting
b/ External recruiting
c/ Validation
d/ Job analysis - a

_____ refers to a formal assessment of how well an employee is doing in his or her job.
a/ Job analysis
b/ Recency error
c/ Validation
d/ Performance appraisal - d

___ is allowing the assessment of an employee on one dimension to spread to ratings

of that employee on other dimensions
a/ Halo error
b/ Confirmation bias
c/ Recency error
d/ Outcome bias - a

In HRM, _____ refers to teaching managers and professionals the skills needed for both
present and future jobs.
a/ reinforcement
b/ development
c/ coaching
d/ training - b

Which of the following is an example of an employee service benefit?

a/ disability income
b/ medical care
c/ social security
d/ recreational opportunities - d

Pay for sick leave, workers' compensation, and pension plans are examples of _____.
a/ wages
b/ benefits
c/ salaries
d/ costs - b

_____ is an attempt to assess the worth of each job relative to other jobs.
a/ Job evaluation
b/ A benefit
c/ Compensation
d/ A cafeteria benefit plan - a

Many organizations are finding that diversity can be a source of _____ in the
a/ competitive advantage
b/ development
c/ adverse impact
d/ A cafeteria benefit plan - a

Which of the following is an individual strategy for managing diversity?

a/ language training
b/ balanced set of policies for addressing concerns
c/ multicultural training
d/ tolerance - d

Organizations that foster diversity tend to have higher levels of _____.

a/ productivity
b/ absenteeism
c/ compensation
d/ turnover - a

Which of the following is an organizational approach to managing diversity and

a/ tolerance
b/ understanding the perspectives of others
c/ communication
d/ language training – d

Which of the following is NOT true of workforce diversity?

a/ It leads to lower levels of employee turnover.
b/ It leads to a misunderstanding of different market segments.
c/ It leads to higher levels of productivity within an organization.
d/ It causes conflict within an organization. - b

_____ may arise if there is an environment of fear, distrust, or individual prejudice.

a/ Tolerance
b/ Conflict
c/ Communication
d/ Diversity - b

Issues of wages, work hours, job security, and discipline are handled through the
process of _____.
a/ signing authorization cards
b/ labor relations
c/ petitions to the NLRB
d/ collective bargaining - d

How does a new union organize itself?

a/ by defining a bargaining unit
b/ by collecting employee signatures on authorization cards
c/ by going to arbitration
d/ by officially signing up members and electing officers - d

Membership in labor unions:

a/ increased during a recession in 2008.
b/ increased due to globalization.
c/ was highest in the 1930s.
d/ began to increase in the 1950s. - a

Part-time workers are:

a/ leased employees.
b/ contingent workers.
c/ on-call workers.
d/ independent contractors. - b

Knowledge workers tend to work in _____.

a/ retailing
b/ health care
c/ education
d/ technology – d

Which of the following is a category of contingent workers?

a/ arbitrators
b/ independent contractors
c/ intrapreneurs
d/ entrepreneurs - b

Which of the following is true of contingent workers?

a/ They attract high starting salaries.
b/ They should be called in for well-defined periods of time.
c/ They perform better than permanent employees.
d/ They always have equal access to employee benefits. – b

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