D'liya Camelia Putri 1942300029 Vocab 14

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Name : D’liya Camelia Putri

Class :PBI/3B

Nim :1942300029

The Derivative
Complete these sentences with words which have the same root as the
word in italics:

1. When you see Ali you’d better avoid talking about Sue’s trouble with police . I don’t see
how _____Avoid____ of the porblem is going to help.

2. If you have a million dollars or more, you are a __millioanaires_____

3. If your tea isn’t sweet enough, add sugar to ____sweeten____ it.

4. I haven’t decided what to yet, but when I do, I’ll tell you what my ______decides___is.

5. I need details of your new plans .... I’ll send a _detail__ copy tomorrow.

6. I need someone to translate this letter for me.Do you know of a whose scientific
_____translation____ are really accurate?

7. Inever connected alice with teaching in my mind, until Ishow her at U.C.L.A. Then the
____connection______ became clear to me.

8. I never give bribes . _________bribery____________ is wrong.

9. In memory of that great man, John Smith, the people decide to build a beautiful

10. In most libaries, English literature is in a separate section from foreign

______literary_____ works.
11. It’s possible to reserve a book when you go to the library. When the
________reserve_________ book comes back, the librarian keeps it foe you.

12. In our library , the books are given out by two women __library__.

13. I repeat the same warning to all my students, but in spite of these ___repeated_ warnings,
some of them go on behaving stupidly.

14. After the bombing, fires swept through the city and thousands of people dead a
________fiery________ death.

15. I suppose it’s possible it will rain tomorrow, but it’s a _possibility_ I don’t like to think

16. I suppose you can compare Helen to a secretary, although the ____comparisons___isn’t a
very good one.

17. I think George tends to talk too much ........ I’ve noticed that __tendency__ too.

18. I think it’s going to rain ..... I agree ..But I ____disagree___. I think it’s going to snow.

19. The probable cause of his heart attack was too much work .........What
____probability____ of recovery do you think thre is?

20. I think you misunderstood waht Susan was saying .... No, there was no
_____misunderstand__ on my side.

21. It is importnat to encourage people to invent new things all the time, but few
____inventor__ are well rewarded for their work.

22. It’s important to write neatly in examinations. Because exminers are influenced by

23. It’s nice to have a companion when one’s old. When mist other things have gone,
____companions____ is all the more precious.

24. I tried to interupt Edward several times to tell him that is was late, but he paid no
attention to my __interruptions___.

25. I tried to persuade Dick to come to the party, but no amount of _____persuasion___
could make him change his mind.
Deadline Hari minggu tanggal 24 Januari 2021 jam 19.00 wib.

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