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Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear

The ear is the organ of hearing. The parts of the ear include:
 External or outer ear, consisting of:
o Pinna or auricle - the outside part of the ear.
o External auditory canal or tube - the tube that connects the
outer ear to the inside or middle ear.
 Tympanic membrane - also called the eardrum. The tympanic
membrane divides the external ear from the middle ear.
 Middle ear (tympanic cavity), consisting of:
o Ossicles - three small bones that are connected and transmit
the sound waves to the inner ear. The bones are called:
 Malleus.
 Incus.
 Stapes.
o Eustachian tube - a canal that links the middle ear with the
throat area. The eustachian tube helps to equalize the pressure
between the outer ear and the middle ear. Having the same
pressure allows for the proper transfer of sound waves. The
eustachian tube is lined with mucous, just like the inside of the
nose and throat.
 Inner ear, consisting of:
o Cochlea. (contains the nerves for hearing)
o Vestibule. (contains receptors for balance)
o Semicircular canals. (contain receptors for balance)

Main Components of the Hearing Mechanism:

 Divided into 4 parts (by function):
 Outer Ear
 Middle Ear
 Inner Ear
 Central Auditory Nervous System

Structures of the Outer Ear

 Auricle (Pinna)
 Gathers sound waves
 Aids in localization
 Amplifies sound approx. 5-6 dB
 External Auditory Canal
 Approx. 1 inch long
 “S” shaped
 Outer 1/3 surrounded by cartilage; inner 2/3 by mastoid bone
 Allows air to warm before reaching TM
 Isolates TM from physical damage
 Cerumen glands moisten/soften skin
 Presence of some cerumen is normal
Structures of the Middle Ear
 Tympanic Membrane
 Thin membrane
 Forms boundary between outer and middle ear
 Vibrates in response to sound waves
 Changes acoustical energy into mechanical energy
 The Ossicles
 Ossicular chain = malleus, incus & stapes
 Malleus
 TM attaches at Umbo
 Incus
 Connector function
 Stapes
 Smallest bone in the body
 Footplate inserts in oval window on medial wall
Focus/amplify vibration of TM to smaller area, enables vibration of cochlear fluids
 Eustachian Tube (AKA: “The Equalizer”)
 Mucous-lined, connects middle ear cavity to nasopharynx
 “Equalizes” air pressure in middle ear
 Normally closed, opens under certain conditions
 May allow a pathway for infection
 Children “grow out of” most middle ear problems as this tube lengthens and
becomes more vertical

Structures of the Inner Ear

 The Cochlea
 Snail shaped cavity within mastoid bone
 2 ½ turns, 3 fluid-filled chambers
 Scala Media contains Organ of Corti Converts mechanical energy to electrical
 Vestibular System
 Consists of three semi-circular canals
 Monitors the position of the head in space
 Controls balance
 Shares fluid with the cochlea
 Cochlea & Vestibular system comprise the inner ear
Central Auditory System
 VIIIth Cranial Nerve or “Auditory Nerve”
 Bundle of nerve fibers (25-30K)
 Travels from cochlea through internal auditory meatus to skull cavity and
brain stem
 Carry signals from cochlea to primary auditory cortex, with continuous
processing along the way
 Auditory Cortex
 Wernicke’s Area within Temporal Lobe of the brain
 Sounds interpreted based on experience/association
Summary: How Sound Travels Through The Ear
Acoustic energy, in the form of sound waves, is channeled into the ear canal
by the pinna. Sound waves hit the tympanic membrane and cause it to
vibrate, like a drum, changing it into mechanical energy. The malleus, which
is attached to the tympanic membrane, starts the ossicles into motion. The
stapes moves in and out of the oval window of the cochlea creating a fluid
motion, or hydraulic energy. The fluid movement causes membranes in the
Organ of Corti to shear against the hair cells. This creates an electrical signal
which is sent up the Auditory Nerve to the brain. The brain interprets it as

Definition of terms: Ear Anatomy

 Acoustic - pertaining to sound or the sense of hearing.
 Cerumen - yellow or brown ,waxlike secretion found in the external auditory
 Cochlea- the winding, snail-shaped bony tube that forms a portion of the inner
ear and contains the organ of corti , the transducers for hearing.
 Cochlear ( acoustic )nerve – the division of the eighth cranial
(vestibulocochlear) nerve, which goes to the cochlea
 Eustachian tube – the 3- to 4-cm tube that extends from the meddle ear to the
 External auditory canal- the canal leading from the external auditory meatus to
the tympanic membrane ; about 2.5 cm in length
 External ear- the portion of the ear that consists of the middle ear by the
tympanic membrane
Incus- the second of the three ossicle in the middle ear; it articulates with the
malleus and stapes; the anvil
 Inner ear- the portion of the ear that consists of the cochlea, vestibule, and
semicircular canals
 Internal auditory canal- a canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone,
which houses the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves (cranial nerve VII and VIII)
 Malleus- the first (most lateral) and largest of the three ossicles in the middle
ear; it is connected to the tympanic membrane laterally and articulates with the
incus; the hammer
 Middle ear- the small, air-filled cavity in the temporal bone that contains the
 Organ of corti- the end organ of hearing, located in the cochlea
 Ossicle- a small bone; there are three in the middle ear: malleus, incus and
 Oval window- a fenestra (aperture) between the vestibule of the inner ear and
the middle ear, occupied by the base of the stapes
 Pinna- the outer part of the external ear,which collects and directs sound waves
into the ewternal ear; the auricle
 Round window – a fenestra between the middle ear and inner ear at the base of
the cochlea, occupied by the round window membrane
 Semicircular canals- the superior, posterior, and lateral bony tubes that form
part of the inner ear; contain the receptor organs for balance
 Stapes- the third (most medial) ossicle of the middle ear; it articulates with the
incus, and its footplate fits into the oval window; the stirrup
 Temporal bone- a bone on both sides of the skull at its base; composed of the
squamous, mastoid, and petrous portions
 Tympanic membrane- the membrane that separates the middle ear from the
external auditory canal; also referred to as the eardrum
 Vestibulocochlear nerve- cranial nerve VIII; cochlear ( acoustic) nerve and
vestibular nerve

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