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A Mineral Job Application

Human Body Co. Metabolic Unit Application

Thank you for your interest in Human Body Co. The Human Body Company strives to create
balance, manage efficiency and mobilize our metabolic units in order to support fully functioning
organ systems and optimize health. Please note, in order to be considered for this position, you
must complete all of the parts of the application. For areas that do not pertain to this position,
you may mark N/A in that entry field.

Major Mineral Name: Calcium

Job Type
Please indicate which division you are most interested in:
Bone Blood Metabolic Electrolyte Antioxidant Other:
*** ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
Which body system would specifically like to work for? Please explain:
- I would like to work for the skeletal system because I play a critical role in keeping bones
strong and healthy.

List any jobs, duties, or skills that you have that would be beneficial to this position.
- My main function is to provide structure to bone and teeth. About 99% of me is stored in the
hydroxyapatite crystals built up on the collagen foundation of bone. The combination of
crystals and collagen provides both the characteristic hardness of bone and the flexibility
needed to support various activities.

Describe a time when you worked as part of a team. What was the major outcome of that
- I am critical for the normal transmission of nerve impulses. I flow into nerve cells (neurons)
and stimulate the release of molecules called neurotransmitters, which transfer the nerve
impulses from one nerve cell to another. Without me, the nerves’ ability to transmit messages
is inhibited.

Optimal Efficiency (DRI): Deficiency:
- The RDA for adult men aged 19 to 70 years -Osteoporosis
and women aged 19 to 50 years is 1000 mg
of calcium per day. Men older than 90 years
of age and women older than 50 years of
age, the RDA increase the 1200 mg of
calcium per day. At 1300 mg per day, the
RDA for boys and girls ages 9 to 18 years is
even higher, reflecting their developing bone
mass. The Upper Limit for calcium is 2500
mg for all age groups.

What conditions lead to your deficiency status? Please Explain:

- A long-term of inadequate calcium intake. Other nutrients and non-nutrient factors may also
be involved.

Anything else you would like to share?

- I play a critical role in maintaining homeostatic range in the body
- I also assist with muscle contractions. Adequate levels of me result in normal muscle
contraction and relaxation, but inadequate levels of me inhibits muscle contraction and
relaxation. Too much of me causes calcium rigor, which is an inability for muscles to relax.

Human Body Co. Metabolic Unit Application

Thank you for your interest in Human Body Co. The Human Body Company strives to create
balance, manage efficiency and mobilize our metabolic units in order to support fully functioning
organ systems and optimize health. Please note, in order to be considered for this position, you
must complete all of the parts of the application. For areas that do not pertain to this position,
you may mark N/A in that entry field.

Trace Mineral Name: Iron

Job Type
Please indicate which division you are most interested in:
Bone Blood Metabolic Electrolyte Antioxidant Other:
◻ *** ◻ ◻ ◻
Which body system would specifically like to work for? Please explain:
- I would work for the circulatory system because I help aid hemoglobin and myoglobin
transport oxygen throughout the body.

List any jobs, duties, or skills that you have that would be beneficial to this position.
- I am able to bind with and release oxygen easily. I do this by transferring electrons to and
from other atoms as I move between various oxidation states. In the blood stream, I act as a
shuttle, picking up oxygen from the environment, binding it during it’s transport in the
bloodstream, and then dropping off again in people’s tissues.

Describe a time when you worked as part of a team. What was the major outcome of that
- All cells in the body require oxygen to manufacture ATP for energy and utilize metabolic
pathways. Therefore, I do my part in binding oxygen to hemoglobin and transporting it to all
cells, tissues, and orange in the body. Without oxygen, cells wouldn’t function normally and
people wouldn’t be able to survive.

Optimal Efficiency (DRI): Deficiency:
- RDA for iron for men aged 19 years and - Stage 1: iron depletion
older is mg/day. RDA for iron for women - Stage 2: iron-deficiency erythropoiesis
aged 19 to 50 years is 18 mg/day and
- Stage 3: iron-deficiency anemia
decreases to 8 mg/day for women 51 years of
age and older. RDA for pregnant women is 27
mg/day. The Upper limit for iron for adults
aged 19 and older is 45 mg/day.
What conditions lead to your deficiency status? Please Explain:
- Poor dietary intakes of iron, high iron losses in blood and sweat, diet high in fiber or phytates
that bind iron, low stomach acid, etc.
Anything else you would like to share?
- I am found in various meats, beans, and vegetables.
- I am important for energy metabolism

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