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Class : X Science 4

Use the given verb in either ACTIVE or PASSIVE form in a suitable tense.

1. At the present time, the oldest house in town is being restored (restore) by the Historical Society.
When the restoration is finished, the house is sure to be a popular tourist attraction.

2. A: What a beautiful old wooden chest!

B: It was built (build) by my grandfather over fifty years ago.

3. At one time, the entire world was ruled (rule) by dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs walked
(walk) on their hind legs and stood (stand) as tall as palm trees.

4. Disneyland is a world famous amusement park in Southern California. It is visited

(visit) by more than ten million people every year.

5. Many of us take water for granted in our daily lives, but people who live in the desert don't use
(not use) water carelessly. To them, each drop is precious.

6. I don't agree (not agree) with people who say space exploration is a waste of money.

7. Do you really think that we will be invaded (invade) by creatures from outer space in the near future?

8. Most insects live (live) for less than a year. The common lives
(live) from 19 to 30 days.

9. Had you alredy been accepted (you, accept, already) by this university when you heard about the other

10. I got into a taxi quickly because I was being followed (follow) by two strange men. As soon as I got
into the taxi, felt (feel) a little safer.

Use the given verbs in either ACTIVE or PASSIVE form with the most suitable MODALS
(Can, Must, Should, May)

11. The entire valley can been seen (see) from their mountain home.

12. He is wearing a gold ring on his fourth finger. He must be married (marry).
13. According to our teacher, all of our compositions must be written (write) in ink. He
won't accept papers written in pencil.

14. I found this book on my desk when I came to class. It must have been left (leave) by one of
the students in the earlier class.

15. Five of the committee members will be unable to attend the next meeting. In my opinion, the
should be postponed (postpone).

16. A child shouldn't be given (not give) everything he or she wants.

17. Your daughter has a good voice. Her interest in singing must be encouraged (encourage).

18. Try to speak slowly when you give your speech, If you don't, some of your words may be misunderstood

19. Some UFO sightings cannot be explained (not explain) easily. No one is able to explain them easily.

20. What? You tripped over a chair at the party and dropped your plate of food into a woman's lap?
You must have been embarassed (embarrass)!

Use the verbs in the box in the CORRECT TENSE of the PASSIVE VOICE.

prevent let take repair eat

make close delay serve stage

21. In the summer, most streets around the town square are closed to vehicles.

22. The flight to Istanbul has been delayed for five hours because of the fog that is preventing the
planes from taking off and landing at the moment.

23. All the special effects of this movie were made on a computer, which cost much less that

24. Curious people gathered around the place where the film was being taken.

25. I can't go to work in own car because it is being repaired today.

26. The play will be staged throughout the country starting from next week.

27. Most vegetables can be eaten either cooked or raw.

28. The dish be let to cool before it can be served.

30. Someone has already paid the electrician for his work.
The electrician has already been paid for his work
31. They taught him French and gave him a dictionary.
He was taught French and given a dicrionary by them

32. When we first met, they had already offered me a job at the bank.
I had already been offered a job at the bank by them

33. A man requested the stranger to leave the meeting.

The stranger was requested to leave the meeting by a man

34. A young woman asked the rest of us to be there at eight.

Rest of us was asked to be there at eight by a young woman

35. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation.
All the dinner had been eaten before thet finished the conversation

36. Who wrote it?

By whom was it written?

37. The author has written a special edition for children.

A special edition for children has been written by the author

38. Did he offend you?

Were you offended by him?

39. Why didn’t they fix the roof?

Why wasn't the roof fixed?

40. The burglars had cut a huge hole in the steel door.
A huge hole was cut in the steel door by burlglars

41. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.
The paintings will be exhibited by the organizers till the end of the month

42. When did they ring the church bells?

When were the church bells rung?

43. Does listening to music disturb you?

Are you disturbed by listening to music?

1. is being restored
2. was built
3. was ruled, walked, stood
4. is visited
5. don't use
6. don't agree
7. will be invaded
8. live, lives
9. Had you already been accepted
10. was being followed, felt
11. can be seen
12. must be married
13. must be written
14. must have been left
15. should be postponed
16. shouldn't be given
17. must be encouraged
18. may be misunderstood
19. cannot be explained
20. must have been embarrassed
21. are closed
22. has been delayed
23. were made
24. was being taken
25. is being repaired
26. will be staged
27. be eaten
28. be let, be served
29. The electrician has already been paid for his work
30. He was taught French and given a dictionary. (by them)
31. I had already been offered a job at the bank. (by them)
32. The stranger was requested to leave the meeting. (by a man)
33. Rest of us was asked to be there at eight. (by a young woman)
34. All the dinner had been eaten before they finished the conversation.
35. By whom was it written?
36. A special edition for children has been written by the author.
37. Were you offended by him?
38. Why wasn't the roof fixed? (by them)
39. A huge hole was cut in the steel door by the burglars.
40. The paintings will be exhibited by the organizers till the end of the month.
41. When were the church bells rung. (by them)
42. Are you disturbed by listening to music?
Answer the questions according to the reading passage.
Psychologist George Spilich at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, decided to find out
whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to think and concentrate. He put non-smokers,
active smokers and smokers deprived of cigarettes through a series of tests. In the first test, each
subject sat before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a target
letter. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and non-smokers performed equally well. The
next test was more complex. Non-smokers were faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine, active
smokers were faster than deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers
made the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active smokers. In the
fourth test, non-smokers were the best and deprived smokers bested those who had smoked a
cigarette just before testing. As the tests became more complex, non-smokers performed better than
smokers by wider and wider margins.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that the purpose of George Spilich's experiments is ----.

A) to test whether smoking has a positive effect on the mental capacity of smokers
B)to show how smoking damages people's mental capacity
C)to prove that smoking affects people's regular performance
D) to show that non-smokers are less productive at work than smokers
E)to prove that nicotine helps people's short term memory

2. We understand from the passage that ----.

A) active smokers in general performed better than deprived smokers
B)active smokers responded more quickly than the other subjects in all tests
C)the other subjects were not better than nonsmokers in the simplest test
D) deprived smokers gave the slowest responses to the various tasks
E)non-smokers committed more errors than deprived smokers in most of the tests

3. George Spilich's experiment was conducted in such a way as to ----.

A) check the effectiveness of nicotine on nonsmokers
B) put the subjects through increasingly complex tests
C)finish the tests as quickly as possible
D) force the subjects to recall the words they learned
E)compel the subjects to respond as fast as possible

Common Cold and Flu

Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a
cold or flu may make a difference in how long the flu lasts. That's because the prescription drugs
available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in although the symptoms can be
eased with over the counter medications. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-
counter remedy, the sooner relief will come. Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and
scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other
hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms
including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than
cold symptoms.

1. According to the passage, knowing the cause of scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body
aches ----.
A) reduces the likelihood of catching cold
B)sometimes doesn't help patients lessen the severity of symptoms
C)encourages patients to buy over-the-counter medications
D) will shorten the duration of the flu
E)prevents people from getting infected
2. According to the passage, to combat the flu effectively, ----.
A) the virus which causes the disease has to be identified
B)patients should only use over-the-counter medications
C)one should take the necessary medications upon catching the disease
D) there is no reason to see a doctor
E)people should try some alternative remedies

3. It is pointed out in the reading that ----.

A) fever is the most important feature of a cold
B)flu symptoms are not as severe as cold symptoms
C)the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine
D)one doesn't need to take any medicine if he has a cold or the flu
E)over-the-counter drugs can be taken to ease the misery caused by a cold or the flu

Communication in Groups
The sheer number of people in a group affects the amount of communication. Consider the difference
between communication between two friends and communication in a group of live people. When
friends talk, there are two people sending and receiving messages. In a group of live, there are live
people doing the same thing. Each idea that is expressed must be understood by four others, who
may also choose to respond. Consequently, the greater number of people in a group, the fewer
contributions any individual may make. Because there are disadvantages to large groups, you might
assume that small groups would be the most effective.However, groups can be too small as well as
100 large. With 100 few members, a group has limited resources, which eliminates a primary
advantage of groups for decision making. Also, in very small groups, members may be unwilling lo
disagree or criticize each other's ideas. I believe that five to seven members is the ideal size for a
small group.

1. We can conclude from the reading that in large groups ----.

A) there is always a chaos at the end of each discussion
B)no one criticizes each other's ideas
C)before a decision is made everyone has to express their ideas individually
D) everyone is free to express their ideas as much as they want
E)there is less opportunity for each person to speak

2. According to the passage, small groups ----.

A) are always more successful than large groups in terms of decision making
B) can have some disadvantages as well
C)express their criticism more freely than large groups
D) have always infinite resources
E)are unable to make a decision at the end of discussions

3. The author of the article suggests that ----.

A) the number of people in a small group must not be more than five
B)large groups are always superior to small groups
C)the ideal size for a small group should be five to seven
D) small groups are better as members of them have a chance to criticize each other
E)everyone should listen to each other's ideas no matter how large the group is

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